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Jan Tetstone's Poetry Diary
Written by Jan Tetstone
I Am a Heart Writer
Writing poetry is like breathing to me.
The words come naturally.
I write with my heart.
I write with the spirit in me.
And when I set each poem free
I know that I have in some way
let out into the world pieces of my heart
through my poetry.
I'm not a poet: I'm a heart writer.
That's the only way I know how to write.
Know that when you read my poetry
each poem is filled with bits and pieces of me.
My heart I give to the world ~ and thee.
By Heartsong
Creating a shoe
from string
is easier than
something from
I set here
thankful for the
filled with
thoughts of the
people of Gaza
and their
unmovable faith.
Unable to comprehend
the pain and suffering
endued time and time
again of a people
who have been denied
the right to live and
the right to die in
Lord, I know in my
heart innocent blood
was shed to set Gaza
and Palestine free
and that in the innocent
blood spilled flowers
shall rise up and their
aroma shall fill living
souls with a sense of
wonder and peace.
Bless the people of Gaza
and all humanity with
inner eyes to see
the light of love that
creates worlds of peace.
3:19pm January 20, 2025
January 20, 2025
set here in
the quite of
Thankful for
the day...
Thankful for
that touches
my life on my
walk of faith.
Don't waste one
reach out
where ever you are
and be a part
of creating
a better world
for humanity.
Don't let the bad
times in life
keep you down
raise above
yesterday's pain
believe in your
ability to make
your world a
world filled
once more with
Believe with your
heart that all
things are possible
then reach for
your dream again.
8:49pm January 18, 2025
January 15, 2025
Life is a journey
back to where life
Walk bravely the
path that lay
before you...
Let not the liar
rob you of your
To your god and
yourself be true.
5:10pm January 15, 2023
2 weeks ago today [New Years Eve] I broke my pelvic bone
God is good all the time. It could have been worse. jt
My bone is broke
and cracked
but if the Lord
willing, it will
mend back.
For over a week, I
have set looking
out my door's window
watching the birds
in the trees as
they set on the
branches gazing at me.
Birds of every color
and kind come daily
to visit me
each filling my
world with love, hope
and peace.
Thank you Lord for
this day for never
leaving my side on my
walk of faith.
12:22pm Jan 11, 2025
Lord, the pain I endure
in my moral form
is over shadowed by the
pain in my heart today.
I am but a vessel for
your work I wake and sleep
clinging to my faith .
Lord, through the years
you have watched me from
In my dark times there were
things I needed to learn before
you'd send your angels to
light up another path you would
have me take.
Time after time when death was
looking me in the eye you raised
your mighty hand and pushed death
Time after time You saved me from
drowning in my own self pity and
placed my feet back on the path
you would have me take.
Love was always what you sent me
in my time of need
through that love even in the
dark times I can now find peace.
Because of your love for me
I live for you...You have taken
me through the darkness that
lives within all your children;
Lord, long ago you showed me what
love has the power to do:
"You placed a with child across my out
reached arms lifeless; standing in the
field looking down at my grand daughter
I begin to talk to her telling her how
much she was loved and her mother's heart
would break if she went away; over and
over I told her she was loved I asked her
to stay for her mother and her family...
Jenna came back. Rescue arrived and found
nothing wrong said to keep an eye on her
for a few hours."
That was over twenty years ago.
All my life since I was born an angel has
walked next to me- Lord, please, there is
only so much my love can do to help set
Gaza free-but your love for your children
comes from a heart bigger than mine...
free free Palestine .
12:03pm Jan 6, 2025
We each will be held accountable for the Genocide taking place in Gaza
ones religion is the whole of who he/she is be it good or be it bad.- jt
The day is a reminder
not everyday will be
pain free.
that even on the best
days filled with love
and faith ,pain can
rob one of there peace.
There's a dark cloud
moving in on me, filled
with dark rain.
Lord as you heal my
broken bones
send angels to watch
over me until the pain
is gone.
Move the dark clouds
back with the dark
rain - reach down and
touch the raging seas
and take away humanity's
I love you more Lord than
mere words can say...
Give me the strength to
make it through the pain
in this day.
5:42pm Jan 3, 2025
To find truth
one must have
an open mind.
For not all
truths are
the kind
one wants to
To be who you
are you have
to know who
you are not.
Teach a child
to respect
To be kind
to all
To give freely
to the those in
need and to love
Teach a child
by example
the things
needed to walk
upright on the
roads of life
that he will one
day travel on when
he grows to be
a man.
Children are seeds
of hope who live
among the flowers
and the weeds.
One who will not
take a stand to
defend another's
right to life
and liberty is a
slave to the
Has eyes but cannot
Has a heart but cannot
12:05am December 30, 2024
Christmas Day 2024
Picture Christmas Eve 2024
Worlds Within Worlds
T'is the year to be
who you are
to come out of the
darkness and reach
for your star.
The world has worlds
within worlds
we each live in our
own we call home.
A child is born into
the world created by
others-who he quickly
reconizes as his father
and mother.
As a child grows so does
the child's world
After childhood is gone
the child steps into a
world of his own.
One can become a slave
in the world he creates.
Or a victim in other's
worlds his world touches.
When two worlds meet and
part there's exchanges
from one world to the other
of a bit of heart or a bitter
We are our own world, a part
of the whole-there is no
other world like our own- we
live in every day and call
1:11pm December 25, 2024
It's not easy
setting back
While life is
so easily
taken for granted
by the ones who
have the most to
loose with every
closing door of
a part of humanity.
It's hard, tho I am
blessed, being
surrounded by love
and peace knowing
there are those in
the world surrounded
by love but robbed of
How cruel some heart
less souls can be.
One can blame god
for their evil ways
since god gave
mankind choices,
that very well may be.
But god does not make
our choices for us
but god will judge all
according to choices made.
1:00pm December 20, 2024
The flowers, birds.
bees and trees
reflect part of
nature's beauty.
If only humanity
could feel the
beat of the unseen
heart of the beauty
clothed in unity
and peace.
Humanity would be
moved to guard more
carefully the seeds
of life-that carry
the beauty and the
peace-that all
humanity's tomorrows
will need.
10:23pm December 11,2024
Wisdom comes not
from believing
in fairy tales
and make believe
that have the
power to rob one
of their reality.
Living long doesn't
promise one will
be wiser for having
lived long.
It's not being
smarter than another
that makes one wiser
than the other...
the other may know
many things the other
may not know.
It's easier to judge
others than it is to
judge one's self.
No one wants their
weaknesses to show
but hiding one's
weaknesses won't
make one strong.
Some times we forget
when searching for truth
that life holds many
secrets- we are better off
not knowing.
Yet, those are the secrets
the world needs to know
if humanity if to save its
heart and soul.
10:50pm December 11, 2024
taken Dec. 7, 2024
What about tomorrow?
I have lived through
a lot of yesterdays
Living each day one
day at a time
Not every day was easy
there were days that
broke my heart.
What about tomorrow?
Parts of my heart reside
in yesterdays days gone by
next to the tears that fell
while telling loved ones
What about tomorrow?
The lessons I learned from
living are ones I will
carry with me to the grave
when it comes my time
to tell this world good bye.
What about tomorrow?
Things of tomorrows are not
for me to to know, as I walk
my path of faith, and thread
life's waters today.
What about life?
Don't take life for granted
like yesterdays- life fades
a little more each day.
9:21pm December 7, 2024
I set here with
a heavy heart
but still I
have no doubt
that god is in
control, and
all the tears
that fall today
god will soon dry
and wipe away.
The world is a
maze made up of
nights and days
one way in
one way out.
There is a truth
for every lie
and over time a
lie for every truth.
11:34pm December 6, 2024
One cannot avoid pain
unless one is a robot
created without a heart
Or humans who choose
pleasure over pain.
December 6, 2024
The more I see the
more I understand
time has erased
the truth and
replaced it with the
illusion that
there is a place
called Israel,(the
promised land).
Israel was a man
not a god -not a
land-Israelis are
a people who have
lost their true
family history.
God's chosen ones
do not lust for
riches and power-
They cry and bleed
but do not hate.
They live and
die holding on to
their faith.
Remember what god
gives and takes away
He has the power to
No one has to believe
in my god but me
I would deny none the
right to his or her
own beliefs.
One does not, nor
cannot, find god
through any member
of humanity.
One's god can never
be another's god...
for a god to be a
god worth serving
he must be allowed
into a man's heart.
I ask my god every
day for a blanket of
love big enough to
cover the whole of
Today, I would ask
the leaders of every
country to have mercy
for the people of Gaza
and Palestine.
Is being the riches
country-without human
compassion- more important
than leading a people
back to the light of peace?
2:49pm November 26, 2024
Sometimes I find
things that touch
my heart , move
me to tears, and
move me to speak
unkind words.
I know every thing
happens for a reason
Lord, If you will
please, help me
understand how anyone
can hate inncent
So much darkness
to walk through
so much hidden by
the dark side of
The words we speak
we forget, once said,
that others will
remember after we are
If only they could know
the true meaning of
the words when they were
Words have the power to
more the hearts of men
words also have the
power to move the hands
that hold the sword.
Let the light of words
bear witiness to the
better side of man.
Truth and justice go
hand in hand.
11:21pm November 24, 2024
It's cold, and
quite, as I set
here thinking
about life, and
how time keeps
hidden the things
humanity needs
to know, in order
to protect and
keep humanity
Time has covered
many an evil man's
deed...kept hidden
by the few who pass
on to their offspring
the secret order
of things.
The people alive
today, only know what
the past's elite
of yesterdays want them
to believe.
Unaware, that evil's
of yesterdays devised
a plan to control
humanity from the
graves of lost souls.
Choose wisely, what
you believe or do not
believe... This world
is the testing ground
for the faithful and
its filled with
Stand always to defend
those in need.
Words without actions
become meaningless
to those who suffer
and bleed, waiting for
the eyes of justice
to move the heart of
11:30pm November 22, 2024
Today my heart
for a little time
felt like a storm
had turned into
a gentle breeze-
only to be rudely
brought to reality.
Never under estimate
evil or the web of
deceit that evil
Remember always that
evil lingers long
after a truth is told.
That evil seeks out
evil because evil has
no soul.
One does not have to
believe in any god to
recognize a truth
from a lie.
No man is worthy to
rule over the minds,
hearts, and lives of
If one thinks other
wise he only deceives
Peace cost nothing but
changes in the hearts
of those who create
the life storms
that touch the whole
of humanity.
No one is without sin
who shares the air
humanity,if we are to
survive, must breathe.
Hate is caused from
looking for someone
to blame for ones
We cannot bring back
those we loved and
lost but we can try
to make them proud
of the way we choose
every day to live
our life.
8:02pm November 21, 2024
As the light of day
fades away, I
I think of the many
times I raised my
shield of faith
and walked through
life un-afraid.
The years have
taught me the value
of the gift called
It's hard for me
to understand why
innocent life suffers
so-for no other reason
than it's a life, hated
for just being alive.
Lord, open the eyes
of those with inner
eyes to see there is
a time for holding
back and there is
a time to walk straight
in evil's door.... and
proclaim "set Gaza Free!"
Those who see the
suffering of others and
raise not a hand in their
defense-become a part
of the evil sucking the
life from humanity.
6:11pm November 20, 2024
For some time
I looked for
my destiny
not knowing
when I found
it, life would
steal from me
a piece of my
heart, and many
times my inner
5:38pm November 20, 2024
The leaders of today
are the sons and
daughters of mothers
and fathers - many
themselves leaders
in their time.
It is from the past
we learned all we
know today.
It has been said
that the best lessons
are the ones we learn
from the mistakes
we make.
The past stands a
reminder that if we
don't learn from past
mistakes we are bound
to make the same
History can be changed
by any one with paper
and pen. But the world
we live in today is
the product of years
gone by and are a testimony
of whether or not leaders
learned from past leaders
So much leaders have it
in their power to do -
to make the dreams of
peace, that all mothers
and fathers want their
children to grow up in,
come true.
Every life is special
Not every child will
grow up to be a world
leader- but every child
should get the chance
to grow up and reach
for their dream.
Choose wisely the path
you take when you have
important choices to
Not every one gets a
second chance to learn
from past mistakes.
10:43pm November 17, 2024
It's almost
and I'm at a
loss for words
as the moments
slip silently
What waits for
me, I do not
know.I still
live in the
Tired, but
prepared for
whatever life
sends my way.
Doubt not the
power of love
and faith.
7:17pm November 16, 2024
Control belongs
to the individual
He who would deny
another the right
to know truth...
is struggling with
a soul that evil
and deceit control.
God is good every day
and if he wants the
world of men to know
a thing, he has only
to move the wind of
one soul, to create
a storm to replace
the darkness of evil,in
the world, with the light
of good, to set free the
souls of men.
Search your soul
If you seek control,remember,
If darkness abides inside
you, evil does, too.
12:50pm November 16, 2024
Many years ago before
my name was spoken
Before my eyes open
and my life begin
Evil created traps
for the souls of men.
The evil changed
words;added and took
away in such away
as to sway the thoughts
of men and take away
their god and their
Carry high your shield
of faith
Don't become a stone
without a heart
don't let evil have its
12:29pm November 16, 2024
Sometimes one must
take the time
to look beyond the
worldly to grasp
the true meaning
of life.
Do what you know
to be right- if
a wrong wins
don't let it be
by your hand.
Enough tears have
enough blood drawn
Let the dead now
rest in peace.
11:33pm November 15, 2024
As much as the suffering
of others pains my heart
I know every thing has a
time and place.
And when the tears dry
the world shall know the
power of a loving god.
10:53pm November 12, 2024
Let not what men teach
over rule what is known
to be true in your heart.
From the fire the rain
From the rain the water
From the water (womb) the man
From the man the flame (life).
11:09pm November 12, 2024
Veteran's Day 2024
It's Veteran's Day 2024
A day to remember those
who sacrificed and whose
lives were changed forever
A day for remembering those
who gave some and those who
gave their all.
A day for remembering why our
country is like no other
because American soldiers
are many blooded, share the
high idea that all men are
created equal, and proudly
stand together in times of
peace or war-as equals
and as American brothers.
A day for remembering not
the wars they fought in
but what each believed in
their hearts that they were
fighting and willing to
sacrifice for.
Americans have every right
to stand proud this Veteran's Day
knowing that OUR American heroes
may die but there will always
be another American "brother"
to take their place.
Thank you American veteran
from the bottom of my American
7:06pm November 11, 2024
To fight the devil
be prepared to wear
battle scars
draw strength from
knowing angels stand
in peace time and
times of war
wherever you are,
your angels are.
God created the weak
and the strong
For times such as
When the weak take on
the full armour of
Christ- and the weak
become the strong.
Children grow to be
what they are taught.
1:39pm November 11, 2024
It is dark outside
except for the light
I leave on.
I wonder how many
pass by in the night
and see the glow
from the light.
So many things I need
to do so much left
undone today.
Lord, give me the
strength to do whatever
it is you would have me
Raise me above my
weaknesses as I strive
to do your will
and please don't turn
your light off the things
you want my heart's eyes
to see and throughout the
world weave your blanket
of love and peace.
Open the eyes of all who
seek to keep humanity
in the dark that they
might see their own night
and turn back toward the
light that separates the
day from the night.
9:35 pm November 10, 2024
Evil has no conscious
neither does an evil
HUMAN-woman or man.
God is good all the time
even when the things in
the day test ones faith.
Lord, how is it possible
to have so much that one is
blinded to the reality
that those who control
another's fortune create the
poverty, war, and need.
Right can be twisted
into a wrong
Just as a truth can
be twisted into a lie.
Love does not come from the
world, to be true love,
Love must stem from ones
The few have much to learn
from those they judge wrongly
every day.
In god's time they shall see
the error's of their ways.
Let love rule and all will
live under a blanket of peace.
Love has the power to bring
giants to their knees.
10:05pm November 10, 2024
You Touched My Heart
From afar you touched
my heart o so gently
You shared a special
moment with me- before
I woke to find our love
was only real in my
From afar you touched
my heart and for a moment
we shared a love that
wasn't meant to be
You were mine and I was
yours until my dream
faded away- leaving my
heart broken and my arms
9:47pm September 17, 2024
The wind from yesterday's storms
has touched my life this morning
and all I want to do is cry,
Sometime winter time brings the
sun covered by clouds
to remind me of a journey begin
years ago when in the innocent
time of my life I faced the devil
but did not know.
6:42am September 5, 2024
To quick to act
before thinking
something through
is something no
one should ever do.
To move a closed
mind to open
one must first
move the heart.
Some times
its better to
just backup
set down and
take time
to think.
Let your inner
light shine
for those
lost in life's
dark times to find.
It cost nothing
to treat others
how you want
others to treat
Do what's right
in matters of
life and love.
Let yesterdays
and the lessons
learned dictate
the paths in life
you should take.
No one knows your
heart better than
those touched by
your love.
Use words wisely
Walk through life
being the best
that you can be.
Be kind when
faced with
People have
different ways
of dealing with
their pain.
11:26pm July 21, 2024
Without the ability to care
one loses sight of what's
wrong and what's right.
Self-centeredness is its
own kind of evil.
The world knows its
creator better than
those who live in it.
Destroying history and
hiding truths is an old
game that the devil plays
Be always ready to fight
for your soul.
Gods created by the hands
of man and passed on in
fables and fairy tales
have their mortal
followers But the one
true god lives on through
the hearts of all good men.
The pen can twist the
truth into lies with
words-but the heart
sees the truth with
its inner eyes.
The world is a battle
field we walk through
everyday- put on the
full armour of God,
keep faith and be kind
to all who pass your
Walk up right down
your path of faith.
And when night comes
be thankful for the day.
11:39pm July 15, 2024
Everything happens
for a reason
There is a purpose
for everything
under the sun.
Burdens are heaviest
for the faithful
Who endue because
of their faith.
Angels are never
far away
not visible yet
angels touch our
lives every day.
War is a sign of
worldly things
War is the tool
used to keep
truth at bay
and riches
in the hands
oF evil men
Who will one day
enter death
Evil cannot
long stand
in a house
built with
Love is the
tool of angels
that evil men
Walk upright
in life fill
your days with
all will be right
with your world.
10:53pm June 27, 2024
One life to live
many choices
to be made....
Which Way we
go in life
depends on the
choices we make.
Think before
you choose the
way you want your
life to go in...
Take time to
consider what you
are willing to pay
for a trip down
dream come true
road- a temporary
of a dream come true
that in the end
you can't take with
you when it comes
your time to go.
Live life with heart
Live life striving
always to leave
some good behind
for those to follow
you to find.
Not one word can man
tho he says a word
a million times.
To do is to live
To love and be
loved is a blessing.
6:27pm June 25, 2024
The true nature of
mankind cannot
be found in the
For the world
has no heart to
the better parts
of man.
Thousands of years
have faded away
leaving behind the
the offspring
of angels....
to thread the
waters that they
left behind.
Nothing is new
thousands of years
and still mankind
has learnt nothing
from the pages
of history written
by the hands of
How can that be?
The questions and
problems of the day
are the same as
yesterdays gone by.
One can not live
another's life....
tho one can use
written and spoken
words to distort
life's reality-
to make wrong appear
to be right-
Look around what
do you see?
I see a world
of lost souls
caught up in
ruled by power
and by greed.
The rich know not
the part of life
that makes one
worthy to be
remembered ...
in the hearts of
Lord, right now
there is no balance
in this world....
knowledge about
common decency-
Self respect and
respecting others -
the importance
of both mothers
and fathers-
the value of human
are not openly
spoken about.
Today, what's bad is in
and what's good is out.
It's been a long day
and I know, worry or
thinking negatively
is such a waste....
But Lord it's hard
knowing those in charge
of governments, and the
rich and powerful,
are to blind to see
the part their actions
play around the world,
and in the USA.
Lord, send to the lost,
angels with lights to
light up their way.
And please forgive me
for any negative I let
out into the world today.
10:14pm January 11, 2024
A storm is coming
Storms have many faces
the ones God creates
in the sky from nothing,
rain, to water earth
fill the thirst of His
children and wash clean
all living things....
The ones man make
in science's name
that rain down on
all mankind poisoning
the soil, waters and
all living things.
The beauty of yesterday's
rainbows distorted
because of greed and
lies told...
Fear overpowering
causing men to
turn to man for
answers instead
of to god who
feeds and waters
the faithful
heart and soul.
Lord, let me not
be silenced by
the storm's rain
and wind- send
down a gentle rain
to wash away
the sins of men.
A gentle rain
to wash away
man made storms.
10:41am January 9, 2024
Lord, you showed me
long ago what wait
beyond the day...
there is a light so
bright its blinding
that draws closer to
ones soul.
I was but a child
when you walked next
to me-
i was in the valley of
death but your presence
gave me peace.
From time to time
my mind wanders back
to when you walked
next to me.
I know I was only a
child but I can still
feel the light drawing
me and feel your
presence filling me
with peace.
10:44pm January 8, 2024
Lord, I set here
in the cold of night
wishing for the right
words to write.
It matters how I
spend my time
not doing anything
to make this world
a better place---
seems to me such
a waste.
I try to put
caring into every
thing I do and
everything I say
to make my part
of the world
a happier place.
I know there are
a lot of people
who care- and give
from their heart
But its not money
this world needs
it love... enough
to conquer greed.
If one has money
to waste and throw
away- while others
beg for help
standing by highways
holding signs-
there is something
Lord, I don't have
money to waste-
but you always
make sure I have
enough for the
things I need...
If being rich
keep me poor
so I can see.
I am a heart writer
because my god
pours out his love
on me.
And because of
all the caring strangers
during my life time
who God sent my way
to help strengthen
my shield of faith.
11:19pm January 6, 2024
Another day just
turned in to yesterday
and I set in the dark
of the new day...
Time has no meaning
without love filling
the moments and
warming the heart
giving peace and
comfort to ones soul.
Still, some know not
the power of love
over a heart...
until their
heart gets broken.
We, humanity, share
much more than the air
we breath ....
we share things the
eye can and cannot see.
Life isn't always fare
but neither are we...
Some have love and
worldly things and still
want more....
Some take love for granted
until that love is gone..
Others for love would
give up everything they own.
Love is the key that opens
and closes the heart's door
Some loves last a life time
and live on to comfort
their love's heart
long after they are gone.
12:55am January 6, 2024
Regardless of the heart inside
that seeks nothings from the
At times when the angels open
a certain door, to give me
a look at how things use to be
...the feel of greed is so thick
it taints the very air I breathe.
The dark souls that once walked
among men now walk in eternal darkness
as their ghosts haunt all the places
their mortal lives had ever been.
To be born into riches is a curse
A poor man has more worth and
value- than all the rich men
in the world and all the rich men
there has ever been.
Knowing the fate of the greedy
does not lessen the pity I have
for those who waste there lives.
Life is short regardless of how
long its lived.
Lord, keep opening un-openable
doors... in life and in the hearts
of men.
Touch the heart of the world
let love and peace walk always
before honest men- who seek
to bring light to the offspring
of the ghosts walking in darkness
- behind un-openable doors.
6:34pm July 25, 2023
Lord, I know you are carving
the paths for me to take
and I doubt not your power
to remove the danger that
lay in wait.
Today you took me down paths
of what greed has moved
some to do ...
You showed me the works of
the greedy and unlocked many
doors of truth.
But knowledge alone is powerless
without understanding, and
putting knowledge to good use.
The doors of old over time
have been changed into doors anew.
I thank you Lord, for guiding my
mind, heart ,and hand...
I thank you, for opening my
inner eyes to see the best and
worst sides of man.
I feel your angels hands
in everything I do- shutting the
doors of old-and opening doors anew.
I know not what tomorrows bring
or how many storms will follow
a drop of rain-but I know
without a doubt in my heart
that there is but one god
watching over every thing.
12:20am July 23, 2023
Lord, I know it's time
to sleep....But, I need
to talk with you.
I know the angels are
near to me.
They never leave my
side I feel their
presents in the peace
that surrounds me.
I just want to thank
you for the day...
and ask you to guide
me on my walk of faith.
There are many things
I don't understand....
that makes my heart sad
sometimes... But,
I'll keep doing what
I can to touch hearts
and help others to
stand a little taller..
which they have every
right to do.
The lies that were
once told to men of old
have grown ten fold...
Give me insight to see
the lies behind the
truth told....and the
heart I will need
to fight in the battle
to save man kinds soul.
For now Lord let me
lay me down to sleep
in the arms of the
angels watching over
11:01pm July 18, 2023
Lord, another day has
come and gone
Much said-much done
Still a race to run.
Give freely of thought
that others might learn
to look deeper within
when seeking something
to say... in reply.
Wisdom is for the wise
Life for the living...
Love is a matter for
the heart.
All mankind are born
without shoes on their
feet..... into a world
filled with lust and greed.
The older I get the more
I realize the important
part life experiences
play in my life.
Lord, You showed me
the right paths to
walk-but not always
were they void of
twists and turns.
I walked the paths
you laid for me and
they brought me to
this day....
Tired yet thankful
to still be able to
walk the walk of my
Lord, please, guide me
the rest of the way.
1:18am July 15, 2023
There's not enough time
in a day
to get everything done
some things always
have to wait.
Do the best you can
in the day---
Put heart into
everything you do.
Words are hard to
find when there's
a need to find
the right words.
If the words don't
flow freely-
let silence speak.
Lord, thank you
for the peace
Thank you for
the angels who
watch over me
and thank you
for always
being there
for me.....
P.S. Thank you
for this day
and for keeping
all dear to
my heart safe.
10:19pm July 13, 2023
Evil has no place
in a good man's
The liar is a
self deceiver.
Wake the heart
of mankind
and peace is
bound to follow.
Without a country
no one is free.
Working for the
good of all
mankind is an
Many have lived
thinking they
were free only to
learn in old age
they had always been
slaves to a system
run by heartless men
and women.
Before judging
remember there
is only one
judge-and that
judge shall
judge us-
according to
our works.
Be kind in the face
of unkindness.
10:34pm July 11, 2023
Today the rain fell
and the wind blew
shaking the branches
of the trees.
Before turning into
a gentle breeze.
Life is like the wind
that blows-over a calm peace with
everything. ....
Until the wind is no
longer a gentle breeze
touching the world with
Then the calm waters
turn into a raging sea.
6:04pm July 10, 2023
I watch the twinkling solar lights
hanging around my porch and wonder
where the stars are that once lit
up the nights?
Once I wished upon falling stars
shooting from the sky...
Now I wish just to see one star
in the darkness of night.
11:16pm July 9, 2023
Today was a blessed day
as love touched my heart
And filled me with
thankfulness beyond
Thank you Lord for
my life and all that
living life has
taught me....
I thank you for each
lesson learnt
from falling down
and getting back
up again.
If not for the past
heartaches and the
tears that fell
I would not know
the importance
of the moment
I am in.
10:30pm July 3, 2023
Time holds many things
Life has many roads
Over time I learned
not to rush trough
the moments.......
And give thought to
the crossings of life's
The choices we make
make a difference in
our life.
10:07pm July 1, 2023
There can be no doubt
that God rules each
He knows where evil
lay, each moment of
the day.....
The angels watch and
The evil that mingles
with God's children
knows not the hour
or the day-God shall
shine His light and
all evil shall pass
Greedy men walk on
firey seas....where
only God's angels
can walk safely...
The liar's lips have
sealed his fate...
his destiny waits
And hell shall take
no mercy.
Thread the waters
of life, with faith
take each step-
Live faithfully
knowing those who
fed on the life
blood of the innocent
shall cry for mercy
where no mercy waits.
Lord, Thank you for the
day and the angels who
walk next to me on my
walk of faith.
9:38pm July 1, 2023
Where do I go
from here
What would you
have me do?
When the water
kills the flowers-
and rain drops
have no mercy
for the weakest
things- where
would you have
me be---- to
stop the high
waters- from
drowning the flowers
to make way for
the weeds?
Lord, protect
the flowers and
calm the rain
with your gentle
Open wide your heart
take mercy on the
flowers- and mercy
on the weeds....
let your love be felt
wherever there's a need.
Protect the flowers
from the weeds....
9:52am July 1, 2023
The night brings
with the darkness
the sounds of frogs
singing - and my
thoughts biding me
to let rest the
thoughts that move
the worry in me.
All the worry and
caring can't change
night into day-
evil tests the good
life tests my faith.
Lord, I trust my
heart to lead the way
and your love for me
to keep me safe.
Thank you Lord
for another day.
10:34pm June 30, 2023
Not every day will
the sun shine
or the skies be blue
Some days will test
the faith in you.
Don't be any one but
who you are to
your self be true...
Dark times can bring
hurtful words and
many unkind things.
Be careful not to
let the evils in
the day over shadow
your inner faith.
11:23pm June 29, 2023
Lord, the raging sea raised
the anger in me....
Tho I endured the water
The stormy winds lifted me
to a lower height than
I wanted to be.
Lord, calm the spirit
in me.....
Give me insight to see
the demons that
surround me.....
Bring to my remembrance
the many times
life's twisted winds
moved me to anger
and your love filled
the void and
lifted me beyond
anger's reach.
Give me the insight
to use wisely
what life and living
has taught me.
There's nothing that
angers demons more
than to get caught up
in life's gentle breeze.
6:54pm June 28, 2023
Lord, I have weakened
below the winds
striking at the very
heart of me....
The storm has drawn
me in, and is shaking
the earth beneath my
I am at the cross roads
where love and heartbreak
I have been here before know, you know
my heart you know my
Lord, it is with a mother's
heart I ask you this day
please keep those closest
to my heart safe.
Calm the winds that stir
the hearts of men - to
morn for ,not what is, but
what might be.
Send your angels to watch
over me Lord, and all
caught up in life's
stormy seas.
Give us the courage
and the strength to
face the unseen enemies.
11:16pm June 23, 2023
The day is a
new beginning
where tomorrow
waits and
yesterday begins.
8:29am June 21, 2023
The stillness
brings the
The darkness
brings the
God loves me
for who I am
not who I
may pretend
to be.
Don't waste
the day or
the moment.
Let yesterday
rest in yesterdays
and tomorrows
wait for you to
enter in to.
Everything that
begins, has a
beginning and
an end.
8:37am June 21, 2023
Waste not
the time
you live
Rain is falling
to the ground
the rainbow's
sure to follow.
Let love lead
the day
walk upright
in your faith.
A blessing is
the love we receive
and the love we
give away....
The birds are silent
but the rain sings
loud enough for
my heart to hear.
Thank you Lord
for the day
the sunshine
and the rain.
7:33am June 20, 2023
Lord, I know you are
wherever I am,
Watching over me
while holding my hand.
I do not know what the
day holds for me
but I always know
I won't face a day
The waters of life
have risen, and the
water runs deep
beneath my feet...
as you walk through
life's waters with me.
You know Lord you
have always been my
strength...when it
feels like I can't
take another step...
I put my life in your
hands and you carry me.
Thank you for the many
times in my life that
you carried me in your
arms through life's
storms .
Please, Lord, give me
strength and raise me
above my weakness in
my time of need....
I'm tired and weary
now I must lay me
down to sleep.....
and wait for whatever
the morning brings to me.
12:34am June 20, 2023
The morning awakes me
with birds singing
the sun reflecting
off the banana tree
and the stillness of the
wind, welcoming me in.
It's easy to over look
the blessings in a day
when one doesn't take
the time to count them.
Every day is a part of
all the rest...
it to shall carry me
,if god willing, to the
Lord, thank you for the
day I am in... another
day to prove I am worthy
of the love and peace
that abide with me.
9:21am June 18, 2023
The twist and turns
in life take me
where I'm suppose
to be....
Regardless of the
times my life goes
off track....
Regardless of the
time spent setting
in wonder at the
world around me-I know
every twist and turn
will always take me
to where my god wants
me to be.
12:33am June 18, 2023
Lord, I think it's
time to rest my
full heart and over
worked mind.
When I try to hard
things get harder to
do.....It looks like
I would have learned
by now, to do what
I can do and leave the
rest to you.
Thank you Lord for the
day gone and the day
that has just begin...
Thank you for every
thing...every thing I
have, I owe it all to you.
Thank you for the love
I wake to every day..
and Thank you Lord,
for keeping all I love
12:42am June 18, 2023
Don't let yesterday's sorrows
over shadow the moments of
happiness today holds.
Once the moment is gone
its gone forevermore.
8:10pm June 13, 2023
Lord, keep my mind and
heart focused on the
things you would have
me do.....plant my feet
firmly on the path you
would have me take
send your angels
to help me not to stray.
Let me not fear to
walk through the dark
or face the demons
the darkness sends my
Lord, fill me with the
things you would have
me say-
to break the chains
that keeps good men
slaves to the world....
and strangers to your
Lord, heal the sick
feed the hungry
comfort hearts that
morn... open inner eyes
to see what outer eyes
Lord, keep my mind and
heart focused on the
things you would have
me do.....
then put your arms
around me and if I
stumble help me through.
11:51pm June 12, 2023
Setting on my
tiny porch
in one of the
two chairs
at my glass
top table....
I wonder at
the beauty
surrounding me.
The birds
come to visit
the butterflies
Setting here
feeling blessed
that I awoke
to another day
of peace that
brings to my
remembrance the
birds, butterflies,
flowers and
memories of
how my life
use to be.
2:30pm June 10, 2023
Time flies by so fast
years come and go
and children grow up
and life has no slow.
I wonder if I could turn
turn back time- if I
Would want to.....
so many I love would
seize to be.... and the
memories made today
would fade away.......
The things I went through
I would go through again
and my children would
have to grow up and leave
me all over again......
Lord, I thank you for the
time you let me call your
children mine....
You have blessed my life
with enough love to last
me a life time....
Thank you Lord for the day
and for keeping all dear to
my heart safe.
10:31pm June 9, 2023
Where did words come from
What was the first word
ever spoke?
What was the first word
ever wrote?
The word was before we
were formed....
We were created before we
were born.
From words spoke by an
almighty god we were formed.
Words are put together
in such away - from words
comes the ability to
understand .....
Without words nothing
would have meaning and love
and hate would just be
Words enable us to use
or not use good judgment
Words belong to no one and
Just as we have a choice in
the words we use- we have
a choice in the way we define
Where did words come from
What was the first word
ever spoke?
What was the first word
ever wrote?
The word was before we
were formed....
I thank you Lord for being
the only definition of 'word'
I will ever need.
Let man write and rewrite
man's history in books-
My bible don't come in paper
form- all I need to know
about my god is sealed safely
inside my heart.
6:03pm June 8, 2023
The children of god
walk among men, unseen.
Not out of fear but
out of love.
God knows the heart
inside us all- whether
or not its filled or
empty of love.
Lord, I hear the longing
for your return-
yet the faces of the
mourners I cannot see....
I feel the emptiness,
the suffering, and the
woe-taking place in
homes and in hearts...
yet, I cannot dry the tears
and take the pain away.
Lord, my heart is heavy
as I set here today, with
only you and your angels
to talk to....
You can see the faces
of those morning that I
cannot see-You can dry
their tears and take the
pain away....
Heal the sick....
comfort the broken hearted
and send angels to walk
with them, and guide them
down the roads that you
would have them take.
Lord, I ask these things
that others too might come to
know you and take up
their shields of faith
that no man can carry for
4:04pm June 8, 2023
Lord, this day was filled
with questions on my mind
I could find no answer to.
Why with so much good in
the hearts of men do the
few hate so the people
they will never get the
chance to know?
Countries filled with
people with their own
values and beliefs
separated by language
and distance-who share
a link to all humanity
Who share the same sky
and the very air we
Lord, I have lived
long-many things I
have witnessed
during my lifetime..
Many times my heart
was broken and you
helped it to mend...
Many times I begged
you not to take my
ability to care away
and your love for me
filled my heart with
love enough to hold
on to my ability to
As different as we
are- we are all a like
in so many ways....
Feed the good in others
just by caring.
Good seed grow good
human beings....
Bad experiences
hinders the growth.
Lord, put peace in
the life's of those
seeking shelter from
life's storms...
Fill them with love
and protect them from
Thank you for this
day-and filling my
life with enough love
to with stand my own
life's storms.
10{05pm June 6, 2023
Today the angels sang
and I listened...
The peace in the day
testifies that all in
my world are safe...
beneath a gray sky
always waiting to take
my happiness away.
Lord, the silence in
the day reminds me to be
thankful for each
step I take
on my walk of faith.
With each step my life
is blessed just knowing
all dear to my heart are
Lord, I thank you for
the angels who walk by
my side; who touch my
life for the good
in so many ways.
6:02pm June 5, 2023
Life is for living
the best that I can.
That's all my god
asks of me.
That I try always to
do what is right....
To give what I can
and only take what
I need.
Good thrives on
good deeds.
Preaching and teaching
hate is a weakness
shared by self centered
people who don't know any
Twisted truth will
in the end straighten
its self out.
For every lie
a truth waiting
to be told.
Walk in the light
of your own conscience.
10:50pm June 4, 2023
Let not yesterdays' mistakes
be forgot....or the reality,
that riches have the power
to rot ones heart.
We are not alone
let every thing
I say and do
bring to your
the good that
is a part of you.
We all have roads
to travel....
choose wisely
the roads you take.
The truth is a
two edged blade
that swings both ways
pain or happiness
is in the telling.
Men who plot to
steal away the
livelihoods of others.
by doing so have sealed
the fate of their own.
10:44am June 4, 2023
Love is a blessing
from which all
good things in life
10:00am June 2, 2023
The sun is growing dark
in a world gone astray
as I set listening to the
birds at the end of
another day.
If but one wish be destined
to come true my wish would be
" I wish for world peace."
A world without greed...
where heart rules the day
and miracles are worked
through faith.
A world filled with kind souls
who wants nothing more than to
make the world a better place.
If but one wish be destined
to come true my wish would be
" I wish for world peace."
8:12PM June 1, 2023
Lord, it was a blessed day
You, with your presences
in my life, lay a blanket
of peace over me.
Engulfed by your love
I feel a yearning in my
heart to touch the lives
of those in need....
Just like your love
touches me....
This world is filled
with good and bad
things....but on my
worst day I know
you love me and will
calm life's raging my every
need and create for
me a world of peace.
Lord, there are
many troubled souls
that I don't know
and I can't see...
but I can feel with
every heart beat.
Touch the hearts of
lost souls with your
love-guide them through
troubled waters, like you
did many times for me.
Heal the sick, comfort
the broken hearted,
touch the lives of all
in need.....
Where you find weakness
replace it with strength
touch those who think
you have forgotten them
fill their hearts with
with love, and their lives
with peace.
9:53pm May 31, 2023
God Bless America
God. many years before i was born
you united a many blooded people
into one....
you blessed the land from shore
to shore and opened freedom's door
you created a country for all
mankind who were willing to sacrifice
their prayers, blood, sweat, tears
and life if need be to keep
America free
Today is Memorial Day the year 2023
Many living the American dream...
live in self created worlds of make
Many who live on
American soil have never shed tear,
sweat or blood, to water the liberty
all they appear to care about is making
money, the stock market- and the economy.
God, by birth I was born an American...
Raised on American soil ....Life was not
always easy but I had what I needed
and lived free.
I want you to know God this Memorial day
Americans have not forgotten the part you
played in the creation of our country...
or the heroes whose blood has been shed
to protect the liberty tree....
Americans are not a perfect people but
we know the meaning of slavery, the American
dream, and the responsibilities that come
with being born and living free.
God Bless American!
11:11am May 29, 2023
I set here in peace....
as the angels touch my
heart oh so gently.
There's no doubt that
a loving god sent the
angels to me.
To remind me that my
faith is the key
that opens unopenable
doors for me.
That all things are
possible for those
who believe....
God is the answer
Faith is the key.
2:27pm May 28, 2023
God sent the birds to
eat from the bird feeders
just outside my door....
Every day, the birds
come to enjoy the treats,
sing for me, and
fly away, once more.
My bird tree still
has visitors but not
like before....
Lord, I understand,
I had a need to hear
the songs they sing ,
and feel the peace
they brought to me.
My bird tree still
has visitors but not
like before....
The number of birds
are sent according to
the need----and today
the birds fill the
trees of those who need
them more.
Lord, thank you for the
birds and the answered
Thank you for the moments
in the day.
Off in the distance the
birds sing , sending
a message of hope and
peace my way.
Again reminding me
that miracles take place
every day when birds sing
and someone takes a step
of faith.
Thank you Lord for being
there for me, keeping loved
ones safe, and filling my
day with peace.
9:51am May 28, 2023
The light we carry inside
can be seen by those
who walk in darkness, a
beacon of hope for others
to see, fueled by love
and inner peace.
Many a soul has been lost
in the darkness of day,
A loving heart has the
power to create love in
the hearts of those
who've given up hope
that love will find them.
One who has been touched
by love remembers love's
touch- and will morn love's
passing in their lives.
Let your love shine in
the darkness of another's
Life's cross for a reason
on our walk of faith.
10:36pm May 27, 2023
Lord, What would you have me do?
I know the devil is a liar----
I know how this world has twisted
I know the suffering of the rich
and poor-who give their lives to
Lord, What would you have me do?
Birds sing, flowers bloom and the
sun is shinning on me as I walk my
my walk of faith...but beyond my
world many are suffering this day..
I know I can't be everywhere at
the same time...that's only
something you can do.... Give me
the courage to stand against the
winds of time-empower me Lord
with everything I need to help
those I can. Give my love wings
There are so many things that
need doing that I know in my
heart I can do....Lord, walk
where my feet can not go
open closed eyes to see the
the beauty in a world filled
with lies and deceit.
Lord, What would you have me do?
You have blessed me my whole
life through- you paid the price
for my sins-a debt I can only
repay by living my life for you.
as each day I walk a little farther
on my walk of faith.
2:12pm May 25, 2023
This day has been blessed
with peace
Many birds have left
my bird tree....
Still....some hang around
to remind me
The day is never without
its moments of peace.
Like the wind that blows
un-expectedly on the quietest through hearts
makes its way.
As I walk through this day
feeling the blowing winds
of life touching my heart
let me not forget to listen
for the sounds the birds
Faith grows where hearts
3:24pm May 24, 2023
With age I find
more and more
of myself.....
The little things
become more
as I look back
through time...
May 21, 2023
Years mean little
if wasted on
worrying about
Time would be
better spent
letting tomorrow
take care of its
own sorrow....
11:02am May 21, 2023
One who has never
tasted his on tears
can't understand
why another cries...
Life is more than
the number of days
in ones lifetime.
11:07am May 21, 2023
Lord, give me the strength
to endue what life sends
my way....
Give me eyes to see the
rainbow, at the end of the
storm, that waits for me...
Give me your hand-walk with
me through the storm of
this I hold high
my shield of faith....
11:50pm May 16, 2023
I have much
to be thankful for
but at times what
I am thankful for
can bring tears
to my eyes...
Being a child was
a cake walk for me,
compared to being
a mother.
How can that be?
As a child a mother
took care of me....
Then when I was old
enough to think I
was grown...I begin
a life that took me
farther and farther
from home.
I never thought about
childish things again
Those times were gone.
Today, years after
all my children left
home....I think more
about how my mother
must have felt after
I left home to face
life on my own.
There is a fullness
and an emptiness in
this mother's heart
after her child[ren]
leaves home......
Nothing a child will
be able to understand
until after their child
is gone and they feel
half full and half empty
waking to the days
There is no place like
10:43pm May 16, 2023
The birds are singing
to remind me that it's
a new day to love, live
and raise high my shield
of faith.... that every
moment is a blessing we
can use wisely, or let
waste away.
Lord, take my hand this
day...walk with me through
each moment----take any
fears I have away and guide
me on my walk of faith.
7:46am May 15, 2023
I am as weak or as strong
as my faith.
If unkindness cross my path
give me the insight to see
the pain behind the unkind
There is more to a man than
what the eyes can see.
Where there is a speck of love
in ones heart----there is a need
to live in peace.
It doesn't matter
the shade of the sun....
each of us - whether
we turn it on ot not
carry a light inside
our heart....
8:10am May 15, 2023
It's night and Mother's Day
is almost gone....It was
a day filled with memories
that filled me with thought
Time is but a step, the
blink of an eye, a breath
all the beginning and ending
of time....
Lord, I turn to you for
comfort in my time of tears...
for no comfort in the worldly
I can find.
There's so much sadness -
so much sorrow- so much
worry, and so much need.
You say faith the size
of a mustard seed has the
power to move mountains
Having witnessed miracles-
this I believe.
Lord, I have faith in you
I don't doubt the power
of faith...
I try to practice what I
preach everyday...
Sometimes a few tears may
blur my vision.. and I may
forget to give you praise
But I praise you in my
heart unendingly every day.
It's from this place in
my heart that I thank you
for the day...and ask you
to heal the sick- comfort
the broken hearted, feed the
hungry-give drink to the
thirsty and help all in
need this day.
And thank you Lord for all
your blessings in my life,
Thank you for keeping all
dear to my heart safe-----
and forgive me if from time
to time a wrong road I take.
11:30pm May 14, 2023
Lord, the day is your day
like every day I have
lived through.....But my
heart is burdened this
day and I need you to
send your angels a
little closer this day
to those in need and
keep them safe.....
Life's test sometimes
get harder than others
tests to bear.....
There's a lot of tears
and worry in this day
that I need to ask you
Lord to take away.
Heal the sick
feed the hungry. and
place a candle in the
hearts of the lost
and all who seek you
this day.....comfort
your children- pour
out your blessing
on those who seek
shelter from life's
storms-keep them safe
in your arms.
8:36am May 15, 2023
Lord, if not for your
presence in my life..
I would not be setting
here this day...
When I was weak and
my tears did fall
You were with me
through it all.
When I had no direction
in my life you sent
your angels to walk by
my side....
When I forgot the
power of
sent heartache and pain
my way, and through
every answered prayer...
My faith grew stronger
knowing you were always
Thank you, Lord, for
loving me- the times
I found it hard to care
about my self....
Thank you for all the
answered prayers...
Thank you for the day
and Thank you keeping all
dear to my heart safe.
11:20pm May 10, 2023
I'm never at a loss for words
but sometimes the right words
are hard to find.
12:46am May 8, 2023
In a few moments time
another day will arrive
and the day that I am in
will be gone.
11:59pm May 7, 2023
I set here thinking
about life and time..
gains and losses
and other things
crossing my mind.
12:01am May 8, 2023
The time one doesn't
realize was wasted
until the time was
I use to think
ahead to when I grow
I use to think of
things I did...
Now, I value the
moments in a day
and I think of how
fast time slips
12:09am May 8, 2023
So much good never
gets done because
some people don't
understand good is
nurtured in the
heart.... and let
out into the world
through acts
of kindness.
A heart without the
ability to care sows
turmoil and despair.
A wise man looks not
for perfection in an
imperfect world.....
One can't change
the world
becoming a part
of the change.
12:25am My 8, 2023
She was a gentle soul who never allowed
the world to lessen the love she had for her
family......friends, and people she hardly
Many hearts were breaking, and many
tears were cried.......gazing at the casket
with the angel sleeping inside.
9:15pm April 4, 2014
With tears in my eyes
and the bird's singing
ringing in my ears
I set.....
remembering other days
and times knowing
what is gone is gone
yet, still hanging on
to your memory.
10:22am May 6, 2023
Thirty one years ago
today-you earned your
angel wings--- you
are not just a memory
you are a reminder
of why the tears fall
and why the birds sing.
The tears fall to remind
me of the angels who
walk through life with me
the birds sing to remind
me that angels are real
and are more, much more,
than just a memory.
10:31am May 6, 2023
Lord, thirty one years
ago my daughter was
your angels came and got
her and put her in your
arms ....
If you don't mind
will you let my angels
know: I carry their
memory with me inside my
heart everywhere I go.
10:36am May 6, 2023
Lord, the birds are
singing outside my door
as my heart ponders
who I am and who I was
My world was changed
for ever more....
There are two directions
in life, with many
side roads ....some
leading to somewhere
others leading to nowhere.
There are many doors
in life to choose from...
once a door is opened
and closed- the door is
locked forevermore.
It was along the paths I
chose to walk down... and
at the doors I chose to open
and shut- that I lost a bit of
my self to the better
and worst sides of life.
I am who I am today
because my god never took
his eyes off my heart
when choices had to be made.
It was from walking life's paths
and opening life's doors
that I witnessed god's power
in my life every day- and
learned from life's experiences
the importance of keeping faith.
Thank you lord for this day
and never deserting me on my
walk of faith.
6:25pm May 4, 2023
Lord, show me what
you would have me do..
There is a time for
everything under the
sun.... for everything
that happens in the world
and for everything we go
what is done is done...
whatever is left for me to do
with my life is up to you.
The choices we have already
made made us who we are...
Lord, it has been a windy
day... the birds were few
they did not linger long...
they ate hurriedly
and flew away...
as off in a distance..
birds were singing sweetly
a peaceful bird song
that filled me with peace.
Thank you Lord for the few
birds flying against the wind
to fill my world with peace again.
Thank you for the day....
thank you for answered prayers...
and thank you for keeping all
dear to my heart safe.
8:22pm May 1, 2023
God, I feel your presence
in my life...
I know you know my heart
and will answer my prayers
I know every thing I went
through makes me better
prepared to stand against
any storm life sends my
I know as long as you have
your arms around me my life
shall be safe...
But because sometimes my
flesh is weak, I ask you
this day- to send your guardian
angels to watch over me.
And give me the strength this
day, to keep raised high my
Shield of Faith.
Thank you Lord for this day
and keeping all dear to my heart
3:17pm April 30, 2023
When I was a child
God smiled down on me
He showed me at an
early age I didn't
need money to be happy.
I didn't need shoes
to jump, run and play
and all my toys
were home made.....
I didn't need a lot
of friends- in fact
I had very few....
There was always food
on the table..
a cozy fire in the
pot-bellied stove
in the wintertime
and a place on the old
double bed with the cotton
mattress, I shared with
three siblings, that
I called mine.
Oh, yeah, on the sunniest
day- in the heat of
summer or the cold of
winter.... after our few
chores were done.. the
yard raked, the clothes
hung on the line to dry,
we got to play, we got
to get dirty a lot.. living in
our tiny one room house- that
was filled with little furniture-but
full of love- family and
I guess that's why I hate
shoes to this day- not
only were they other peoples
hand me downs ... just like the
clothes that didn't fit, the shoes put
blisters on my heels- and
took my joy of being a child
Mama and Daddy did the best
they could do -in the times
we were living in...
Outside toilet
Outside hand pump
all the things that a child
would need to grow up in
a world filled with
rich men's greed.
I thank my god every day
for the lessons I was
taught at a young age.....
Love of God and family
brought me to this day.
Yes, Mama and Daddy did the
best they could-in the times
we were living in...
but it was enough for
the little girl who grew
up to be me.
1:34pm April 30, 2023
Faith strengthens me this day
after a night of wind and
turmoil..... and splashes of
silence and peace are with
me again.
Lord, I know that every life
is precious and dear to you.
I know you love your children
and if in our time of need
we ask you that you will calm
life's raging seas and help
us through.
There is a great evil that
walks among men.... sight unseen.
Feeding on broken hearts....
the deceiver who blinds men
with their own greed.
Lord, every day is your day
keep greed from my door, love
in my heart- and when the deceiver
whispers lies to me, take off my
blinders, turn back the storms
headed my way, and help me raise
higher my shield of faith.
Thank you Lord for the day....
Heal the sick and keep all of your
children safe.
8:24am April 30, 2023
It's been thirty years
Since you spared a life
and earned your angel
I know you are among
the angels God sends
to watch over me.....
I feel your love every
day mixed in with the
peace ....
You have always been
a blessing to have in
my life... as a daughter
and as the angel you
are today.
I love you more today
than I did thirty years
ago when you went away.
Don't mind the tears
just remember tears
are for the living
left behind....
I love you- my angel
The one God put in
my life for such
a short time....
Happy Birthday my
precious angel child...
11:12pm April 29. 2023
Lord, Thank you for
this day....
It was a blessed day
food on the table
Love in my heart
peace beneath my
shield of faith...
Loved ones are safe
and my faith in you
grows stronger with
each passing day.
When I lay me down
to sleep cover me
with a blanket of peace,
Send your angels to protect
the weak, and to watch over
the sick and all in need.
And when in the morning
I wake show me Lord the
roads you would have me take...
Keep me strong in my faith
As I continue walking
another day my walk of faith.
9:38PM April 26, 2023
Lord, none know what
crosses my mind- what
burdens lay heavy on
my heart-or the crosses
I will have to bear....
They know not the many
times your angels have
outed the fires ragging
through my mind..
dried away my tears with
love and care... and
helped me through my
troubling times....
But it doesn't really
matter Lord ...
What others believe
We none see through
the same eyes...
We none hear with the
same ears...
We none love with the
same heart...
We none can walk in
another's shoes or
leave the same tracks
8:44am April 26, 2023
I woke to the birds singing
to let me know peace was
waiting for me in the day...
It is now dark outside
and peace still abidss with
me, knowing those I love
are safe.
Thank you Lord....
For another blessed day.
10:28PM April 25, 2023
In the stillness of the night
I wait for the dawning of
a new day.
Nothing can stop the
Lord, it's time to
give thanks
for all in this day
you sent my way...
and to ask you
from the bottom of
my heart-to heal
the sick, feed
the hungry...
guide the lost
keep evil at bay
and help us all
to keep raised high
our shields of faith.
10:46pm April 24, 2023
Every day I awake
to the fullness
the day holds
a gusty wind
blows through my
Reminding me that
no matter what a
day holds
good, bad, or
things that
I don't understand.
My angels are always
there for me, and my god
is always holding my
8:14am April 24, 2023
Lord, I awakened
to the birds singing
to the feel of peace
and want to thank you
for the day, all
your blessings in my
life, and for keeping
my loved ones safe.
8:19am April 24, 2023
You Lord are my light
and my way...
Thank you, for your
presence in my life
as I continue on my
walk of faith.
8:28am April 24, 2023
Give me the strength,
and understanding
to make it through
another day.
Today found me a little lost
in the world I'm living in....
The birds sang, and brought
peace to my heart
but the feeling that I need
direction in my life remained,
and at times during the day
I felt uncertainty geting
in my way...
Lord, you know my heart
It's always hard for me
during this time of the
year...Some times it's
harder than other times
to hold back my tears...
I know there's a heaven
and angels never leave
my side... but the angels
who walk next to me- I love
so, I once called them
mine.... and it hurt
letting each of them go.
Lord, please, understand
I had your angels with me
for so long , the void in
my life took some getting
use to, after you called in
your loans.
Please, forgive my selfish
heart and guild me once more
through the hard times
when I forget that
the angels walking next to me
were never really mine.
10:30pm April 21, 2023
The time at hand-
the moment
I am in.....
is all I have.
It's not the
moments spent
or the moments
that might
be mine...
it the moment
my heart beats in
and not the moments
left behind.
A moment
A heart beat
where yesterdays
and tomorrows meet.
Don't waste the
cherish the moment
for life begin in a moment's
and in a moment's time
a life time of moments
will be left behind.
Why cry over yesterdays
gone....never to be again?
Why put dreams of tomorrows
that may never be
ahead of the moment you
are living in?
5:42pm April 20, 2023
God you brought me to this day
I know you will help me through
If I am weak and lower my shield
of Faith-carry me through this day
and keep me safe.
My faith is tested every day
keep me strong in my faith.
In my time of need ,when I am weak
send your angels to watch over me
and help me through another day
on my walk of faith.
12:02am April 19, 2023
It's night time
and all I leave
behind are memories
made, for another day
and time.
Use the days given to
you wisely.... for in
a moment's time a day
can become eternity.
Don't let past mistakes
cause grief in the day
learn from the mistakes
you made.
Thank you Lord for this
for the love and beauty
all around me
and for showing me
in so many ways the
power of love and faith.
10:54pm April 16, 2023
Yesterday left me with a smile
and a thankful heart...
Morning finds me setting here
wondering what to say...
It's important how we end and
begin a day.
For in the day rest everything
the fullness and emptiness
left by yesterdays....
Unchangeable can't be changed
Changeable things can...
Lord, guide me on my walk
of faith to where you would
have me be...
help me to recognize the needs
in others who pass my way...
Give me the strength to endure
the unchangeable things of
Fill my heart with love enough
for all who touch my life on my
walk of faith.
We all have times of need
times we wish the darkness would
go away- moments when, without
realizing-we lower our shield
of faith.
Forgive me Lord for my weakness
and give me the strength to do
what you would have me do this
9:27am April 16, 2023
Thank you Lord for
answering my prayers
Thank you for your love
and for always being
Thank you for the day
Thank you for keeping
those dear to my heart
Thank you for the angels
you send my way...when I
need help on my walk
of faith.
Years ago you took my hand
and you have never let it
You guided me through many
a dark time in my life....
It wasn't easy getting to
where I am today....
But I thank you Lord for the
things I learned during
the bad times- that I
continue to learn from today.
You are not just my Lord-
You are my light and my way.
Lord, you are my strength
as I journey forward on my
walk of faith.
10:53pm April 14, 2023
I have not written
in a few days
wordless days do not
reflect my heart felt
Lord, take the lead
in another stormy day
quite the storm
calm the waves.....
heal the sick, touch
the hearts of the lost
and change their ways...
You hold the power of
life and death- to heal
and to save... Help
us all this stormy day
to hold a little higher
our shields of faith.
Thank you Lord for always
being there.. Touch all
in need and keep them safe.
12:40pm April 14, 2023
I stand gazing around me
at the flowers and the
birds in the trees.
Taking in with my eye, ears
and each breathe the peace
all around me.
If I were to think on things
that broke my heart
things I cannot change....
how selfish I would be.
There is a way through life
that each must travel.....
some will meet happiness
others face heartbreak and
Many in tears shall over look
today's chance at happiness
for a look back at yesterday's
pain and all the things they
cannot change.
Thank you Lord for the day
my eyes opened to...
Thank you for the paths you
lay for me, and thank you
for turning all the bad times
in my life- into this day of
I love you Lord and thank you
for never deserting me.
12:13pm April 10, 2023
Time stands still for no one
Life's clock begins to tick
the moment we are born.
Use wisely the moments in a
Nothing lasts forever
with time all things fade
9:35pm April 9, 2023
Lord, I can hear
the birds singing
Reminding me
once more
that I have much
to be thankful for.
Thank you today
and always
being here for me
on my walk of faith...
to remind me
all anyone has
is the moments
in a day.
11:08am April 9, 2023
The morning finds me
looking out my door
to the dark outside...
caught up in thought
I set.... filled with
thoughts unshared
I set.
Lord, forgive me
for my weakness
My strength comes
from you....
I need your love and
strength another day
to help me through.
Send your angels to me
to comfort my heart
And give me strength
once more to find
my inner peace.
Let me not fail in this day
to thank you for the
blessing you send my way
Thank you for keeping
all dear to my heart safe.
Give me strength, Lord,
to raise a little ligher my
shield of faith .
6:27am April 9, 2023
Lord, for a little time
I was lost in the darkness
of morn.
For a little time
my world crumbled
with fear and uncertainty...
It was in the morning
darkness you revealed
your power to me.
Thank you Lord for
the light you placed
in the morning darkness
Thank you for another day
Thank you for your love
and always being close
enough to wipe my tears
Thank you for keeping
all dear to my heart safe,
and bringing peace back
into my day.
7:35am April 7, 2023
I live each day
clinging to my shield
of faith....
Knowing in my heart that
my god and his angels are
never far away .....
that regardless of what a
day brings my god will send
his angels to the faithful
in their time of need.
Lord, you are a loving god.
I endue what life sends my
way not because I'm brave
but because of my shield of
Lord, more than once my heart
has been broken, and you have
mended it time and time again...
I have a heavy heart tonight
from the pressures of this day
Thank you for sending your
angels to keep my loved ones
It is with unmovable faith
that I ask you to walk with us all
through the good and bad days...
Heal the sick, feed the hungry, and
help us on our hardest day, to hold
a little higher our shields of faith.
9:55pm April 6, 2023
Be kind when others are
Be brave even if you
stand alone....
Be strong in your faith
Be slow to anger...taking
in to consideration the
consequences of your actions.
Be a peace maker during
war time....
Be understanding
Be who you are-pretending
to be who you are not-
won't change who you are...
Dare to dream and reach
for your star.
1:15pm April 5, 2023
To my daughter Kate
The angels are with us
and God will give us
the strength in our time
of need.....
Blessed we are to be
loved so by a loving god
whose eyes never leave
our side....
whose love is always
with us.....
Raise high your shield
of faith
God will keep his
children safe.....
I love you today
and always.......
12:32pm April 5, 2023
Happy 100th Birthday Daddy you live always
in my heart-April 5, 2023
Oh....The singing of the bird
awakens in me my inner eyes
to see and feel the peace
surrounding me.
Lord, life has meaning
beyond what the mortal
eyes can see.....
Thank you for the morning
the birds that visit me
Thank you for keeping
loved ones safe this day
And thank you Lord for
always being there for me.
Guide me to do your will
this day....
Put your arms around all in need
mend bodies and minds and
put love back into broken
hearts this day--- that the souls
of mankind might recognize
your love for us all......
Restore the faith that the
worldly took away.
I love you Lord, with all
my heart....
I trust you Lord... you are
the light that guides my faith.
10:11am April 4, 2023
As I leave this day
behind me to sleep
under the cover of
night, until the
morning awakens me,
I pray that God
will put peace
in the new day-
along with
the morning light.
If in waking I find
heartache and gray
skies-let me be strong
and remember: the angels
walk with me in the good
times and the bad times...
11:32pm April 3, 2023
The sound of a gentle rain
falling, took the place of
the birds' singing..... as
it covers everything.
Setting here, I wonder, how
many take the time to note
the song being sang by the
drops of rain falling all
around them.
Lord, never let me forget
the importance of the little
things that touch my life...
Remind me from time to time
that mountains were once hills
men were once children
and flowers were once seeds.
Make me wise enough, Lord, to
see beyond the peace the birds
and rain bring me....
Give me a voice....then empower
me to share love and peace with
all in need.
6:54pm April 3, 2023
The birds sing happily
outside my door...
Peace abides in the day.
No one could wish for
Tho the language of the
birds is foreign to me
the sounds the birds make
gives me a sense of peace...
If for a day the world
could hear the birds sweet
melodies and feel the
undeniable peace I feel
setting here a world of
tears and worry would fade
into yesteryears.
And peace would rule the
10:32am April 3, 2023
It's the beginning
of a new day and
like all days,
before the light
its night.
A day begins and
ends with darkness.
Lord, you have walked
with me through the
good time and the
dark times of my life.
There are no words,
written or spoken
good or bad created,
by the world...
All words get their
meaning from the hearts
and minds of men.
Walk a crooked mile
down a straight path.
A mile regardless
of how many twists
and turns is still
a mile.....
Live life as it
presents itself
to you....
makes for a miserable
I was born without
a pair of shoes
on my feet......
I spent many days
as a child. feeling
the earth beneath
my feet.
Those were the days
when children were
allowed to be
Heed the warnings
night sometimes
brings in the light
of day.....
Thank you Lord
for this day and
for keeping all
dear to my heart
3:14 am April 2, 2023
When God needs more angels
to watch over his flock below
He chooses special angels,
to nurture and guard with love
and care his children living there..
Someone's husband,
Someone's wife,
Someone's child,
Someone's friend,
a part of someone's family
leaves their earthly family
and lives are changed forever
in the twinkling of an eye.
Yesterday someone's, husband,
Someone's father, someone's son,
and someone's friend left them
in tears and entered heaven's gate
and left a mark on every heart
that his heart had touched
during his lifetime here on earth...
10:43am March 23, 2023
When we lose someone we love
The best part of them stays with us
in the love they leave behind
for their loved ones to find........
10:50 am March 23, 2023
Evertyhing in this life is ours on loan
Angels given to us on loan.....
do not die they just go home.
Hold high your shield of faith
as this world you journey through
believing in your heart the eyes
of your guardian angels are
watching over you.
11:03am March 23, 2023
It's dark outside
nothing is moving
the air is still
and my heart is
still beating.
I set and ponder
life, death and
I think about my
faith and how it
grew through
the years.
I think about
the birds I awake
to and setting on the
porch listening
to them sing.
I think about a
world in need
outside my own...
I think about
my faith, and the
god that I lean on.
I think about
loved ones in heaven
and loved one here
I think about the
many times god's angels
reached down from
heaven and dried away
my tears.
5:45am March 21, 2023
The day was filled with
a mixture of emotions
that, like the wind that
moved the chimes,
moved the eyes to tears.
But love and faith calmed
the winds of emotion and
found a way to dry the
tears and bring a sense
of peace back into the day.
Thank you Lord, for the
angels surrounding me
and my loved one this day....
Thank you for the much
needed strength to over
come the weakness in me
this day.......
Thank you Lord, for
drying the tears and renewing
my faith.
You Lord have the power
to heal the body and the spirit,
to take all stress and worry away...
I ask you Lord. to heal those
Lord who turn to you and
faithfully ask for healing
you know their hearts; you know
their needs- heal the sick and
take worry and stress from their
I know your power...and the power
of love to heal...... You have
shown me time and time again
the miracles love can do........ Please,
Lord, use your love to help all in
need through their hard times.....
with your love dry their tears away,
and strengthen their shields of faith.
Thank you Lord for this day
Thank you Lord for keeping those
I love safe.....
Thank you Lord for the peace you
put back into my day.....
And Thank you Lord for the many
times you have blessed me in my life,
and helped me when I strayed.
9:21pm March 20, 2023
A dark cloud lingered
over yesterday's peace
Tears fell and innocence
Turmoil and pain
were in the air
Prayers went out
from everywhere
but from the lips of
one, prayers unending
until peace overtook
the storm and replaced
the clouds in the day-
with thanks giving and
a stronger faith
3:16pm March 19, 2023
Today the birds came again
to eat bird seed and play...
while the angels delivered
a tiny bundle of joy to
new parents today.
Lord you have blessed
me beyond measure
you gave me parents
of the highest quality
who taught me the
moral values I have
tried to pass on to my
own children, after
you made me a mother.
Lord you have blessed
me beyond measure
you gave me children
each of the highest
guality who taught their
children the moral values
my parents taught to me.
Lord you have blessed
me beyond measure
you gave my children
children of the highest
quality who taught their
children the moral values
my parents taught me.
Lord you have blessed
me beyond measure
you gave my children's
children children of the
highest quality......
May their parents teach
them, the moral values
my parents taught me...
so long ago.
Lord you have blessed
me in so many ways
Thank you for the blessings
in this day.
Welcome to the family
Menzlee and Emma
Nanny loves you both
8:52am March 15, 2023
Everything has a time and place
during life's sometime slow or
fast pace.
Those who live
by the lies they tell
shall die at the hands
of their lies leaving
untold truths behind
for the future to find.
None can know
by sight or sound
unless one sees and
Search your heart
to see if you are
worthy of another's.
What one searches
for in life is not always
Good intentions
with bad outcomes
doesn't mean one
did a wrong thing.
The term "World peace" is a
bartering tool used
to create havoc among
all humanity.
If we won't defend
the rights of the most
helpless- there is no
freedom for all.
The rich can't undo
the harm their money
has done- but they
can learn from past
mistakes-and spend
their fortunes more
The world is filled
with those who care
and those who don't...
those who should
and those who won't.
Do something, if it's
possible.... to make
the world a better place
can't throw a stone
unless you bend down
and pick it up.
12:08pm March 14, 2023
Lord, I'm at a loss for words
tho it was an amazing day
filled with loved ones, and my
A new group of birds came
to feed today, and all the other
birds flew away....
Strange I thought watching
the black birds frighten the
smaller birds away.....
That one woodchuck, just
by making an appearance,
could frighten the blackbirds
away and put peace back into
the day.
Lord, there was a lesson
to be learned today, watching
the smallest birds venture
back to feed, and play in the
bird trees.....
Like humans do, birds have
heroes too.
Thank you Lord for all things
big and small.....that filled
my day and touched my heart
with sweet peace...
And thank you Lord for the angels
you sent to watch over my loved ones
and me.
9:57pm March 13, 2023
For every sunny day
a day of rain.....
For every full table
an empty one....
For every flower
a seed sown....
For all born
a life lived....
For every death
a tear falls....
For every negative
a positive....
For every liar
a seeker of truth....
For every man of war
a peace maker....
9:41am March 13, 2023
Today the birds
are hiding from the rain
waiting for the sun to
and the soaked bird seeds
to dry.
And I set here missing
the sounds of birds
singing outside, waiting
for the sun, and the birds
to return.
9:48am March 13, 2023
Every day is special
like every thing in life
there's a reason for
everything in the day.
Take, faithfully, everything
in your day to heart .....
Where love abides
Peace and beauty
Give thought to the things
today brings...keep an open
heart when dealing with life
and the songs that others
True wisdom is a thing of
the heart.
10:04am March 13, 2023
God gives men a gift
that many never open,
the inner eye to see
what lay hidden from
all men....but a few
There are a few greedy
powerful men- when
seeing through their
inner eyes..... used the
knowledge they learned
to build castles and to
build deception into
every thing the outer eyes
could see.
Think not to hid the
knowledge that belongs
to all men....
The truth is written in
many languages.....and
when all inners eyes are
open to where the greedy
set on their man made
thrones, night and day, the
world we live in today
will be a better place.
1:06pm March 12, 2023
With day light came
the birds singing me
as peace filled another
I set on the porch in the
rocking chair my daughter
bought for me, looking
at the tiny plants that got their
start from seeds.....
Thinking about the flower
each would grow to be, and
how much, together, their
beauty would add to the peace
surrounding me.
I spent a lot of this day filming
hundreds of birds at play, as
they flew from ground to tree.
Lord, Thank you for the day
Thank for the birds and peace
you sent my way....and thank
you for keeping all dear to my
heart safe another day.
10:07pm March 11, 2023
There's magic in a day like this
the peace, the birds, the flowers,
the tree and those who mean the
world to me.
I feel the peace around me in the
deepest part of me....and wish so
the outer world could share the
peace with me.
There's beauty in everything my
eyes see tho darkness lay
off in the distance god's love
and his angels claim place in
my world with me.
No words can I find to fully
describe the beauty and peace
in day- living beneath my shield
of faith.
It's a blessed day.........Thank
you Lord for your blessings in
this day....You are my strength
my heart beat- I love you today
and always.
5:08pm March 10, 2023
What a man can't understand
he fears.
Evil comes in many colors
and many languages.
9:47pm March 8, 2023
Lord, it took many years
and many turns in life's
roads to get me to this day.
Silence teaches one to
look beyond the silence in
the day.
The one thought to be the
weakest is often the strongest
of the lot.
The eyes can deceive
but the heart cannot....
The days grow shorter
the longer one lives.
Our words define us better than
our actions.
Kindness is a show of ones heart.
Faith brought me to this day
Faith will carry me the rest
of the way.
Look for in others-
what you want them to see in
10:04pm March 8, 2023
Lord the day was filled with peace
and people dear to me.....
Tho it was not without its sad
moments, love replaced the
sadness with thanks giving
and my world fell into harmony
with all the birds that filled the trees.
Every day is a blessing. but not
everyday is void of bad memories.
If for a moment we allow a
memory into our day...let it be
a memory- that strengthens us and
reinforces our faith.....
We can't take away another's pain
or make their troubles go away.....
but we can be strong for others
and love them enough to cover them
with our own shields of faith....
Lord there are many things I would
change in the lives of those in need,
if I could....but there are some things
that only you can change. .
Lord, you are the strength that
strengthens me....
Your love is my life's heart beat.
Thank you for the love and peace
today, that touched my heart and
strengthened me.
Let me not forget the importance
of my day.....for it holds all dear to
my heart who journey with me
as I walk my walk of faith.
Blessed am I to have you Lord
in my day and in my life.
5:19pm March 7, 2023
One day at a time we wakeup to
one moment at a time we live.
It's not tomorrow we live
in.... tomorrow is never here
we always wakeup to a new
Wasted moments add up
to regret....when all is
said and done.
We can't change what
tomorrows hold ..
We can give thanks for
the moments in the day,
put our worry away, and
hold tighter to our shield
of faith.
It's hard to explain to
someone worried
about tomorrow the
importance of a day.
Regardless of what tomorrow
brings my way... I can be
thankful to my god today
for watching over me and for
keeping the people I love safe.
I have no promise I'll see
another day but I have today
and it's filled with love, hope
and faith.
Thank you Lord for the day
and the angels who are never
far away.
12:49am March 7, 2023
Today the birds were singing
and I knew they felt the peace
in the day too.
Then, something nagged at my
heart...and thoughts of things
that once broke my heart
creped into my peace, too..
I had to rethink things I thought
were laid to rest...
Then I realized ,my whole life
through every day was a test
of my faith.
Have I come so far in life that
unknowingly I have led myself to
believe..... that as long as I have
a caring heart peace will abide
with me?
Surely, that is not so or my heart
would have never been broke.
Lord, my thoughts are deep but
my faith in you goes deeper.....
You are the reason I carry my
shield of faith.
You Lord are the peace giver
in my life and in my day.
Memories are created by things
passed..... in my mind
My faith was created in my heart
to last me a lifetime.
Thank you Lord for the peace,
setting here I find around me.
Please, send your angels to
watch over me while I sleep......
And when I wake, let peace be
waiting for me in the day.
And thank you Lord for putting
peace back into this day....and
keeping all dear to my heart safe.
9:02pm March 5, 2023
Every day brings something special
back to me ,if only in my heart......
Today, I was reminded by an angel
of the importance of living one day
at a time.
This angel wasn't on
earth long enough to grow old-
but she was here long enough
to leave a bit of wisdom behind in
a poem she .left .for me to find.
Thank you Lord, for the angel
I once called mine....
She was only with me for a little
while..... It broke my heart to
have to let her go..... but after
finding her poem today, I can
feel the love, for all the loved
she left down here below.
Thank you Lord, for the day
for loved ones near and far
Thank you for everything you
do in my life...
Thank you for the earthly and
heavenly angels who shared
with me this day.
6:37pm March 4, 2023
Sonya's poem:
As I sit alone; I think of a place I call my Home.
This place is where my family stay and
mother helps them to grow.
She makes it a special day;
every time we sat and played;
she taught us a lesson every day
To live each (day)
day by day.
I love you
1971 - 1993
Tired and ready for sleep
as today I leave to the
past.... and wait, coved
by my shield of faith. for
a new day.
8:36pm March 2, 2023
Life stands still for none
Time passes by so fast
children grow up and
away...The here and now
in a moment will turn
into the past....and become
a part of yesterday.
8:44pm March 2, 2023
I have watched day
turn to night...
I have watched night
turn today.....
for many years...
and found that love
resides in both,
the dark at night.
and the light of
Love thought forgotten
lingers in the hearts of men
8:59pm March 2, 2023
Faith is the path I take
when decisions must
be made.
I thank my god for
this day.....
for keeping loved ones
safe.. and for never
deserting me on my
walk of faith.
9:02pm March 2, 2023
It's your 50th Birthday today
It seems like only yesterday
I carried you beneath my heart.
Today you are a wife and mother
with children of your own.......
Still beautiful inside and out you
will always be in my eyes....
I have loved you your whole
life through....I will love you
forever and a day....time comes
and goes....but a mother's love
for her child never fades.
Love you Sharea
4:49pm March 2, 2023
Sometimes, like today,
I lean harder on my
shield of faith....
Forgetting that faith
the size of a mustard
seed has the power
to move mountains...
Thank you Lord for
filling my life and this day
with so many reasons to
carry high my shield of faith.
6:02pm March 1, 2023
The moment is filled with me
and my thoughts as I set
thinking back over my life
to times long gone that left
marks carved deep inside
my heart.
In a moment's time, lives
are changed in the flickering
of an eye.
If love can conquer the hearts
of men, and bring the
heartless to their knees.. love
has the power to create world
Waste not one moment that
could be spent with people
you love.
11:34pm February 28, 2023
When time has come
and gone let the things
of that time that would
rob me of my joy stay
There's enough in
the day to take my
joy away....if for one
moment I were to
lower my shield of
Let me not set in
judgment of those
who hate me; for
one who hates will
judge more harshly
another for not hating
them in return.
I 'm not perfect
I carry the sins of all
men in my veins.
I have fallen in sin
many times and been
blessed time after time
again, to raise above my
Life is a trail of tests
and choices to be made.
Yesterdays choices were made
tomorrows choices wait
Today's choices I now
must make.
Follow your heart when faced
with choices that need to be
Today, all in my world are
loved and safe...and for that
I give my god praise- as I
Travel through this day, holding
high my shield of faith.
6:08pm February 28, 2023
If one goes through no hard times
during their lifetime....
no understanding of why mistakes
happened will one find.
If one goes through life without
regret for mistakes made how does
one find peace living in a world
gone astray.... where others live with
regret and/or heartache every day ?
Where is the need for a god
when there's no need for
a shield of faith?
Without life lessons to teach us right
from wrong and the chance to know
worlds beyond our own- how empty
life would be walking through it
Love is the source from which man draws
his weaknesses and his strengths.
I endue what life sends my way because
of the love in my heart, and the love from
others that surrounds me night and day.
We are strongest when love touches us and
helps us to carry our shield of faith.
11:14am February 27, 2023
Tears help us to, walk
our walk of faith.
Look beyond the tears
to the memories that
give you the strength to
make it through your
stormiest day.
Walk upright in your
God is good every day.
7:23am February 26, 2023
Let me be silent when
my words have not
the power to touch hearts.
What good is a day
void of hope- without
My god asks nothing
of me that is beyond
my reach.
7:30am February 26, 2023
Today the birds sing
but I did not heed
their song.
Lord, thank you
for the day... For
watching over me;
touching my life and
making me strong.
Thank you for teaching
me the importance
of the moments I share
with those I love.
Not always can I find
the right words in a day
to calm the waters
before the storm.
Lord, self pity has no
place in the calm of a
peaceful day....
Forgive me for putting
my feelings in the wrong
order today..... please
take my self-pity away.
Thank you Lord, for
every lesson you have
taught me during my
walk of faith.
Thank you for giving me
a heart capable of love
and the ability to care.....
Thank you for every blessing
you have ever sent my way---
Thank you Lord for always
being there.
I can hear the birds singing
beneath the sun that shines..
"Even the strongest among us
have their weak times."
Keep heart in the day
Raise high your shield of Faith
12:33pm February 22, 2023
What tomorrow holds
I do not know....
I live not beyond
the moment I live
Yesterdays have
came and went- I do
not ponder what
I can not change
Yesterday's moments they
have already been spent.
I will not waste one precious
moment of my day worrying
about what may or may not
happen tomorrow.
I live in the here and now
And thank my god for every
moment of the day, for
his blessings in my life,
and for keeping all that I hold
dear to my heart safe.
Living in yesterday's memories
and worrying about what might be
tomorrow troubles the mind,
and is a waste of precious moments
in ones lifetime.
10:19pm February 19, 2023
There are birds of every kind
just outside my door,
eating every bird seed they
can find, blessing my day
with their presence; filling
my heart and mind with sweet
peace as they fly once more
from tree to tree.
Every bad memory don't
disappear with time, but the love
and peace I find in the day comforts
me and reinforces my faith.
Lord, lift me above my weaknesses
fill me with enough love and
understanding to see beneath what
my eyes can see; and if it be your will
Lord, use my life as a touchstone
for others to find peace.
Thank you Lord for this day
and all who share this day with me.
Thank you for the bird you sent my
way, and thank you for the peace.
1:01pm February 18, 2023
Lord every day your love
touches me through my
shield of faith, and reassures
me all I hold dear to my heart
are safe...
Some times so much happens
in the day ,I fail to give you
Just know Lord my heart thanks
you every day....
For helping me bear the losses
of loved ones along the way.....
I no longer take loved ones
for granted, or claim them for
my much as I love
them-from losing loved ones
I know, none are mine- they
are only mine on loan.
I thank you for holding my
heart together when ,at times,
it felt like me and my world
were falling apart.
I thank you Lord for the angels, I
once called mine, who lovingly
watch over those of us they left
I thank you Lord for those who
share with me this day, and ask you
Please Lord lengthen their lives
and keep them safe.
I thank you Lord for the day
and for the angels in heaven
and the angels below who journey
with me on my walk of faith.
1:51am February 16, 2023
Bitter-sweet love can be
any day of the week
but time has shown
love to be unchangable
and the source of many
a souls strength.
Love doesn't hurt us
as much as
never being loved does.
Loneliness is a state of
mind we enter into
when we lock our heart
and won't let another's
love through.
Love can touch a world
and create for all a better
when love rules the day....
love over rules hate.
True love is kind- not
greedy, selfish ,or self
It's not love when one
puts another's feeling
above their own.
Give love from your heart
not your mouth or purse
love with your heart
that your love might take
root in a needy world.
A heart that can be broken
is a heart that can break
another's heart.
Love is a gift that
will be passed on
from heart to heart
long after we are
Love is more than a you
and me- love is an us.
Happy Valentines Day!
10:55am February 14, 2023
Lord Thank you for the day
and my inner eyes that can
see beyond the here, now
and me.
You have showed me many
things during my life time that
others may or may not ever see.
You have taught me many
hard lessons during my life
some burdened my heart;
others burdened my mind.......
Over the years I came to
understand and realized
there are deeper lesson you
wanted me to find.
It's not the burdens I carry
that make me strong and wise
it's the things beyond me
that touch my heart and mind
and reach my inner eyes,
it's the things beyond
my reach that have the power
to bring me to tears and bring me
to my knees that I see with my
inner eyes that others cannot
Lead me this day Lord through
the valley of death where traps
wait to , little by little, rob
me of my faith.
We all have burdens to carry and
our own crosses to bear.....
Because you have not the inner
eyes to see, or the wisdom to understand
the lessons the outer eyes cannot see
judge not least you judge wrongly.
Lord thank you for the day and the shield
of faith your love made just for me to give me
strength in my time of need.
9:54am February 13, 2023
If in the day I forget
the important part
one plays in the lives
of others..... Remind
me Lord of the important
part others played in mine.
12:45pm February 12, 2023
We are the captains steering
our life through life's watery
We choose the destination
that will take us into
tomorrow's waters today
we cannot see.
When you think of me
Touch the waters gently
as you thread life's watery sea
Feel my heart beat.
Life is a journey, and for awhile
from a distance you filled my heart
and dreams.... and shared life's
journey with me.
If in life we drift ashore
and life pulls us apart
remember as the waters
rise, your memory is safe
inside my heart.
11:42am February 12, 2023
Written for Parvez who touched my life and my heart jt
Today, the sun is lost
behind a gray sky
angels watch from
clouds above
as the angel here
with me sleeps in
peace beneath
the blanket of love
that covers her from
head to toe, filling
her day with peace
and hope.
Lord thank you
for another day
to journey through
knowing, in your arms,
you hold all dear
to my heart safe.
Thank you for the love,
comfort and peace with
which you have filled
my day......
Thank you for the birds
the flowers and children
that add peace to my life
even when the sky is gray....
Thank you Lord for the
angel sleeping peacefully
and thank you from
the bottom of my heart
for all the blessings
you send to me.
9:28am February 10, 2023
Some times life gets a
little hard Lord in a day
but not one time have you ever
left my side....
Not one time Lord has a tear
from my eyes gone undried....
Lord there has never been a
time my prayer was not
Lord you know my heart this
day.... you have heard my
prayer : heal the sick, comfort
the hearts that morn this day,
give strength to the weak, give
light for the lost to see, and
give the faithful the courage to
walk through this world every day
Holding high their shields of faith.
Thank you Lord for this day
shared with loved ones
near and far away....
Thank you for keeping all
dear to my heart safe.
11:28pm February 9, 2023
Lord the day is a
blessing from you.
Because of your
presence in my life
I am set free from
doubt and strife.
Thank you for the day
and the loved ones who
share this day with me...
Thank you for the moment
I am in....
Thank you for another day
filled with love and peace
The day is new
the birds are singing
the sky is blue
my heart is filled with
All in my world is safe
as I again raise high
my shield of faith.
9:19am February 8, 2023
As I set here
looking around me
I think of the many
times- my faith got
me through the day.
The many times
I set thinking of
unchangeable things
that tested my faith.
Things I could not change
no matter how much
I wanted to......
Things that only my god and
my faith would get me
Setting here I think of the
many times my god sent his
angels to reassure me....
time and time again
that no matter how dark the
day, the sun will shine
according to my faith.
Lord, the day is at its end
Thank you for loved ones
and friends who shared the
day with me-
Thank you for the reminder
and thank you for the angels
I know are there but canot see
-who walk with me on my life's
The unchangeable is changeable
Faith is the key.
9:53pm February 7, 2023
Lord, you have walked
with me through many
a day......
many times during my
lifetime you gave me
hope and wiped my tears
It's been another blessed
day filled with love, hope,
and peace.....and all dear
to me.
Lord, beyond the peaceful
day you sent to me
There are so many with
heavy hearts crying
out to you in need.
I thank you for this day,
for the peace, and keeping my
loved ones safe....
Please, watch over our night,
and answer the prayers of all
in need...that they too might
awaken to a day filled with
hope and peace.
11:33pm February 6, 2023
Today, I watched the birds
singing, and flying from tree
to tree....
And the sweetest peace touched
my heart....It was as if the song
the birds sing was written
just for me.
As a gentle wind moved the wind
chimes the sounds each made
filled me with warmth and increased
my faith.
Today is all I have Lord with no
promise I will awaken to another
You have brought me to this day,
took my fears of what may never
be away...and showed me
the importance of traveling though
each day holding high my shield of faith.
Thank you Lord for never deserting
me...Thank you for this day
And thank you from the bottom of
my heart for the song of peace
you sent to me.
12:05pm February 5, 2023
Lord, the day brought
smiles to my face
joy to my heart
comfort to my mind,
and love beyond measure
that gave me hope and
strengthened my faith.
As I lay me down to
sleep and thank you
for the day, send your
angels to watch over me
and keep my loved ones
Lord, you are a loving
god.....everything I love
and call mine are blessings
from are the
reason I am who I am today
I thank you for all who
shared my day and helped
me ,unknowingly, raise a
little higher my shield of faith.
8:39pm February 4, 2023
Tomorrow's life battles
can wait
until I finish walking my
walk of faith this day.
Lord, you know me better
than anyone
You knew me before I was
You know every thing about
me....... better than me...
You know when I am strong
You know when I am weak.
As I set here not able to put
into words the help that I seek,
You already know my thoughts
You already know my needs.
Lord, the day is coming to an
end....I ask you for the wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding
I will need to overcome any evil
life sends my way.
Give me strength in my time of
need to carry high my Shield
of faith........ if I fall and am to
weak to stand alone, Please,
Lord, give me the strength I
need to pick my self up and
journey on.
10:27pm February 3, 2023
The sun is shining
The flowers are blooming
The birds are singing
and all I love are safe this
It's a good day we are all
Smiles take the place of
Tomorrow I may not see
Tomorrow may never come
But this day is filled with love,
hope and all I hold dear to my
heart: those I love and those
who love me.
Lord, Thank you for this day
Thank you for the angels
who watch over us and keep
us safe.
9:22pm February 2, 2023
Lord, I haven't thanked you
enough for the blessings you
send my way every day.
I trust you know my heart
its joys and its pains...
as I walk my walk of faith.
You have walked with me
through many of life's storms
when I was to weak and called
on you you picked me up and
carried me in your harms.
You have always listened when
I turned to you in prayer
When my tears needed drying
Lord you were always there.
When I held death across my
arms and lovingly pleaded
for life to take death's place
Lord you heard my plea and
answered my prayer.
Lord I turn to you once more
Please, give me what I need to
do defeat the evil knocking on
my door.
Send your angels to the sick
and those in need- calm the
waters-and take the blinders
off the faithful Lord- show them
the products of a faithful man's
Lord, I need you this day to take
all doubt and self pity away.
Help me Lord this day to raise
high my shield of faith.
12:17am February 1, 2023
Faith was on my mind
when I woke this day.
What does it mean to
live by ones faith ?
Does it mean one is
worry free
if one believes in a god
one cannot see?
Faith was on my mind
so strong I set long
trying to remember the
day I begin my walk of
I found no certain time
of day---My faith grew
from the good and bad
experiences and the
miracles I witnessed
traveling down life's
long and sometimes
winding highway.
Faith is not an accident or
a planned thing one can control
faith is the belief in something
sight unseen that stems from
one's soul.
Life is not without its thorns
My faith is not blind its a part
of me that can touch and feel
things my eyes cannot see.
Thank you Lord for the many
times you've sent your angels
to watch over all things dear
to my heart and me.
Life is a test of faith
Believing in a god I cannot see
to make me wise enough to make
the right choices in each day.
Hold high your shield of faith.
10:03am January 29, 2023
The morning brought the
sun, and birds of every kind
to fly and sing for me.
Even the cold could not
keep the birds out of the trees,
where the branches hid them
from the eyes of everyone but
The singing of the birds caused
me to take time, from the morning,
to count my blessing one by one,
and give thanks for the feelings
of peace.
The day is all I have Lord
with no promise another tomorrow
I will see-----
Thank you for the loved one
who share the day with me.
Give me the strength to overcome
my weaknesses; give me understanding,
help me in my time of need- to recognize
the flowers from the weeds.
Thank you for the day, and all the
angels you sent to watch over me.
Thank you for the birds who sing
at the beginning of the day
who remind me of how blessed
I am to awake to peace to find all
I love are safe.
Thank you Lord for the peace inwhich
I begin my day.
9:50am January 28, 2023
Has your heart
ever been so
heavy you wanted
to cry but you
didn't want others
to see tears in
your eyes?
I am as strong
as I have to be
for those I love
who love me.
I will endue things
of this world
that place burdens
on me, and seek
to bring me to my
Not because I
am strong but be-
cause in my time
of need...
I ask my god to
send his angels
to watch over me.
5:39pm January 27, 2023
Get behind me devil
leave my world alone
You are already beat
by my god who
watches over me
from his heavenly
Get behind me devil
my eyes can clearly see
the webs of deceit you
weave for me.
You may beat my
spirit until I cry out in
pain---you can whisper
lies in my ears
and make me believe
a few......
but my god's angels
know of your lies
and deceitful ways
and will defend my life
and the spirit in me...
until I see clearly
the traps you have
laid for me.
Get behind me devil
you are a liar and a thief
When I was but a thought
you were already beat
by my Lord and savior,
hanging on a cross on
Since that time, the eyes
of god's angels have followed
Get behind me devil
my eyes can clearly see
the webs of deceit you
weave for me.
4:48pm January 27, 2023
It's another day Lord
I seek strength from
Another day that
tests my faith....
another day I cry out
for understanding and
the strength to face
any trial that comes
my way.
Another day Lord
to thank you for keeping
me safe, when the
worldly would steal
my sanity away.
Another day to be thankful
for loved ones and
friends- you chose just
for me to travel with
on my life's journey.
It's another day Lord to lay
down my self-pity and
raise a little higher my
shield of faith.
Thank you Lord for
everything... You are my
light and my way, as I .
walk the walk of faith.
1:10pm January 27, 2023
Some days it's hard
to find words to say
to a loved one whose
heart is heavy and whose
burden's only God and
His angels can carry. the
My Lord has the power
to take my burdens away....
To replace the negative and
put positive into my day.
My Lord has the power to
keep me safe....
To fill me with happiness
and joy on the darkest day.
My Lord knows my heart
He knows my needs
He knows when I'm strong
He knows when I'm weak.
He sees my tears before
they fall and sends his angels
to comfort my heart and
watch over me.
Under my shield of faith
I am safe and all my troubles
fade away.
With faith in a god I cannot see
my walk of faith....
Knowing in my heart angels are
present in my life this day.
7:34am January 25, 2023
Today I felt sadness and joy
like a child with a broken toy
unable to put the toy back
The only thing is my sadness
didn't come from a broken come from a mother's
Memories reconstructing
yesterday's joy brought me to
tears....not from sadness but from
the thought of how fast life
changes things from day to day.
The wind is blowing the waters
of life to and fro------
Lord, raise up from among the
waves coming my way.....
My sadness testifies to the
weakness in me......
Please, Lord, calm life's sea
and give me the strength
to walk upright in the
face of my enemies.....
Let my children make happy old age they
will need.
For their hearts are filled with
love and their day filled with
Thank you, Lord, for this day
and keeping all dear to my heart
8:18pm January 22, 2023
Today has a cloudy overcast
that seems to want to stay...
But it didn't stop the birds
from singing or coming out
to play.
The day is filled with hopes
and wishes held up by my
Love is not lacking and
loved ones are safe.
I have much to be thankful
for ...tho the sun is hid
behind skies of gray......
peace and blessing fill my
Thank you Lord for your
love and the peace you put
in my day....
Thank you for the angels
in heaven who watch over me
this day and for the angels who
accompany me on my walk of
3:21pm January 21, 2023
Lord, you have watched over
the day
I just walked through...
and now that night has found
me, I ask you to send your
angels to keep safe all dear
to my heart, as I sleep.
Heal the sick, mend broken
hearts, feed the hungry- let
love rule in every home and
heart...let your light shine on
all in need.
I trust you Lord, to watch over
all who have found you and all
who seek to find you;
to keep us all safe from the evils life
send our way......
as we continue on our walk
of faith.
Thank you, Lord. for another day.
9:12pm January 20, 2023
Every time I open my eyes
to a new morning
and find all in my world
safe, I thank my god
for everything, and for
giving me another day.
Just knowing my god and
his angels walk with me.....
fills me with an inner peace,
even on days the sun don't
Lord, this day you have
touched the very core of me
with your love and ....
filled my very being with hope
and peace.
Thank you for the angels
you sent to watch over me
thank you, from the bottom of
my heart for this day.....
and for always being there for
8:42am January 19, 2023
Outside the birds are singing loudly
as the haze of the morning fades away
Making way for another beautiful day.
Lord, I know how blessed I am to
have you in my life....
You bless me every day in so many
Take my hand Lord...... cover me
with your love - stay with me.
Let me not weaken- give me strength
to overcome the negative, and replace
it with positive thoughts today.
You are the Light I turn to on my
darkest day......
Lord, guide me through this day
Comfort my heart and take my fears
Thank you, Lord for this day..
we travel together ,beneath my Shield
of Faith.
9:23am January 18, 2023
Good Morning God
I see the beauty in your
new day...
I thank you, and
your angels for all you
do and have done
to keep me, and mine,
The air's a little cold today
but the sun is shining,
and birds move peacefully
from tree to tree.
The warmth and beauty
of the world you created
just for me is over flowing
with love and sweetened
with the calmness of peace.
God, give me in this day
wisdom, knowledge, and
understanding - and, again,
the strength to swim life's
sometimes raging sea.
I ask you with a heart filled
with love, to heal the sick,
and send your angels to
all in need...
Perform miracles that man
will never have the knowledge
or the power to do.
You are my very heartbeat
I owe all in this day to you...
10:40am January 17, 2023
Lord, sometimes my words don't do justice
to what you mean to me and what it means
to me, having you in my life.....
In my dark times you send your angels to
guide me through the night..... they never
leave my side.....they keep me in their
When I tremble, fear grabs at my heart, and
I feel like running away.....
Birds fill the trees. children fill my arms. and
you fill my heart with peace.
I know not what tomorrow may bring
-today holds me and my every thing.
Thank you, Lord, for the day and all
the blessing you send my way.
Thank you, Lord, for always being there
for me, and sending your angels to
travel with me and keep me and all
that I love safe.
You truly are the Light and the Way,
as I walk the walk of faith, holding
high my shield of faith.
8:06pm January 16, 2023
The morning brought the sun
to the day I woke too....
and once more the voices of
loved one sweetened the moments
and warmed me through and through.
My Lord carried me safely through
the day.... no doubt he will carry me
the rest of the way, as I sleep
beneath my shield of faith.
Today my life was blessed .. My
Lord kept me and all I love safe...
I love you Lord...Thank you, for
the day----for helping me understand
the day is all that I have - and its filled
with happy memories to make...
Nothing is as important as living in the day.
If tomorrow never comes I have today
to carry high my shield of faith.
9:07pm January 15, 2023
I live my life one day at a
Yesterdays are gone and
tomorrows may never be
Let yesterdays rest in peace,
Let tomorrows rest in peace
Why worry about things that
May or may not be?
Live in the day- Love in the day
none are promised another tomorrow
Be thankful for the sun and the rain
When life sends a storm our way-
a rainbows follow our shields of faith...
Lord, Thank you for everything in
this day, when I stumble on self pity
give me the courage to raise higher
my shield of faith....
Let me not for get:
"If you bring me to it, you will help me
through it."
Let yesterdays rest in peace,
Let tomorrows rest in peace
Why worry about things that
May or may not be?
9:04pm January 13, 2023
Another day has come to an end
A blessed day it was.....
filled with love and much
needed peace.....
The laughter of children playing
The sounds of the birds singing,
making their way from tree to
My Lord has not and never will
desert me...
On stormy days he covers me with
love and lets me know he walking
next to me.
How blessed I am to be a part of
this day.....
Filled with loved ones and friends
all covered by my shield of faith.
Thank you Lord for the day.
8:16pm January 13, 2023
Lord, You have blessed me
with another day....
Held me in your arms and calmed
the raging sea inside of me.
My life is in your hands
My eyes are focused on you...
while my flesh may tremble in
fear- my spirit is walking next
to you- as your angels this day
protect the air that I breathe. and
fill my flesh with inner peace.
Thank you Lord for keeping me
safe- Thank you for the day....
Your strength makes me strong
beneath my shield of faith.
1:58pm January 11, 2023
Tho I walk down the path that lay at my feet
not knowing what tomorrow may bring....
I carry my shield of faith with me this day.
God asks nothing of me except that I believe with
all of my heart that his angels walk with me.
I believe my god is a loving god....
That he is a god of love, peace and mercy.
I believe my god is a mighty god.....
that he is a forgiving god-who has the power
to heal the sick...
When I worry about the unknown or things
I cannot see that rob me of inner peace
I believe my god will calm life's sea-
and once more I will be filled with inner peace.
Though my burdens be many I will carry
each one, knowing my god's angels have
been with me since the moment I was born.
I believe my god holds the key to eternity
I believe in the power of prayer....... love and
faith....I believe my god is with me this day.
9:50pm January 10, 2023
Lord, calm the fear inside of me
I am weak give me strength
Take the helm as I sail into the
unknown waters of tomorrow.
Give me insight to sail safely
through life's seas, and the
strong winds that lay before me.....
Lord, you are my strength
you have the power to open
doors that cannot be opened....
the power to create all things
from nothing ...and the power
to heal my outer and inner
wounds ......
Lord, Before I knew you knew loved
me before I was born.
I am in need of strength and
understanding...You are the light
on my darkest day...Open
the un-open-able door for those
who seek a miracle today...... those
who faithfully walk the walk of faith.
In Jesus' name I pray.
Thank you Lord for the gift of
another day.
8:42pm January 9, 2023
Another day of blue sky
without a cloud to steal
away the peace and
beauty of the day......
I am weak but the angels
who watch over me are not....
I may stumble but the angels
will study me.....
I may fall but the angels
will lift me up.....
I may cry but the angels
will use their wings to dry
my eyes.
I may get lost in the world
but I am always in an angel's
Life would move me to tears
and steal away my sanity
if not for my shield of faith
that protects me..... and the
angels who walk with me.
I may stray but never far
from the protection of my
Shield of faith.
11:24pm January 7, 2023
Tho I walk through the world
not knowing what tomorrow
will bring......
Today is blessed and holds
my life's everything.....
All that are dear share
this day with me....
Let tomorrow wait, and this day
shine its light of love, comfort,
and peace... for all in need .....
Heal the body , heart and
mind......plant seeds of hope, and
understanding for all in need to find.
God gives.. All things are his to
take away....
All he asks of me in return, is that
I carry high my shield of faith.
10:03am January 6, 2023
Today is all I have got
help me lord to live
my life with heart.....
Take the negative away
this day....
Let me not succumb
to the teachings of man
let my shield of faith stand
in your presence as you
guide me through this day.
Lord, many neglect to
remember one's religion,
like their faith, can't be
taken or given away.
One and/or all can pray,
Words are cheap .....
Not all's feet are planted
firmly on the path of faith
they take......
Lord, you are my personal
Saviour- Sight unseen by the
worldly, in a vision, with out
reached hands, you came to
me..... and. since that day
have been beside me on
my walk of faith.
Lord, bless all who seek a
miracle this day; and answer
the prayers for healing- that the
faithful send your way.
Thank you Lord for the gift
of life and the gift of day.
11:51am January 4, 2023
Now its time for rest
under angel wings
to prepare for another
walk of faith....
to behold beauty in
the smallest of things.
I will sleep peacefully
and if it be your will,
awaken to a new day
with you by my side
- unafraid.
Love and peace through
faith abides with me
night and day......
Thank you Lord
in your arms I am safe
and all dear to my heart
are covered by my shield
of faith.
You Lord are the light
in my life that lights up
my world night and day.
Lord, the load I carry may
get heavy but as long as I
have you- I will find the
strength to make it through.
Thank you Lord for another
blessed day- and the strength
to raise high my shield of faith.
9:16pm January 3, 2023
The day brings peace and love
my way,,,,as I look beyond
its specks of gray
Where my faith is rooted firmly
within all things my eyes can
and cannot see......
Where filling my day with love
and reassurance is my Lord
standing with his arms wrapped
around me .
Holding high my shield of faith
I look beyond the specks of gray
knowing the Lord's arms are around me
and all in this day are safe.
This day is a gift of life that I've
been blessed to enter into......
- beneath my shield of faith...,
Nothing is impossible in this day
Again, I say: Life is a walk of faith.
12:31pm January 3, 2023
hank you for this day ,Lord
Its beauty is beyond compare
dark things of yesterday have
faded away.... Your beauty
can be seen everywhere.
In the things my eyes open to
I see you.........Yesterday is
no more...All I have of yesterday
you have put into this day.
All I want in my tomorrows
is nothing more than you have
blessed me with this day.
This day holds you Lord
and all I'll ever be-
This day holds pieces of
my heart- regardless of
what tomorrows bring-
in my world today are
those I love who share my
blessed world with me.
None know what tomorrow
may bring; but none live
in the tomorrow this day.
Life is a walk of faith.
9:08am January 2, 2023
God surely felt the weakness in me
when he sent the tiny birds again to
keep me company.
Lord, you know my weaknesses and
my strengths.......Please, watch over
my loved ones for me. Send your
angels to all the places, in the flesh
this mother can not be.
Just as I once watched over them for you
send your angels out to watch over my
loved ones for me.
Time does not always heal
some times time takes people farther a part
regardless of the love for each other
they once felt in their heart.
I'm trying to write what's in my heart
------but I have no words to describe
what my heart is feeling this day.....
Lord, you gave me a mother's heart
give me the strength this day to hold high
my shield of faith. 9:22pm January 1, 2023
I do not know what tomorrows hold
whether I will be here or not.....
but this day is filled with peace
and those I love with all my
A heart that my god put inside of me
the moment I was conceived-
A heart I've carried inside of me since
the day that I was born....
A heart that's filled with love and faith
watched over by the angels who
protect and guide me every day.
As long as love lights the paths
that mankind takes-
the world will thrive and those living
under its sun shall thread the waters
of life safely.
Without heart this world would be would cease to flow
and hope would have no place to go.
11:33am December 17, 2022
Lord, if there be a storm
give me the strength to endue
the waters of life...
Let me not fail to keep high
my shield of faith.
If tomorrow cuts through
my heart- let it not break
keep it filled with the
light of faith.
Move the cloud
headed my way-
let miracles touch the lives
of the faithful today, and
every day.
10:43pm December 14, 2022
The power of faith
Up in the morning
to walk happily
beneath life's
sun shining, filled
with love and
peace, or a day
of struggling against
the waters of a
raging sea.
The faithful
believe in a god
we cannot see,
we follow the
inner light that's
always there
to guide us
through life's
sometimes ragging
seas.... in our times
of need.
Life doesn't come
with a promise
that the sun will always
shine in a day.....
Every day is a test
of our faith.
1:07pm December 9, 2022
As I get older I think about
I thought I had forgot,
Memories cross my mind
that I'd stored in the back
of my heart-
of people, places, and
times I thought minor at the time
to the life that once was mine.
As I set remembering things
said and done -
I thought I had forgot-
I realized it was the angels of a loving
god who sealed the most important
in a special place, inside my heart.
Every thing has a time for being, a time
for being remembered, and a time for
being forgot.
Some memories live in the mind but
the most important ones live always in
our heart.
11:34am December 8, 2022
Sometimes I cling to tightly
to the things in the day ....
and those closest to my
My love smothers out
the reality that everything
in life has a time to gather
to gather and a time to drift
I entered this world alone
naked and innocent
All I knew was the light
I left behind....
The years of my life
filled with things I adore
and people I love, and would
die for.... over time showed
me the reality of my life.....
I am a sinner forgiven
My life is what I made of it
during my life time.
And love , when i leave this world
is the only thing I will take with me,
and the only thing I'll leave
Silver and gold can't buy love
Love is better than silver and
gold that we can't take with us.
when we go.
Without love, life is a waste of
a lifetime.
1:04pm December 6, 2022
My heart is breaking
in places no one can
see- because the
shattered piece
is tn the whole of me.
It's another day
to be thankful for all
Another day to put
on the armor of god
and raise high my
shield of faith.
Another day to wipe
away my tears
and practice what
Life has taught me
to overcome my fears.
My faith will stand
as it always has,
before me.
What lay before me
in this day
may break my heart.
but nothing can take
my faith away.
Without my god and
my faith I could not
stand in the winds
of life that threaten
my life and my heart
I have emptied out
my heart- my tears
have dried away...
I have found comfort
and peace - carrying
my shield of faith,
knowing the angels of
my god are walking
next to me.
Life is a test of my faith
and the choices that I
10:30am December 6, 2022
Faith like love has the power
to change the winds of life.
Both faith and love are inner
Faith is a choice; love is not,
Faith is determined by what
we believe-
love is determined by what
we feel in our heart.
Lord, I have received love
beyond measure, throughout
the years.
Love that nurtured my heart
and spirit.....
Love that mended my heart
and asked for nothing in return..
Love that showed me the value
of caring ....
Love denied entrance into my
love given -pushed
away, but never forgot.
And the love of a loving god
like you Lord.....
I am who I am today because
you gave me the gift of love....
time and time again in my times
of strife....
Thank you Lord for the many
times you sent your loving
angels to touch my life.
11:19pm December 5, 2022
Tonight as I set
next to the lit
Christmas tree
counting my
blessings and
The many times
I have fell and God's
angels have helped me
to my feet.
The many times
I have turned
to my god
when I had
no one to dry
my tears and help
me in my times
of need.
I live according
to my faith in a
god I cannot see...
A presence
in my life
as real as the day,
and the air that
I breathe.
Tonight as I set
next to the lit
Christmas tree
I ask my god
to watch over
everyone in need
like He and
his angels have
always watched
over me.
9:28pm December 1, 2022
A dark and gray day
has just begun
another test of faith-
another race to run.
Lord, help me again
understand the things
life sends my way, this
Let not self pity hinder
my journey of faith...
let me walk upright
in truth, honesty and
heaven's light, this day.
as I continue my walk
of faith
9:49am November 27, 2022
Lord, There's storms
at a distance headed
my way....calm the
storms with your
mighty hand- and
calm the raging sea
of life.... moving
in on me.
You know my heart
belongs to you- if
tears must fall, let it
not be from the eyes
of those you put
in my life for me to love.
I ask you to heal the
hearts, minds and
bodies of all who place
their lives in your care.
You are a loving god,
let your healing light
shine on the sick and
all in need.
Lord, There's storms
at a distance headed
my way....calm the
storms with your
mighty hand- and
calm the raging sea
of life.... moving
in on me.
Lord, look into the
hearts of men lost
at sea, reaching out
to you..... heal their
wounds-save their
lives. and send angels to
watch over each of them.
10:46am November 24, 2022
Dear Daughter,
Forty years have passed
since this picture of us was
In a few more days
you will turn 54.....
Over a decade has passed
since we parted ways.....
God puts children in our
lives with no promise
he won't one day
send an angel to take
them away.
We both, as mothers,
gave back to heaven
angels we loved so....
Part of being a mother
is knowing, in our heart
one day
to the world or to
the grave- we'll have to
let our children go.
Some things change
but, as you now
must surely know----
a mother's heart
never lets go.
Happy Birthday, Sabra
Love is the greatest gift
one can give another.
I wish for you the joy
that comes with being
your children's mother/
12:34pm November 21, 2022
When words don't flow easily
it's better to keep silent - than
add fuel to a brewing storm.
Watch your step when following
in the tracks left by liars.
The changing of the wind
changes the destiny of men.
7:07pm November 18, 2022
Lord, I seek guidance
in a world gone astray -
Send your angels out
into the world to protect
the innocent and hold
evil at bay.
No longer does the reigns
of commonsense, and
the sense of knowing right
from wrong, hold mankind's
feet on the paths
of righteousness -
No longer does the hands
of time hide the sins
of mankind.
Lord, many weep from
the weight of the burdens
placed on them- by the
greed of others.
Break the chains of ignorance
and greed-
Let your light shine for all
mankind to see-
Feed the hungry, heal the sick,
house the homeless, and put
love and understanding into
the lives of all in need.
Lord, if I fail to follow the path
you lay for me on the path
of righteousness -
firmly plant my feet.
Lord, the world has gone a stray
Send your angels out into
the world to protect the innocent
and keep evil at bay.
Lord, I can do nothing without
When you reached out your hand
to me- I took it, faithfully.
Lord, let me always remember-
I was lost, until you reached out
your hand to me that day, and with
you by my side, I begin my walk
of faith.
7:42pm November 14, 2022
The wind and rain
mingling in moments
as the ground drinks in
the water falling down.
The chimes singing in
the wind-to let me know
a storm is coming in.....
blowing back and forth
--- to keep my attention
on the strength of the wind.
The geese flying overhead
on their way to find a bed
to weather the storm......
and be safe from the sky's
windy arms.
The sun hidden behind dark
clouds, shining down on
everything below- filling
pots of gold......with rays
of promise and hope......
waiting for the rain to end
to create another many
colored beautiful rainbow..
Into every life a little rain falls
from time to time- sometimes
turning into a raging storm....
these are times the faithful
raise there shields of faith a
little higher- knowing they- are
safe under the wings of the angels
appointed to watch over them....
and after the storm the sun will
shine in their lives again.
Faith can weather any storm
life sends our way.
10:25am November 10, 2022
Lord, thank you for this day
It brought joy to my heart
being outside in the sun
feeling the peace I found
in laboring to increase
the space for my flowers
to grow in...
You have blessed me
Give me the strength
to tend the flowers...
with love and care...
let me not take for
granted the importance
of each day... as I
Walk among the flowers
clinging to my shield
of faith.
8:34pm November 8, 2022
Today, I walked
through the moments
untouched by yesterday's
pain...for in the darkness
grew the dimmed light
until it became a flame
This world is filled
with good men who
stand, stilled by the
Before you judge
another's motives
know where rests
your own.
The world is in need
of truth and honesty.
What one does not know
they cannot judge rightly.
Words are only words
until the words touch
a heart....Then words
process the power to
change worlds....and
render evil men powerless
over things they can
never own.
We all, in our own way
seek to understand
what brought mankind
to this day....listen
with your heart-and
carry high your
shield of faith.
7:02pm November 5, 2022
This morning the sun
is shinning and my
heart is filled with hope
for all, for a better
Some times when I
am caught up in me
For a time like all
who fall into the
trap of me, I get lost
for awhile in self-pity.
This is my day but
its your day too...
Let not the negative
of yesterday enter in
the day that belongs
to you.
We can morn our
losses and waste
the moments or we
can count the
blessings in our day
and use each precious
moment to live
according to our faith.
God cannot be found
in this world without
first being found in you.
Seek to know truth and
the light
that shines in you
will shine out into the world.
Look for the good for what
you look for in a man
you will man is
good all the time.
10:10am November 5, 2022
The cover of night
that vales the day....
can only take
our sunshine away
if we lower
our shield of faith.
Many fear the light
the faithful walk in
and the angels who
walk among them.
Truth and right can
stand on their own...
blurred only
by the lies told
to keep honest men
blind an in the dark fold.
If some truths be told
some would rejoice...
and others would lose
their soul.
Truth can be twisted
but truth can never
be changed.
When mankind learns
the value of 'self
worth,' and the few stop
over valuing themselves...
it is possible to share this
world in peace.
An evil man will take
a toll on innocent
Always seek
a peaceful means
in any dispute....
Truth will reach
its mark- and the
lie shall fall.
Let children
be children
before they
are force
by age to take
the places
of women
and men.
Lord, it's been a
rough week
thank you
for taking care
of all my needs.
I love you -
where you lead me
I will follow.....
Where you would
have me be- there
I will be.
5:14pm November 3, 2022
For days I've been silenced
going through tests of faith
of my own....Today I find
voice again after another
life storm---after days of
being wrapped in angel
God is good all the time
in my times of need he
has never deserted me...
When I fall and can't get up
he sends his angels to lay
next to me until
I have the strength to stand.
When I'm sick and alone
the angels comfort me
with their presences
and love, until a new
day dawns and I'm
strong enough to pick
up my shield of faith and
journey on.
Faith has the power to
heal ones life, body,
and heart....not always
in our time but always
in god's time.
Thank you, god for
bringing me to this day.
9:17am November 2, 2022
I woke from an un-restful
night ....
to the day and god's sweet
and thanked god for the strength
he gives to me in my
time of need.
The god that I know and love
is not a god of war..
my god is a god of love
and peace....Who has proven
to me time and time again, he will
never desert me as long as I
follow him.
Proving ones faith is not just
getting down on 0nes knees-
0r entering a church to pray.........
Faith is carrying the cross of
god in ones heart -and walking
in a faith that is tested every day.
10:42am October 25, 2022
Today there's another
tugging at my heart
to be somewhere
I am not.
A longing for
what, I'm not
just a deep felt
longing in my heart
to be where I am
Destiny calls me
to trust in things
I can feel but can
not see.
Lord, I stand today
at the crossroads
whichever way I take, I know
you will be..... watching over
If life were meant to be
simple we would never
get lost in life's
dark times.
The tugging on my heart
is a sign - that my destiny
waits for me beyond the
things my eyes can see.
Lord, if I stray from the
path you lay for me- guide
me to where you would
have me be. surround me
in a gentle breeze filled
with peace.
3:13pm October 23, 2022
Today my life crossed another's
at the crossings of the roads...
and tho forty years had passed
our heart's welcomed the sight
of each other.
A piece of yesterday, thought
forgotten- warmed my heart
hugging the stranger who
I didn't recognize but who
recognized me; who turned
out to be the niece of one
who I have long carried
in heart and memory.
Life, as it passes, has a way
of reminding us of those
special people who touched
of life and share good memories,
made in other times and places.
Love knows no time or
distance.... Love we've given
takes root the moment we
give it away.
9:25pm October 22, 2022
All I can do
to help a
world in need
is try too....
There are angels
who walk among
men-but there are
demons too.
From the
of world history
not from the
of time....
evil has manipulated
hearts, lives and
deceived and made
blind the better in
All I can do
to help a
world in need
is try too....
For the good
in the would
might be blind
but the inner
eyes will open
wide in god's
Do what's right
and the vale of
night, in each
life, shall be
brought under
god's light.
Listen, with
your heart
the words
your ears
for the dark
is always
near -tho
and faith
warm our
soul in
the day....
The evil in
men stand
always ready
to steal the
light from
your faith.
1:05pm October 20, 2022
Today a memory caught me
bringing with it the memory
of an angel I once called
A bitter sweet memory
that tugged at my
heart for a time.
I remembered
one of the lines
from a song she used
to sing with Alabama
on her truck radio
And the words
she use to say
with so much
"see that mountain
over there?
One day I'm gonna
climb that mountain."
With so much love
for life she imitated
Alabama words......
with so much heart.
I can still hear
the angel I once
called mine
Saying, "One day
I'm gonna climb
that mountain."
She never got to
climb her mountain
here on earth......
because she climb
the stairs that took her
to heaven.....and
left all sadness
I thank god every
day for the time
I got to call his
angel "mine."
12:14pm October18, 2022
Love has a voice
of its own---
Especially, at
times we feel
so alone....
It's hard to
remember at times
where there's love
one is never alone.
We all go through
why don't they care-
if they love me
why aren't they
These are times
that tempt our soul
bring us to tears
that flow and flow.
These are times
that test our faith
times we wish
for better days.
Love has a voice
that comes from
our heart- that
holds us together
when we are a part.
I have your love
you have mine.
The devil would
take our happiness
and joy away- if not
for the good Lord
and our shields
of faith......
If your burdens
are heavy
your load
to heavy
to carry alone
Give them to god,
raise high your
shield of faith
and know
we none travel
this world
12:26pm October 15, 2022
Click on the redbird
The air is cold
it's night time
time for sleep
but the tugging
on my heart..
is so strong
I feel the need
to write from
my heart
I feel
the unrest
of those
who seek
to wake
and sleep
in peace.
let your
in their
dry their
with the
of your
the world
in a blanket
of love...
touch the
heart of
with peace
and give to
to their needs.
It's, now time
to sleep...
Thank you,
Lord ,for
being there
for me .
1:57am October 15, 2022
I was just thinking
about how lives
intertwine.... at
life's crossing
of the roads.
Little do we
realize the part
others play
in our destiny,
at the time.
I am who
I are today
because of
those I met
along life's
of how rough
life got at times
and regardless
of the hearts
broken, others
and mine....
each carried
a lesson
I didn't understand
at the time.
Love leaves
its mark -
on our heart
to deny the
love given
to us, is to
deny the
love we gave
away on our
journey to
where we are
Love given
is love gone...
you can't
undo what's
said and done.
But even love
has its reasons
for touching
our live- if only
for a short time.
One's heart
every face
of those it
has ever given
love to.
It is the loves
we remember
that left the
biggest marks
on our heart.
11:28pm October 13, 2022
There will always be people
and things that tests the goodness
in us all....
If your heart is not in what you're
doing, don't do it.
Even the worst in man knows
right from wrong....
Worthy. Doesn't mean one is worth
more than another.... it just means one
knows a little bit more on the subject than
another does.
Look a person in the eyes
when you are talking,
if you want them to listen..
What's hidden has to come out
sooner or later.
If you get a warning feeling
when you read something
there's a message in the
written words for you.
The weakest man will
roar and move like a lion
if he feels his territory
is being threatened..
Be careful who's feet
you step on.
Honesty-is not lacking
only honest men are.
You have your truths
I have mine
I will put my truths
up against your truths
any ol' time.
Pretenders never
know how their
lives might have been.
Good wins out
in the end.
3:54pm October 13, 2022
Once power belonged
only to the beast-part of man
and innocence rested only
in the breast of the yet
to be.
And so it was.....
From the depths
of ignorance grew
wisdom, little by
little passed on
from the hearts
and minds of
the wise.... as
rules that all
good men
should nurture
inside and
strive every day
to live by.
Tho times dulls
the memory -
the heart keeps
the good in men
11:19am October 12, 2022
In the world I live in
anything is possible
I once lived
away from others
in my own part
of the world
not because
I had to
but because
I felt closer
to god when
by birds, flowers,
and children.
When the outside
world was shaken
by winds of lies
and deceit... my
world was filled
with innocence
and peace.
When I needed
a miracle
all I
had to do was
pray and believe.
I no longer am
in the world
that I created
with heart....
The outside world
collided with
my world and broke
my world apart.
The only world I
knew and had called
home for so long
was stolen
by lies and deceit
my self created
world where
flowers bloomed,
birds sing daily
...... and
where I felt
inner and outer
It took years of
living outside
the world my love
created to understand
everything that
happens in life
is a test of faith- and
every thing unfolds
according to god's
My world is different
now- but I still live
each day
with the same inner faith,
that brought me this far
and will carry me the rest
of the way.
I am where I am suppose
to be- where I end up in
life is up to me.
9:46pm October 11, 2022
I feel the warmth that love and
the morning brings.....
hear nature's sound outside
as the birds sing
and know all is well in
my world.
because angels
sent from god
watch over
The feeling of peace
is in the air-
the signs that god
has his hands
around the world
is everywhere.
10:36am October 11, 2022
I read through my poetry diary today,
and relived in my heart and mind
yesteryears joys and woes.....
A few tears fell as my past life,
through my writings, unfold.
How can one not learn from
living, and surviving years
of loving, heartache, and tears?
What we leave behind, the
examples we set for others, will
determine the fate of the future
world, once we leave this
world behind....... we can change
I ask my god every day for his
guidance as I make my journey
on the paths he lay for me....
Reading my diary, I know
the places during my lifetime where
my god lifted my burdens
from me.
It was during times of loss, heartache
and tears- times I was totally alone,
except for the angels god sent
to watch over me.
There's much written in my poetry
diary - to prove I'm human.... I've
made mistakes- I'm thankful to be
alive ....... I am a sinner forgiven
I thank god for my life, my yesterdays
and my today.
I walk, eat, sleep, and pray beneath
my shield of Faith.
12:29am October 11, 2022
Another day
with the dark
of night...
another night
to sleep and
dream under
the cover
of angel
Lord, I'm
at a loss
for words
but the
that needed
have been
When I
renew me
that I
to continue
my journey.
You know
my heart
you know
my needs
you in my
my life
would be
9:34pm October 9, 2022
I set here listening
to the crows and
other birds outside
singing... their
la la byes
looking out my
kitchen window
toward the sun
filled sky.
I feel the peace
in the world
growing- as
I set in the
peace of each
moment I am in.
Lord, thank you
for showing me
the importance
of keeping high
my shield of
faith.... and for
the big and
little things
you place in
each day.
Guide me
to where you
would have
me be....
give me wisdom
and understanding
to be of help
to those in
Let my light of faith
shine bright enough
for the lost to see.
11:35am October 9, 2022
Today, I let go
and let God....
And God did
what I would
have done...
Faith does
have power
to change
things..... if
that change
be for the
better for
The truth
can be hidden
by evil men
but for a time
and their riches
be so great
it makes
them blind.
Follow not
in the tracks
greedy men
leave behind..
Seek truth
in everything
before you...
truth stands
on opposing
sides... seek
your inners ears
and your inner
Lord, it has
been a long day
you've brought
me this far.
please take me
the rest of the
8:48pm October 7, 2022
there are
my reach
the sun
the moon
the pot of
gold at the
end of the
and places
I will
never go.
Give me
what I need
to do the things
you would
have me do...
send your
angels to
walk with me
and guard
the paths
my feet
walk on
on my jounrey
back to you.
If I stumble
in the darkness
created blindly
by another's
help me stand
and forgive the
blind man.
Open the faithful's
inner eyes to see
beyond what the
teaches men
to believe.
We are all born
to seek the
be we weak
or be
we strong,-
we fall sometimes
in life's storms
as we make
our way
back home.
8:53pm October 5, 2022
The world today
is in need of
helping hands
to see it through
troubling times...
The finance world
is empowered
by greed... that
treat earth's
flowers like
human weeds.
The battles fought
for freedom
the blood shed
for liberty...
The chains of
slavery broken
mean little to those
filled with greed.
The tears, sweat,
blood and prayers
given freely for
mankind's liberty
nurtures the hearts
and spirits of
those determined
to keep men free.
What we take for
granted... others
are denied ... under
banners of deceit.
To survive the storms
put into motion by
greed....every freedom
loving person must
stand strong together,
help each other, and be
prepared always to
defend humanity's right
to life and liberty.
We, as individuals, have
limits on things we can
do to make the world
a better place- for all
humanity- regardless
of our heart felt 'want to"
There are no limits on
what God can do.....
If He brings us to it
our faith in Him
will see us through it.
Stay strong in your faith
Move when the spirit
moves you to defend
the better part of humanity
Stand alone if need be
to defend all men's natural
rights to life and liberty.
Guard well the freedom
that you enjoy today -
where there is greed
there is someone
waiting to take your
freedom away.
Walk upright in the day,
carrying high your shield
of faith... may you
long remember, freedom
was not free- the blood
of other's gave root to
the liberty tree.
9:17am October 3, 2022
Today my mind wanders
and I think on so many
things......what yesterdays
left behind and what
tomorrows will bring.
I think about life
and what life
means to me
...and come
to the conclusion
that without god
my life would be
loveless, void of
all good things,
and emptied
of the things that
make me me.
I think about
a lot of things
some I ponder
with a happy
thoughts that
break my heart
I just let them be.
Setting here
in the beginning
of my day
not knowing
what the day
will bring......
feeling blessed
just knowing
God is watching
over me and
I push negative
thoughts away
take up my
shield of faith
and ask God's
angels to guide
me through
another day.
Walk in the light
of your new day
holding high your
shield of faith...
10:10am October 1, 2022
Freedom in not freedom
when the few rule the majority
when the few live in luxury
and the majority live in poverty.
A government of the people,
for the people, and by the people
Direct democracy, representative
democracy, socialism, communism,
monarchy, oligarchy, and autocracy
which will it be?
We live in a world where nothing is
A world gone a stray
Where one political party is the twin
of all others..... All run by greed.
Where the only dreams that come true
are the ones one is willing to die for.
Freedom does not come from
government leaders- whose chains
are pulled by greed....
Freedom is inner born
-all are born free.
Direct democracy, representative
democracy, socialism, communism,
monarchy, oligarchy, and autocracy
which will it be?
What is liberty without the right
to choose ones own destiny?
Direct democracy: a government
created of the people, for the people
and by the people.... Which will it be?
There's no reason all peoples of the
world can't live and die free.....
can't live and write their own destiny
If not for the few greedy.....
who will always strive for more than they
need..... all peoples of the world would
be blessed to live and die free.
I am an American, born free and nurtured
on liberty's seed.
I have no desire to take from life more
than I need.
Politics haven't changed- politicians just wear
different names and faces.....
Do what's right each day and guard well the
liberty tree......
for many have died and suffered dearly- to
keep other's free.
1:25pm September 25, 2022
he crows tell of pending things
in a voice foreign to me.....five caws
three- four-four- and then three...
maybe the message is not for me.
"`Do not hinder justice; do not
show partiality... judge all men
fairly. "
Speak with honesty that all who
hear can feel the truth of the
matter in their hearts.
8:37pm September 24, 2022
Love needs no reason to be
Awake- listening to the sounds
of two bulls bellowing ....
Sounds of the night on a farm.
Unlike men who run free to
exert their energy....there's
two fences that keep these
two animals apart.....
Thankful for the fading
sound... I set and wonder
at the stillness and quietness
that followed the noise.
Lord, setting here
in the wee hours of the
morning....tired and weary
and filled with thoughts
of people and things in
the world-I may never
know and may never see......
I am thankful for the life
I lived, tho at times my
heart was broken into
a million pieces.
I'm thankful, for my
humble beginning - and life's
many teachers who touched
my life.... let me be worthy
to touch the hearts of others=
as did the hearts of others
touch me.
I'm tired and will try once
more to sleep....Thank you
for all the angels you send to
watch over mine, and me.
1:56am September 24, 2022
With the shield the sword
Where unrest abides
there's something
tugging the heart.
I woke from sleep
to find myself
unable to find
what I was
looking for
I woke.
There is meaning
in every thing
Reasons for doing
the things we've
done, and the things
we will do.
Reasons for the
dark and the light
in ones life.
Reasons why
we are tested
with trials and
before we die.
Reasons for
the crossings
of lives......
Reasons why
the faithfuls
shields of faith
keep them safe.
2:04am September 22, 2022
Lord, I have lived long
Saw many changes in
the world, and believed
the many voices of
deceit, only to awake
to the reality..... that
during my lifetime, was
hidden from me.
Greed has worn
many faces
since the day
that I was born....
The scerets of
the world, by the
few, were hidden
from humanity.
The only things
that have never changed
is things living taught me ....
There are things I can't
change and things that
I can....
The power of love and
faith together- can do
undoable things.
It's better to be poor
and happy than it is to be
rich and unhappy.
The seeker of truth
often settles for what
others found to be
Standing alone for
what you believe
is better than dying
having never stood
for anything..
Movie makers can
distort reality and
make it how they
want it to be......
There's not much
demand for honesty.
One is either born with it
or they are not....
Not all rich people are greedy
they just give control of
their money to greedy people.
Life's to short to waste it...
We have a choice we live our life
or we let others live their life through
I choose to live my life day by day
under the wings of heaven's angels
holding high my shield of faith.
12:24am Sept 20, 2022
There are lessons
In the mistakes
one makes....
The greatest lesson
can come from the
smallest mistake.
Setting in the calm
of the day, I feel
a pull on my heart
to look deeper at
what others go
When tradition
dictates the
value of human
life.....and one
suffers an
time to put
traditions on
trial- for the
sake of all
Let me Lord not
fail to uphold
Right, when it is
in my power to
end a wrong.
I set here
in the quite
and peace
of the moment
while wrong
doers create
havoc in
the world....
Lord, give
my words
flow to needy
ears- who
seek justice
in their
unjust worlds...
words of love
and human
that have the
power to
change the
hearts of
Keep Faith
of how
your day.
12:20pm Sept 17, 2022
The morning finds me
caught up in worldly
things...and all the
negative feelings
they bring.
I have only to
put my faith
to work ,to
feel what
positive thoughts
can bring. ....
to see the value
in the smallest of things.
9:01am Sept 16, 2022
When we fail in our faith
it shows on our face
and in our day.
Hold high your shield
of faith-God is in
control every day.
9:32am Sept 16, 2022
Looking around me
I know how blessed
my life has been.....
Life was not always
easy....I have been
down -to the point
I didn't feel worthy
to make the climb
back up again.
There is something
calling from a distance
for me not to give up
to be strong- to raise
my shield of faith
a little higher, and
continue ( my journey)
We each have a role
to play in life....
we stray from the path
that our destiny lay.
Oh how many times
I've heard destiny call.
Still I wait
......still I wait.
8:06pm September 14, 2022
Today I set in the stillness of my day
alone in my mind pondering yesterdays.
Not all memories I want to keep
I'd like to put many to rest- and keep
them as reminders, not memories
I want to keep - to remind me
when I get caught up in self-pity
that things are not as bad as they
could be.
9:12pm September 13, 2022
This world needs a lot of love
and tender care.....and then,
and only then, will humanity
understand, life is nothing
without a heart.
One can own everything
worldly and still his house
be empty.
The winds of time will preveil
as always, and in the end.....
time will prove that wise men
should have given
more thought to the
moments they lived in.
The hours in the day waits
The moment is here.
Feel the moments ticking away
with each heartbeat.
Don't waste a moment
the moment is where
life and death meet.
9:34pm September 13, 2022
I woke to find my
thoughts filled
to the brim on
where my life
is going and
where my life
has been....
Things that
might be
and things
that will
never be
9:32am Sept 7, 2022
I wait, for what
I do not know
the day is
what I live in.
Let tomorrows
the only thong
that matters
is how I live
Lord, let me
not forget
that the power
at work in
my life
comes from
the shield of faith
I carry high
every day.
None but you
Lord rule
over my day.
Take me Lord
to where you
would have me be
I will follow you
Lord- clinging
to my shield of faith.
My life begin
with you.....
with you let
my life be
a testimony
of your
when ,in your
comes to
an end.
Love lives
in the heart
of me....and
Angels walk
next to me...
on my way to
meet my destiny.
10:04am Sept 7, 2022
Hold high you Shield of faith. jt
Lord, with each day that passes
each step I take , I draw closer
to you.
Until my final day, my last step,
Please, give me what I need
on my journey through this
world, on my way back to you.
Life is like a burning candle
destined to grow brightly
before slowly growing dim.
Lord, how simple life would
be-if all had eyes to see- that
the real enemy, lives not in the
world..... the enemy lives within.
Man has learned to manipulate
the lives of honest men.....
World hunger doesn't have to be
The thirsty wouldn't be thirsty
The homeless wouldn't be
homeless- if not for the few
greedy, who seek what all
dishonest men seek- to make
the poor and hungry, the faithful,
give up their religious beliefs.
Excuses used on earth to own
what rightfully belongs to all humanity
are only temporary lies that will
torment an evil man's soul when
he is old waiting to die.
Nothing happens on earth that's
not witnessed by the angels who
walk among men.
The eyes from heaven were open,
on each of us, from the moment
our life begin.
Search your heart when evil comes
knocking on your door.....
Do what you know is right-do it
out of love for your self, and those
you love.
Evil has had its way much to long
Take a stand today and in your faith,
be strong.
12:08am September 5, 2022
Walk upright among the weeds
that seek to bring you to your
Listen not to the liar guided by
lust and greed
Listen to all who seek your ear
with an open mind and an open
but follow only your heart
when choosing flowers from
among a world of weeds.
The heart in an honest man can
recognize the evil in the heart of
an evil man.
For every lie told - a truth waiting
to be told.
Follow your heart- and pray that
others do the same.
One person alone can't change the world
but one truth can change many things.
Never doubt the power that rests in the
hearts of good men.
Dishonesty has brought dishonor to
many an honest man.
One can't change yesterdays...
Tomorrows are changed day by day.
Regardless of where you stand
hold high your shield of faith.
1:27pm September 1, 2022
Today the sun is shinning
a few clouds floating
through the sky-
Reminding me that dreams
are only dreams
without faith and effort
and the will to try.
Lord, the sky holds many
unseen things that mortal
eyes cannot see; and secrets
that only the angels can
Thank you for this day
Thank you for the days gone by
Thank you for the angels
you send to watch over the faithful
down here below.
Love does have wings to fly,
to touch hearts, to open eyes
to change lives.
Hold high your shield of faith
dare to dream ;reach for the
unreachable knowing
faith puts all things within our
11:09am August 29, 2022
We are tested every day
by events that break
our heart, and tests our
I sought wisdom, knowledge
and understanding and found
all three - a little at a time- at
the expense of heart and mind.
One who lacks understanding
lacks the experience to
We cannot know what we do
not know therefore we cannot
understand what we do not know.
One can be taught some things
but without personal knowledge
one can only take for truth
another man's words.
Bitter-sweet, life's learning
process- for those wise enough
to understand.
One can know many things
and understand what one knows
and still not be wise enough
to know -knowledge alone
does not make
-a smart man wise.
7:55pm August 22, 2022
We never lose those we truly love
tho they may with time
fade from our life
leaving a trail of tears behind
Is it not better to have had them
in our life for a time- then to
never have had the chance
to have loved them and called
them "mine?"
8:14pm August 21, 2022
Lord, years ago
I wandered down
the wrong road.
I thread the waters
of life- unprepared
for what lay ahead.
One mistake I made
burns my memory
to this day.
I failed to recognize
the evil that lay in wait
for my soul to take.
Tho I followed my
heart I fell into the trap
set by lairs my heart
would not allow me
to see.
Years ago, my life was
changed forevermore
never again to be void
of heartache and
Only, by the grace of God
the angels saved my soul,
and broke the devil's chains.
Without my god in my life
I would be nothing....
I owe much to my god
I owe my god everything.
From my failures I have learned
where my imperfections lay....
Today, I know in my heart
that god's angels keep watch
over my soul, guide me and keep
me safe.
I am a sinner forgiven- as imperfect
as I am, I love my god, and live
faithfully every day....
beneath my shield of faith.
8:00pm August 21, 2022
No words to spill upon the page
No phrase that makes sense to me.
Why does the silence bother me?
Why can't the inner self find
inner peace?
Could it be the quiet in life is not
what I seek?
Could it be there's more to life
than finding outer peace?
Lord, if there is such a thing
as to much quiet and peace...
Please, take some away and just
give me what I need.
11:30 August 16, 2022
No one can reach a dream
that does not exist
in ones self created world.
To say that dreams come true
is only part true-whether or not
a dream comes true , does in part,
depend on you.
I'm blessed every day....still,
if not for my faith, and the love
in my heart....the blessings
would fade away.
There are no words left unsaid
or unheard-tho the definitions
of some words change every day.
Love that touches our life in passing
is as important to our heart as the
love we share with friends and family
every day.
Like lots of love, a little love goes
a long way.
6:30pm August 15, 2022
I feel the quietness all around me
the peace driving my soul.
My day is filled with love and beauty
as the moments one by one unfold.
Lord, let me not rush through the life
I live
let me waste not one moment wandering
on yesterdays come and gone and
tomorrows that may never be
Help me in the moment to understand
the important things in the life and
in the moment you give to me.
11:41am August 13, 2022
Never let go of your dream
As long as you can dream
and see the reality of your
dream in your heart- you
are turning your dream into
Many a dream has faded away
into a dream that used to be,
because someone lowered
their shield of faith.
Don't lose sight of your dream.
Reach for your star- only you
can turn your dream into reality
Only you can turn your dream
into reality.
Believe, with all your heart that
you have it in your power, as
long as there's life in you, to make
your dream come true.
8:22pm August 9, 2022
Never let go of your dream
As long as you can dream
and see the reality of your
dream in your heart- you
are turning your dream into
Many a dream has faded away
into a dream that used to be,
because someone lowered
their shield of faith.
Don't lose sight of your dream.
Reach for your star- only you
can turn your dream into reality
Only you can turn your dream
into reality.
Believe, with all your heart that
you have it in your power, as
long as there's life in you, to make
your dream come true.
8:22pm August 9, 2022
When a day comes to an end
and night time falls
Angels come out at night
and spread their wings over
all- and the faithful rest
peacefully, beneath angel wings.
Lord, many times your angels
have shield me from harm.
Many times I have slept safely
in the arms of the angels
you sent to watch over me.
I could not see the angels but
I could feel their presence
all around me.
Many times I walked through
the 'valley of the shadow death'
and was turned back, to live out
my life's destiny.
Life is a gift, the value of which
is beyond man's wildest dreams
We live in this world, where
nothing is as it seems.
We are but tools in a spiritual war
fought between angels and demons
A war of words and deeds, where
both the good and the bad plant
their seeds.
I was asked what I thought about
religion. and what bible I would
choose, for someone looking
for truth on the subject.
My faith in God- stems from my
life experiences -and my personal
encounters with angels, and Jesus.
Books are written, and rewritten
by men-who have/had personal beliefs
on the subjects they wrote about...
Religion was created by men....
My belief in a higher power
is a life-learned one.
I have no desire to follow the
teachings of men... I follow
my heart, and the teachings
of Jesus.
We all are born with an inner
sense of knowing right from
Many turn to written Bibles
to find excuses for their
choices in life.....
I don't have that worry......
I believe that the power
of God resides inside the
faithful followers of the
teachings of Jesus.
Faith does not come
from words...
Faith comes from living
and witnessing miracles
in ones own life.
Everyone has a natural
right to believe or not
believe in a god.
My god live and works
through me.
That is my religion-
That is my belief.
12:36 am August 9, 2022
After the years
have come and gone
it's stored memories
I lean on, on my darkest
to help me keep saddness
and loneliness at bay.
From the past, I have
learned many things
that if my life had
taken a different turn
I would not have learned.
Before the years slipped
in to yesterdays
I took for granted the time
in a day.......moments
were but essence of time
and didn't mean much-
In a moment's time life begins
and in a moment's time life
will draw its last breath....and
life as we know it will come
to its end.
Don't live life so fast that it
passes you by- and all it
leaves behind is memories
of what might have been.
God gives and God takes away.
Raise high your shield of faith
as you journey through the day.
7:14pm August 7, 2022
I often think how hard
life would be-if in the
past I had chosen
The sun would not light
up my world today...
and sleepless, would be
my nights....without
my shield of faith to
hold darkness at bay
the goodness in my
life would fade.
Life has two sides
just like people do
one side is darkened
by the dark side of
the other side is filled
with the best of who
we are- our inner light.
Let your light shine
for the world to see-
to give hope to those
living in need.
Good shall forever
reign, on earth, as in
Where your life is
going is more
important than
where your life
has been.
Keep faith-never
let the dark side
of life take away
your faith.
10:35pm August 6, 2022
Dreams end with the morning
Faith begins with the day...
Let your heart rejoice knowing
angels walk next to you
beneath your shield of faith.
Lord, you know what's on
my mind and in my heart
as I set here in the quite of
There's no way for me to
to reach out and dry the tears
that are not mine....
So, I ask you Lord, to dry the
tears from eyes of those, I
I feel so helpless tonight, and only
you can do, what I cannot.
Love cannot always ease the pain
in another's heart.
Touch all who need the strength
to get through another day.......
Send your angels to help them, Lord,
raise a little higher, their shield of faith.
1:17am August 6, 2022
Time passes
people grow
People grow
Some times
it has nothing
to do with the
Family ties
aren't as strong
as they used to
be.... instead
of growing closer
more and more
families are growing
further apart.
It's time to get back
to the good ole days
when families set down
at the table together....
gave thanks for the
food on the table
Knew a baby was
a blessing and not
a burden
And family members
would walk miles to feed
and care for the sick
and hungry.
It's time to get back to
the basics of life.....
Loving and caring for
each other- sharing what
we have-and truly living
the motto:
"As for me and my house
we will serve the Lord."
We are all a part of the
human race ----- A family of
human beings-who should
all be seeking ways to make
this world a better place for
all humanity.
There are mamy caring people
in the world- there are also
many who think they are better
qualified to run everyone else's
lives for them......
Then there are those, such as
myself, who believe that good
changes are possible, when the
majority,of good people, move
with one voice and one purpose.
Be thankful for the day.....
Hold high your shield of faith.
11:06pm August 4, 2022
On your journey to
meet your destiny-
- where the beginning
and the end meet-
- where all things come to
full circle- for all eternity-
Keep your heart filled
with love, and faith
and let that love
nurture the heart of those
who in passing-
touch your life every day.
7:58pm August 3, 2022
Lord, lift me above self-pity
plant my feet firmly
on the path that lay
before me.
Dry the tears of self- pity
If I must cry let it be
for those truly in need.
I have been blessed...
I have fallen down
time after time , only
to learn, I have it in me,
to get back up again.
Faith is the key
to overcoming
Raise high your Shield
of faith-
Angels guard every
path you take.
2:11pm August 2, 2022
There will always
be words
we wish we had
said -after loved
ones exists our life.
Regret not saying words
you wish you had said-
If love was present at
the time- all was said that
needed to be said.
While the chair might be
empty- our hearts will
forever be filled with the
memory of the one who
once set there.
Love is the bridge that
fills the distance between
my heart and yours.
Believe with your heart
angels are never far-
Wherever you wake and
sleep, that's where your
angels are.
10:29pm August 1, 2022
We can never truly know
another person
Until we truly know
our self.....
Until we can truly know
our own imperfections...
we have no right to
judge another....
Until we learn to live with
our mistakes, we lack
the understanding needed
when judging others.
I look back now and
understand many things,
I had no way of understanding
way back then.
I have had un-measurable
love, shown to me during my
There was a time in my life
in exchange for loving me
many parted from my life
with a broken heart- never to
know that the love that touched
my life- way back then-
touches my heart, and memory
and reminds me...every now and then
of how blessed my life has always
I cannot change the past to mend
broken hearts- but I can remember
every time love moved my heart.
Love we give away, cannot go away
tho it be just a memory for some.
2:41pm July 31, 2022
The best way to get
your life in order
is to get your house
in order.
Starting with you......
do away with negative
Never doubt your ability
to go that extra mile, to
reach your dream.
Love yourself.....
Be good to you.....
If a mountain seems
to high to climb-
climb it to prove that
you can.
Many dreams go
because someone
gave up trying
to make their dream
come true.
Never let a few
rob you of your
Faith is the key
that is needed
to open new
doors, for you
to walk through.
We have it in
our power to
conquer- any
thing life sends
our way.
That power is
nurtured by
our faith.
Be the best
you have in
10:57pm July 29, 2022
Being a mother is not always easy
but its part of being a woman.
Mothers do something others can't
We carry human life beneath
our hearts;
We love , nurture and rock
the cradles of those who will
one day shape history and
move the world.
Without mothers humanity
would cease to exist.
10:24pm July 28, 2022
There's nothing more dear
to a mother's heart
Nothing more precious,
more deserving of humanity's
protection than an innocent
It is a scientific, and self-
evident- fact, that life
from conception until natural
death, is one and the same
If the state governments in the
USA are going to allow the
deliberate destruction of humanity's
off-spring, let not innocent blood
stain the hands of Americans
who believe that the Declaration
of Independence protectS human
life, from the moment a new life
is created... which is from the
moment of conception.
Flordia's, State Moto is:
"In God We Trust"
Allowing innocent human life to be
destroyed legally - Is a testimony
of what little worth, those in
state governments are, as state leaders
in a country that was once respected
The majority of the American people
still believe that it's "self-evident"
that "all men (as in humanity) are
created equal."
A country that won't protect its off-spring
won't, when push comes to shove,
protect its people.
It is self-evident to me that every life
brought into being (created) has a natural
right to life and liberty.
10:04pm July 28, 2022
The night sky catches my eye
with colors of red I cannot
There's a feeling in the air
that angels hide up there
watching all that's going on
down below....
Setting here. I wonder, if the
beautiful red sky was created
by the angels just for me to
see the glow.
During my lifetime, I have
been blessed, beyond what
words can tell.
It's time for sleep...
It's been a long day
A blessed day....
God, when I wake
give me the strength
to do your will, and
show me the path you
would have me take.
11:59pm July 27, 2022
The last few days
have taught me
not to be so negative......
What will be will be.....
not always are things lost,
not always are the things lost
as important in reality
as the little things around us
that we take for granted
every day.
Things misplaced are not lost
And when they are meant
to be found...they can appear
sometimes, in the strangest
of places. 8:09pm
Life means different things
to different people......
How do you define Life?
Life to me means more than
to external stimuli.
Life is flesh, spirit-soul
Life doesn't have
to be physically touched,
to feel.
Life is
Life is
Life is more
than science's
definition of
Life, like love,
is more than
the eyes can
How can any
define life
and leave out
the things that
make us each
a special entry.
Be who you are
Let your life
define you......
You are more,
much more,
than the eyes can
8:55pm July 26, 2022
The night finds me
listening to the quite
while thinking about
the peace that can
be found,
when one is not
from what one is feeling
in their heart.
Thank you Lord,
for this day
and all in it,
help me not to forget
things not in a day
are things that are not
meant to be.
10:31pm July 24, 2022
If one waits long enough
to make a decision
it may be too late.
One who is satisfied
with where he is
can only dream
of places he will
never be.
Some will never
find the pot of gold
at the end of the
life has taken them
as far in life
as they are destined
to go.
Don't cling to those
you love- give them
room to reach their
We can love to little
or we can love
to another's hurt.
The right decision
will always be the one
that sides with peace.
Nothing ever gets done
that's never been started.
Reach for peace when
trying times tempt your
soul to war.
There will always be
a choice to be made
choose wisely-
the path you take.
10:42 am July 19, 2022
It may take a million
years to undo the
damage done
to earth, sky, moon,
stars and sun....
or it could be in the
twinkling of an eye,
with faith-that the
angels return harmony
and peace back to the
earth, sky, moon, stars,
and sun- long before
mans race on earth
has been run.
It's never to late
to do the right
some times one
right thing done
will move others
to do the right
thing, too.
Faith like love
is rooted in
the heart.....
the only
difference is
one can give
another love
but they can't
give them
Let your inner
light shine....
as you journey
through the day
Love always,
and hold high
your shield of
You have the
power - we all do,
to touch lives
for the better if we
have the heart too.
Yesterday belongs
to yesterdays....
Live your life today
without filling it
with memories
of heartache- that
will always cause your
heart to break.
We can't live happy
in a today that's filled
with heartache.
God, shower the world
and all in it-
with understanding,
to live with yesterdays
With insight to see
beyond the day ,to
better days....
With all the blessings
needed to survive
the dark times that
thrive on lost souls....
With love that none
shall ever again
blame love for their
These things ,I ask,
In Jesus' name. Amen
8:07 pm July 17, 2022
Things that crawl
things that walk
things that swim
things that fly
with out stretched
life is everywhere
Life is in every living
7:18 pm July 17, 2022
No one knows
what love really is
until they have
truly loved someone
with all their heart.
8:42 pm July 16, 2022
Always, look forward
to each tomorrow.....
regardless of what a day
brings your way.
For in each tomorrow
rests before you
another chance to make
your dreams come true.
12:52 pm July 16, 2022A lot happened yesterday
I leaned from beauty and
the feelings of peace
in another's world
how full and how empty
ones life can be.
And for a while
I was a part of
A fairy tale filled
with everything
one's heart could
except the love trapped
in the owner's heart by
... memories, .of love-
and how peaceful and
beautiful, living a fairy
tale life used to be.
It was a beautiful day
filled with beautiful
memories for me to the
expensive of another's
fairy tale gone
a stray.
Never put the value
of things-above the
value of the love in
ones heart.
One can gain the world
and all things in it---- and
never find love among
their possessions.
6:03 pm July 15, 2022
Tomorrow will take care of itself...
Be thankful for the good you found in this day..
11:09pm July 13, 2022
I went outside
this morning
to the birds
so sweetly
that my
heart got
caught up
in the songs
they were
Today, the
reminded me
how blessed
I am to awake
to days filled
with so
much love
and peace.
8:30am July 13, 2022
So much time
wasted ,to get to
this day.....
where all
I need is
love ,and faith
to find the
in a day.
Life in not
feeling empty
on the fullest
Let go, and live
be the best in
8:37am July 13, 2022
When words
don't come easy
let silence
have the last word.
Sometimes, one
can try to hard
to make sense
from the flow
of one own
Tell some one
you love them
if you truly do.
Never take for
granted the
Never make
a promise
you don't
to keep.
We are more
than the eye
can see.
Love is
more than
sight and
Love is
an undeniable
feeling in
the heart
that you've
found the
missing part
of your
Just to know
someone cares
gives ones life
Never look down
on you.... you
are better than that.
I've fell down
many times
trying to do
what I thought
was the right
thing to do-
It was caring
strangers, whose
kind deeds in
my times of
need, who, by the
grace of God,
changed my
Human compassion
is alive and well-
for as long as there
lives those who can
see, and feel, beyond
the 'me.'
Those who's love
has the power to
change another's
10:15pm July 12, 2022
Today I walked, instead
of run through life, like I
used to do.
The grace and beauty
of things I once passed
and did not see, moved
the very heart and soul
of me.
The quite and peace
surrounding me
sing to me songs I
once could not hear
of faith and destiny.
Though I could not
see the angels' wings
engulfing me.... I felt
the angels' touches,
with each heartbeat.
The day was a blessed
day-like so many days
Would I live my life
over again?
It doesn't matter
how many times one
lives their life.......
It will turn out the
same-in the end.
8:16pm July 11, 2022
With heart enough
one can overcome
the negative
in their life.....
Regain peace,
and conquer
If life is to be
lived to its
one must put
in to life
what one wants
from life.
You can be
rich and selfish
poor and selfish
neither one.....
Don't count
on others
to do for you
things, you
for another.
would never do.
3:30 pm July 11, 2022
Thank you
For the peace,
love, and
I awoke too
Thank you,
for giving me
all the things
I needed
in the day
to get
Thank you
for the quite
of night and
the peace that
abides with me
---and Thank
you Lord,
for the angels
you sent too
over me,
after I lay
me down
to sleep.
I love you, Lord.
Thank you, for
keeping safe
all I love ......
another day.
11:09pm July 10, 2022
"Nothing is impossible
for you to do...
If, your faith, in a loving
god be true...." jt
It costs nothing
to be who you are
but sometimes it
can cost one
to be who they
are not.
Beauty can play
tricks on ones
heart-if its
artifical beauty
one puts on
every day.
True beauty
from within
don't let
the outside
your eyes
your lonely
The ability
to love
is a gift
we are all
born with...
Its not love
that breaks
our heart-
it the desire
to be loved
and the
to settle
for the
of what we
think is
Love mends
broken hearts
so those whose
hearts get broken
can love again.
There's always
words we can
find inside
to inspire the
hearts and souls
of men. ....that
have the power
to bring out the
best in us all.
12:11pm July 10, 2022
Don't look back to yesterdays
that broke your heart-
Look around you in the day
at the blessings in your life
created just for you- that
helped your heart to mend
and puts joy in your day-
when your joy starts to fade.
The poorest of men,
by their mire presence on
earth -contribute much
to the character of the world
we live in every day.
Its not riches that give
value to the lives of
It's the heart they carry
Love can't be bought
Love can only be
received or given.
If the sun's
not shining
build a fire.....
If its raining
light a candle
if you find
still in
the dark of
hold a little
higher your
shield of faith
knowing as
you stand in
the darkness
your house
is guarded
by angels,
and all
are safe.
11:14 am July 10, 2022
Love has the power
to change lives, and
move the heart of
the world.
Worry is a waste
of time that could
be put to better use.
No one but you
can live your life
and dream your
Our Reality is
of our own
Dreams do
come true.
But whether
or not they do
depends on
Don't wait for a
tomorrow- that
may not be,
to make your dream
a reality.
Live in the moment....
be thankful for the day,
and as you strive to
reach your dream, hold
high your shield of faith.
9:09pm July 9, 2022
Let flames of love
warm your heart
when life's cold
breeze blows your
Let chains of love
bind you to your
Make someone's
life a little brighter
today- send some
love their way.
You may not always
remember all those
you gave love to- but
the hearts of all your
love touched-will
always remember you.
6:44pm July 9, 2022
Lord, today I took the time
to set and enjoy the little
things I sometimes take for
granted in the day.
The colorful flowers
I grew from seeds.......
The wind chimes given
to me- moving to a
gentle breeze......
Redbirds, bluebird
hummingbirds too.....
Butterflies on the flowers
sipping flower juices.....
Cows and donkeys
and bumblebees
enjoying the scenery,
right along with me.
It was a beautiful day....
Setting on my porch swing
at peace with the world
and me. my eyes taking in
the little things.
10:43 pm July 8, 2022
Don't try to be who you
are not your life
to the fullest....
live your life with heart. jt
The night sounds flow
through the open window
and with it a peace
that gently moves my
soul.....all is well in my
The strength one possesses
one does not know, until
called on to endure the loss
of letting go.
One day at a time
one step at a time
one moment at a time
to shine.
The mistakes we make
will either make us wiser
or give us an excuse
to make the same mistakes
Those who think a degree
makes them smarter than
all the rest- should give
some thought to, what
the well educated few would do
without the uneducated men and
women who grow and cook
their food.
The few who look down their
nose at all the rest, have nothing to
gain- and everything to lose.
I have lived every side of life
could have had everything
that many work every day
to obtain....But I chose to
follow the teachings of Jesus
and to carry, to my dying day,
the shield of faith, I cling to
every day.
God gives and God takes
Hold high your shield of
10:33pm July 7, 2022
The sun lingers behind
the shadow of what is
and what is not.
What man creates
has no heart and
will in time force
its creator into
the dark...
where the machine
controls the creators
and their blackened
9:03 am July 7, 2022
Lord, let your light shine
that the path to eternal life
lost souls may find.
For, in the darkness they
blindly stumble over reality
to grasp the nothingness...
of their own make believe.
The world holds secrets
that the outer man is not
destined to know but the
inner man has always
Live faithfully in the day
hold high your shield of faith
We are as those of old
living in times, that tests our
very souls.
Faith has the power to lead
the soul to safety...
Love has the power to change
mankind's destiny.
God has the power to make
ones make believe
a reality.
Angels are given the power
to help the faithful in their
times of need.....
man has the power to plant
life seeds; to nurture the best
and the worst of humanity.
Take time to think on your
life today- change what
needs to be changed to
make your part of the world
a better place. remembering
always the power of heart
felt faith.
9:25 am July 7, 2022
There will always be times
for remembering....
Times that left their marks
on our heart.
When one tucks good
memories away
In times of sadness
one can look back
to better days.
Live life with heart
Love always with heart
believe with heart
in love's power
through faith
to brighten the darkest
Words don't come easy
to those who guard their
The world has but one
master and he dwells
inside us all.
10:34pm July 6, 2022
Those who sow sorrow
in the lives of others
shall not be spared
They shall reap what
they have sown.
Make the world a better
place ... sow seeds of love
with a thankful heart
expecting nothing in return
for the love sown.
Angels guard the good
in us all..... and love us
though at times we stray
to the edge that would
take us to stand in
harm's way.
Life's not perfect because
we are not perfect....
with age we leave innocence
Don't give up ...
hold tightly to your shield of faith
tomorrow will take care of itself.
Make tomorrow's happy memories
10:53pm July 6, 2022
Lord, I thank you
for the miracles
I have witnessed
in my life time.....
I thank you for
the angels who have
always walked by
my side...
I thank you for
giving me
- to endue
the heartache
when I cried
and couldn't under-
stand why my heart
had to break.
Thank you Lord, for
teaching me the hard way
the power of my faith.
For reassuring me,
that nothing goes until
its time-that all belong to you,
that none will live forever
in this world, we are all, just
passing through.
Thank you Lord, for this day
please, guide me the rest of the
8:55pm July 5, 2022
I set here thinking about
innocent blood spilled
in the name of progress
and science- and wonder
at the logic behind the
thinking of those who
sacrifice others in ways
they would never sacrifice
their own.
Be careful whose blood you
put in your test tubes -
from the most innocent things
monsters grow.
5:30pm July 5, 2022
Our children learn, from the
examples we set- to respect
life or take life for granted.
The greatest gift one can
give a child is life.
5:41pm July 5, 2022
Feel the gentle breeze
in the moment's breath
and pray the storm
stays at bay.
We only have one life
to live-live it wisely.
5:49pm July 5, 2022
Together We Stand
There are no words
on this 4th of July
that have not been
said a million times
since 1776, to define
man's God given rights
to life and liberty.....
The same words echo
from distance times to
today...."Liberty was not
free---guard well the Liberty
tree.....that was planted so
long ago....that every
generation of American
might be born free."
Americans aren't a race-
we are a many blooded
breed of people, united
by the high ideas that
every man has a right
to choose the paths
in life he will take.......
That every man is endowed
by his creator with a free will;
Whatever his religion be, he
alone must live with his choice.
While, we as Americans share
the inheritance of liberty- we,
as individuals, share the duty
to put the best interest of the
many ahead of the few- for
as long as injustice lives
in the land of the free- we all,
at times, are a part of the minority
and the majority.
The United States of America
remains free today- because of
the American spirit that lives here.
Americans have been tested
and passed the test, of whether
or not we are worthy- of all the
blood, sweat and tear, shed to
keep America free.
The fact that we celebrate another
4th of July, as a free people- says
it all- Together we stand divided we
fall-all for one-one for all.
The heart of the majority-make no
mistake- beats with one beat-when
it comes to the 'liberty tree' and the
right to be born and die free.
God Bless America-God Bless the
red, white and blue- God Bless me
and God Bless you.
8:22pm July 4, 2022
When the day is dark
and the night is long
and your heart feels
like it's breaking in
too be thankful for
the love that has
been given to you
from the hearts of
those you gave
your love too.
Faith and love
mend hearts
and gives one
reason to believe
in better tomorrows
made from todays
and yesterday's
Learn what
your god and life
would have you
knowledge, and
understand have
their own kind
of price tag.
One can know
everything there
is to know and
still not be wise
enough to see the
value of the little
things in life.
Love always from
your heart- love
is never wasted.
Love given is
love received.
And love is something
no one can ever take
away from you.....
Love given in the
is love given for
all eternity.
11:19pm July 1, 2022
One day at a time
life comes and goes
as mankind walks
in the shadows
of yesterday's
9:54pm June 28, 2022
Choose wisely the path
you take in a day...
walk upright in all your
Just as life is the best
teacher-we are, at times,
our own worst enemy.
Fear is a sign of a struggle
between the worldly and
the spiritual part of man.
If a thing be right- all the
bad intention in the world
can't make it wrong.
We all have choices to make
-once the choices are made-
be they good or bad, as faithful
servants, we accept what our
choices add or takes away
from our happiness - as the results
of the choices that we make...
We don't search for reasons to
blame others for our mistakes.
When God's angels move
we must follow the path they make
and carry proudly, with love, our
shield of faith.
Remember, before the end of time
can overtake us- all things foretold
long ago concerning the saving of
our souls, must be fore filled- every
eye opened, and every heart touched
by the truths of why we are where
we are this day.
Just as one day light will fade into
eternal day- things in this world
will one day fade away.
Hold high your Shield of Faith
as night fall and the day fades.
10:37pm June 28, 2022
When voices raise in anger
it's a sign that good is back
in the hearts of men and that
the evil once allowed to run
free is now an evil man's
worst enemy.
Shame, be to the rich who betray
life itself to feed their greed.
Watch as life, itself, gobbles up
the filth and weeds born in the
darkness where evil men breed.
2:50pm June 26, 2022
Lord, guide me this day, as you
have guided me all of my years,
to do what I feel in my heart is
right... Let me remember, all the
times your angels led me through
the dark - and all the times your
love for me, a sinner, nurtured
understanding in my heart.
I try not to ponder the evil my
life touched when I was lost,
and wondering from day to day
surrounded by the dark.
The years have come and gone
but something in my heart- tells
me- there is a purpose for every
life- and until its served-there
will alway be a reason for carrying
my shield of faith- and a purpose
for me to journey on.
Touch the heart of those ,Lord,
who would deny the importance of
their own lives; those who need so
to know, they are special, and
worthy of another's love.
I give thanks, night and day, for
everything my god sends my way:
the things that make me happy, and
the things that test my faith.
3:19pm June 26, 2022
Today, begin with me
and with me did end.
But in the middle of
it all, I was reminded
more than once, the
importance of a friend.
Never think that you
are alone; that no one
cares about you....
We all get down and out
at times.....when self-
pity takes its toll.
Don't let things of the
day burden your heart
and soul- take a deep
breath- and feel the peace
in the moment you are in.
Remember, you are never alone
when you have Jesus as a
9:50pm June 25, 2022
Today, my heart danced with joy
as my words of 'thank you'
reached God's ears...
For no longer are the few, wise
and powerful, fast asleep.
No longer will the blood of the
innocent stain just laws and moral
No longer will the evil act
of spilling innocent blood- be
tolerated by the conscience of
freedom loving Americans...
who's blood, past and present.
nurtures liberty's tree, to protect
and guarantee - all- the
born and unborn, the God given
right to life and liberty.
Thank you, God, for all your angels
who have long walked the land
of the brave and the free.
Thank you, for the blessings, and
wisdom of the years- that taught
us - when the spirit calls not to terry
Singlely, we are only one- but if love
for life and liberty be in us..
.. we are many legions strong.
11:37am June 24, 2022Remember in the day
to count the blessings
sent your way -
Remember in your heart
there are reasons people
grow apart -
Remember in your weakest
moments your strength
rests not in the worldly
like love that flows
through lives- the strength
you need to get through the day
must flow from within -
Remember when you are
down and out,
faith is what living's about.
Remember yesterday's
darkness is what gave
birth to today.
Forget not that inner strength
is nourished by ones inner faith.
Remember to thank God
every day...
for the angels He places in your life
to reinforce your shield of faith.
Your faith is the key to Heaven's gate.
10:03am June 22, 2022
The hardest lessons to learn
are the ones that break our
Sometime hearts get broken
by love, to spare one a
broken spirit.
Love lets live and lets go
as love sees fit.
Lasting love is the one
that rests gently on ones
heart and mind.
Things in ones life
fades with time
Things of the heart
stay as fresh as
Love don't act the
way we want it to
Love- true love
can bend or break a
heart- and love it still.
Don't be to quick
to judge love
according to the
tears it brings.
Love for loves sake
brings no joy
to the hearts it breaks.
Love that hurt sets you
free to love again.
12:57pm June 21, 2022
In the dark that fills my day
give me the courage
to walk upright, help me
not to stray from the paths
you would have me take...
Give me sight to see
through the darkness
to where the better sides of
life lay.
Make me wise enough to
know the direction in this life
that you, my Lord, would
have me take....
That in the beginning
of all things, there was only dark and no night.
Show me Lord this day
the power of faith, as I
journey on through life,
ready always, for any
dark times that life might
send my way.
9:09am June 16, 2022
God knows our every thought
our every action, and our every
attempt to do what's right. jt
Tears that fall
are not without cause
for every tear that falls
hurt fades a little more ....
and hearts and minds mend.
Until, once more, the spoon
of self-pity stirs, laid to
rest, memories. 12:43pm
Live your life- being who
you are- trying always, not
to let others make decisions
only you have the right to
make. Only, you can know
your heartaches , pains and
mistakes...... and
what others mean in your
life. Only you, know what
things moves your world
closer to the happiness you
seek in life.
Every decision you make
let it be approved by your
All the love in the world will
never be enough for some.
When decisions are made
out of anger, hurt is sure to follow.
God knows, none are perfect
and that we all, during our lifetime,
will make more than one mistake.
Strive to be true to God, and you,
Hold high your shield of faith...
when you feel the storms of life
closeing in on you, remember,
this is a world we are only passing
God loves you......and
I love you, too.
Life is a testing ground
every day. ..A test of ones
What God gives, God has
the power to take away.
1:11pm June 12, 2022
If one searches for reasons to judge another,
it's a search to find excuses for ones self.
People, often forget
to practice what they preach.
Those we hurt the most
are those we love the most.
No one wants to let go
of a child they loved and
nurtutred from birth...
but every child has a
natural right to grow up
and make choices of their
Be thankful for the years,
tear and joys too.
Everything is a test of faith
in this world we are only
passing through.
We are none perfect
We all make mistakes
Its what we learn
from our mistakes
that molds us into who
we are at the end of
the day.
Search your heart
and you will find
it filled with love-
or love drowning
in painful memories.
Each day is a test
of faith-
Walk upright in each
10:25am June 9, 2022
Let the truth speak for itself...
Let all who strive to rule
the many-heed the signs of
the times.
Lies have overtaken the liars
they choke on their own lies.
Never think all who breathe
are taken in by ancient lies
the hands of men have been
The eyes that see in the day
-rest on all in the night.
The destruction of life
is less painful to a man,
than the destruction of
his soul.
The answers to the questions
one seeks, lay just beyond
the lies one tells... that
only truth can reach.
Lies have a long reach but
truth can reach farther.
Stand on the side of the truth
a heart tells.
The deceit of the beast begin
with man.
Thread the waters of life
holding high your shield of faith
cling to the good -keep the
liar at bay.
If the Liar had his way
all would be lost
none would be saved.
7:14 pm June 6, 2022
Sometimes when something seems out of place- it's not. jt
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
What is it about the 2nd Amendment that President Joe Biden doesn't understand?
...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Garbage on the internet!(below)
What exactly does the 2nd Amendment say?
Protecting themselves against invasion.
The right to form a militia if needed.
Being a part of law enforcement.
Defending against tyrannies.
Dealing with insurrection.
Where would those who twist the meaning of federal law be without disclaimer!?
Disclaimer: These resources are created by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts for use in educational activities only. They may not reflect the current state of the law, and are not intended to provide legal advice, guidance on litigation, or commentary on legislation.
DISCLAIMER: These resources are created by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts for educational purposes only. They may not reflect the current state of the law, and are not intended to provide legal advice, guidance on litigation, or commentary on any pending case or legislation. https://www.
Americans don't need President Biden opinion as to what right the second amendment garantees to every American.
As for those who threaten to take gun rights away because the right to abortion is not grounded in constitutional law and has been outlawed by many states, you never had a constitutional right to end a human life- born or unborn- after it's brought into being.
The Ten Amendments were created to serve the American people as a whole; while it's true that our individual rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are garanteed by the US Constitution- it doesn't mean that we are free to change the laws of the land to serve our life style; Being an American carries with it much responibility-Americans whose history here goes back hundreds of years have long known where the threats to 'freedom for all' rests. we, ourselves, are the creaters and destroyers of the laws we live under. Once every American put the welfare of America and the American people ahead of their individual 'wants'; freedom for all meant more than minipulating laws to see how far individual rights could be pushed through the court systems. Today, rights of all are threatened because of the rights of the few.
I'm prolife.
I'm pro gun rights.
The United States of America is increasing in population due to imigrantion because legalized abortion has taken away the American peoples ability to repopulate our country. We have legally killed off generations of Americans since 1973. We are murdering our right to live free, from within.
America and Americans first, on American soil....That's just how it is for Americans. -Jan Tetstone
12:00pm May 27, 2022
We make choices in our life
Some good- some bad
Some make us happy - some
make us sad.
Some choices leave our life
changed forevermore,
clinging to our shield of
Every choice makes a change
in our life, in the world
and in the lives of others.
Mistakes made were first
choices to be made.
The choices made in the past
still have the power to break
one's heart today.
Learn from your mistakes, if
not heartache will dictate
the choices that you make.
12:55pm May 26, 2022
The only new world order
will be controlled by God
not politicians ,scientists, or
want to be gods. jt
Lord, I sometimes put to much of yesterday
into my day.
Things I should let lay again deprive me
of the fullness of my day.
10:33am May 24, 2022
Touch my life and fill my day according
too your will- but please
don't let memories of yesterdays gone
steal my faith away.
Sometimes a few tears might be needed
to remind me - of the many times during
my life time I fell down from the choices
I made and where I could have been today
if your angels hadn't been around.
10:41am May 24, 2022
Thank you Lord for the heart you placed
inside of me ...
May I not fail to be the example in life,
for others, that you would have me be.
10:44am May 24, 2022
Lord, I am weak, you are my strength
and my faithful friend
when my heart feels broken you send
your angels too surround me, and
watch over me until I feel whole again...
Lord, I have never not carried you in my
-and you Lord have never not calmed
the ragging waters of life that I have
many times got caught up in.....
Lord, my faith in you is tested every day
This day that begin with a tear, is now
filled with hope again.
9:42am May 23, 2022
As the day breaks
I set caught up
in a thousand thoughts
Sometimes we try too hard
to be who we are...and
turn out coming across as
someone we are not.
Regardless of how you
come across to others
Always strive to be
who you are.
Don't live thinking
of who you might have
We only live life once
We are all just passing
Be the best of you you
can be.
You can only be you and I
can only be me.
Your strength will always
stem from the better part
of you.
6:44am May 20, 2022
The warmth from the morning air
reminds me that God is everywhere
that it's a new day to try and do
that God's hands is in everything
we do...that angels watch over me
and they will always be there in
my time of need - to help me get
through night or day...
That today like all the rest
is a test of my faith.
6:56am May 19, 2022
Never let yesterday rob you of your
happiness in the day.
You have made it through the dark
times, and how you live your today
is up to you.
6:11am May 19, 2022
My Thoughts
Love is a vessel of life
from which the heart drinks
to survive.
One can live without
many things but love
is not one of them.
From any distance
in space or time
love can touch
and one can
feel loves touch.
Love not only builds
bridges between hearts
love can reach
beyond the width and depth
of life to where only
angels can the
realm between heaven and
A little love goes
a long ways...
A lot of love
a lifetime.
Hands may let go
of a loved one
but the heart never
10:44pm May 18, 2022
Shut off
from the outside world
I set drinking coffee
my eyes inspecting
the world around me.
My thoughts reach
beyond the sights I see
A tugging at my heart
I don't understand
what my god asks of me.
My world is not made of
mortar and stones
My world is not made of
blood, flesh or bones
My world was made from
nothing, and filled
with me.
10:03am May 14, 2022
In the peace and quite
of the moments
Angels sing and my heart
rejoices as my life
journeys on and I take
each step in faith.
10:07am May 13, 2022
Lord, I know
there is a purpose
for everything.
I know each tear
has a reason
for falling... and
every heart has
reasons for breaking.
10:10am May 13, 2022
Tears dry
hearts mend
last forever.
Walk with care
among your memories
Let lay those memories
that have the power
to make you cry
and break your heart
10:14 am May 13, 2022
Keep Faith...
Truth will stand with an honest man
A lie will bring a dishonest man down.....
I don't know what tomorrow
will bring
it may bring sunshine
it may bring rain.
What ever tomorrow
brings my way
I will not lower my shield
of faith.......
Hold high your shield
of faith.......
believe with all your heart
and God will make a way.
11:20pm May 1, 2022
Sonya had styled and fixed my hair -in this picture of us together
I thought of you often today
before the tears could fall
I pushed the memories away.
You deserve more than tears
on your 51st Birthday; for
all the smiles you put on
our faces before you went
You have been in Heaven nearly
as long as you lived here
with me...I say me, because
it was beneath my heart,you
first moved, to the sound of my
The memories of the many times
you did, and said things, that
made me feel special....are
always with me to remind me of
how special you are, and will
always be.
You thrived on making others
happy....and earned your angel
wings the day you went away.
Sonya, I just want to tell you
Happy Birthday, I love you .and
I miss you everyday.
6:44pm April 29, 2022
what will you leave behind?
Lord, life grows shorter
as what is fades away.
Rise up from your deep sleep
awakened to the importance
of the moment.
In the twinkling of an eye
life is and is no more.
In each breath eternity
lay and waits.
Do good when you can
hinder not another
from doing good works.
Reality is more than
the eyes can see.
With a faithful heart
wade the waters of life
When evil needs to be
put in its place.....
walk in its midst
holding high your shield
of faith.
11:56 am April 28, 2022
To stop a fire
stop adding fuel
to the flames.
Good will settle
the score with
bad of old.
Do one thing decent
today-stop throwing
good money after bad.
Regardless of the
length of a life
that life made
a difference
in someone's life.
No one knows the
depth of another's
joys and woes.
Keeping the future
safe for future
generation, should
be at the top of
the list for "things
to do."
We are all temporary
visitors in a world
we are only passing
9:58am April 27, 2022
There are many truths
and just as many lies.
History serves its
purpose then it's revived.
The secrets of the past
are masked in the history
of today.
What was once considered
propaganda is considered
facts today.
Be careful what you allow
yourself to believe-
What the mind can conceive
one can believe.
Fairy tales, and history
are what people are
brain washed to believe they
are .
Can you believe it? Someone
lost the direction on how
the US landed men on the
There's a lot of good in
the world-and a lot of evil, too.
Be wise enough to know when
trickery is at play.
Don't mistake other peoples'
opinions for facts.
Some people have sold their
souls-for fools gold.
Nonprofit organizations help
keep family money in family
It's a shame there's not
much honor among men any
Everyone wants to be rich
but no one wants to get
their hands dirty.
Truth is a bitter pill to
swallow.....but it's better
than choking on a lie.
There are two kinds of people
in the world...
Those who care and those who
I care.
11:18pm April 25, 2022
Always believe that good
will in the end
out the bad....
and in the end it will.
With each day
a new chance
to live ,love.
and learn.
All things in
your life
begin and end
with you.
Let tomorrows
take care of
None but you
can walk the walk
and talk the talk
on your journey
Love others but
love yourself too.
11:55pm April 24, 2022.
I once lived my life
away from the outside
I created a world
that kept all who lived
in its boundaries safe.
My days and nights were
filled with peace-
I thought would never end
If only I stayed within
my world boundaries...
It was a hard lesson for
me, when the outside world
collided with mine... and
took away my inner peace.
The flowers died, the birds
stopped singing...and my
heart morn for the loved
ones lost that my world could
not keep safe, and my faith
was not strong enough to save.
Lord, you gave me the strength
in my time of need to endue
my heartaches... and you gave
me the understanding that returned
to me my inner peace .
The birds are singing...
The flowers are blooming
and the lives of the ones I once
sought to keep safe are now resting
safely in your hands.
I am a sinner saved, journeying through
this world- covered by my shield of
Peace abides with me- His name is
11:00pm April 23, 2022
Memories of the best moments
in our lives fade with time
only to be remembered when
all we have left are our
9:04PM April 23, 2022
For all the sunshine
in my day
for all the love that's
sent my way
For all the angels
watching over me
this day.....
because of these
blessings, I hold
high my shield of
8:44am April 23, 2022
If your heart has
been broken
and your burdens feel
to heavy to carry...
My prayer goes out
to you...I pray
in your world
turned upside down
that you find
understanding ,the
strength to endue
what the day sends
your way and the peace
you so need and seek
in your day.
Hold high your shield
of faith
8:59am April 23, 2022
Love doesn't set
People do.
Love doesn't make
People do...
Love doesn't break
People do.
Love is forever
love don't go away
People do.
9:21am April 22, 2022
Many times in my life
My heart led me down
paths in life- that
from time to time
changed my destiny,
and opened doors to
worlds I would have
never chosen to walk
Innocence lost
is innocence
never to be
The mistakes one
makes and
The lessons learned
from those mistakes
nurture our inner
self-and helped to
guild us to where
we are in life today.
But not always
is the first mistake
the one to teach us
the lessons needed
to teach us that
mistakes happen for
a reason ,even when
our heart gets broken.
Learn from the mistakes
you made- you are not
the only ones who has
made mistakes.
8:39am April 22, 2022
It's dark outside
the frogs are
calling for rain..
a few stars can
be seen in the
cloudy sky...and
sparkles of tiny
lights can be seen
as lightening bugs
fly by....
There's peace in
the feel of the
air I breathe in
as the cool night
breeze blows gently
against my arms bare
In the peace of the
darkness my inner eyes
see beyond the night...
as time stands still
in the moments my
thoughts are caught
up in.
If only...If only
I could share the peace
that surrounds me
all humanity could live
in peace.
But world peace must come
from within, and stem
from the hearts men.
May peace make its way
into every heart and every
home...and no man ever have
to walk through hard times
Let your light shine that
the lost might find their
way through their darkest
Everyone is a special part
of the whole of humanity...
None among us are perfect
nor can they be.
Love and peace...
9:38pm April 21, 2022
There will be times
in your life
when heart and mind
are touched by
Times you will feel
a part of nothing
in this life.
These are the times
that will test your
soul- times when
tears fall-and the
answers to the
question 'why?'
makes no sense to
you at all.
Faith is just as real
to the believer
as the roads of life
he travels everyday.
Bitter-sweet some
memories will be
for those who carry
a shield of faith
There are many things
one cannot see taking
place is life
and many unexpected
things taking place
Accepting the good
is easy but accepting
the bad, in itself,
is a test of our faith.
Walk upright in each
day, never doubting
the power of your
shield of faith.
God gives and God takes away.
8:07am April 21, 2022
There is a lot on
my heart and mind
today. and this
feeling inside
a wall of tears
is about to break.
Lord, I have no
reason in my day
to cry....
Setting here
feeling the
dampness of my tears
running down
my face....
I know whatever
is causing my
tears to fall
your angels are
open wide
a safe haven
for breaking
hearts to hide.
Lord, please,
give those in need
the understanding
it will take, to
help mend their
There will always
be reasons for tears
in a world where
so many cry.
Look beyond the sad
times that your
heart is breaking in
hold tightly to
your shield of faith.
The sun for you shall
shine again.
9:18am April 20, 2022
Worthless are words
that can't enlighten
minds, warm hearts, lessen
pain and give one reason
to hope again.
We all seek to find peace,
and peace of mind.
Don't take for granted
the love and peace
in your day- life has
the power to take both
Peace scares wicked seed.
Hold high your shield of
faith ... and be thankful
for the day.
10:14pm April 19, 2022
Beyond hopes and dreams, reality waits
Sometimes we have to step back
to see the whole picture. jt
I sit here with a thankful heart
for all you placed within my day.
I find no other words to say
except to ask that you guide me
through this day, heal the sick, touch
hearts and minds with peace ,and
watch over this world's faithful souls
like you always watch over me.
Faith must stem from the heart
without doubt one must believe
that god has the power to do
all things.
Hold high your shield of faith
trust your god as you travel
though the day.
7:42am April 15, 2022
Years ago Lord you placed
strangers in my path
whose names I have forgotten
but whose kind deeds I shall
always remember.
Each left a mark on my heart
and earned a place in my
Angels appointed a place and
time to watch over me... and
cover me with their out stretched
Lord, I thank you for sending
me the angels who walked with me
and sit beside me in my time of need.
The kind deeds of others helped to
determine my destiny.
7:36pm April 13. 2022
An American puts no country
and no bloodline ahead of
his own country when asked
what ethnicity are you?....
An American will simply say
I am an American from the USA
My flag has stars and stripes
colors Red, White and Blue.
An American puts no religion
above another and is devoted
to the causes of life, liberty.
and justice for all.
Americans have long known
there are some among us
who put themselves and other
countries first.
Americans are a many blooded
Americans are a tolerate people
with limits to how far those
determined to destroy our country
can go.
An American puts no country
and no bloodline ahead of
his own country, when asked
what ethnicity are you?....
I say proudly, "I am an American,
with French, Cherokee, and Irish
blood running through my veins.
Americans are united by culture,
traditions, and the belief that
all men are created equal- with
a god given right to live and die
-Jan Tetstone
3:02pm April 12, 2022
Capture the moments today
that in your tomorrows
will bring joy to your heart
and strengthen your shield
of faith.
I don't take life for granted
anymore,not like I used to do.
It's heartbreaking to loose
someone you love to the grave
when your heart isn't prepared
It's not going to get better with
time; that just what people say
when someone else's loved one is
laying in a grave.
Take time every day to spend with
loved ones- some only a phone call
Don't leave unsaid 'I love you' and
chance having to tell someone you
love them-standing over their grave.
Don't take life for granted
someone else's or your own.
10:16pm April 10, 2022
See with your heart's eyes
the beauty your mortal eyes
cannot see.....
feel the winds touch -
a gentle breeze...that moves
your spirit to feel at peace
with the world and
Be still and listen
to life's heart beat
and embrace the peace.
11:01pm April 8, 2022
Lord, It's been a long road
and the day finds me no
closer to the end than I
was the day that I was born.
Often I ask you Lord what
you would have me do
I don't have all the answers
I only know about the things
in life that I went through.
And, those are the things
that left scars on my life
and heart.
I grew, with time, from
being a child into the me
I am this day.
I no longer can see things
through a child's eyes the
way I once use to do.
After some years went by
I saw things differently
through an adults eyes....
Life was no longer simple.
I had grown up- and my life
was truly my own...
After I grew up the child
that I once was was gone.
Lord, I have lived long and
left many good times and
bad times behind.
But I know no matter where
life took me you were always
near enough to wipe away each
Because of where my life has
taken me, and the lessons
living both sides of life have
taught me...I feel a need to
to put back into life some of
the love that was given to me.
It's not hard to love beyond
myself- love is what we all need
on dark days to get though....
Lord, I'm in the Wintertime of
my life ,and I still wait for
a sign from I ask you,
"Lord, what would you have me do?"
3:50pm April 8, 2022
When one mistrusts many
It makes it hard to trust
I sometimes have trouble
trusting strangers.
The stranger could be
the most honest and
trustworthy person
But because of my encounters
with dishonesty, my
heart might not welcome
the stranger as a would be
I may not have a lot of friends
...but the friends I have,
my heart let in.
I try hard to understand
how anyone can hate
strangers they have
never met.
I was taught to trust people
until they gave me reason not
too trust them.
What a happy place this world
would be= if through each others
eyes we could see-what the other
person sees.
Human compassion (the ability
to care beyond ones self)
is what makes two people worthy
to call each other " friend."
It all comes down to 'never tell
a first lie' to a would be friend.
Sometimes, one can get too know
him/her self better from something
they said or wrote from the heart.
Then again maybe not
8:04pm April 6, 2022
Daddy was my hero
He left his mark
on my life...
My fighting spirit
I owe to him...
He was the kind of man
little boys wanted to be
when they grew up.
Today is my Daddy's 99th
He was only 52 when he
went away.
I will never forget the tears
that fell from my daddy's
closed eyes, as his spirit
crossed over into eternity.
Happy Birthday Daddy
I love you today and always.
It seems like only yesterday
that you went away.
Precious Memories how they
linger- you loved that song
and, was heard singing it
not long before you died,
though you did know every
I taught my children to try
always to make happy memories
that they could look back on.
Precious Memories how they
linger- means more to me than
just a song.
It brings back precious memories
of a daddy gone.
3:22pm April 5, 2022
Keep faith
Love and faith
work to the good
of the faithful...
I believe with
all my heart that
angels walk
among men
and that
chosen ones
are given the power
to push
back the dark
when darkness threatens
to break
a faithful man's heart.
God has the power
to heal- if only we ask
and truly believe. -jt
My life would be different
if I had chosen, to go the
other way , over living by
my faith from day to day.
I have everything I need,
a caring heart, peace of mind
and a shield of faith to protect
me on life's stormy days.
Money can buy worldly things....
and still ones life can be empty
of the treasures one needs for
their life to feel complete..
Love is more than a feeling
Love is something that cannot
be bought with with silver or gold.
Love treats equally the hearts
of all men be they rich, poor, young
or old.
Love is what the heart needs to
grow harmony and peace in ones
life, heart and soul....
My god brought me to this day and
will guide me the rest of the way
as long as I live according to my
2:28 pm March 4, 2022
If I do the best I can
and its not good enough
for you....then you are
expecting miracles and
that's something only
god can do.
I have lived my life and
made more than my share
of mistakes...not because
I tried too but because
that's what humans do.
I have lived long enough
to know that while I got
hurt by other people, I
am guilty of hurting other
people too.
I have decided its time
to enjoy the quite and peace
of just living out my life
being me.
I cannot take another's pain
away-I cannot live another life
but mine.
The world survived before I
was born...this world will be
when I leave and meet my destiny.
Life is a circle- each life a
link that creates the circle of life.
Life neither begins or ends
with me or you.
When the living learn to respect life,
heaven and earth, and stop trying
to change the unchangeable , Humanity
will be worthy of God's love, and
eternal peace.
May the light of love fill your day
and the shield of faith keep you safe.
4:05pm March 3, 2022
Some days every thing
appears to be the way
they are suppose to be
until things appear
that forces one to see
a clearer reality.-jt
If things don't
turn out the way you
want them too-keep
trying until they do
Keep faith that things
work out the way they
are suppose too ..
Change the things you can
and what you can't change
leave for your god to do.
2:22am April 2, 2022
Be who you are
Do the best you
can do...
we only have
the moment
we are in...
to get through.
We are stronger
than we think we
are- when push
comes shove we
will do what we
have to do.....
To survive in a
world we are only
passing through.
Love yourself and
others but live your
life for you...
to yourself be true.
1:41am April 2, 2022
When something unexpected happens
and uncertainty invades the day,
Hold a little higher your shield
of faith.
Faith can endue anything life sends
its way- sicknesses healed, souls
saved, hearts mended miracles rooted
in faith happening every day.
Some things happen in life that break
ones heart and tests one faith- but
the faithful from their faith will not
I thank my god every night and every
day for the angels he sent to guide me
through troubling times when pain and
heartache tested my faith.
This life is a testing ground
our faith is tested every day.
God gives and God takes away.
Hold high your shield of faith.
11:10pm March 30, 2022
Hold high your shield of faith
as the days turn into years
and laughter turns into tears.
Time leaves none behind
everything has a place
and time.
a time to be born
a time to die
and A time to walk
through eternity.
Life is a gift
that comes with
a soul.
Without love and
caring souls to
help those in need
the world would be
a more cruel place
than it is today.
One, in the spirit
That's a lot to
take in.
We are more than
what the eyes can
Much more than
a heartbeat.
Hold tightly to
your faith...
look for good
and set the best
examples for others
to follow.
Love leaves no room
for hate.
9:38pm March 29, 2022
Truth has a way
of making itself
One man's lie
could become
another man's
People who don't
know the truth
are more likely
to believe a lie.
An honest person
never has to worry
about getting caught
telling a lie.
What was true when
it was told can
turn into a lie
when its retold.
11:53pm March 28, 2022
Be thankful for the
morals and values
you live by everyday
and for the love others
nurtured inside of you
along the way
that helped to build
your shield of faith.
Respect shown is
respect earned. -jt
Without the right to be,
none would be alive
Without the right to
believe in a god out loud,
what good is freedom
of speech?
What good are kings, queens
Presidents, parliaments and
congressmen who believe they
were born to rule ?
What good are rules if
rule makers are allowed
too break them?
10:26am March 28,2022
I care about what tomorrows
hold for future generations;
What we do this day and
every day of our lives does
It's a shame that the greedy
have drawn so many into their
scheme for more and more wealth.
It's a shame that decent people
world wide don't want to admit
the undeniable: We are allowing,
allowing, a few deranged
individuals to run the world.
I don't think there's anything
to be proud of about some of
the biggest hospitals, and
universities being founded with money
from opium trading.
And I sure don't see anything to
be proud of in selling any
country out for profit...or to
gain world power.
Biden, in this American's opinion,
is a fine example of what is wrong
in the world today. Any leader
who flexes his muscles toward
war ,instead of peaceful means of
settling deputes-has no business
being the leader of any country.
And for those country leaders who
refrain from saying what they
really think about 'world politics'
maybe all of you should consider
stepping down.
World peace will come when every
country, big and small, are shown
the respect the people of those
countries deserve. -Jan Tetstone
9:21pm March 27, 2022
Today, humanity's
offspring, your generation
is the hope for tomorrow
if we fail today to make
the world a better place.
...Just as your offspring
shall be in future
These words I leave
for you:
Life is not perfect,
there will be times the
sun shines and times
your lives shall be
touched by the dark things
in life.
Live your life day by day
Many things shall change
along life's highways you
will be called to travel
Fight for just causes
when there's a need to
stand for what you believe.
But before the first lick
is passed-give thought
to what your foe is willing
to fight for.
Sometimes people will
be fighting for the same
cause- and not know it.
My prayer for you
is that the god who walks
next to me today will
one day walk next to you.
Tho you shall never know
me or the love I carry in
my heart for you- I want
you to know, in my day and
time I was blessed to
find the Shield of Faith
that gave me the courage
and the strength to face
each day.
Today its 2022- humanity
is walking through life's
testing fields- if you find
peace among mankind in your
time- know that many paid
the price in blood, sweat and
tears, for the peace and
liberty that was passed to you.
Guard well the gift of peace..
that has been passed on to you
by those who made the
journey through, who finding
the world in need, sowed seeds
of love in the hearts of men.
I pray that world peace abides
in your time, and if not
I pray the love seeds planted
in the hearts in my time
-shall take root in the hearts
of future men.
Know, that the love in your day
-got its beginning on wings of
faith and heart felt prayer.
The gift of love I shall one
day in another time leave for
you to find.
Love and world peace are what
all caring people seek.
8:03pm, March 27, 2022
It's a new day
a new beginning
another day
to be thankful
for all things
another day
to say " I love you"
to someone
you love...
"Love" is a
powerful word.
11:31am March 26, 2022
I have a dream
for a tomorrow
when humanity
awakens to a day
without sorrow.
When love reign
and hate no longer
thrive on human
When mothers and
fathers once more
[not the world]
are the moral teachers
and decision makers
in their children's
When once more, men and
women with caring hearts
lead and are the guardians
of life, justice for all,
and liberty.
A tomorrow when humanity
awakens closer to heaven
than to hell.
A tomorrow when humanity
has earned the right to live
together in a world, where every life
is filled with love and inner peace.
10:49am March 26, 2022
As a mother, I like to think
that my children learned
something good while in my
care, before growing up
and a way, and I was no
longer there.
As I get older, I realize
no matter how hard a mother
tries to do the best for
the children she carried
in her womb,
There will always be some
who feel she didn't do enough for
them when they were young. .
When my children left home,
a few chose to cut me
from their lives.
At first it hurt my heart-
the heart that they
once slept and awakened to
its beat, before they were born....
during the time when a mother
and a child live as one...
After I stopped
feeling sorry for myself, I
turned my children's lives
over to the god who had placed
them in my care.
I have no doubt that my god
hears my prayers asking him
to watch over them.
And thanking him, for the time
and the memories made
When I called them mine.
Today I live my life for my god,
and for me....
My god has never
left my side....and He never will,
as long as I believe in him with all
my heart, and hold high my shield
of faith everyday .
I love my children and
would die and walk through hell
to keep them safe....
It broke my hearts when in turn
my children went away..
Losing a child to life is far different
than losing a child to death....
the difference
only those who have lost
a child to death can truly know.
It takes a lot of faith to understand,
after a child is gone----because we
, forget children are blessings and
are only ours on loan.
6:03 pm March 25, 2022
God has no equal
Therefore no opposite.
Lord, I ask that you
watch over all the
lost souls gone astray,
just like you watch over
me every day.
When I was lost you found me
at the cross roads of my life.
My life would be different today
if you hadn't been watching
over me to make sure I didn't
Lord, heal the minds and hearts
of men who chose to go the other
Give lost souls reason to
take up the Shield of faith.
Watch over us all Lord, fill
our hearts with love, understanding
and knowledge that your light might
guide us through all of our days.
Hold high your Shield of Faith
11:59pm March 24, 2022
On days when I think
my heart will break,
I think of other times
I thought my heart was
It was from heartaches
that I come to realize:
my god didn't create
my heart to break...
Love heals the wounds
that life makes.
4:03pm March 24, 2022
Within each
the complete.
Live putting
your whole heart
into every thing
you do.
We cannot change
We can only dream
of tomorrows-
We can enter a day
but we can only live
in the day moment by
moment-one breathe
at a time.
Sometimes we are
the cause of our
own heartache and
Be thankful for
the smallest of
small things have
the potential to
grow into bigger
Hold high your
Shield of faith
as you journey
through the day.
Care and love
1:09pm March 24, 2022
I struggled for words today
not because I couldn't find
words to say.
Words are like stepping stones
we take steps up- we take steps
What we say,how we say it,And the effect
of what we say matters ,in our life and
in the lives of others.
Words we read, write, or hear
lift us up mentally and spiritually
or bring us down mentally and
What is to be gained by speaking
words that cause pain, and opens
the door to misunderstanding?
My weakness in writing is sometimes
I forget the number of years it took
to get me mentally and spiritually
to where I am today.
Things that one hasn't experienced
one cannot understand.
Kind words and kind deeds sent my way
during my life time- nurtured the
heart in me.
Tho during my life time I've
experienced both good and bad
from life- I endured because
I was the receiver of other
peoples caring.
Those who love us love us for
who we are.
Hold high your Shield of Faith
we all stumble every now and then
but as long as we can still see
the light that drew us in, we'll
always get back up again.
1:29 pm March 23, 2022
Today and Yesterday my thoughts
have been filled with thoughts
of how blessed my life has
always been....
Being born in a time when
having only the necessities in
life wasn't considered a sin.
Define for me what being
rich means.
Too me it means having bigger,
better and nicer worldly
things that the majority can't
A car is a car, a house is a
house, and clothes are clothes
- new or old.....
The necessities are all one needs. Everything
else is just for show or because of ones greed
More thought should go toward
the inner things that truly matter
: heart, spirit and soul.
If I have taught my children
only one thing ,let it be
that money is not the most
important thing.
11:11am March 22, 2022
Life is not definable
because we all live life
in our own way. And how
we define our life today
may change tomorrow.
Life in its simplest form
is apparent in a new born
The world we live in today
has need of love, and new
found faith.
Love given is love received.
Do what's right and it will
feed the world's heartbeat...
and all humanity on the matter,
shall agree.
Evil cannot stand long against
the light of truth-the truth
is not always what one is taught
in their youth.
Wise is he who understands the power
of truth over lies, and the lives of men..
12:36pm March 22, 2022
The best surprise for a mother
is when a child drops in
unexpectedly and says
"I love you."
I've had that happen to me,
I taught my children to
always tell each other
before parting ways
"I love you {name}"
It's important because
we never know when
we'll part for the last
We take each other for
granted....or we do
before unexpectedly
we find an empty chair
at the dinner table.
When my daughter died
unexpectedly, I lost
a daughter and my
remaining children lost
their sister.
One of my daughters told
me "I know the last thing
I told Sonya was
'I love you.'"
I was raised in a time
that there was no doubt
that I was loved, even
though the words "I
love you" were rarely
heard /said.
Two weeks before my daddy
died he told me, for the
first time, that I can
remember, that he loved
Hearing those words moved
my heart so, I realized
the importance of not just
knowing you're loved but
hearing the words "I love
Don't take the people
you care about for granted.
10:47pm March 20, 2022
We can't change yesterday
but we can use yesterdays
to better our today.
Sleeping late, I missed out
on hearing the magical sounds
that mornings bring.
Beyond the moment, nothing
lay, in the day we are in.
Age isn't just a number
on a page.
Its the number of years
between being born and
ones destiny.
Live, learn and love
Life unfolds the same
way for us all, day by
Heartache and bad
memories are heavy
loads to carry.
Love has the power
that allows one
to see hope beyond
the tears.
Love shows itself
in many ways.
Faith the belief in
something greater
than we are.
Step into the day
holding high your
Shield of faith....
let love and your god
light up your life and
world today.
11:45am March 19, 2022
A wise man
himself. -jt
11:28pm March 18, 2022
Believe in yourself
when other may not
live your life with a
loving heart.
Faith is not a
sometimes thing
or something to
hold to ever
now and then...
nor is faith
something to
cling to only
in time of need.
Faith is the
inner power
to make
a difference
in the world.
If only faith
was something
one could give
to others...
Faith isn't
something one
can give away.
Like the wind
we cannot see
but we can feel,
Faith's touch
moves the hearts
of men.
Keep faith
live one day
at a time...
remember not
to be so hard
on yourself
and others
we are all
in this
If you can't
find a kind
word to say,
some things
are better
left unsaid.
8:36pm March 18, 2022
Setting at my kitchen table
in front of my computer screen
the birds outside my window
And I wander in my mind
to places I have never
Every day the sun comes up
we have it in our power, by
our presence in life, to
make a difference for the
better in the world, if we
choose to.
I choose to live this day
according to the lessons
I learnt from living in
It's a blessing to have
family and friends one
can open up their heart
Life is the road to eternity
where beginning and end
The beginning and the end
one and the same one
from the time one is born:
the circle of life.
12:53pm March 17, 2022
You matter
Your life matters
and what you do
with your life
Be the best that
you can be
Reach for your star
follow your dream
To yourself
be true!
No one can
live your life
but you...
10:21pm March 16, 2022
Lord, guide me to do
your will...
If not for your mercy
In another time and
day- your guidance,
and understanding
along life's way, and
your love my life
would be very different
Show me Lord what you
would have me do...
My love, life and heart
evolves around you.
Thank you, for my life
and everything you do
for me.
If I stray from the
path you lay for me
move me back where
you would have me be.
9:55pm March 16, 2022
Today I was blessed
but that's nothing
I've been blessed
my whole life
For, every tear
I ever cried
was a blessing
in disguise.
My father's death
taught me that
no one lives for
My tiny son's death
taught me the value
of human life.
My mother's death
taught me the important
place a mother holds
in her child's life.
My daughter's death
taught me that what
I call my own is only
mine on loan.
My grandson's death
taught me the value
of the "me."
My nephew's death
taught me how cruel
life can be.
My brothers' deaths
taught me the value
of spending time
with those we don't
see very often.
My grandparents' deaths
taught me the value
of the old in a family.
The deaths of Aunts,
uncles, cousins,friends-
and all the above
taught me, we can't always
be there for the people
we love.
9:23pm March 16, 2022
At some point in
my adult life I
realized how
safe I was in my
childhood world
where others made
decisions for me
and kept me from
harm- because
they love the
little girl I
Don't take life
for granted, or
the things in
your world today.
I once took people
I love for granted
that was before
time and life, one
by one, took people
I love away.
Trickery is the norm
today-in worlds where
children live in fear,
crying,sick, and
Love cannot thrive in
young hearts that get
broken every day.
Children need guidance
and love, and loving
people, to make decisions
for them - where they
can feel loved and safe.
Many people shut out
reality to keep the
illusion of being safe,
in their self made worlds.
The movie makers are the
fakers=fake news the rage.
I wonder what movie makers
think just before life writes
"The End" page for them.
What a Poor man doesn't have
he has learnt to live without.
We all have life decisions
to make....
Decisions made on hearsay alone
the majority of the time are
Never doubt the power of faith
when your need is great.
4:52pm March 15, 2022
Today is what matters most
In making the world
a better place.
Asleep in a maze
of pleasure and
fantasy- unaware
they have never
really known
they lack the one
thing all humans
The inner drive
to succeed that
comes from living
a simple life
filled with
dreams, and
sometimes strife.
If one is given
everything from
the moment they
are born never
to know material need
Is not their life's
glass half full and
half empty still?
Riches are wasted
every day by those
with money to throw
Life isn't ignorant
to the ways of men
nor the ways of their
What the eyes of man
cannot see is the hands
of God drawing us toward
our destiny.
Keep faith as you walk
through each day
hold not to tightly
to those you love
Like this world, heaven too
shall have its way.
Hold high your shield
of faith.
12:57pm March 14, 2022
This world is not
my home
Everything I thought
was mine
was only mine
on loan.
I have cried
over things
come and gone
wiped away
my tears
and moved on.
Am I heartless
because I do not
wear my heart
where those
I love can see
the empty side
of me.
Is not life
itself enough
to give one
reason to believe
in something
greater outside
the world of me?
Love is rooted
in the essence
of our being.
Judge not those
seeking peace
least you become
the war maker.
What good are
rulers ruled
by greedy men?
Stories of old
were once man's
Right has no
decision making.
11:29am March 13, 2022
Don't listen
to the worldly.
Listen to your
inner self.
made in haste
wisdom does not
Stay strong
Stand unmovable
behind your belief
in the right of the
There's more good
in the world than
Keep faith
nothing is impossible
what man can't do
God can.
11:04pm March 12, 2022
Hold tightly to your
shield of faith
for no other can
walk in your shoes
or live your life
for you.
The best way to
to practice what
you preach is to
put heart into
everything you do.
In my time of
weakness I cling
a little tighter
to my shield of
It's your faith
that empowers you
to endure the
the things life
sends you way.
With a thankful
heart, hold high
your shield of
10:24am March 11, 2022
Once ,as a child, I took
life for granted, and
the love and peace that
filled my day.
In my innocence , I was
blind and could not see
life's ragging waters
that would one day take
away my innocence and
my inner peace.
We all seek happiness
in our own way.
Sometimes we reach for
things that were not
meant to be.
Sometimes we overlook
what our heart needs
until it moves
beyond our reach.
Sometimes we stand
so close to something
that we fail to see
the whole of it.
10:06am March 11, 2022
Beautiful things
move my heart
to wonder about
the beauty my eyes
I yearn not for riches
I have no need for
silver or gold...
My life is filled
with peace and love
that satisfies my
5:42pm March 9, 2022
If you loses sight
of your self
Everyone else will
Every thing
that can be
owned has
a price tag
Except love.
Love can
be given,
denied, or
Take time
to see beneath
the dead leaves,
the tree waiting
for Spring.
The calmness
the quiet brings
moves my heart
to remember:
love has the
power to change
all things.
There is enough
of everything
for everyone-
The greatest gifts
are inner born.
If a decision
is to be made
make it with
good intention.
What you do
not only affects you
but has the potential
to affect those you
Consider the human lives
wasting away because
people stopped believing
and lower their Shields
of Faith.
God is real but one must
find God for ones self.
We walk on life;s battle
fields every day.
And every day God tests
our faith.
Hold high your shield of
faith, and let love lead
you though each day.
8:43pm March 8, 2022
Today, is the beginning
of a new tomorrow
Today another chance to
be a better me.
I look around and find
the faithful in high
places, with blank looks
upon their faces.
Lord, touch the hearts
that wait for guidance
release them from their
worldly chains, help
them find the path to peace,
again, that you set their
feet on when their
journey first begin.
Listen to the good
in you...
The past holds lessons
written by others on their
journey through.
Look not to the worldly
for guidance- least you
stray further from the
truth you seek.
Always look for good
among those you think
to be your enemies.
One who pushes for war
instead of peace is not
worthy of recognition
or fit to lead,.
1:35 pm March 7, 2022
When human life
is dehumanized,
a mother has to
beg doctors not
to kill her child,
and the old are
slowly killed in
nursing homes, it
stands to reason
that money
would become
worthless paper-
and the greedy
would turn to
digital money
(money made out
of thin air).
The saddest part
to me ,as an
American, is
watching countries
betray their traditions
of old...
As an American
aware of the manipulation
of businesses, governments,
and people...
I treasure the history
of countries worldwide
that fill the pages
of the 100 year old books
I collected during my
life time.
World banks are like world
governments- neither one of
them care about helping
individual countries-
It's all about control.
Greed keeps mankind
separated... the world
is led by educated
1OO years ago white skin,
black skin, and yellow skin
adult males were all called
"men" in Geography books, used
in American public schools.
I have no idea why I.m
writing on these subjects
It's apparent to me, that
a lot of parents turned
the raising of their children
over to a system which was
created to manipulate young
minds in ways that benefit no one
but the rich and greedy.
I write what I feel, and
many times, it makes me sad
at heart to feel so helpless,
in a world where people could
make a difference, if only
they cared enough.
"I don't care" people say...
more and more every day.
God has the power to heal
mind, spirit, and body.
If, only, in the heart one
truly believes.
11:48pm March 6, 2022
The sun is shining
as I prepare to
live in another day.
We find in a day
what we look for.
Good and bad reside
in the same place.
Those who thrive
on another's blood,
sweat and tears
have much from
life to fear.
Do what is right
Stand against
the wrong doers
you find in the
Let life thrive
and love flow.
Life owes no man
an easy road.
We can die at
the hands of
defeat-or walk
in the shadows
of great men.
When one makes
their world
a better place
filled with
kindness and
peace- knowingly
or unknowingly
they are creating
a better world
for all humanity.
9:26AM March 4, 2022
This world is only
a stop over
to eternity.
Here all darkness
resides to temp
the souls of men.
There are many keys
to many doors.
One has only to
choose the right
key and the right
This world is
a testing ground
for what is to be.
Will it be world war
or will it be world
I may go about things
different than you
but my heart is behind
everything I do.
There's greed that has
long created a world
that the old can no
longer recognize.
What happens tomorrow
depends on what happens
Pray for peace, believe
with your heart, and God
will make a way.
11:22am March 2, 2022
A wise man would
never believe
internet news.
Fake news is nothing new
it used to be called
The internet just
makes it easier
for liars to lie.
Be careful where you
place your trust.
Go by your inter voice
that lets you know when
some things don't feel
Just because you are
an honest person that
don't mean everyone
else is.
Live your life
Think beyond
yourself and
your world.
Churches are built
to fall.
Love can and has
always kept the
good in humanity
from dying out.
For much to long
people have
tolerated the
greed of the few
feeding off the
hearts and
livelihoods of men.
If something was
wrong yesterday
it's still wrong
8:51pm March 1, 2022
I set here as today
turns into tomorrow
and I think about
things, and people
my life has touched...
with happiness
and with sorrow.
And I thank God
for every path
I walked.
At the end of
journey, I
a little more
about life and
about my self.
Life cannot be relived
but from living
we can learn many
things .
I cannot imagine
living life and
not believing
in a higher power,
and the good
that rests in the
hearts of men.
I thank God every
day for always
being a part of my
I'm about as imperfect
as one can be
but I know without
a doubt that my god
loves me.
12:33am March 1, 2022
When you love someone
you want them to be happy
whether you are a part
of that happiness or not.
Life is more than
the eyes can see
mare than the
heart can feel.
there is a thin
line between
make believe
and what is real.
Today, is all I
have to be me in
I may never get
the chance again.
For what is not,
dreams flow.
Live in the moment
Love in the moment
and all will be well
with the world.
We can waste our life
thinking of yesterdays
gone-but what is there
to be gained from
reliving yesterdays
I am whatever
I allow myself
to be.
Its all a part
of life
its all a part
of being me.
Pleasing everyone-at the
same time, is impossible.
Live in the day
Let yesterdays lay
keep faith...
All things come
and gone make us
who we are today.
Keep faith.
11:01am February 28, 2022
The tears in my eyes
want so to fall
but I know human
weakness is behind
it all.
Lord, you know my heart
you know where the roads
in life have taken me
you know my strength
you know where my
weaknesses lay.
Lift me beyond self pity....
You have filled my life
with blessing that no
man can measure.
When I wanted someone
to understand my pain
your angels surrounded
me with love and
understanding, filled me
with hope, nurtured my
spirit until I could
stand on my own again.
I still am filled with
human weaknesses, Lord
sometimes tears do fill my
eyes and I want to break
down and cry.
Then I talk with you for
awhile, as I'm doing now,
and my tears begin to dry.
And I realize it another
day to be thankful for
all the good things and
the blessings in my life.
9:00am February 27, 2022
Like dark that cast no shadow
greed walks among innocent
Peaceful means is the
only way to world peace.
The better man must stay
in contact with his better
Greedy men travel in packs
fearful of the truth and
each other.
Remember, the only way to
defeat evil is to confront
evil with good deeds.
Evil thrives where ignorance
Let inner wisdom guide
and heart command.
Follow the paths that lead
to peace.
Not always are things as
they seem.
9:30am February 25, 2022
The way to know what's
going to happen is to
wait and see what
To many games played
will sooner or later
take a toll on the
The day has no need
of eyes to see where
the sun shines...
Like night time stars
twinkling in the night
Night and day exist
to remind humanity
there are two sides to
a man's life.
One side dark the other
side filled with light.
It's the choices made
we live with today-and
the choices we will make
we live with tomorrow.
Peace is a comfort to
a good man's heart, and
a chain around an evil
man's greed.
Peace must exist in men's
hearts before peace can
reign in the lives of men.
Take note that you don't
trip over the sins of
other men.
Love will long live, beyond
the grave.
What we do today will determine
the kind of world others
live in, long after we are
Search your heart
for any good that
rests there.
There are only two ways to go
in life: the right way and the
wrong way.
Enough innocent blood
has been shed...No more.
It's never to late to change
the direction your life is
going in.
Care enough to let your better
self take the lead in all that
you a world we all are
only passing through.
Love always, and put faith
behind everything you do.
1:03pm February 23, 2022
Without freedom,
freewill dies,
the right to choose
taken away, and the
majority becomes
rich men's slaves.
They play on hearts
They play on minds
making promises to
the needy they never
intend to keep.
Their joy does not
come from helping those
in need...
Their joy comes from
making poor men suffer
and poor men bleed.
The secret to staying
free is to never allow
freedom to be taken
9:25am February 22, 2022
The majority have it in
their power to weed out
the weeds of greed...
The world has taken
procession of many a good
man's soul-without a
fight without a struggle
the forces of evil reaps
its own.
9:34am February 22, 2022
I am but one among the
many, to the wind I sing
my song.
Hear with your heart
troubling things, and with
your heart reap the wisdom
freedom brings.
One who has never known
what its like to be free
is, more likely, content
being a rich man's slave.
The lies told, and passed
on as truths are destined
to be brought to light-and
all men are destined to
live equals.
Temptation satisfied will
always rebirth temptation.
Follow the good inside
that the hearts feeds
When evil bids you 'come'
turn and walk the other way.
9:48pm February 22, 2022
The strength to live on
rests inside each man...
It's only when
One gives up
That all hope is gone.
Don't listen to the
negative exiting the
mouths of others-
Keep positive always
alive in your life
and heart.
There will always be
options- choose wisely
the ones you believe
will lead to peace.
Believe in the good in
men to do the right thing-
when wrong raises its
ugly head.
Let love flow and all
things good shall thrive.
Me and my daughter Katie on my 73 Birthday -Feb 20, 2022
11:57 am February 20, 2022
The sounds of yesterday
echoing through time.
As unfolding arms reach
out, the casket closes.
The errors of yesterday
were made in darkness
where today the light
shines brightest.
If not for the good in
men passed, there would
be no good in this day.
Secrets kept by one
will sooner or later
find voice though
The champion of life
is love.
A thief who steals food
for his family- will
sacrifices all in the name
of love.
One who steals for self,
or others, when there are
no needs, steal not out of
love but out of pure greed.
To allow any to invade ones
country is to allow them
to determine the country's
There are no betters only
some who think they are.
6:52PM February 19, 2022
Time flies by so fast
there is nothing
in this world made
to last.
The memories we make
today- are stored away
for another time and
Don't hang on to tightly
to those you love-
with time everything we
hold dear will disappear.
Two life journies
we make alone
being born
and dying.
one way in (birth)
one way out (death)
If not for love
the heart would
forever morn.
Without the ability
to care what would
be the purpose in
People die every day
but not many seem to
We all have our crosses
to bear.
My 73rd Birthday wish,
in a few hours, will be
A thank you prayer to
my god for always being
there for me.
The ability to care
keeps my feet firmly
planted on the path
in front of me.
I don't know what tomorrow
will bring-I live one
breath at a time in the day
-holding high my Shield of
God hears every heart beat
and knows what the faithful
Keep faith, as you journey
through the day.
9:01PM February 18, 2022
If one letter is added
or taken away from a
word it can change, even
hide, the biggest lie.
Take for instance
a company name
or even a person's
name, add one letter,
or take a letter away,
or add a period to
a name anywhere. and a
computer search will
show, the word ,and
the slightly changed word
as not being the same.
It's called "the name
game" and all the "can't fail"
big bank owners and board
members know how to play
the name game.
Evil men don't play fair
in life or on paper.
Be careful when letting
another sign for you-
the word "ethics" has
no meaning to a dishonest
Guard your soul before
your money.
Love, happiness, and peace
can't be bought with silver
or gold.
Trust but use your commonsense
and better judgment when
dealing with people
you don't know.
5:36pm February 18, 2022
The truth is something only an honest
man can tell.
Ones blood does not determine
ones destiny. We all bleed.
What man creates is not created
by the hands of God.
A lie told over and over again
becomes a stumbling block for
those quick to believe in
fairy tales.
Any government leader, or any
one, who talks war when the world
is drawing closer toward world peace-
does not speak for me.
It's never easy telling someone
something they don't want to hear.
Little lies told in innocence
are still lies.
All the knowledge in the world
can't save a heartless man's
Those who abuse the innocent
are doomed to be abused.
Life has its own way of getting
life back on track.
Don't blame life for the mistakes
of men.
Greedy men built empires with money
made from the opium trade, and today
their offspring tell us what great
deeds opium traders did in their time;
and what good the fortunes from the
opium trade,passed on to them, is still
doing in the world today.
Queens and kings aren't fit to rule
and should be remembered for the part
they played in the opium trade; and for
the innocent Chinese blood they shed to
insure that the opium trade was not
inter-feared with in any way.
It makes me a shame, knowing I am the
direct decedent of a man who once bowed
down to, and fought for so called kings.
It's not the blood that runs through
a man's veins that makes them worthy of
honor or respect-it the kind deed done
in one lifetime, that people remember
and never forget.
9:59pm February 17, 2022
It's hard letting
loved ones go-
being left with only
memories to help
get through the day.
Suffering will befall
humans as long as
love allows liars and
deceit to feed the
hearts of men.
Evil that lives in
high places reached
its height at the
expense of many a
good man's life.
If you listen to the
world, worldly things
will rob the ear
of the things it needs
to hear.
Deep down inside
one knows wrong from
Some will know when
the enemy is near
others will be caught
unaware .
Follow the light in
your soul- the devil
can't kill you but he
can trick you into
killing yourself.
Seek peace in the day
Do always what you
believe to be the right
thing to do.
The path to peace is
the path that ones
heart must travel-
if humanity is to live
honorably in peace.
Too many have died
seeking peace for
humanity~ for those
of us left behind
to accept anything
It has never been the
purpose of any war to
do anything except bring
a world of people to
their knees.
Pray for Peace.
12:49am February 17, 2022
Keep walking the path
of peace...
Let the lesser man be
the one to throw the
first stone.
There are lessons in
life yet to be
learned by those who
think they know
Of all the women on
earth, mothers are ,
always have been, and
always will be, the
most loved women of
them all.
Religion in this
world was created
by men for men.
God don't live in
the world ..
God lives in the
hearts of men.
Peace lives
where love
seeds grow.
People who search
for reasons to call
a good deed a bad
deed cause more
unrest than all the
Not all rich men are
evil-not all poor men
are good-
Many a deceitful act
has been followed by
a smile.
One who is quick to judge
another is often the one
who has something to hide.
3:29pm February 15, 2022
We none are perfect
which can be proven
by the mistakes we
Don't react the way
others expect you too
do the unexpected
and do what your heart
and commonsense guides
you to do.
Someone has to be the
bigger man processing
the bigger heart to
undo what the greedy
have done.
Fight only when there
is no other way.
There's room enough
in this world for all
men to set together
in peace, if not as
Respect is hard to find
in a world where little
respect resides.
Peace is the winner's
8:15pm February 14, 2022
A heart that loves
remembers always
where each piece
of its heart lays.
Love endures
where hearts
Love doesn't lie
doesn't die
love always endues
and love always
Love is as real
as the heart it
it fills.
Deny not, buds of love
the chance to blossom
into a flower.
11:44AM February 14, 2022
Human Compassion
~Hope, for humanity ~
Try as I will
try as I may
not always will
things go my
Trying to hard
can make the
easiest things
seem hard.
Life is worth
the hard times
it sometimes
takes to get
through a day.
Protect the young
from those who
would lead them
Respect the old
who once were the
leaders of their day.
Expect nothing
Be thankful
for everything.
We all have strengths
we've yet to use...
One kind deed could
change somebody's
10:46pm February 13, 2022
Life is filled
with the living.
Don't waste life
wishing for things
to be different
than they are
-strive to obtain the things
your heart desires.
Reach for your dream
never doubting
it will come true.
Believe with your
heart, keep
faith , and good things
will come to you.
Breathe in and feel
the peace of the
11:50pm February 12, 2022
Wars take place so the weakest
among men can hold on to the
temporary allusion of domination
over the human race.
Where is the prize to be had
when wantonly taking human life?
Mothers are the backbone
of nations.
Fathers carry in their blood
the wisdom of the years.
Children become what they learn.
Hope is not a waste of time
if it comes from the heart and
not the mind.
To accomplish the best things
in life should be at the
heart of every man's dream.
Let there be peace in the hearts
of men that peace might reign
in the hearts of children.
The strongest men have the
biggest hearts.
Love has the power to heal nations.
Do something good today
don't just act human be human.
ALWAYS LIVING according to your
The most powerful god is a loving
9:35pm February 12, 2022
Many evil things from the past
have found their way into our
lives and days.
Embedded in the hearts
of the faithful men the true
knowledge concerning righteousness
and sin.
It is written in our blood that
goodness and love have brought
men to this day to conquer without
mortal weapons the evil and sin
ripping at the souls of men.
The good that exists in the
world today is the gift passed
on through the blood of those
who lived long ago.
From the beginning of time
love has been the champion of
Everything good about mankind.
We each have something
in our heart that can
overcome anything life
throws our way ~
It's called "love."
2:32pm February 11, 2022
Lord, I ask you
this day
to touch the
hearts of your
faithful to see,
beyond the moment
they are in, the
places where
there are needs.
Let each weigh
what lay in the
balance scales of
the hands of men.
Lord, as hard as
it may be for
some to see beyond
worlds of make
believe and fantasy
open their inner eyes
to see through the
darkness that moves
among men.
There's a lot of
needless suffering.
Please, Lord, close
the mouths of greed
and place your angels
of love wherever there's
a need.
Man has reached the
limits - where reality
and make- believe meet.
Your will be done in
this world filled with
suffering and senseless
Fill my heart today with
more than my share of
love, that I may, with a
kind and loving heart,
plant more seeds of love
to help others in need.
Lord, words of love and
human compassion are
empty, and meaningless,
if not followed by kind
Thank you for another
blessed day- filled with
love- and the need to
plant seeds of love
in the hearts of humanity.
Without you in my life Lord
I am nothing-
with you in my life Lord
I am everything.
Keep faith, open your inner
eyes to see God's reality
moving in your life today..
Where faith abides...
God will make away.
11:39 am February 10, 2022
Without water
man would die
and the earth
would become
ugly and dry.
love would
not thrive
would die
would eat
us alive.
we forget
how fast
life flies
by, and
we take life
for granted
when in
we are all
to die-
at some
in the
of an eye.
With so much
in the world-
we should
all consider
ways to
tell the
between truth
and fiction.
and faith,
in religion,
are on
change all
the time,
Faith never
never dies
if it comes
from the
heart inside.
Keep faith
things are
to God's
10:25 pm February 9, 2022
Take each day as it comes
prepared for the worse
yet ready to give thanks
for whatever a day brings
your way.
We are each tested every
day-do the best you can
Live according to your faith.
11:34am February 9, 2022
I was moved to anger today
thinking of times gone by
and of all the things that
help create the caring
heart inside of people that
tomorrow's children could
be deprived of if the
hearts inside us all fail
to move today's world
in a different direction.
I care that children are
being forced to grow up
to fast... that it takes
two parents working just
to afford the bare
necessities ; I care
that people my age are
being forced to die; I
care that the majority of
people in prisons are in
there so private prison
owners can keep collecting
federal and state money to
keep men and women locked
away. and, I dare say ,I care
when people get 'get out of
jail free cards" while the
people who should be out
are being treated worse than
caged animals.
I care that those who take
an oat to protect and serve
communities legally kill
American citizen's in their
own homes and yards; and beat
American citizens after they
are in custody.
I care about a lots of things
that I can't change... but
because I am an American
whose family members served and
sacrificed in the armed forces,
I can, and I will, exercise
my Constitutional Right to
Freedom of Speech.
10:58pm February 8, 2022
Love is the key to eternity.
Truth is often denied but denial can't change truths. ..-jt
Other countries
down my country,
The United States
of America- for
having no honor
when their own
leaders don't
have any.
Many foreign
operate illegally
in the USA through
their pimps.
China's leaders
have no honor
and have tarnished
the names of past
Chinese leaders who
Millions of Americans
lost their livelihoods
and homes to greedy
men and women- who
used loop-holes in the US
Constitution as
legal ways to enter
the USA and set up
They say that ignorance
is bliss, that what one
don't know won't hurt
Well. In the case of
foreign governments
working inside our
American borders to
chip away at our right
to life, liberty, and
justice; what Americans
don't know is destroying
everything good and
decent about our country.
I often wondered about
the power some businesses
in North Carolina seem to
I would suggest if our
country is to remain in
the hands of the American
people...that, AMERICANS
start acting like American, and:
1. stop buying foreign made
2. stop throwing money away
on the stock market-that was
rigged from the start, over
100 years ago.
3. start demanding town, city,
state and federal governments
not put your retirement money
in the pockets of big banks...
who then send it out of our
country to their counterparts
on the other side of the
4.Let US politicians know
we [the American people] are
fed up with our governments
'policing the world policies]
5. Pray [our nation is a nation
founded on a higher power Americans
call "God] that People worldwide
are as fed up with the elite few, as
we the American people are.
God bless America,
p.s. Let those claiming double
citizenship know anyone living
in the USA claiming citizenship
in other countries are unfit to
be called American citizens.
7:16 pm February 8, 2022
I see miracles everyday
I don't need to prove
to my self that miracles
really do take place.
If only those who question
God's existence could
see what my eyes have
There is a war being
fought for the souls
of men; unlike any
war mankind has ever
fought in.
Many have been led astray.
Without a struggle or a fight.
They have doomed themselves to
live in darkness, never again
to connect with the light that
once lit up their souls.
Many think because they have
vast treasures on earth that
that will gain them entrance
into the kingdom of God.
Many think the thoughts
that others put into their
heads, and cannot think
for themselves.
Many have feelings only for
their own; not a thought
of compassion for their
fellow man reaches beyond
where they stand.
Many use God as a means
to further their own
wealth..... and have yet
to pay their tides.
Still, God is greater
than all the hypocrites
feasting on the life
blood of the weak.
I am but one of the many
living on faith in a god
man's eyes cannot see.
All the silver and gold
on earth can't save a
greedy man's soul or fill
ones empty heart with love.
There is a war we all are
caught up in- A war between
evil and the better sides
of men .
2:42pm February 8, 2022
It's quite except
the sound of water
hitting the water
the fish are
swimming in; and
the sound of the
small heater's
fan going round
and round.
Some where beyond
the peace here
some are hungry,
cold and filled
with fear; crying
God! Why? What
have we done?
I believe in my
heart that God
chooses His faithful
ones to endue the evil
released by greed; to
test the souls of men.
When tears fall ,the
wind blows; the waters
rise up and the earth
trembles-all hunger and
fear shall be no more.
God never puts on us
more than we can bear.
Greed only knows its
own....God knows the
hearts of all men.
8:59pm February 7, 2022
I set, waiting for words
to share, that might
ease another's breaking
heart; make them feel
not so alone in a world
that leaves so many
wanting to process what
cannot be owned.
To remind those who
have wandered far
from who they truly
are ,that the paths
we travel on is a
one way road with
many side roads that
will take us to
somewhere or nowhere.
Many live their whole
life through in comfort
while others live
hopelessly in despair.
The world has much
beauty for the eyes of
all to behold-but as
pleasing to the eyes
as worldly beauty is
Worldly beauty feeds
ones eyes but not
ones soul.
What would we be if not
for the beating hearts of
those who came before us.
Lessons handed down
through times of men
are not written in
stone-as life changes
so does the needs of
10:40am February 7, 2022
God has been good to me
He knows my heart and
has never failed to provide
me with what I need.
He has crushed many a snake
on the paths he had me take.
Think not that the faithful
walk alone and the eyes of
the angels can be deceived.
There is a price to be paid
for causing God's children
to stumble in the darkness
created by greed.
There is nothing that can
cover forever dishonesty
and greed.
Many were born into this
world innocent and taught
as children the things evil
wanted them to believe.
I know not where my journey
through this life will take
me or what moment my life
will end- I bow to know king
or queen-my king Jesus Christ
lives through me.
Where He would have me be
there I will faithfully be.
There is a reason for the
words I have written here
-they are meant for all evil
doers to see.
Search your heart for the
answers you seek.
7:58pm February 6, 2022
A soldier of peace does not
take deceit to the table
seeking peace.
A soldier of peace does not
seek gain from the blood of
innocent men, women and children.
A soldier of peace is a
warrior in his own right
guided by his inner light.
A soldier of peace needs
no army, and needs no war
to stand on the side of peace.
Peace has always been within
the reach of honorable men.
A soldier of peace is inner
born, with the knowledge that
as different as humanity is
under the flag of truth and
love all men, together, will
unite as one.
Peace cannot be found on
battlefields of war
As has been seen many times
The heart of humanity has the
power to end all war.
11:54am February 6, 2022
Lord, I have been blessed
to live long enough to see
my children grown, with
children and families
of their own...
I thank you for all the
beautiful flowers in my
mother's bouquet.
If not for the lives
you placed in my care
I would have never known
how precious life
really is.
They are no longer in my
care; but I know your
your angels watch over
them, and keep them safe
when I'm not there.
Thank you for choosing
me to be a mother.
2:31am February 6, 2022
Evil thrives on innocence
caught unaware.
Mistakes teach us that we
aren't as smart as we
think we are.
The world isn't
divided by language
its separated by
greedy men.
Non-profit organizations
exist to make the owners
I have lived long enough
that its easy for me
to see the things that
younger eye have yet
to see.
Even with good intentions
bad things happen.
Forgiving ones self is
the first step to finding
happiness in life.
Today is a good day
to set a course
for your life.
Many people haven't lived
enough to know what life
is about... put them in the
real world and they'd
curse those who built the
fantasy worlds they exist in
It don't take courage to
live right. It takes knowing
wrong from right.
Words of old times were
written for that time.
The world has evolved into
what it is today: a play
ground for an elite few.
Because to many people
trusted the wrong people.
Books written by human hands
are filled with human thoughts,
human feelings, and human beliefs;
all belonging to a single,
woman or man.
Live your own life, build your life
around your thoughts, feelings, and
beliefs......the world has no need
for another fantasy and make believe.
Life is to short to live your life
the way other people think it should
be lived.
Live your life story with heart,
trying always to set the best of
example for those in the future
to follow.
3:20pm February 5, 2022
Lord, I have always asked you
"Lord. what would you have
me do?"
You have given me answer
in the strangest way.
My earthly father dream of
one day being a better provider
for his family. A dream
that was so powerful in him,
that at times he was given
the strength of Hercules
(lifting motors with his bare
hands) and an Einstein mind
(he built a car that run off
He never got to see his dream
come true...he died without
warning at age 52.
One thing about my father
he was such, that only others,
could hope to be.
At his funeral the preacher
said, after looking out at
the people there, "I see the faces
of a lot of men Sylvester had
knocked on their butts over the
years. They're here because they
respected Sylvester Manning."
The Manning name meant more
when my father walked this earth.
He was a man of his word, he feared
no man. My belief is he died
from a broken heart.
Here lately the Manning name has
appeared a lot in the research I do.
Freemasons, Harvard, Baptist Preacher..
and from what history tells me is
"as Mannings they are none fit to
walk in my daddy's shoes".
As a child I loved my country, and
family. My daddy was a soldier in WWII.
Unlike John Kerry, who has Manning in
his family tree, my family didn't
inherit money from the opium trade
that has continued to this day.
Take note. God does nothing without
reason... The truth is the only thing
those over the Masons fear.
The world don't need better men today
It just needs men to start acting like
men and women to stop trying to be men.
Manning is a good name for those worthy
enough to wear it with honor and respect.
Any last names is only as good as the
person wearing it.
9:17pm February 4, 2022
The sun is shining
The wind chimes chiming
The sound of water
falling satisfies
my soul.
If only those in
turmoil and despair
could see through my
eyes -the things my
eyes have seen they
would find reason
to raise high their
shields of faith
and journey on.
God knows my heart
has suffered long
to endure the
trial and
tribulations I have
endued on my way
But not once have
I been left to
face heartbreak
on my own.
11:27am February 4, 2022
The struggles we
endure today
make way for a time
when all the world
shall wittiness the
power of Faith.
The believer has
no need to seek
out something to
believe in: faith is
inner born.
Wipe your tears away
seek out ways in the
day to touch the lives
of others with kindness
and love; help those
in need to embrace
the power of faith.
11:43am February 4, 2022
The time always comes
when the hands of God
moves us in such away
as to open our eyes
to where evil men
set together...drunk
on feelings of being
superior to lesser men.
If only the greedy could
see the eyes of those
sacrificed for unsatisfiable
greed...they would
tremble at at what awaits
them in eternal sleep.
This world and all the
beauty nature gives birth
to every not exist
for those who abuse the
faithful who have more
honor and courage than
knights or kings.
Be careful when judging
others on only the things
The eyes can see...for
it is the things one
cannot see-that makes one
better than a greedy man..
Walk upright-when others
would have you bow down
to them.
Let your heart dictate
the words that need said.
The young are only young
for a short time- use your
youth wisely.
Children must be free to
be children before
they grow to be women and
Never hurry a child through
childhood-for it is childhood
that nurtures the hearts ,minds
and souls of tomorrow's moral
12:31am February 4, 2022
The older I get
the more confusing
the world gets.
Don't worry about
changing the world
there's enough doing
work in that department.
I can understand
the confusion
over whether or not
God exists, with so
many people playing god
with other peoples' lives.
Making mistakes
and being human
go hand in hand.
Give when you see a need
don't depend on others to
give your money to the
needy.Many a person has
gotten rich off the good
in a rich man's heart.
Faith is believing
in something sight
of miracles one has
witnessed -impossible for
man to have performed.
I have no need of another's
religious belief. my faith
rest with a god I cannot see
who has long watched over me.
Good will long out live
the evil in men.
We all have/had a price to pay
for the lessons we learned
from our mistakes.
Hold high your shield of faith.
11:01pm February 2, 2022
You have to recognize
one cannot make men
better men than they
already are.
Destroy the mind
altering substances
and sane men will
rule the world again.
Fake might appear real
but its not.
Words such as love,
hope, and faith are
just words- until ones
heart gives them meaning.
I was born to live, learn,
and share what I have, and
what life has taught me,
with those whose lives touches
I often say people like me
are not rich for a reason..
we'd give it all away, and still
find reasons to be thankful
for the day.
I once wrote a poem "if love
had wings" and they were mine
about all the hearts my love
would touch.
Since then, I have realized,
that the heart is love's wings
And as long as there are caring
hearts -love will find away
to touch hearts and lives...for
the better.
Miracles happen every day
believe with your heart
hold to your faith.
10:11pm February 1, 2022
Lord Thank you for this day
and for once more keeping
my feet on the paths you
would have me take.
Thank you for keeping my
heart's door always open
and my cup of blessing
always full.
I know you've heard the
cries for me to
the places you would have
me go.
Help me Lord to stay focused
on those whose lives you
would have me touch.
Life is worth fighting for
be it belong to me or
someone else.
Thank you Lord for the light
that fills my world day and
There's so many seeking to
find understanding, who live
with broken hearts.
Touch their lives Lord
let them know they are not
11:32pm January 31, 2022
Each breath is a new beginning.
Life has its own special plan
Yet so many fall by life's
wayside...feeling empty, without
purpose, and so alone.
How different life for them
could have been, if only
someone had taken the time
to take some of their loneliness
Without purpose life drains the
spirit until the only thing
left is questions without
Why cry tears of regret
for things never done...?
Why is life a blessing for only
Why is my pain not enough for
others to see my need?
Why ,if life's a blessing, do
I feel so alone and empty?
Why? Why? Why?
The life one lives is like the
reflection in a mirror- who we
are is not always who others
If you truly have a heart then
you have eyes to see where there
is need.
My heart is filled with love and
sadness for a world of people
I do not know.
May those who have the riches and
the power search their hearts -
and those in need reap from the
goodness that flows forth; threads
of love that have long feed the
seeds of faith in all mankind.
Every life is a seed of hope....
feed well the seeds that will one
day be called upon to rule the lives
of men.
The answers we all seek from time
to time rests in the hearts of all
men- as it has always been.
12:02pm January 30, 2022
Life will be hard enough
in the years to come
Be thankful for the day
regardless of what it
holds in store for you.
Dreams die with the
dying everyday....
Stop looking for
reasons to take
failure as your
Faith is the key
to success-love
the key to
Love and faith
are inner born.
Failures can
make us stronger
Once we realize
things happen
for a reason.
Beware, that
negative feelings
don't rob you of
the things that
thinking positive
We all are special
With an inner power
to touch lives.
A little show of love can
save a life.
Strive in life
to be the best
of who you are
set your aims
in life, and
follow your star.
Life is a waste only
if we waste it.
10:52am January 29, 2022
God has no need
to seek us out-
we have only to
answer the knock
on our heart's
If ones faith is
strong enough-
he'll stand, against
the strongest wind.
Without tears there
would be nothing
to test our faith.
The answer to the
question of whether
or not there is a god
cannot be found
in the world ,we are only
traveling through- the
answer rest in the heart
of each of us, me and you.
If one could give god
to another- a world of
people would already be
Love is not blind
Love sees beneath
the surface what
the eyes cannot see.
Don't let another's
pain turn you away
from your faith...
Use your faith to
strengthen another's.
9:36pm January 28, 2022
Every day is a day
to make a difference
in your life, in the
lives of others, and
in the world.
One doesn't have to
be rich to accomplish
great things in their
10:03 PM January 25,2022
When I was a child
life was filled
with laughter and
make believe.
There was joy in
just being alive
I saw everything
through a child's
The gardenia bush
covered in sweet
smelling white
flowers that
always got my
when I went out-
side to play....
When I was a child
I was safe and worry free,
happy just being loved
by those who shared my world
with me.
Little did I know then
that I'd be looking back
longingly-to times when
there was so much joy
in my every day.
My dresses were made
from flour sacks and
there were times I didn't
own a pair of shoes...
When I did get store bought
clothes they'd already been
handed down a time or two.
It's not how much we have
or if our clothes are fancy
or not...It's the happy memories
we make, while wearing
what we've got.
I'm proud my mama and daddy
instilled in my young heart
things that money can't buy:
love, and a spirit that knows wrong
from right ,and the power of
faith in my life.
8:25pm January 24, 2022
We are all on a journey
that leads to the same
there we may or may not
go separate ways.
We all are born with a
light inside that all who
touch our life can see....
It's a soft warm beautiful
light that stems from
the hearts inside of you
and me.
The light is everything we
are or ever can be...
it burns brightest when
we realize we have it in
our power to help others
in need.
Some times the light inside
grows dim, and its hard for
ones own eyes to see
the beauty and the power
Some times the light inside
that wants so to live
a beautiful flame for the
world to see...loses sight of
everything but the darkness
that covers their world
and in the darkness they
choose to remain.
Don't let your light go out
cling to your faith everyday
We all are born with a
light inside that all who
touch our life can see....
It's a soft warm beautiful
light that stems from
the hearts inside of you
and me.
9:38pm January 23, 2022
Today there is
a moving deep
down in my soul.
Tears falling
with nowhere
to fall.
And I am moved
by thoughts
of human
and the darkness
crying out
for the sun
to shine.
6:24pm January 23, 2022
Things that don't happen
don't happen for a reason.
If you got to think about
doing something, before
you do it-chances are
its something that shouldn't
be done.
The time one spends
worrying about things
they can't change
could be better spent
being thankful.
There's a lot of things
one sees in their lifetime
that many will never see
in theirs.
The heart has no need
greater than the need
to love.
Never give up on you.
When hard times come
your way ,face them
head on..raise high
your shield of faith.
It only takes believing
in something bigger than
you, with all your heart,
to get you through
whatever life sends your
If its right its worth
the price.
Don't be fooled by those
who preach hate for they
love not themselves.
Make a difference,
be you ,and to yourself
be true...
Our differences
are what makes
each of us
11:14pm January 22, 2022
Guard well, dear friend,
what those before you
left in your care.
For all times past and
all times to come
life sings it own song.
While men struggle to
find the key to eternity
the wind blows, each in
turn...back to dust, as
earth takes back its own.
And the wings of angels
appear, out of the darkness
to take the faithful home.
Those who rob the poor
have already lost their
Those who think their god
has forgotten them shall
one day outshine the
brightest star.
Keep faith, whatever life
takes from you is nothing, compared
to what will be waiting
When you enter Heaven's gates.
The allusions a man creates
to manipulate the minds of others
will not spare the deceiver.
Life is a gift
without end
so many think
until death
knocks on their
And they realize
research and
science can't
save them
when it comes
their time to
Life belongs to the living
who have it in their reach
to make a difference
in a world so filled with need.
Love and faith together
are an unbreakable chain.
Hold high, with love,
your shield of faith
walk up right in the
No one can walk in your
shoes but you...but all
can walk in the tracks
you leave behind.
5:19pm January 18, 2022
I write what comes to heart jt
s we look ahead
let us not forget
to look behind.
Tomorrows hold
uncertainty for
all living in
the day...
are forever
gone...but every
now and then
for lessons learnt
we reach back in
time, hoping to
find, through a
memory or two, a
better understanding
of what it is that
brought us to this day.
Life is the natural
process of being.
Those who allow
others to dictate
how free they should be
Shall never be truly free.
The evil in the day
is created from the
darkest side of man.
Truth can't be bought
only lairs can.
Be careful when straddling
the fence that divides right
from wrong.
Mistakes are easy made.
If in life you stumble
don't look at it as if
you have fallen already.
We all make mistakes
It's the lessons we learn from
our mistakes that make us
a little wiser than we
were before the mistakes
were made.
Be the best of who you are
live according to your faith
be thankful for the day...
striving always to make a
difference for the better in
your day.
3:57pm January 17, 2022
It's dark and cold
Day turned into night
Lord, thank you for
another day ...
For keeping all well
and safe.
If I'm blessed to see
another day..
keep my feet on the
right path and forgive
me if I stray.
11:18PM January 15, 2022
As long as men control the pen
history WILL change with the whims
of men.
But reality catches up in the end.
This world is filled with trickery
stemming from the minds of men.
The history of man cannot be found
in the world where evil rules
the stories told by the hand moving
the pen...
The history of man is enshrined in
the hearts of men; and guarded by the
higher power we all shall meet in the
He who is in me is stronger than
he who is in the world...
The god that I follow wasn't created
by the hands of men.... writing
history with pen....
I follow the teachings of Jesus,
written not with paper and pen,
that's embedded in my heart, and the
heart of all faithful men.
Believe as you will.....
this life is but a journey waiting
for worldly history to end.
As for me and my house we will serve
the Lord.
Not all who claim to follow him
will he know in the end.
Follow your heart....cling to your
shield of faith- Jesus is the Light
and the way.
2:20pm January 13, 2022
Don't give up
tho tired in
body and mind
you may not
understand today
the things in life
that break your
heart- you may
not know why
every one around
you looks so
happy, and you
feel so alone.
Many people go
through times
in their life
when pretending
helps ease their
troubled mind.
Don't give up
tho tired in
body and mind
Remember our
lives are worth
more every time
we make it through
a hard time.
Don't give up
pick up your
shield of faith
in your ability
to take anything
life sends
your way.
If we give up
we will never know
how far we have
it in us to go.
God is good
all the time....
He doesn't fail us
we fail ourselves..
Don't give up
strive to make
the world
a better place.
9:56pm January 12, 2022
If we fail to teach our children the history of our country
Future generations of American children will lack the knowledge
needed to protect their freedom.
Each generation is the key to peace and liberty.-jt
The U.S. Supreme Court's January 22, 1973,ruling in Roe vs. Wade
recognized that women could only participate freely and equally in
society if they have the right to end the life of an unwanted- unborn
child, after its life has begin. Since the 1973 decision, an estimated
62 million American lives have been lost to government instituted
abortion. That's more lives lost than the American lives lost in battle
during the American Revolution- 4,435, the War of 1812- 2,260,
WWI-53,402 , WWII -291,557, Korean War33,739, Vietnam War-47,434,
and the Gulf war combined.
America's Wars Total (1775 -1991)
U.S. Military Service during Wartime 41,892,128
Battle Deaths 651,031
Other Deaths (In Theater)308,800
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 230,254
Non-mortal woundings 1,430,290
Living War Veterans 14,918,000
Living Veterans (Periods of War & Peace) 19,210,000
The men and women who died in battle deserve nothing but respect from every
American. They were all willing to die for life and liberty. It's time to not
just claim to be American but to start acting like Americans. It wasn't the
American people who decided life was so cheap-it was the United States Supreme
Court Judges who devalued human life on American soil.
With fertility rates that are below the replacement level in most countries
around the world,including the United States; and so many lives being lost to
government sanctioned abortion worldwide everyday; I want to know why the 'covid
vaccine' is being pushed on citizens who choose not to take the shot;It can't be
to saves lives;Respect for human life come to a rapid-halt in 1973;Why, after years
of Americans dying from the flu and pneumonia by the thousands every year;is
covid symptoms identical to the symptoms for flu and pneumonia; Did researcher
suddenly find a cure!?
To all you so called leaders, including President Joe Biden, who are pushing for
a covid vaccine mandate: MY BODY! MY CHOICE!
10:40AM January 10, 2022
"Like leafs blown by the wind
Lives of men move." -Jan Tetstone
3:35PM January 9, 2022
The day belongs to God
your faith to you
The power of God
is in arms reach
hold high your
shield of faith
Give thanks
for today.
10:45am January 5, 2022
Lord, I know you
hear my prayers
and know what's
in my heart...
Heal the sick
have mercy on
those who have
heal the hearts
of every land.
There's an evil
tormenting many
this day; give
each insight to
they have it
within them
to overcome the evil
and bring back
the sun into
their day.
10:54am January 5, 2022
Life, humanity, God
all have been blamed
human weakness,
human failure
human mistakes
and everything bad
that happens in life.
Life created humanity
and gave man the ability
to distinguish right
from wrong...
As man progressed
in making life easy
the ability to know
right from wrong
was lost and replaced
by individual philosophy.
Lost, humans stumble
fall and blame God
for not making himself
known, blinded to the
brilliance of the light
in their midst.
11:43pm January 1, 2022
letting go of people
who were a part of
your world -is one
of the hardest things
to do... I did it
because it's an empty
life waiting for those
who never come.
Or when they do
you still feel like
you are miles
a part.
You don't have to stop
loving people who
push you out of their
lives and never
say why...
You can cry over hurt
feelings-even say
mean things---
but life as it once
was is no more, and
may never be the same,
because just as life
changes people do too.
Live life, as life
is given to you...
never hold to tightly
to those you once
built your life around...
We all were born
to spread our wings
and fly.
Sometimes life's winds
takes us in different
It's ok to let go of
those you love,,,
Wish them nothing but
the best from life.
It's better to part
on even unfriendly
terms...than it is to be
a part of other peoples
worlds and feel like
you're not there.
Be happy in the day
make happy memories
people can take themselves
out of your life,
that their choice to make
But they can't take your
memories away.
Be who you are
life's choices are yours
to make.
12:24AM December 26, 2021
T'is no longer
the season
to be merry
and celebrate
the birth of
T'is the season
to search
your heart and
soul, for the
true meaning
of why Jesus
died, so long
Time can not
be changed
but clocks and
calendars can.
An hour ahead
an hour back
back and forth
How can we
the birth of
he was born
stars were out
Think about the
way the earth
turns when it's
night on the
other side of the
earth it's day
in the USA.
This world is
filled with
trickery and
greed ...
No longer
are the souls
of men safe..
for a present
under a tree
Christmas has
evolved into
just another
day .. and the
greedy rejoice
at the prices
we pay.
Maybe, it's time
to start counting
blessings instead
presents under a
One don't have
to step through
church doors
to accept Jesus
into their life.
The knowledge of
of Jesus is in
the faithfuls'
Be thankful for
Christmas day
it is a day for
giving and sharing
for those who
live according
to the Christian
faith. or for those
who grew up believing
Christmas is just
a legal holiday.
I don't go to
I carry my church
with me...
While as a child I
learn about Jesus
in church; it was
later in life I met
Jesus...and since
then he has never
left my side.
Children long remember
what they are taught
What is Christmas Day?
Christmas day is
a man made holiday.
The followers of
Jesus trust their hearts
before they'd trust
the words of men...
Jesus is the light
and the there
nothing under the tree
let not the worldly
rob you of your faith.
12:08 am December 25, 2021
There's an evil in this world
we awaken to each day...None
can see it-none can hear it
but all can see the evil done.
As human beings we share
fundamental needs naturally
Without food and water death's
sting would end the need.
Without shelter from snow storms
human beings would wither into
a memory that none would be
left behind to remember.
Without love's light to guide
human beings through the dark that
rules in the world human beings
would lose sight of what it
truly means to be both human
and spiritual.
The eyes of love resides in the
heart and if we are to survive
we must let the heart guide
us through the dark.
11:04am December 22, 2021
My heart was touched
today, by the words
of another...
Who wanted to do
something special
for her mother.
"first my mother
forever my friend"
placed on a picture of their
hands resting,
peacefully, together.
My mother's been an
angel watching over me
for a long time...
I don't have a picture
of our hands together
I carry the picture
of my mother's hands
imbedded in my heart.
If I had my mother back
I would take a picture
of our hands resting
Together lovingly .
And give her a picture
of our hands together,
With these words written
on it:
"first my mother
forever my friend"
I would wrap the picture
in bright colored paper
and give it to my mother
on Christmas Day.
But no child gets a second
chance to make memories
once their parents
have gone away.
Be thankful for the time
spent together, one may not
take pictures but one
can make memories every day.
Let the years make us wiser
and each day find us, walking
closer to the angels who
left us but filled the void
with their love.
11:53AM December 21, 2021
It's the dark of a new day
Calm is making its way
into the world through the
hearts of the faithful
who pour love into each day.
Why worry about tomorrow
Why look for things to
worry about today....
What's going to be will be
Instead of looking for
reasons to give up on life
look for reasons to stand
firm against the storms life
sends your way.
I have never had to walk
alone, the angels have
always walked through life
with me.
When I stray from the path
the angels never deserted
me...and I always found
comfort and peace
living beneath angel wings.
Faith is tested everyday
hold high your shield of
1:41am December 19, 2021
From the moment a child is born
they grow and learn...
Baby girls are dressed in pink
Baby boys are clothed in blue
Baby girls grow up, marry
out of the family and carry
another's family name....
Baby boys grow up, marry their
true love and their family name
remains the same.
Today was my special day
because I spent it with my three
sons and their families; and the
baby of my five daughters' family.
What made it special for me was
the laughter of my children and
grandchildren having fun sharing
the day together.
It was the first time ever that
my three sons, who carry on their
father's family name...openly took
their rightful place in my life.
I thank my god for my "mama's
special day."
For watching over everyone
my heart holds dear
And for sending his angels to walk
with me every step of the way.
Those who matter the most in our life
should never be placed in second
place in our life under no circumstances.
People can/and many do pretend their life
is perfect when it's not... they pretend to
be happy while carrying inside a half full
and half empty heart.
Be who you are-not who you are not.
11:54pm December 18, 2021
It takes a lot
to move my
spirit to anger
One lie to many
will do it every
I don't live my
life by other
peoples' rules or values
They don't live their
lives by mine.
Getting something
off your mind
may be an
invitation to stormy
times...but its
good for clearing
ones mind.
Today my moral values
collided with their
and for the first time
in a long time- I spoke
out loud feelings of old
I once lived by...
Knowing it was things that
needed to be said.
My moral values reflect
who I've been all my life..
I don't claim to be perfect
but I do know wrong from
You Live your life your way
I will live my life my way
All ways lead to the grave.
There's enough evil in a day
keep high your shield of faith.
11:57pm December 17, 2021
The night brought
with it sounds
of yesterday echoing
in the quietness
of where I set.
Tired but thankful
and full of hope
for the future.
I set here
imperfect wearing
scares of yesterday
inflicted on me
by choices made
and wonder at how
blessed my life
is today.
Don't give up
no matter what
endue life's
trials with a
faithful heart.
Let your mistakes
be the teacher
in your day...
we all can be better
because of the lessons
we learned from our
Be who you are
there's enough
pretenders in the
world...real will
always be better
than fake.
If in your day you
see a smile only
on one face...let
it be on the face
looking back at you
in the mirror.
Children deserve
to grow up in world
with out hate-
in a world filled
with love every day.
The god that I know
has no need to be
He lives in and through
My god's reality
has many times over
proven he's real to me.
I live my life day by day
It's not always easy
but I live through whatever
comes my way-holding
on to my shield of faith.
Don't waste a moment
trying to change things
you can't change
There is a purpose for
everything; even the
heartache and the pain.
12:34am December 17, 2021
Today, the sun shines
as never ending thoughts
bring memories to mind.
As I remember
the lessons life
impressed on my heart
and mind, I find
a longing to learn
A life time cannot
be measured ahead of
time, it can
only be lived one
breath at a time.
If I could change one
thing I would change the
world for the better
and all would have
an equal share of
all the good things
in life.
It never hurts to dream
of what one may never
As long as that dream
is alive there's reason
to get up in the morning.
The heart of humanity
is the best part of who
we are as individuals.
10:48am December 16, 2021
As unique individuals- there's no
two of us alike;
Think about the potential's each
of us process.
For every flaw in our physical
there's a special quality about
us; physically, mentally or
As different as we may be... we
share many of the same beliefs,
Each of us, as individuals, are
unique in our own way, and express
emotions, under similar circumstances,
pretty much the same way.
When we cry tears fall, when
we are happy it shows on our face,
When we worry it shows in our
eyes; when we love we love
from the depths of our hearts.
With so much in common
why do we allow our difference
to dictate negatively in our
dealing with others?
Once, believe it or not, a man's word
was his bond, and a handshake
sealed deals between men.
Once, children were allowed to be
children and not forced out into
the world so fast...
Once ,a man or woman's work was
done by men and women and not
expected to be done by children.
Once, it was fathers who labored
to feed the family while the
hands of mothers rocked the cradles
of those who would one day move
the world.
Once, people made a difference
for the better in the world
and expected nothing in return.
Once, in the darkest of times
and on the hardest of days
men and women did what they
could and lived by their faith.
What happen?
We stopped communicating.
Once, people made time to find
out what was going on in the
world, and peoples' everyday
Once, ones country and family
meant more to people than they
do today.
You want to make a difference
for the better in the world ?
Realize the importance part
your everyday life contributes
to making the world a better
Stop, looking for reasons not
to care.
11:12pm December 14, 2021
As long as one can find
reason to hope one can
find reason to live.
As long as one can
awake and find their
faith unmoved by
things of yesterday
it doesn't matter how
cloudy the day.
It breaks my heart that
far to many can't find
hope and reason to live
and awake and find
they can't make it through
another day.....
I cannot imagine the
inner pain. the regret,
the emptiness of feeling
so alone...that choosing
death over life was a better
choice then living through
another day of feeling
helpless and alone.
It is sad when anyone
chooses to end their life
but until the ending of
ones life affects your own
life...the senseless deaths
in the world don't hit home.
Don't take life for granted
and don't think just loving
someone is enough to make
them want to live on.
When's the last time you
let the people you love
know you are there for them?
Lord, it's another day
to count my blessings
and thank you for always
being there for me.
And, Lord, please, comfort those who's
hearts are breaking; dry their tears
away and touch their lives with
understanding, as each struggle
to make it through another day.
7:48pm December 13, 2021
Watch! As time takes back
its own.
Little by little greed
consumes, tears down
and rebuilds the world
to its own liking.
First it shattered
peoples' hopes and dreams
in hopes of bringing humanity
to its knees.
Forgetting the strength
of humanity's heart and soul.
Faith got in the way and
would not allow the poorest
among men to be robbed of
their hopes and dreams.
Knowing it would need to
take a different route
if it was to control humanity
the greedy, who were the
evilest among men, decided
to destroy mankind's' dignity
in hopes of bringing humanity
to its knees.
Little by little greed shattered
the best of moral character
in many and replaced it with
the concept that whatever makes
one happy is how it should be.
Forgetting the strength of
humanity's heart and soul.
Then better judgment got in greed's
way-and raised high its flag
of truth-to reveal the evil
plan weaving itself back and
forth in the lives of man.
Again, knowing it would need
to choose a different way
if it is to bring humanity
to its knees, the greedy decided
to give it one more try...
and changed the direction
of their lies.
A mistake the greedy will
regret...for, again,
they will find that all
the silver and gold in the world
will never destroy the good that
is rooted in humanity's heart and
12:51pm December 13, 2021
If we wait for tomorrow
to do the things we
should do today
tomorrow may never come
and those things will
never get done.
Freedom has never been
Yet people live as if
it is.
One can live in chains
and his spirit still be free.
History won't be mocked.
Words can be changed
but action's action
When the greedy get
so fat they begin to
underestimate the common
man their fall is eminent.
God gives us warnings
when change is on its
way... Only the faithful
will stand, unmoved,
that day.
Fight or roll over and
die, which will it be
when the time comes
to defend liberty?
Evil wears many faces
speaks many languages
and calls no country
10:16pm December 12, 2021
What burdens one carries today
are the products of yesterday.
Some memories would tear one apart
if allowed to roam free in memory.
It's not a perfect world- it's
unbalanced ,hanging and existing
on a string...
and humanity controls and
determines the direction
justice will swing.
The world gets blamed for many
things that men do....Until, each
of us learn to accept the blame
for what we do or do not do...
times in the world can only get
harder for all, except for the few.
No longer can the old look forward
to a peaceful sleep or the laboring
find appreciation for jobs well done
Forgotten the meaning of the family
called humanity--
true brotherhood uncontrolled by
lust and greed.
This world was here before we were born
We were born that one day with all
our differences we might learn the
importance of life itself...overcome OUR
human weaknesses and blanket the
world in peace.
When the eyes of humanity beholds
the light of peace- all will be well
with this world and we each will move on
to what this world prepared us for...
the known and unknown.
Live the day doing what feels right to you
Like evil that grows when its fed...
good needs its food, too.
Hold high your shield of faith....
always prepared to face the evil that is
sent your way.
12:01pm December 11, 2021
I hear voices from the past
that bring a smile to my
face and a warmth to my
Movies made so long ago to
capture the happiness ...
for future times when days
pass by in silence. and things
lay heavy on my heart and mind.
Days void of the faces and
voices I once lived my days
God made me a mother and gave me
a mother's heart...
A heart filled with love
that today understands the loneliness
that mothers are born to know.
Lord, I set here thinking back
to when my eyes and heart
captured Gamma in her wheelchair
setting next to my mama's casket..
alone, not one child by her side
but the daughter who lay next to
her, as she mourned alone.
It has always been so.. mothers who
lose a piece of their heart feel
the void in their lives...for the
rest of their days;
We endure our losses day by day.
Clinging to our faith.
If only Gamma had known how much I
loved her as she set next to my
mama's fresh dug grave.
Thank you Lord, for the two women
whose strength and love I can still feel
9:26PM December 10, 2021
Another day to feel
the fullness
and emptiness of life.
Another moment to
remember our joys
to fill the emptiness.
If love's not real
why does ones leaving
hurt so?
For all our joys one
sorrow can cause
a million tears to flow.
As much as you love
someone sometime you
may have to let them go.
No emptier feeling
than the one we sometimes
carry inside.
When standing at the
cross roads of life
either way one chooses
to go there will be a lot
of uncertainty along the
Either way you choose to go
be guided by your Shield
of Faith.
Strive every day to be
worthy of the light you may
be called to walk in...
for the dark cannot take away
the eternal flame burning
inside your heart.
Never think love is weak
love that is one man's weakness
is another man's strength.
I blame no one but me for
the choices I make.
Love is never misplaced
its serves the time when
its given.
Love serves the dead and
the living...
Love is truly the bridge
that connects hearts to
I love you, means just that
yet so many try to second
guess the meaning behind
the words.
We may grow a part
but never in heart.
The rain falls-heaven opens
to let another angel in.
Don't run through life
every moment IS a blessing.
A baby crawls, and falls
before it learns to stand
on its own... walk before
it learns to run ;Knows how
to cry from the moment its
Why does a baby cry at birth?
Is it for something in this world
or something it left behind?
When a loved ones heart breaks
the pain touches our own heart.
Moment by moment we see the world
and things in it.
God gives us the moments without
a promise we will be alive in
the next moment.
We get to live the day moment by
moment, one breath at a time
how we live in the day depends
on how we live our moments.
I cannot go back and undo things done
but I can finish the journey
my first breath begun.
With faith in my heart I take life
one step at a time..
knowing all that I love will always
be mine...near or far apart always
in my heart.
5:41pm December 8, 2021
As the day slips away
tears continue to fall
for many
Still, faith and hope
reign in their broken
There are no words
to comfort a heart
that has been broken-
for those whose lives
have been changed
There is no going back
to better days
After a loved one moves
on...the physical void
left behind - leaves its
mark forever on our heart.
Sometimes, tho we may not
understand, people
chooses not to awaken to
the void that they awaken
too each day.
These are the times that
test our soul...
The ultimate test of our
God is a loving god all
the time...tho our hearts
be broken time and time
again...our loved ones
are not gone they have
just gone home.
12:34 pm December 6, 2021
When bad things happen
to others
people don't think
much about it, until
something bad happens
to them.
Life is filled with
there are no easy
paths for many to
A poor man labors
for the food he and his
family set down to eat,
while many a rich man
dines off the riches
he never had to sweat a day
in his life for.
Can't blame the offspring
of greed...they go through
their own kind of misery.
Yet, this day finds me pondering
the poverty in a world
and the ugliness that lives
in cold hearted people....
who would sacrifice the
majority of humanity
to continue adding to the
fortunes that have long fed
the bellies of greed.
Lord, I know you have a purpose
for the things we go through
but that don't stop the hurt
the faithful must endures on our
way back to you.
My heart is heavy as I ask you
once more "what would you have me
10:40pm December 5, 2021
Take one day at a time...
do the best you can in it
and leave the rest to
your god. jt
There are no words
this day
Just a lot of memories
for me to sort through.
Lord, gather the faithful
into your arms
hearts are breaking this
and you are the only one
who can take the pain
Many times in my life
I turned to you and you
held me in your loving
arms, gave me understanding
and kept me safe from harm
and life's storms.
There are others who need
comfort and understanding
Please Lord, take them in
your loving arms, comfort
their hearts and minds
help them understand, and
take their pain away.
11:22am December 4, 2021
When a loved one goes away
they leave memories behind
for us to remember....
and think on in dark times.
Tears can't bring one back
to us...but memories
can keep them alive
in our heart and in our life.
A much loved, nephew died
today and met, again, an old friend
waiting for him at heaven's gate.
Out of sight but always in my heart
3:45pm December 3, 2021
from time to time
my life makes
a stop over because
it sees a need beneath
what the eyes cannot see.
If only one of those
unexpected stops
helps to change someone's
life for the better
it wasn't a waste of my
In meeting my heart's goal
to make a difference in the
world-it took a lot of heart
out of me...
the only time that is a
waste ,is that time where
one does nothing when the
need of others is greater
than ones own.
Life is like a gentle breeze
that blows many ways ,until
its satisfied standing still
where rivers meet and flowers
10:18am December 3, 2021
Choices are
not always
ours to make.
It only takes
one mistake
for choices
to be taken
Walk wisely
threw the day
taking nothing
for granted
There is nothing
in our life
that can't be
taken away.
Never doubt
your life's worth
We are all an
essences of
a whole...
It's ok to be
different- I've
been different
all my life.
Be worthy of the
love sent your
way...Tell someone
you love them, today.
Thoughts can drain
one of sanity or fill
one with hope and
Tomorrow waits for
none-it's always today.
Hold high your Shield
of Faith.
7:54pm December 2, 2021
The right thing to do
is not always the easiest
thing to do.
The past is gone
We reap today
what in the past
was sown.
What benefits all
benefits everyone.
The few who think
themselves wiser
than the rest
lack understanding
as to why the wiser
man is content being
counted among the many.
Ignorance is no
excuse for being
God acts in His own
time...not yours or
A person without
a country can't care
about humanity.
Countries are the
wombs from which
we each come.
World peace for a
world of countries
is what we all should
Do-gooders with the
best of intentions,
often accomplish
little- and do more
harm than good.
Non-profit organization
have made many a rich man
If you have money to
give away-give it to
some one who needs it
Right to life is a
good example of what
a waste non-profit org.
When greed is so over
powering it affects
a world of people
it's time to stop
funding the greedy
and let them start
funding themselves.
Choose wisely from
your today those things
that will benefit those '
you will one day leave
Raise high your Shield
of Faith- God is good
all the time.
6:35pm December 1, 2021
The fires of life
touch the air I
and I take in the
feeling of peace.
I have often wondered
at the beauty around
In a world filled with
lies and deceit.
Many lessons lay
waiting... for those
willing to learn.
Not everything is as it
many walk among men
spirits unseen.
A lie told in secret
is no different than
a lie told out right.
A lie is a lie.
I cannot be true to
myself and not be true
to my heart...
Yet I try.
There is nothing
love cannot conquer.
What we do to make
the world a better
place depends on
our definition of
Every day we wakeup
it's another chance
to put some good
back into the world.
The truth can be
recognized by the message
it carries.
Evil is nothing new
it has been around
since the dawn of time.
One truth can destroy
many lies.
9:20pm November 29, 2021
Truth can stand Evil always trips Sounds of yesterday Our Life is filled 53 years ago today
11:10pm November 25, 2021 As I set here One day of liberty.... Everyone who touches The problem is Be thankful, that change for the Don't let the past dictate your today... The importance of The pain and joy we We all have memories Making mistakes Accept what cannot Light your candle Let Love lead How brightly our candle Once the seeds of love 11:52 am November 20, 2021 Be thankful God is good It gets harder every day Memories are like chains In the blink of an eye all Then times come The chain of life Yesterdays are no more God, please , touch the And Please, heal the When life get you down Life is a gift Dreamers share life What we accomplish We each process the One day at a time Live faithfully, God, I have never once turned to you Today is another time I need I know I am supposed to take things It is not easy as you know You know what I want Unchain my worldly wants November 18, 2021 11:05am When the time is not right I wrote words I wanted to The feelings were in my words Humanity (together)have the combined Every time we do something good I would give up everything We are one yet we are many.... 3:01 pm November 16, 2021 Another night I set But. There are no words. Surely, the god And, in His time, O faithful ones Smiles reflect the happiness A smile-less face reflects What many take for granted I am only human When I should When I should be When friends count Being human I often And find the only Who knows all my These are the times I can't change any But I can try not to 6:20 pm November 15, 2021 It we care, we do what we can Love has no boundaries ... Give thanks for the day The ability Resentment is an ugly word, I was only sixteen when I We had a good mama and It was during their hard times I have no brothers or sisters My mama and daddy were After I left home for Parents are the heart of a Many things I tried to do It got so bad, at times, It made me stop feeling I have so much to be thankful Some would say my life I would say, regardless Too much time has slipped away When a door closes Could it be a place and time that Lord, help me to understand Lord, you are my light It's a new day to live and do It's another day to give thought Those who eat manner from heaven My heart and prayer go out They endure whatever comes The day is filled with thoughts Lord, guide me Give me the knowledge Make me wise enough If I choose wrongly I have long lived one day at a time To night I set here We all are born As I set here Sometimes it's hard Have you thanked God today Lives cross and in crossing Happy 43rd Birthday Son! I want you to and for always being Happy Birthday Billy Ray God is good all the time. When caught up First of all It's okay to look back The darkness outside Growing old is a part Always listen to your heart Don't let bitterness Love needs loving hearts The faith that brought you Let the words of wisdom My Mama left this world
Not always does silence The closest hearts can grow Never stop believing that good I was once a child Little did I know- When times are darkest Truth holds the truth to all things The wind is stilled Seek the truth Take nothing I sit here Love is the light Time is unstoppable Life is meaningless Taking note that communists are still
Setting here, the day almost My guardian angel, too. When one is blind on the inside Be happy that there Where hope abides Life is to be lived Yesterdays make us Let your dreams for tomorrow What is to come To my Child There is never enough What matter another tomorrow The rain drops What is known Things of the heart If as individual human beings What awaits our children We are in a spiritual God's angels' hands
Words are as empty I have seen the empty shells The rich are to be pitied 10:18am August 2, 2021 What do you see The sky is dark Some times in life But all that is in the past I can love because my heart Today the birds sing While the clouds may |
The best gift ,after God's love,
is the love from those
who love me for who
I am....
One cannot know a person
they never really took the
time to get to know.
Life shouldn't be blamed
for peoples mistakes.
Life is what we make it
I once stood at the cross
roads ...The road I chose
brought me to this day...
still holding tight to my
Shield of Faith.
12:42am July 25, 2021
I set here seeking words
I cannot find
tho many thoughts fill
my mind...
Thoughts about loved ones
gone and loved ones left
Thoughts about my life
and the roads of life
that brought me to this
Thoughts about strangers
whose lives crossed mine
during the darkest times
of my life and with kind
words helped, unknowingly,
to make me the person I
am this day.
Thoughts about the price I
paid for the mindset I have
acquired along life's way.
Thoughts about how different
my life could have been, if
different choices had been
Thoughts about life and how
thankful I am for the time
spent watching my children
grow...and loving them enough
to let each in turn go.
Thoughts about things that
bring me to tears of joy
and tears of woe.
Thought about God and all the
miracles I've witnessed in my
own life.
Thoughts that stem from my
heart and fill my memory
with thoughts for my mind
to ponder.
12:21am July 25, 2021
When enough times passes
for a moment time will
stand still-as life blossoms
Forgotten worldly things...
for the world knows not
the value of the treasures
one carries in their heart.
For a moment time will
stand it does
the moment before one is shall it be
the moment eyes are closed
in eternal sleep.
Wait not for the end of life
for life knows no end...
When time in this world
comes to and end
life in another moment
in time begins.
Keep Faith....
8:45pm July 23, 2021
The rich reach for things
they cannot obtain
Tho good intentions be
in the beginning many
take credit for many has fallen
into decay on the beds
where many a rich man lay.
One does not help
the world by neglecting
the needs of the world's
The hands of the wealthy
no longer move the hands
of justice in any land
where the few demand
justice be placed in
more intelligent hands.
Life is much to precious
to allow the desires of
evil men and women to be
fulfilled at the expense of
the hopes and dreams
of the many.
There is no hope, nor
can there be, in any land
where the rich get 'high'
believing they control
man's destiny.
Tho men and women may die
penniless in worldly things,
as the greedy gobble up
everything their riches can
buy.... a faithful man will
gains greater treasures
when he dies.
Indeed there will be many
rich whose hearts were
in the right place, and who
died not knowing their
part in breaking the dreams
carried in many a poor man's
Live this moment knowing
everything worldly belongs
to the world and is only
temporary. What is awaiting
will be for an eternity.
11:13am July 19, 2021
When your heart is breaking
at the end of the day
and the tears flow like a rain
that won't go away...
Your angels are always there
With you, to share your pain,
and watch over you until
you are united again.
You can feel an angels touch
in a gentle breeze
in the warmth of the sun, and
in each heart beat .
Faith is the key to heaven's gate
Where loved ones wait for loved ones
to step into eternity.
Keep faith.
12:49am July 18, 2021
A baby knows not worldly
ways, when first born.
Through innocent eyes
the baby sees everything as new,
as it rests peacefully, cradled
in its his mother's arms...
listening to the sound of the
heartbeat....that once sing him
to sleep.
Oh the joy of those precious
memories ,in the moment I am
in.... as a mother I get to
remember, beneath my heart
life, in its most innocent form,
shared my heart and body with me,
before being born and placed
in my waiting arms.
Babies truly do step on our toes
when they are small, and step
on our hearts after life takes
their innocence away.
But when all is said and done
"love will always have the last
Live life your way, my sons and
daughters....these are your days
to feel the aches and pains of
letting go of the babies you once
held in your arms and kissed
away their pain.
It would be nice if things could
have been different. But. we do
what we have to do....then we live
by our faith...It's called tough
10:20pm July 17, 2021
Don't divert from the path
your heart is taking you
Follow your heart...
the world is a battle
ground - created for
each of us to journey
A place for a short time
we call 'home'
before, in the twinkling
of an eye, we move on.
Follow your heart,
wherever it leads you, go
It's better to seek
love, peace and happiness
than to settle for less
than your heart needs.
As long as the heart leads
love waits to be found.
A satisfied
far better than wearing
a king or queen's crown.
We each have our own
journey to make...
Walk up right, hold high
your Shield of faith.
9:38pm July 17, 2021
God never puts on us more than we can bear. jt
So much time but so little
of it has been spent with those
I love the best...
Little did I realize
the time I threw away
could have been spent
making memories
for days such as
Sometimes when
we think we are
protecting others
from the fallout of
our sins...we create
a wall between our self
and them...
but things done out
of love reap there own
kind of reward.
I am free to be
who I regrets
for how I chose
to live my life ...
in my yesterdays
or my today.
The angels have always
been there to dry my tears.
I live by my faith
and that faith in my god
gets stronger everyday.
6:23pm July 15, 2021
Lord today is my oldest
brother's Birthday
and the day the angel's
took my last brother
Give me the strength
to bear my earthly loss
and please, forgive me
for crying today....
while three angel brothers
sing together, holding on
to family and old friends
cradled, one, by one,
in the arms, of their
angel father and mother.
The eyes of the angels
watch from afar...our
times of joy and pain
smiling down, sending
love unending, until
we all meet in heaven
My brothers are at peace
Angels all three- who
will never die...
Angels who walk with loved
one-who will always be by
their side.
I love you Jimmy, Johnny,
and James...
Happy Birthday Jimmy...
The greatest gift of all
is love.
12:29pm July 15, 2021
I thought today I'd take the time
to send special thoughts your way
If pillows of hope did not exist
for one to cling too...
And dreams come true were only
for the few...
And, none thought positive thoughts
how cold and empty the world
would be...
What if all the love in the world
belonged only to one-and that one
was you...
How would you choose the ones
to give your love to, if not one
processed love to give back to you?
Love is the essences of everything
and nothing in ones life...
Human compassion cannot survive
in a loveless world...
Positive is created when people
strive together to make a change
for the better in the world.
To understand what you know not
it takes a lot of faith and heart...
Having no shoes is not a sin
unless negative thoughts are at
The happiest times for me are when I
can feel the earth beneath my
1:48pm July 12, 2021
The truth is not always
what one wants to hear. jt
When my heart is sad
it's hard to think
beyond the sadness...
Lord, give me the
strength to rise above
my weaknesses
the courage to walk
the insight to see
beyond the darkness
and Lord if you will
send angels to all
in need.
Teach me Lord to look
beyond what my outer
eyes can see...
Guide me through the
darkness closing in
on my world... keep
safe my soul from
the worldly ...
send your angels
to watch over me.
10:46pm July 11, 2021
"God knows the heart of us all.
Do what you can live with." jt
Sweet Memories
The memories we store
inside our heart
are the ones that bring
us peace when we can't
reach out and touch
someone we love ....
To the faithful, there are
no goodbyes, only "I love
you...see you on the other
Tears are for the ones
left behind to journey on
still awaiting God's time
May God send his angels
to comfort and remind those
morning this day
that God takes nothing
until its time....
then God calls in
what was ours on loan
and takes another sweet angel
2:56pm July 8, 2021
Another Angel Brother
October 6, 1952 - July 7, 2021
Your dreams in worldly things
brought you unrest, and
at times a troubled mind.
My little brother...
God called you home
today to live in peace
and sing once more
praises to God- with heart
felt songs.
Fly, sweet angel brother, you earned
your angel wings...
You completed your journey eternity.
when you awake
at heaven's gates
you will be .reunited, once more
with family and friends happily waiting
to welcome you in.
rest sweet brother
in the arms of your angel
You are home now brother
another angel who will
always walk by your
loved ones side.
This world has a way of
pulling loved ones a part
but in the end, if it be God's
will- we'll all be together
I love you...Rest in Peace
8:26pm July 7, 2021
God is moving
be still and listen
to God's footsteps
echoing in the wind..
Don't ever doubt
God's love, or God's
power to create
peace from turbulent
Doubt has no place
in the minds and hearts
of the believer...
A man who gives when
he processes little is
worthy to receive more
than the rich who have
much and give only
crumbs to feed the poor.
God knows the heart of
all his children....
Take one day at a time
trust in the god of
your fathers... be not
afraid to show compassion
for those in need;
God is good but God is
not blind to the weaknesses
of any.
The day is fast approaching
when the eyes of man opens
anew and shame many shall
find themselves counted
among the poorest of souls...
pleading for the crumbs
from the tables of faithful
Keep faith, when you feel
like all [even God] have turned
their back on you...Keep faith
in what the eyes cannot see
but the heart keeps reassuring
you is there.
8:55pm July 6, 2021
I awake to a sunless day
the ground so wet
won't be going outside
much today.
But still it is a
good day
to work inside,
create something
and to live
by my faith.
10:13am July 5, 2021
The eyes of
the angels
a million years old
sent from God
to guard my soul...
That's a beautiful
to awaken to...
Never far-always
near to watch me cry
then dry my tears.
Tears fall for many
everything in life
Tears have a season.
10:22am July 5, 2021
God gave me three
(Jimmy, Johnny, and
James ) to love, grow
up with and call my
Three brothers (two
older and one younger)
than me...
Special parts of my
childhood - special
part of my every day.
They did not stray far
from the old home place,
My life took me further
Years passed but one
thing never changed
(at least not for me)
together or a part I
never stopped loving
my brothers...
with all my heart.
My oldest brother was
called home years ago
I didn't get to tell
him good bye, and at
the time it hurt me so.
But in the years since
I come to realize- my
brother's not gone
He's a beautiful angel
always by my side.
Now as life would have
it be- unless God
intervenes- my other two
brothers will soon leave.
We all fail to spend time
with loved ones, when
they are alive...
My brothers don't need me
there to watch them die
-when in my heart
they will always be alive.
Three beautiful angels
always by my side.
If it be God's will, and
they are ready to go,
I will morn their leaving
in my own way.
3:47 am July 3, 2021
A lot has happened
in the USA
Since the first Americans
proclaimed their liberty
on Independence Day.
Since Americans like
George Washington,
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
and other honorable leaders
like them, others have filled
their political shoes but
only a few have held
a place in American hearts like
Washington, Lincoln, and
Jefferson still do.
We have come a long way since
slavery was brought to our shores
and divided our nation ---since
state right issues tore at
every American heart--since
JPMorgan and like minded men
plotted, planned and twisted the
issues of the day to steal from
all future generations the right
to their share of the American
dream- and what better way could
there be than to use their combined
wealth to make slavery the issue of
the Civil War days.
How would any one ever find out
that greedy men- in back rooms- were
plotting to make their offspring
the only inheritors of the American
Two hundred-forty-five years ago
the Declaration of Independence proclaimed:
with a natural born right to life
and liberty.
As Americans let us once more resolve
ourselves to the task of insuring
that every American, regardless of color
or creed, have a God given right to
a share of the American Dream.
Stand Proud America-you have never fail
to inspire the best in men, though
some living under your colors of Red,
White and Blue have betrayed the
American way- for a life of greed.
I'm proud to be an American---to proud
of America to be silenced when justice
needs a voice to speak.
Happy 4th of July! God Bless America!
8:17pm July 2, 2021
What good are riches
to a starving soul
when a heart seeks love
and love can't be found
What good are silver and
1:25 am July 1, 2021
Let God lead the way
His words are true
yesterday, today
and always.
Believe with your heart
that good abides with
you... no one
can carry your burden
but you
(be they many or be
they few).
Seek, what your heart
knows to be true...
you are never alone
God angels are
always with you.
Keep faith
as you walk through
this day...
The eyes of your
dearest angels
are watching over
The love you show
to others
(a kind word-a kind deed)
are precious water
for loves seed.
Find peace and
you will know
you have found
your god.
1:40 pm June 30, 2021
Today is gone
and here I set
giving thanks
to God whose angels
watch over me and
nurture my spirit
with their love...
Now it is time
to sleep...
to let another day
What did I learn
in the day...?
I learned not to
worry about who
loves me and who
loves me not.
I know the love
shown to me every
day comes straight
from the heart.
To be loved for
who you are is truly
a priceless gift.
People drift apart
out of need
[because years change
or just because they
choose to cut people
from their lives.
Don't waste a day
worrying about what
others think of you
live your life
and to yourself be
No one knows another's
thoughts or why they do
the things they do...
that's the way of this
world-cling to your faith
there is a purpose for
everything in the day.
11:24 pm June 29, 2021
The light in the dark
is sometimes hidden
by ones dark thoughts.
Dare to look beyond
the here and now.
Let the flicker of
light guide you to
God's eternal flame.
10:29 am June 29, 2021
Love like life has no
color but its own...
Learn, by living, life
learn, by giving, love
learn, by these things,
all there is to know
to be happy with ones
10:36 am June 29, 2021
It's a new day
to awaken
and give thanks
for the smallest
of things.
No one can live the day
God appointed for you
Look see
what good you can do
in this world you
are only walking through.
10:40 am June 29, 2021
If what I do is held up
by love there is nothing
more I can do.
God gives the weak the
strength to conquer
whatever needs to be.
Faith will raise you
above the things that
seek day and night
to rob you of your soul.
Stand up for truth
be it yours or someone
Love flows on angel wings
the god that lives through
us-can perform miracles
beyond what man can think.
Keep faith...
Its a beautiful day
to walk upright in.
10:53 am June 29, 2021
The beauty or ugliness around me
I create with my inner thoughts
If I think on nothing
but the bad in life-I open the
door to heartache and strife.
By my actions my physical world
is changed and rearranged.
Lord let my memory fill my day
with happy thoughts ,and my labor
serve to add to the beauty God
Give me eyes to see beyond the
weakest part of me.
Guide me through each day
as I hold high my Shield of Faith.
12:51 pm June 28, 2021
Believe with your heart
that all things are possible
this world may beat me down
mentally and physically
but my spirit will not be broken.
Faith is a powerful weapon
against the dark
that takes on many forms.
in this world.
Trust your heart when
you cannot trust
The word was before
the world was formed
and many a man has twisted
reality with empty
Trust the god that
keep the candle in you
Shine your light in
dark places
so others
can see.
Keep faith
let none trick you
into believing
another's belief.
One god
who answers to
many names.
Walk up-right
speak the truth
and the angels
will have a hand
in every thing
you do.
4:05pm June 26
It don't matter
where I stand
in your life
As long as the
day brings you
Love needs not
the sight of you
to love you
with all my heart.
Life can change
in the blink
of an eye...
but love,if it
is real love
will last
a life time,
and jounery
with us
when in the end
we spread our wings
and fly.
10:19am June 26, 2021
The safety net,
in this world,
is not in worldly
When darkness
and doubt cloud
your mind
let your faith
For, it matters
not what's in
the world
or what lys
just beyond
the eyes-
what counts
in the end
is what we
carry inside.
10:28am June 26, 2021
Be happy being you
you are a part
of things greater
than you are...
A shiver from God's
eternal star.
10:34am June 26, 2021
When I was younger
the easiest things
sometimes seemed to
be hardest.
With time I learnt
not to worry about
a thing being to
hard to do.
If trying don't get me
anywhere, I call on
the angels, and what
ever I left undone the
angels will help me do.
Sometimes it may appear
giving up is better than
putting one's all behind
one's effort.
But in the end the
finished product
will testify:
the worst of jobs
can get done when one
is willing to try.
5:50pm June 25, 2021
I was thinking
how blessed I am
to have the love
I have in my life
When I was a child
I was shown love
everyday...I didn't
feel the need
to hear the words
'I love you.'
My heart always knew.
Then I grew up, and
remembering the feeling
I got inside, after daddy
told me 'I love you"
a few weeks before he died.
I told my children it was
important to always tell
the ones you love "I love
you." when you are together
or when you are parting ways.
Looking back now, on second
thought, knowing I am loved
is far better than someone
telling me something
my heart finds hard to
Children grow up [some children
don't get the chance] If I
have taught my children one thing
let it be... that there is a time for
hearing I love yous, and a time
for knowing you are loved.
6:14pm June 25, 2021
Where once the eyes
were satisfied to gaze
upon the beauty of a flower,
and there was no sweeter sound
than a child's laughter...
only self centeredness can be
Life is much to short to live it
beyond the moment...
treasure the moment and the beauty
of its nakedness.
For in the moment some live while
others die.
Why waste one precious moment
remembering moments gone?
Riches and fame cannot buy back
yesterdays gone.
The rich and poor alike dwell in the
moment alone.
12:58pm June 23, 2021
There is nothing
more soothing to
the soul than
love and honesty.
Nothing can contain
what one does not
One can change their
world but not all
will choose too.
The time one spends
on self-pity is a
waste of time.
All have felt
therefore - all know
the feeling.
Judge not the
ignorance in another
based solely on what
you believe.
Life is a waiting game
we all take part in
from day to day.
None know the ending
until after life's game
is played.
Don't judge foolishly
the part in life
others play.
2:07pm June 19, 2021
What be the fate of man
need not be the fate of all.
Listen to the heartbeat
of the quite.
In the darkness
light is hidden.
Rise above your
lower self.
10:04am June 16, 2021
Keep faith, the angels who
loved and took care of you
on earth are never far
from your side...
Live one day at a time
that's all we have to live
But, know, the eyes
of the angels
are always watching
over you.
2:10am June 15,2021
If not for loss
one would not know
the true value of
a loved one's life.
I'm thankful for
the time and the
memories made with
loved ones-that's
two things no one
can take away.
2:01am June 5, 2021
Mama, the years have
come and gone
since you took
your journey home.
That was another sad
day in my life...
Tho the years have come
and gone, and I have
never stopped missing
our time together
I know in my heart
when you moved on
to your heavenly home
that your love stayed
behind to comfort
those you love...
Tho I cannot see you in
this world- I can see you
and feel you with my heart.
Happy Birthday Mama
I love you
1:38am June 15, 2021
It's your 41st Birthday
Renee, and a very special
You were independent
since the day you were born
when the one who was there
placed you in my arms.
My Birthday wish for you
my child is the gift of
peace and the strength to
forgive those who did
your heart harm...
I wish with all my heart
I would have held you
in my arms more often
close to my heart
and told you how very
special you are...
Just remember regardless
of how far apart we are,
regardless of all else,
you are ,and have always
been, a special flower
in my mothers-bouquet...
I love you and in my
heart you have a special
may this day- and all
your days- be blessed
in every way.
"I wish I had taken the time
to let you know- more often-
how proud I am to call you "mine"
Love you baby girl- Mama
If I lose sight
of who I am
on my journey
back home...
and get caught up
in worldly things
I know
I'm never alone
my angels walk
with me.
Keep faith
shine your light
faithfully for
all, lost in life's
darkness, to see.
1:03pm June 12, 2021
Today, I thought much
about the world around me
How blessed I am to be
able to awaken and find me.
For a long time I hid my
hurt ,and alone, endured
my hearts pain...
But there is no one but me
to blame.
I am thankful for the
people, in my life,
who took me for granted
because of them- I can
live in peace with my self.
There are reasons why
our hearts get broken
lessons to be learned
from every thing we
get up too every day.
And sometimes years
pass before we realize
we wasted so much time
trying to figure out
the 'why' of things
that [good or bad]
touched our heart.
9:52pm June 11, 2021
I should have cried when
my heart was broken...
released the hurt inside of me
but that was not my way...
to show weakness-during times
I needed to be strong.
9:37pm June 11, 2021
It's your 35th Birthday
You were the last son
God blessed me to carry
beneath my heart.
You are a man now
with daughters and sons
and a life of your own.
My wish for you this day
is that in it, you find
peace with the world
and yourself...because
everyday spent in worry
is a day wasted...
a chance missed to let
love create a world
in which you always feel
loved and safe.
Not everyday, has a
special meaning...but
your birthday is special
to me-because it represents
the special man, my baby son
grew to be. I love you...
Happy Birthday John David,
3:23pm June 9, 2021
We all are born to fly..
Broken wings will mend
Strive always to be
the best of who you
grew to be.
Not all will love you
but the ones who learned
to love you for you will.
11:03am June 4, 2021
If I could re-raise
my children- I would
I would not change
a moment of the time
I loved them and
called them mine...
Now, its their time
to lead, before
their children leave
them behind, and
they realize after
pondering their own
Everything has a time,
being with them
during their childhood
years was mine.
10:54am June 4, 2021
The birds are singing
to remind me they are
there in their
aqua home a few steps
from my chair.
The fish are busy
cleaning up ,after
their morning feed...
As I set and
ponder things
that cross my mind
and touch my heart.
In the moment
time has moved
and left me
an essence closer
to my destiny.
10:37am June 4, 2021
Picture taken June 3, 2021 about 11:00pm
All my life I've felt like
I was standing on the
outside of life
looking in...
God has been good to me
he has never once left
my side....
When I was in the darkness
of my life
He was with me.
I have asked God
never to take from me
my ability to care...
If one shuts the door
to their heart...
ones life will be
nothing more
than a cycle
of unhappiness.
Without the ability to care
where would be
the purpose in ones life-
Mistakes get made
hearts get broken
and somewhere
becomes non-existence.
If I love
I am complete
in who I am.
If I care
from my heart
I feed the better
side of my self.
Keep faith
and never lose
sight of
who you are.
11:54pm June 3, 2021
Life- many words have
been used to describe
Yet, not any have
described what life
really means...
I breathe ..there
is life in me
I see, I hear...there
is life in me
I laugh, I cry...there
is life in me
But what does life
Are the unborn
any less human than I?
I was once unborn
life did not begin
with my first cry
life was in me before
I was born.
When I slept beneath
my mother's heart,
there was life in me,
when we lived as one.
The same life I am
today, and have been,
since inside my mother's
womb I was first born.
What is life?
I feel, I love...there
is life in me.
Life so many take
for granted as if
life is nothing...
Life is a natural
entry....emotions are
not life they are
expressions life conveys
to life.
How far we have drifted
from a simple life
What is life?
Is life what life says
life is?
Who died and made any of us
god over innocent life.
Life is not as long
in this world, as it will
be in eternity.
8:51pm June 2, 2021
One Truth-One God
One who walks in the light of truth
and feeds the souls of men
must be wise enough to recognize
that the enemy that reeks havoc
in the world, creates darkness
first from within.
Not all who teach are worthy
to claim the power of the pen.
God's word was not predestined
to serve the greed in women
and men, while many suffer
hunger from within.
The light of old shall light up
the world again...
Create as many gods as it takes
in the day to keep the true
god at bay.
But be warned self proclaimed
prophets and teachers who
wand the pen, as you create
images of how you perceive
life, your god may not be the
god that walks unseen among
The darkness or light that the
teacher releases out into the
world stems from within
one can tell evil and good apart
by how one uses the pen.
10:12am May 30, 2021
My memories of you
never fade...
You were a special
part of our lives
for 21 years before
you went away.
You were always your
mama's boy...
Katie's best friend
and my grandson,
I miss you but in
my heart I know
You are not gone
God gave each of us
special time with you
before he called
you home.
Always in our hearts
RIP Michael
We love you
2:47pm May 29, 2021
What does the future hold
for those yet to be...
Yet to be born?
Today technology robs
tomorrows yet to be...
Which kingdom?
which god?
will technology fatten
as it moves minds
to realms of fantasy?
Lost the desire to become
as technology dictates
what is to be.
Wake up, welcome to the
new world order...
where everything is free
unless you believe the
devil works through
Then ones faith in god
becomes technology's
worst enemy.
Illusions once created
by the minds of men are
now the offspring of
manmade machines ,that
fill minds with empty
1:37pm May 28, 2021
Thank you Lord for this day
for all the joys you filled
it with, for my faith, and
for giving me the understanding
and strength I need to face
whatever comes my way.
3:39pm May 27, 2021
My love for you my child
did not begin when you
were born...It begin when
I was a child planning
my future around you.
3:33pm May 27, 2021
Tho loved one wandering near
and far may deny me entrance
into their world -forgotten
is the reality- beneath my heart
they once shared my world
with me. 3:28pm May 27, 2021
As long as I can see beyond me
I know my soul is safe
Tho my world is not perfect
its always filled with my faith.
3:21pm May 27, 2021
I woke to another blessed day
not because its filled with
everything I want but because
its filled with every thing I
3:17pm May 27, 2021
I am blessed
I have no need to search for my god
he lives in and through me..
He and he alone
knows my heart and all my needs
I'm not perfect-I make mistakes
but in order to be judged rightly
good or bad-I must be me.
8:41am May 25, 2021
I stand in the middle of my world
and I am lost
See things in my world that scare me
I am lost in the shadows of my mind
and can't find reality
Where are you now that I am lost
I am trying to find you
but first I must find my self
I lost sight of me somewhere on
life's roads-
exactly where I do not know.
8:57am May 25, 2021
(Written for my dear friend)
Things change
but not love
whether you love
a little or a lot
love is forever
if it stemmed from
the heart.
1:42am May 25, 2021
Don't choose a road to travel
just because its there...
Set the direction you want
your life to go
and do the best you can
to follow the path your
heart chose.
1:37am May 25, 2021
I don't walk through life
with blinders on anymore.
Pretending life is perfect
when it's not, and
can never be.
No life is not perfect
it was created a
garden of Eden
for imperfect souls
like you and me.
1:31am May 25, 2021
Until your life is touched
with human compassion
in forms that cut deep
into your will
never know how much
of your life was wasted
on yourself.
1:24am May 25, 2021
I Love You....Thank you for the fish.... (HUG) May 23, 2021
HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY FAITH! I love you (hug) May 22,2021
You are growing up to fast...slow down girl.
At my granddaughter's graduation
It's your Birthday son
time to tell you from
the bottom of my heart
how proud I am of you
You always took to heart
the things I told you...
But some things
I did not tell you yet
is no matter how old you are
You will always be my first
born son...
I watched you grow into the
man you are today... Not once
were you not there for me
if you thought you needed to be.
Be happy and never stop being
who you are-- because who you
are no one else could ever be-
you are my first son
who grew to be a good man
who will always be special
to me. Love you Joe
Happy 44th Birthday!
12:45am May 21, 2021
God knows our heart and its needs
when the direction in our life
changes-it's a sign that it's time
to move where God would
have us be.
1:46pm May 16, 2021
When life takes a different direction
I often find a yearning to bring
loved ones, too....
I got so used to life being a certain
way, I took the time spent with loved ones
for granted [as if they would always
be a part of my day]
The yearning to bring loved ones through
life by my side...has much to do with
the mother part of me...
As I grow older, I realize, children
are born to live their own lives
and make their on decisions of how
they want their life to be... after
spending their childhood days walking
through life with me.
1:32pm May 16, 2021,
The night has once more
over taken my day
It's time to
go to bed....
leaving much undone
and much unsaid.
My eyes are heavy
it's time to sleep
things left undone
will have to keep
and if things left unsaid
need to be said
I will remember to say them
when I get out of bed.
Thank you Lord for the day
that brought me to this night
Thank you all the blessings
you send my way. Thank you
for your love and guiding light.
I love you Lord...Good night.
10:27pm May 12, 2021
It's time to work in my
garden... 11:27am May 12, 2021
I read a beautiful tribute today
a husband [and father] had written
for his wife.
All I can say is it touched my heart
to read the story of how love filled
both hearts, for each other, their
three children, and all who touched
their lives.
Every word was meant to shine on
the life and cherished memories of a
much loved and adored friend, mother,
and wife.
Without love ,ones death wouldn't mean
much....die and move on.
When love is a part of ones every day is shared from heart to makes a happy home for
the living...and a pillow of comfort
for the heart, after a loved one moves
Sometimes the fullness in other peoples
lives shine on the empty spots in our own.
Love is so much better when its shown....
There is a need in every heart to love
and be loved.
Take time to say "I love you." today
don't wait until the one [s] you love
are dead and gone.
2:35pm May 11, 2021
My Poetry Diary exist
that I might learn from my past
to live wiser in my today.
Thank you for taking the time
from your busy life to touch
mine through my poetry Diary.
Being imperfect I have made
many mistakes in my lifetime,
hurt people I love- and been hurt
by people I love. Everyone has
reasons for why they live life
the way they do.
Remember, some times we
have to love enough to let go.
Nothing is more important
than striving every day to be
the best of who you are....
Keeping faith is the key
to reaching your star.
Love and Peace.
12:11am May 10, 2021
When no words can be found
to describe the thoughts going
on inside. It's best not
to say a word.
For there are always those
if something's not said just right
who won't understand.
Lord, it has been another blessed day
with only a few disappointing
moments in thought...
Sadness is a human trait
that with time will fade away.
No one is to blame
for the choices we make.
If a child fails to see
his/ her mistakes
another mistake they
will make.
God sees into the heart
and knows the secrets
hidden there.
Be careful when pointing
a finger at another's mistakes
without understanding
why the mistakes were made.
Hold high your shield of faith..
10:04pm May 9, 2021
It's Mother's Day 2021
The sun is shinning
and the angels are
smiling down on me.
God made mothers to
endue children's
childhood days...
God made mothers tougher
than nails, to withstand
life's storms.
Then, God put insight
into mothers to know
without seeing, if
a child is safe or
Next God placed
wisdom inside mothers
to help guild them
to understand that
its a mother's place
to raise and love
the children God,
placed in her motherly
And, seeing the world's
need for love...
God knew that mothers
not being created perfect
would make mistakes
in rearing the children
so God created a Shield of
Faith to carry always
before them
To remind mothers of how
special they are God created
a mother's heart....
Filled it with love
[to refresh her memory
from time to time]
in case she ever forgot
the feeling of her child
sleeping beneath her heart.
3:27 pm May 9, 2021
Thank you Lord for always
having my back...
Many times I have stumbled
blindly through life, and
fell into life's little
pits of hell...
And found myself lost
standing at the cross roads
of life...
It was during a low point
in my life when Jesus
reached out his hands
from a glow of light
"follow me"
the hands motioned
tho they never moved
from the position
they were in.
And in the twinkling
of an eye as fast as the
image surrounded by light
appeared -it was gone.
But I knew my life
would never be the same
from that moment on.
11:58 pm May 8, 2021
We had our time ,together
me the child and you my
dear mother...
You were a blessing in my life
all the time you walked this earth
and watched over me...
It didn't matter if you come over
to visit me or not,
Because I knew without a doubt
you loved me with all your heart...
It was you "mama" who nurtured
my heart with your love
It was you "mama" who set for me
the the best examples of
what a mother should be.
I love you Mama. Happy Mother's Day.
Love Is For Ever
Setting here in the peace
created by the sound of
chirping birds, and the
sound of water falling
on water-as fish watch me
through the windows of their
glass home, many things fill
my mind
and I ask my god "what
does it all mean?"
Every day I awake to find
a little bit more of man's
history...or is it what
evil minds wrote as history
and want innocent minds
to believe.?
Walk upright in the day
believing only what you
know to be many
things are hidden away.
Some scary things indeed
Think of the knowledge
a few would find, by tapping in,
at will, to the human mind.
Will the god who lives through,
and in every man allow the
"god seekers" to find him, or will
he send his angels to seek
them out?
The most important things in ones
life comes from the heart.
This world is the testing ground
for our inner faith, fear not
the evil part of those
in search of the key to
the human mind...
Little do they know
one can only find the things
god wants them to find.
Keep heart oh faithful ones
hold tight to your faith ...
Give thanks to your god
who has the ultimate power
to give and take it away.
12:25pm May 8, 2021
"Rest in peace my precious Angel"
Sonya Marie Sanford April 29, 1971- May 6, 1993
Angels never die
they watch over
loved ones left
behind, until
they, too, earn their
wings, and learn
to fly.
When a gentle breeze
touches your cheek
oh so gentley
that means....
an angel touched
you with the tip
of her/his wings.
Only the best memories
deserve to be remembered.
9:58pm May 7, 2021
It's not easy being strong
when it feels like your heart is
going to break-
Raise high your Shield of Faith
Be thankful for the day.
11:44am May 7, 2021
There are angels where we set,stand
and lay...never far from our side
watching over us every day.
11:43am May 7, 2021
Faith is made void when doubt rules
the day.
My faith is not in worldly things
that any can touch any day-My faith
reigns inside of me I am one with
my faith. 11:38am May 7, 2021
The tears have drained from my heart
once more, and from yesterday's heartaches
I learned over again, the importance
of living in the day.
11:24am May 7, 2021
I'm so tired, and night
has fallen
a blanket to sleep beneath. jt
It's okay to be who you are
It's okay to be different
than everybody else.
It's okay to cry from
time to time....
But it's not okay to pretend
to be who you are not ...
Be who you are and
live your life with heart.
1:20am May 7, 2021
Lord, Thank you, for everything
The rain falling outside
my window...
the love that surrounding me...
the angels smiling down on me...
And the Shield of Faith
that will ,again, help me through
another day.
11:28am May 6, 2021
Lord enduring the loss
of my child, I never
ponder the loss...
I sealed from my memory
the ones that would rip
out my heart, the ones
where[ ] ...that are always
in me... the ones
that can not /would not
vanish with open grief
I'm thankful every day
that more pain
than my heart could take
you have spared my
Thank you Lord for the
angels, I love so, you
sent to comfort me.
Tho I know, and feel the
loss of loved ones
I believe with all my
heart 'they are home'
they were never really
mine.. you placed in my
life, so I could remember
this day, and every day
all that I love
and call mine
are/were only mine on loan.
Give me the courage to
be strong when my heart
gets caught up in
my inner grief.
11:06am May 6, 2021
I think the older one's
memories get
the greater a loss feels.
10:44am May 6, 2021
my eyes dampened with
the day's first tears
are weary from
looking for a child
who is not here.
10:40am May 6, 2021
The story of Sonya's Birth
While going through my writings I found this today
I think it should be shared on this 28th anniversary
of her death. In the picture Sonya is sleeping
beneath my heart was taken a few months
before she was born. Her big 'sissy' Sabra is next to me.
It was April 29, 1971, when my daughter Sonya [my second child] decided to make her debut into the world. I awoke in labor; I dressed and walked to my mother's house [She, I, and one of my sisters lived next door to each other]. Since my sister owned the most reliable vehicle we decided to use her 'new' car to transport me to Shand's Teaching Hospital, in Gainesville, Florida. [This is 56.28 miles / 1 hour 11 minutes away]
During my labor I tried to stay as calm as possible [This was my second experience having a baby but my sister who was setting in the front seat is three months pregnant with her first child and being the oldest of three sisters my thoughts were more on not scaring my sister than on my own pain at the time.] As the pressure of the baby against the lower part of my uterus grew steadily worse I positioned my body as much as possible in a semi-sitting position [which wasn't easy for me to do because my sister's new car was not built to accommodate a pregnant woman in labor.]
My mother who was driving and my sister seem to have only one thing on both their minds [getting me to the hospital. And not breaking the speed limit] as the contractions pressed the baby downward and outward. My first concern remained not doing anything that would cause my younger sister to fear her pending labor and delivery.
As more and more of my baby's head made its presents known to me I resided myself to the undeniable fact that my baby would be born before reaching the hospital. The silence from the front seat told me thus far I had caused no fear to the other passengers in the car.
From time to time the semi-truck drivers [in passing] got an bird?s-eye - view of the birthing process taking place in my sister's small car.
Normally, when a pregnant woman is in active labor [having contractions] as she is pushing the baby out she'll hear," Come on, just a little more ! good girl- push harder, now relax, the contraction is over. Breathe deeply, get plenty of oxygen- here you go, just come on, push again."
All I could hear was silence from the front seat. This was my first experience with natural childbirth [real natural].
With my hand I could feel the crown of my baby's head exiting the birth canal. There was no time to concern myself with my own pain my main concerns now is continuing not to frighten my sister, and delivering my baby safely.
As the car enters the circle in front of Shands hospital in a voice of pure relief I informed the passengers [in the front seat] who were totally unaware of my daughter's birth, that my baby was now an independent entry in life.
My sister [who hadn't once turned around during the hour long trip] turned around with a surprised look on her face and exclaimed, "It is a baby!"
As the car came to a complete stop people [complete strangers], some entering the hospital others leaving it, gazed in amazement at the sight of me exiting the car holding my newborn baby with cord still attached to me. "It's a miracle!" was heard more than once as I was being wheeled into the hospital.
I often think back to my daughter's unexpected birth [in my sister's car] and to the scene of me setting in the wheelchair holding my precious baby as complete strangers pointed at us and declared loudly, "It's a Miracle!"
Twenty-eight years ago, today
my life was at its fullest
little did I know
heartache waited
in the tomorrow.
11:24am May 5, 2021
God's greatest gifts to me
are the children
I watched grow
into men and women,
loved and let go..
Stray as they will
stray as they may
where ever their
hearts take them
my love is with
them every day.
11:14am May 5, 2021
Setting here my thoughts
are on two words
"brave" and "soul"
In a world gone a stray
one must be brave every day
it takes courage to face
the soul's enemies
Raise high your shield of faith.
Never lose sight of the light
your god sent to you
to light your way.
11:02am May 5, 2021
I can't hold her in my arms
but I can cradle her memory
in my heart. 1:29am May 5, 2021
Tomorrow will be
a hard day for me
as memories of my
golden haired daughter
fill my mind and heart.
Twenty-eight years
to the day, the angels
came and took her away.
I don't understand
all the things
happening in my life
but I know no matter
what happens
angels won't be far
and my god will always
be in control.
I don't live my life
for others anymore
My children are grown
and gone.
I live my life for
my god, I follow the
teachings of Jesus
who is the key
to opening the gates
to eternity.
1:03am May 5, 2021
This is the hardest time of the year
for remembering- I know
my loses were heavens gains
but their deaths hurt the
weakest part of me- they
were parts of my heart -
that left empty places
in my life... filled
with their memories.
Let me cry Lord
Let me release my tears today
Then give me the strength once more
to tuck their memories away.
9:11pm May 3,2021
There's a feeling ,once more ,that
makes me feel so empty, when
my life is so full.
The feeling I get
when I think too long
on yesterdays that have come and gone.
And my cherished memories
move my heart and
bring my tears.
Happy memories- times embedded
in my heart and mind
that are hard remembering
but would be far worse to forget,
the times in my life when
the sun seem to shine all the time.
Lord, I have remembered
and I have set free my tears...
I thank you Lord
For the happy memories-
that cross my heart and mind
from time to time.
8:59pm May 3, 2021..
It Crossed My Mind (thoughts)...
People, shouldn't waste their lives
trying to figure out why
other people do and say things.
Every human reacts mentally and
emotionally the same,
in many situations.
My belief:
Some times a person looks
for flaws in others
(way of doing and saying things)
to make their own flaws appear
justified/less noticeable, or even
11:57am May 3, 2021
Regardless of how
one spends their
time-It's their
time -their choice.
I am tired and must
seek rest for
my weary mind.
For in this night
there are no words
for my heart to
find. 12:24am
Lord, thank you for the
day night has brought
tho only a few minutes ago
it was yesterday...
Time slips away
so fast...
Where did the time
Setting here, my
thoughts caught up
in long ago...
I set through time
slipping away
as yesterday turned
into today.
One can't live in
yesterday and not lose
out on some of their
12:13am May 3, 2021
Tho life has taken me down many roads
not all smooth traveling
It was during the time spent in the
ruts of life that I was taught
the importance of not trying to
miss every pothole on the road.
I have nurtured the hearts of the
children my god loaned to me...and
know the returns for nurturing
the love in a child's heart.
I have felt 'unconditional' love
in its truest form.
The roads a mother takes determine
many of the roads her child will wander down
after being born.
I have taken paths that brought me shame
and truly reaped my just reward
for tarnishing my father's good name...
I have walked each road in life trying to
make something, in another's life better
per chance some kind deed on my part
might spare another the bumps in life
that I fell into -and save them from
having to endue a broken heart.
I know both side of life, from walking
and sometimes moving to fast, into the
future from the past.
When standing at the cross roads in your life
make sure to follow your heart's directions-
raise high your shield of faith, and try not
to walk to fast.
Never forget if a mistake in life is made
Don't give up on reaching your star
Learn from your mistake.
1:06 pm April 30, 2021
God has never
deserted me
or left me alone
in my time of need.
He has special
angels, day and night,
watching over me
from his beautiful
garden in eternity.
10:59am April 27, 2021
I will endue
my heartache
and pain-it's
a small price
to pay for the
joy of having
you in my life
before unseen
hands carried
you away...
10:51am April 27, 2021
I know my tears
cannot bring you
back to me
but tears are my
way of releasing
some of
the heartache
I've endured
since you lay
dying on the
highway, and I
Couldn't tell
you how much
your presence
[and love] in my life
meant to me,
before the angels
sent from heaven
gather you up in their
arms and carried
you away.
10:45 am April 27, 2021
Being your mama
when you went away
a piece of me went
with you.
The light of love
born when giving
birth to you
has never dimmed
or lost its glow.
Tho you were not
a flower growing
alone in the
beautiful flower
garden God created
from inside my womb,
and turned into
a love filled home.
You were a beautiful
flower, I called 'my child'
you were special standing
in a crowd or all alone.
I regret not one moment
of having your presence grace
my mama's bouquet...
My only regret is taking your
special ness for granted before
you went away.
10:32am April 27, 2021
Let your heart decide
what is most important
in your life.
To do otherwise
is to err.
An err you may
one day
look back on
with regret.
Tho lovers drift apart
and deny love
The heart ,if it was love,
will never forget. the
one who gave their love
to you.
11:47pm April 25, 2021
Walk when you want to run
through the day....
The faster you walk
the faster time slips away. jt
April 22, 2021
This day holds
all that we are
walk into it unafraid,
head held high
to show the world
the better side
of who you are.
Dare to love
dream, and keep on
following your star.
9:08am April 21, 2021
One Thought
It takes one thought
to set action into
Thus by one thing
set into motion
evolved today's battles
fought with mind
and machine.
The illusion of sanity
in an insane world
welcoming innocent
bystanders in.... as
new blood in the chain
of lies.
Created in the minds
of men.
Far off in the distance
mothers wailed in anguish
on hand and knee
arms raised toward heaven
on the ground where
innocent lay buried....
nothing more but a
mother's memory.
The women prepare for war
against the minds trapped
inside the evil machines
determined to destroy and
put to rest, the evil created
by a thought, in innocence,
that grew to be the greatest
threat to humanity.
Be careful, when putting a thought
into action...what we think
and act on has the power to
grow out of our control.
8:52am April 21, 2021
Love moves the better part
of each of us....
Without love one's flame
of life burns out, never
knowing the value of nurturing
love inside a beating heart.
Love has many ways
of showing love ....
But love is only love when
it stems from a caring heart.
The inner eyes can see things
the outer eyes cannot see.
Love is nothing more than
a feeling the heart recognizes
7:26pm April 20, 2021
Spread your wings
it's time to fly
to live life, free
until it's time
to die.
We all are fallen
angels who like
to believe by being
a caring soul today,
all our sins have
been washed away...
That faith in a god
one cannot see
makes one heaven ready...
Woe, be to him who
thinks time is on his
side...No one knows
the appointed time to
take the last breath
before we die.
There is hope for the
sinner, but that hope
rests not in this world.
Not in the things the
eyes can see ...
Hope rests inside the heart
of the sinner-who strives
every day to be worthy of
the light guiding his way.
Do the best you can
in the day.
Accept, that what has been done
has been done, and walk straight
into tomorrow, knowing faith,
in a god one cannot see
is the only key to eternity.
Raise high your Shield of
Faith...Faith has the power
to change unchangeable things.
6:58pm April 20, 2021
Don't accept the things
that break your heart
as things you earned...
No one is perfect
No one is suppose to be
Don't let the criticism of
others get you down
about who you are...
No one worthy of friendship
would ever, knowingly,
hurt a friend....
A friend is a friend
through thick and thin...
One who knows you are a friend
who will always be there for them.
4:24pm April 20, 2021
Some times
in the quiet time
a beautiful memory
is made, without
doing anything more
than looking out
ones front door.
Nature has a way
of touching our life
and putting sunshine
into a rain soaked day.
3:27pm April 18, 2021
[7 of my neighbor's peacocks came to visit me today.]
Lord, my journey
on this earth
has been a long one
Since the day I was
born, and placed
in my Mama's arms.
Not always did I
deserve the loving
parents you loaned
to me
to help me learn the
things about life
That they believed
every child would
Life moved at a slower
pace when I was child
and my future meant
little to me...
Each day I woke
feeling safe and loved
what more could
a child want or need.
3:21pm April 18, 2021
It's been a day or two
since I shared
my thought with you.
My heart has been filled
with so much to say
The words would not come
until today.
I awoke to a quiet, peaceful
world all around me...
with me, and the good Lord
to keep me company.
The rain brought with it
yesterdays' memories...
of the people and things
in my lifetime
that, together, helped to
create the faith living
[today] inside of me.
3:10pm April 18, 2021
Evil will always
find ones weak spot
be prepared to fight
the enemy
head on....keep faith
God sees and hears
all things...He knows
when and when not
to send more angels
your way.
We never have to
fight alone
under our Shield
of faith.
2:47pm April 13, 2021
Put heart into everything you do
A little heart can touch a lot of
10:05am April 13, 2021
Not always will a day
bring the sunshine
but a day will always
bring with it
another chance to be
and strive for a better
10:00am April 13, 2021
The Night Creature
There's a darkness in the world
that only a few can see through,
Heartless and vain the dark
creature moves, unhindered by
mortal man.
Unaware of the light's eyes
watching its every move the
black souled creature moves
toward an innocent child,
thirsty for just one taste
of innocence-before the light
overtakes him and strips the
dark away; before the lie
can conceive eternal night...
and outen life eternal flames.
The night creature dies
reaching for the light
he cannot obtain.
9:51am April 13, 2021
When one morns the
ending of one road
they often over look
the beginning
of another.
Life's roads are many
Long roads, short roads
and roads we never
travel down.
One makes a stop
or two... in life
that leaves
bitter-sweet memories.
Looking back one can
often find a little
regret that makes one
wonder, where they would
be today, if they'd chosen
to go the other way.
Yesterdays combined
brought us to today...
Yesterdays are gone
let them be.
1:17pm April 12, 2021
- Jan Tetstone
Love can conquer
the evil that walks
among men
dressed as caring souls.
Love has no beginning
Love has no end...Love
has always been
inside the hearts of men.
1:03pm April 9, 2021
Each of us carry light
and darkness inside
Each of us decide
the side we show
to the world
and the side
we want to hide.
A caring heart
will always choose
... to show
the better side.
12:59pm April 9, 2021.
In their shadows many walk
never venturing to stray
beyond the dark
where the sunshine lay.
Never to know the joy
of seeing their own image
created by the sun.
Never to know the whole
of themselves beyond the
dark of another's shadow.
Never to know the light
that was stolen from
the depth of their souls.
Wake, Oh sleeping souls
for the shadows you are
walking in belong to the
The truth of the matter
you think...
only you and the shadows
Darkness is the toll
for greedy souls....
Always hungry with an
un-clinch able thirst
for fame, power and gold
Never fully aware they've
been robbed by the men
whose shadows they live and
walk in.
12:43pm April 9, 2021
If you have never tasted
your own tears
you can not understand
the reasons that makes one
One cannot know
but the things
that affects ones
all else would be
to live and dream
another's dream.
Experience is the wisest
When one experiences
they alone endure the
good or bad experience,
they alone know the
feelings an experience
left them with.
Man is not a god
tho many would like all
to believe they are....
Follow the paths that
lay before you...
let others follow
their own.
The dreams of some
are the reality of others.
The value we place on
the lives of others
reflects in how we
choose to live our
own life.
11:39am April 6, 2021
Make a difference
in the worst of times
Stand for justice...
when others
find it easier
to keep silent.....
until injustice
reaches their door.
In doing what's
right today, tomorrow
justice will reign,
the destiny of humanity
to grow in wisdom, and
to thrive in peace
shall be safe..
10:09am April 6, 2021
I set , listening to the birds
chirping just outside my window
as I search my inner thoughts
for words...and think how
peaceful the sounds of
nature are
by human thought.
Nature's God, never sleeps
while tending the soul
of humanity....
Faithfully, rocking the cradle
of humanity.
9:52am April 6, 2021
Happy Birthday Daddy...
Just want you to know
I'm thankful that God
created you to be my Daddy..
In my eyes you were, on earth,
everything a Daddy should be....
Now, that you are my angel Daddy
watching over me... proudly I walk
in the shadow
beneath your angel wings.
You were and always will be
my hero, Daddy...
Thank you for always loving me
watching over me...and
being my pillow of strength.
I love and miss you Daddy...
your memory never fades..
3:23pm April 5, 2021
I give thanks this day
for the years passed
for the children
who shared those years
with me...
For all the things
I once took for granted...
flowers blooming
filling my everyday life
with their colors
and beauty...
birds singing
happily as they
flew from tree to tree...
the laughter of the children
who brought so much
joy to my heart,
and shared the days
and years with me.
Never take those
who love you for granted...
love them, and hold them
close to your heart-every
chance you get...
Time doesn't stand still
for the young or the old...
cherish the moments
everything we call our own
in this life
is only ours on loan.
12:47am April 5, 2021.
Beneath a mother's
beating heart
- unheard-
the baby's cry... jt
The night has fallen
Sleep calls
but my heart don't
want to sleep.
So. I set here
in my rocking chair
wrapped in memories.
11;11pm April 2, 2021
When fear overshadows
everything loving and decent
the doors to demons open....
And one's life is redefined.
Remember, in theses times
that strength will never
desert the faithful.
Tho, life has many doors
we choose the doors
we walk through.
According to
the love inside.
There's nothing to fear
but fear itself ...We
are all born to live
and die.
2:31pm April 2, 2021
When eyes are closed
one is sleeping,
or trying
to shut out reality.
Like a child lost
on foreign soil
humanity wades
the sands of time
never knowing
where he's going...
Until the last grain
of sand falls
on a new day
and all things old
have passed away.
12:11pm April 2, 2021
Everything in life has
its reason, its time
and its seasons.
Everyone in life
are born equal
(in spirit)
but not all
in life will be
spared the tears.
Not all will live
to grow old .
It is in our
saddest times
that God tests
our soul.
12:25am April 2, 2021
I am but the essence of all
that was, all that is, and
all that will be
set a drift on life's sea.
My journey, yet,
is still a mystery.
The depth and width of
who I am rest within
And beyond me..
What will be
Will be...
6:33pm March 31, 2021
The flow of human thought
sometimes get out of tune with
the rhythm of the human heart.
In trying to sort out
the good from the bad,
the heart, every now and then
skips a beat...
When two memories collide
each process the power
to call forth life's storms or
turn life into a gental [gentle] breeze.
5:42pm March 31, 2021
un gental de gente a mass of people
Humanity is divided
by the very thing
that should join
mankind serve
the needs of any
unable to communicate
because of the language
barrier that was
created long ago
to hide secrets of old.
Secrets used by demons
from hell
to destroy a man's soul.
The god that I follow gives
the faithful the heart to
make it known-
as different as we are
Love has a language
of its own.
11:52am March 30, 2021
When one does all one can do
to make the world a better place
that's enough for God.
The strongest thing about the flesh
is the faith one carries inside.
Hard times are for remembering
that the angels of God still
walk among men.
Let tears fall not without
there will always be things
that can be learned from
our strongest and
our weakest times.
1:36am March 30, 2021
I woke to the wonders
of the day....the magic
in the moment
when my eyes opened
to the paths of life
that lay before me.
And I give thanks
for the guiding hands
of the angels
who walk with me.
12:01pm March 29, 2021
weaving themselves
back and forth
across my heart
as I wait for what
I do not know.
Faithfully, I follow
my heart when my mind
cannot see beyond
the moment.
Time takes much
but leaves much
to ponder in the
quiet time.
Be true to who
you are.
Dreams do come true.
11:37pm March 28, 2021
When time stops
on a tear drop
When life comes
to its end
and another life
When the heart
beats for the
last time...
and no one
notices you're
When your voice
becomes a gentle
gently through
the minds of men,
a reminder that
every thing has
a beginning
and everything an end.
Old is but a flicker
of light- destined
to burn a flame again.
6:14pm March 27, 2021
In The Wrong Hands
To many words have been written
to many changes in what was did,
what was said,in another day and make any sense.
What do you mean?
The pen truly is mightier than
the sword...
A sword kills the flesh. A pen
in the wrong hands can change
history and mankind's destiny.
Words are meaningless left
From the lips of the pen
many a brave soul has been slain
and many a heart broken.
Be careful when writing stories
meant to entertain...
For writing is a dangerous game...
that can destroy man's reality.
1:03pm March 26, 2021
In the darkness of the night
in dim light, I can't help
wondering if I am worthy ...
As dark as my life, at times
has tarnished
as my spirit's cloak
do I process the strength
to aim life's bow, and
prick the conscious of the
giant oak called 'humanity'?
Will but one rise up with
spear in hand to defend
the future's right to be?
In an unsuspecting world
will dreams out reality?
Let each heart judge
Remembering always
where love is
peace will be
waiting quietly
to be set free...
to blossom like a flower
wherever there's a need.
11:26pm March 23,2021
Today, I sit and ponder
what brought the world
to this day...
What happened to
the caring souls
that once kept things together
when things were drifting a part
and love begin to fade?
Where are the kind spirits
that walk among men?
Those who dare to raise voice
step forward and raise a hand
to make the world a better place
for themselves...
and the offspring of man?
Let all who hear heed the cries
for peace the wind carries
through every land.
11:08am March 22, 2021
My heart can still love
tho emptied out a lifetime~
To love is to care beyond
the space one fills.
To feel through heartache
to endure what is ~knowing
in the end that love and
caring walk hand in hand~
Never stop caring~ without
love moving each heartbeat
we are all empty and void
inside~ cold beyond the
winter time~ betrayed by
Look beyond your wants
to the needs of others.
True happiness comes from
sharing the love we carry
in our heart.
10:47am January 8, 2021
Keep faith when doubt
enters in...
Keep faith when the wind
seems stronger than you
can walk in...
Keep faith when the
weakness in you gets you down
Keep faith always.
Faith makes troubling times
Faith has the power to
change the course of ones life...
Keep Faith in the one true God
who walks with you everyday.
Keep faith~ miracles stem from
the faith one carries inside.
With all your heart hold
to your faith... Faith will
carry you through the
darkest day.
9:30pm January 8, 2021
Life has been blamed
for good and bad things.
The results of "choice"
give our life its meaning.
Life is a journey we all
travel through
a journey that takes us
to where souls come together
reuniting with eternity.
Walk the paths of life
choose wisely the paths
you walk
be ready always~ for
the winds of life to change.
7:45am January 7,2021
The shadow of yesterday
Lives in time
a blanket of love
watchful, always
from the place of
heavenly peace.
Stay strong in your
faith. jt
January 6,2021
The Path of Time
Time has no beginning
and no end...
Only in time can one find
the full measure of a lifetime.
Hidden by time all things
man seeks/sought to hide...
deep in uncountable moments
rest uncountable lives.
the measure of which only God
Worry not about what lay ahead
and what you crave for in
Today, the moments of time
one by one belong to you~ to
enter in.
Cherish the moment~ putting
into each moment the best of
who you are.
You are a part of time~ un-end-able.
The moment belongs to you
The path of life lay at your feet.
Choose wisely, dear loved one,
where you place your feet.
8:50am January 6, 2021
When memory recalls
times of old
That leave a bitter taste
deep inside your soul~
Shake free from the memories.
Decisions made dictate
what the future holds~
Make no mistake, more lives
than one is at stake...
When much thought was't/isn't
put into the decisions one makes.
What happened in the past
can haunt the day~
break hearts~ un-thought of
at the time~ the choice was
Live life to the fullest
Learn to live with any
mistake made in
another day and time.
January 5, 2021
Beauty is in the eyes
of the beholder,
It was first said
many years ago.
But when life
takes its toll
the eyes don't see
as clear the beauty,
in the world or
the beauty of ones soul.
The years mar the
memory of man.
Nothing can fade the
Beauty God created
in man's soul.
Yet, not all have
the ears to understand
what the eyes cannot see,
and lose sight of the beauty
behind each heartbeat.
-Jan Tetstone
8:25 am January 5, 2021
Porch Thoughts
O tears inside of me
wash over heartache's
Flow free, fall that
my inner self might find
For nothing in life
comes easy when one lifts
not the load one must carry
to reach their dream.
Fall O tears
for heavy is the burden
weakened by the worldly
surrounding me.
Fall O tears of mine
that peace might calm
the raging sea....and
my soul might find the peace
that's reaching out to me.
12:35pm October 12, 2020
-Jan Tetstone
Time does not stop with the ending of a storm
when a baby is born or just because we want it
In time clouds form preparing for a storm....
In time we each are born and placed in another's
In time we grow to be the reflection of time's toll
on our life and soul.
Yet, time is not to blame for who, after birth, we
came to be.
In time we live with time-and with time, from time,
we learn the things that life holds in secret until
we enter in; our future waits for time to pass
so the future can be created by the times of old-
to hold the best and worst of who we are - as our life
in time draws closer to its end.
Time was before we were born
and will be life's moving force
long after we are gone.
8:26am Oct 7,2020
As we grow thus we become
the seeds of life yet to come. jt
When times are darkest, lights shining
from afar touch us and seem much closer than
they are.
Let your lamp of human kindness
light up the world around you
and the love that fills your heart
shine through...
for the world is in need of the love
that feeds the world through you.
Let yesterdays rest in peace for all
in them were created by your presents
passing through.
Long not for what might have been
strive to obtain those things worthy of
your love and care.
8:46am Oct 7, 2020
The quickly fleeing rain
came long enough to bring
and leave behind a sense
of being, a sense of peace
a sense of being a part of
The light of the sun on a drop of rain
is much grander than any sparkling star
that the darkest night could bring.
The feel of rain on the hottest day
changes many things.
The rain washes the outer man but
cannot touch ones inner side.
Many thirst for things rain cannot
satisfy...t'is the way of things.
If rain drops were drops of gold
many would still go wanting.
-Jan Tetstone
August 31, 2020 1:25pm
Morals it has been said
time and time again
evolve from the values
that stem from within.
Life is its own teacher.
To follow another's values
one must devalue personal
beliefs, in favor of another's
In my world, opinion has no
power over common sense
or good judgment.
Never let another's doubts
and beliefs dictate how you
should live-what you should
think-and what you should
Is God real? For me, my god is
as real as the air I breathe.
My life is mine, my thoughts
are mine and my faith belongs
to only me. -Jan Tetstone
12:32pm August 26, 2020
Sleeping Souls Of Humanity
Hidden beneath time's ghostly past
layers and layers of deceit
nurtured by the worst in men.
O pasts gone by, release their memory
to the grave; let lay the evil deeds
done in the name of want and need;
bring an end to what once moved through life,
carried by deep rooted greed.
For, no man is worthy to be remembered
who causes his country grief.
Shake free O time from the ghostly
hands of greed.
Let rest the souls who paid the price
for another's life of luxury..
For all are equals in death and process
no power over the living, except their evil
desires left on earth, that continue
to breed the image that somehow the worth
of the living is based on the blood
that runs through ones veins.
Awaken O sleeping souls of humanity
Let sleep the souls of the dead; for just
as one is remembered for their deeds of
kindness ;let us not forget, the evil that
spring up, and was left behind by darker side.
Let the past reap the rewards for its own deeds
Let the living carry the torch of light,
according to the light inside each.
The evil that consumes worldly things in not to
be found in the world, but inside each of us.
-Jan Tetstone
10:20am August 8, 2020
Patriot's Heart
We will bury you from within and never
lay hand on you
was the Nazi threat to the American people
living under the Red, White and blue.
Socialist/communist have proven to be
the greatest threat to life and liberty
Long have Americans who love living free
fought the communist to save liberty.
The weeds of communism thrive on plucking
away at the legal safeguards put in place
to protect freedom press, freedom speech,
and religious liberty.
Where are the safeguards now!?
The safe guards rests safely inside the
patriot's heart...
The threat to bury the American people
from within can only happen when Americans
stop rearing patriot women and men.
God Bless America and all who struggle
against the deranged part of humanity
in the name of life and liberty.
-Jan Tetstone
9:43am July 23, 2020
Today, I thought back to a time
much different than the one
I awoke to...
A time when the average person
wasn't so easy to fool.
Yet, I know in my heart
that the spirits of those
dear souls lingers on
and their spirits walk this land
with me
ready to defend those things
dearest to their hearts
that only the angels
can know and see.
Be not fooled into
giving your soul away
It matters : ones beliefs and
and how one chooses
to live in a day.
8:43am June 29, 2020
For 45 years, I have walked through this world missing you
You were more than my were my hero.
I'm sorry I took you for granted, but I thought you would live
forever, and I'd never have to let you go.
The passing of forty-five Father's Days without you
proves I was wrong.
I want you to know I've never stopped loving you
my daddy and my hero... I miss you so.
Happy Father's Day.
6:04pm June 21, 2020
Ninety years ago, today, you were born
to one day give birth to me
and I was born to look back, as I'm
doing now; to the time you made my
world safe, watched me grow and nurtured
the spirit in me to know the importance
of love and family.
I thank God every day for the time we
spent together before you went away.
Because of you Mama, I have managed
to pull myself up from the pitfalls
in my life....
Because of you Mama, I know the
meaning of 'a mother's love.'
You were only fifty-seven
when God's angel handed you
your angel wing.......
My heart was broken in two
a part of my heart I sent
with you.
Because of you Mama
I am who I grew to be
Knowing every day
You will always be
a part of me.
Happy Birthday Mama
I love you always.
Alone I set with sights and
sounds of things going on around me
Thinking on, and remembering the
way things use to be.
Yet, I am not alone
as I am reminded of the one who
shares my burdens with me.
Ten babies entered this world
through my womb
Two left much to soon...
The others left me, each in turn,
as they grew older, day by day
And their childhoods faded away.
I've had my share of heartache
and often did go astray, but
no matter what, Jesus was with me
every step of the way.
Though those of this world may
wipe me from their day, and I may
appear to be all alone
Jesus is my dearest friend
and will guide me the rest of
the way home.
1:00pm June 14, 2020
Happy 40th Birthday daughter
It seems like only yesterday
you were born and placed
in my arms......
I did not see you on your
special day but want you to know
My thoughts and love are with you
wherever in life you go.
I love you more than words can say.
June 13, 2020
My baby son turned 34 today....
I don't see him anymore so I will
write this Birthday wish anyway.
I wish you a happy life-
and may each day be filled
with as much love and joy
you once put in to my days
I love you always- forever
and a day.
Happy Birthday.
11:28 pm June 9, 2020
Sitting beneath heaven's sky
I caught a glance of reality
with my inner eye.
To fast life slips away
and the chances to make
happy memories fade.
There's peace to be found
in a world gone astray---
if ones life is guided by
inner faith.
1:40 pm June 3, 2020
RIP Michael
There are no words to describe
the empty space you left behind
a void no other could ever fill
I missed you the moment
God called you home,
I miss you still sweet angel
I love you and always will.
10:22 pm May 29, 2020
We all have a path to follow and a journey to make
The journey's end is shortened with every breath
we take.
When our paths cross we share everything but
the space we occupy...
When our lives intertwine, for a time, we share
our thoughts, dreams, and life.
If, in passing, we fall in love, and give our hearts
to each other, blinded by love,
we forget there will always be some loves that break
our heart-not for lack of love, but because some
people are destined to grow apart.
We all have a time to live, love and be happy
before we die-just as true-We all have a time to cry
and question 'why?'
6:19 pm May 26, 2020
As I set here looking out the window I see my work's
reward; where once only grass and weeds grew, grows
squash, cucumbers, okra, and corn.
Every day, my table shall be blessed ...and
I shall be thankful for the blessings, I reap every day.
Faith, and hard work have their rewards.
6:34 pm May 26, 2020
Tho I did not see you on your
43rd Birthday
My Birthday wish for you
comes from my heart
May you remember on this day
the sound of my heartbeat,
and feel my love in the breeze
touching your face.
I love you my first son,
not less, but more
Happy Birthday...
Love you always.
7:47 pm May 21, 2020
Today,I found unrest
in everything around me
that once brought me peace
Then I realized it was
just the negative in me.
God, I need your help
this day putting the negative
Touch my heart with your
loving hand, and ,once more,
make me stronger than I am.
8:55 pm May 15, 2020
Never let yesterdays tears
Wash away your happiness
today or in the coming
Wasted time robs the heart
Linger not, with your mind,
with those things left behind.
Don't let the world rob you
of the most important things,
that are not of this world.
Walk up-right always facing
head on what comes your way.
8:31pm May 14, 2020
I tried to teach the children of my womb
to value each other, in their lives and
in their hearts.
To remember as the years fly by that
ones brothers or sisters are worthy
of being loved, whether together or a part,
That words said in anger will never hurt
as long as the pain of losing a brother
or sister to the grave will....
It matters not your relationship with me,
here on earth, for not everything will
be as it seems.
Now, each of you must strive to steer
your own children toward their heart felt
dreams.....many times your heart shall be broken.
Many times you will question whether or not
you chose rightly for each child...Then your
children will, much to soon, grow up and away...
And it will be the things taught to you
in your own childhood that will often come to mind
the many times your heart gets broken, and
looking back, to when your children were small,
you know in your heart it was all worth it; and
you, like me, would happily, spend your life
raising your children, again.
6:44 pm May 11, 2020
Happy Mother's Day-
My mother pictured with 5 of my children .In the 1970s
Today, there are no words
beyond those rooted inside
my heart that have no voice.
Thoughts of yesterday, tomorrow
today, and the moment I am in.
Thoughts of life's beginning
and life's end.
Thoughts of eternity and
thoughts of the world I'm
living in.
Thoughts I carry with me every day
some never to be given voice
Thoughts I shall carry to the grave.
9:36 pm May 8, 2020
I love you with a mother's heart
whether we're together or apart.
Once I could follow the path your
feet took with my eye sand if I saw
danger, take your hand and guide
you another way.
I love you with a mother's heart
whether we're together or apart
Today you are grown and out on your
own and your feet go the way you want
them to... I 'm no longer with you
to help you choose.
From afar I keep my eyes on you
From a distance I see, with my heart's
eye, angels walking next to you.
I love you with a mother's heart
whether we're together or apart.
Thou the path you take may lead you
further from me, my mother's love
will follow you into eternity.
9:16 am May 8, 2020
Faith in God is a
powerful thing
Waste not - want not
Faith is not faith
unless its stems
from the heart. jt
Twenty-seven years ago today
I touched your flesh
Your small hand
that if you had stayed
would be wearing a wedding band
today... for all to see.
But, that was not to be
The mortician forced the wedding band
on your took it with you
into eternity.
To say I don't miss the sight
of you walking toward me,I WILL
For, my angel, though you were
only on loan- while you walked
this earth-you were mine.
6:16 pm May 6, 2020
Never take for granted
those dearest to your heart
For, unexpectedly, things
can happen, that makes your
world feel like its coming apart.
Keep your shield of faith
over all that you love
all that you hold dear.
Never take the love and peace
around you for granted....
for many a happy moments
has been over shadowed by,
unexpected, heartache and tears.
Accept, not defeat in trying times
hold to your faith, believe with your
heart, that God will calm the storm
and keep loved ones safe.
Never doubt, the power of heart felt
11:23 pm May 3, 2020
This moment is the beginning
of all that is to come.
Be thankful for the moment
in this day
For it is the the moments
all that we are, shows
through our faith. jt
11:17 am April 29, 2020
Who would I be if not for where I've been
I would be the innocence of my youth
Untarnished by time travels
I would be the whole of me
unmarred , filled with love, hope
and peace.
Yet, to need understanding,
for in my innocence
I was a part of everything.
9:21 pm April 18, 2020
Being disconnected from the outside
world give one a clearer picture
of life...
With nothing to distract from a far
the web of life unfolds from the essence
of who we are.
No stranger to distract from
the view ones eyes gazes on
no pretending-just
the nakedness of being alone.
9:02 pm April 18, 2020
As I watch the unfolding
of deceit on human kind
It's hard to believe how
many closed minds
are willing to let others
Death is a by product of life
Eternity rests on what we believe.
Awaken from sleep....
Today is not
the thief of yesterday's dreams
Hopes and dreams stem from within
one must build on their dream
until the dream becomes a reality.
This world has no power over the
spirit of man...
Raise high your shield of faith
Tho there be many religious beliefs
There be only one god at the helm
of every thing.
A religion that teaches
hate and division is
worldly created; from the
beliefs and teachings of
Peace and love cannot be
created in the world; Peace
and love stem from the
hearts of men.
Walk not the path of fear
Walk the path the faithful
are called to follow.
12:18 pm April 8, 2020
A man without a heart
is a shell of a man...
Empty of emotions
that make one human.
Builders build
dreamers dream
doers do.
Good needs no excuse
for kind deeds done.
The rich are the worst
kind of thieves...
Greed is a bottomless pit.
Truth doesn't stop being the truth,
when told in a different language.
10:56 pm April 7, 2020
It's never to late to
reach out a helping hand,
for the right of a matter,
to take a stand.
There are to many self
appointed judges ,who judge
blindly the degree of good
in others; and another's sin,
Forgetting there will be only
one judge setting on the bench
in the end.
If people knew the effect
heartlessness played in the lives
and hearts of the best of men....
Love would weed out the heartless
And those without hope
would find reason to hope again.
12:22 pm April 7, 2020
As I set here
In the stillness
of the night,
my heart has a need
to put voice to the
feelings I have inside.
God has let me live long
and in living my life,
I have met friends and foes
at the crossing of the roads.
I learned much in 71 years
much more than I would have
chosen to know.
But it is from living and
surviving I learned to value
the knowledge life holds.
No one can understand what
one has not experienced...
Without having freedom taken
away ,one cannot truly
treasure the freedom one has.
Without losing a child, one
cannot truly know the void
and loss, one who has, endures.
There are so many things some
take for granted ...
Life is a gift. Don't take life or
liberty for granted.. Many have
fought and died for the right to
live free.
There's a reason why survivors
survive...When the time comes
you'll know why.
The world created survivors
God created the world.
2:23 am April 7, 2020
Daddy was my hero
He unknowingly
by his mere existence
in my life, nurtured
the fighting spirit
in me.
Today is my Daddy's 97th
He was only 52 when he
went away.
I will never forget the tears
that fell from his closed eyes
as his spirit crossed over
into his eternal day.
Happy Birthday Daddy
I love you today
and always...It seems
like only yesterday
that you went away.
10:13 pm April 5, 2020
I woke to the sound of rain
and fell to sleep again
I woke to the sound of birds
singing in the morning, and
lay thinking about the day.
I raised up from my bed, put
my feet on the floor, thanked
God for another day, and asked
Him to prepare my heart and soul
for whatever life sent my way.
Let me not forget the lessons
life tested me on, that brought
me to this day; the dark times
I traveled through :the many times
pieces of my heart were left behind
on my way back to you...
Let me remember always to be thankful
for the smallest of things as I continue
my journey through... and let me not
in my time of need- lose my faith in you.
11:55 am April 5,2020
Lord, I need not put voice
to what I feel in my heart.
It's not the first time
I've wiped tears away....
Will I never learn to accept
there are those such as I
who are different from the norm
Who care -because if we stop
caring, life would be meaningless?
As you can see my heart has
once more opened self-pity's door.
Help me accept the imperfections
in myself and those I love.
Give me understanding and make
me wise enough to see beyond
my own tears - for I'm not in
this world alone, we all have
a burden to carry; we each seek
to be loved, and to find inner
10:26 pm April 4, 2020
If one has God in their life
everything in that life is
engulfed in love, and mercy.
When times get dark, and evil
abounds, the faithful's lives
are covered by angel wings,
and the Light of God can be
seen, filling the lives and homes
of the faithful with blessings
that no man with an evil spirit
can destroy or take away.
Lack of faith has hindered many
from receiving the Light of faith
that holds the power to miracles
and all good things.
The evil in this world thrives on fear
Fear not! For, evil has no power over
a faithful man's life, unless, a man lowers
his shield of faith, and evil catches him
Fear not things of this world for the spirit
is not of this world; follow faithfully the paths
of old--for this world is filled with trickery
intertwining with just enough truth to deceive
even a wise man.
Walk in faith; never doubting God's power to save
you from the evil seeking to destroy your soul
every moment of every day.
12:50 pm March 29, 2020
Today is almost gone and tomorrow
is drawing near...
The labor of the day remains in
the day...The sweat on my brow
has dried in the sun now
faded away.
Now, it's time to rest the aches
and pains of my labor...
and think on what I will plant
in the turned soil...
As tired as I am ..
I have the satisfaction of knowing
I have created a place where
after the seeds have been sow
food soon will be growing.
8:25 pm March 27, 2020
I give thanks for this day
and all the blessings sent my way...jt
Today, like every day before,
I ask my god to guide me
to wherever He would have me be
to show me what He would have me do
to give me the wisdom, knowledge,
understanding and strength to stand and walk
the path of truth...
to send me an angel to watch over me
as I strive to be worthy of the love
He has always shown to me...
to open my heart, mind and eyes to
the things in this world that He would
have me see, as faithfully, I carry my
Shield of Faith, ready to meet my destiny.
3:14 pm March 23,2020
Don't let fear rob you of your commonsense
There is a truth for every lie, and a liar behind every lie. jt
Today the sky is cloudy-gray
waiting for the sun to shine
The world gone astray
collides with reckoning time.
For everything under the sun
there is a darker side
even silver and gold have a
darker side.
What lay hidden can no longer
hide, from the all seeing eye.
Not one speck of darkness
can escape truth's light.
For all now come face to
face with their inner demons
let loose out into the
Fear not the demons that belong to another
for your own demons have the power
to destroy your soul.
When the innocent cry for mercy
God's ears notes each cry, and His eyes
witness every tear that falls.
Wipe away the tears from another's
eyes, to keep thy own eyes dry.
Many soulless creatures wear the face
of innocence to betray moral eyes
but there is no light in a soulless
creatures eyes.
8:41 am March 18, 2020
When silent lay the moment
Listen to the beating of
your heart...
For only when the heart
is stilled by death
will hope for tomorrow
be put to rest.
Listen to the wind
and be faithful
to the belief that
love is the healer
of hearts
Faith is the key
to miracles
Jesus is the doorway
to God
and home is where rests
Waste not one moment
of life morning for things
that were never meant to be.
Let the light in your eyes
shine and the love in your
heart show.
None can take from you your
soul unless you betray it
for worldly things-and the
love in your heart grows cold.
God watches, and for a short time
you [and I] decide the destiny
of our souls.
Think not to out smart the god
that created you...for the eyes
that watches over us belongs to
the life giver-betray not your
soul. Let love lead you always
as you follower the path before
you; fear nothings of the world
For nothing in this world can
rob the faithful of the treasures
that awaits them after this world
fades away.
Live patiently, and faithfully
believing with your whole heart
that He who is in you is stronger
than he who is in the world.
May peace and comfort fill your
life, knowing, as you make the
journey home- with each
step you take-you are not walking
11:26 March 14, 2020 jt
I have never ate from a silver plate
Cannot imagine what it would be like
to dress in a beautiful gown and dance
on a ballroom floor...
But I have ate from paper plates with
plastic forks and spoons with the best of souls
and danced heart to heart, from time to time
- with love's arms around me.
11:57 am March 9, 2020
Reach out to what is in the moment
morn not for what is not there
grasp the love that is in the moment
for one moment can change everything
there is but a moment between life
and death-be thankful for each moment
that breathe life back into you...
12:05 pm March 9, 2020
I set here in my moment
giving thanks for all the moments
God has helped me through.
Knowing in my heart -without a doubt-
Jesus is in my moments too.
12:12 pm March 9, 2020
Life is like wind
A gentle breeze
carrying peace and
A stormy wind of
destruction that
reminds us of our
darker side ,like
our brighter side,
unseen by the
human eyes, yet,
moving and alive.
8:34 am March 3, 2020
Lord, help me through
another day
Let my hands do your
work, according to
your plan.
Let my feet follow in
the path you laid for
Let not my mind linger
in the past...
Let my spirit rise
above the worldly
Let not my memories
blind my eyes to the
needs of another
Let my heart not loose
its ability to care
And, Let me remember,
Lord, when darkness
fills my day-You will
never put on me more
than I can bear.
8:45 am March 3, 2020
Never compare your life with
another's broken life,
broken health or broken heart.
Grasp the moments given to you
Be thankful for all things
and who you grew to be.
Let your heart sing its own song
Blame not another for what was
or for the sun that did not shine
Mistakes comes from choices made
Put to rest things gone
that have the power to deprive
you of your happiness in the day.
Love ,given, remains, sometime
hidden beneath ones inner pain.
Be happy, not for others, but for
Then those who truly love you
will be happy too.
1:36 pm February 29, 2020
There's clouds in the sky today
that have turned the whole of
the sky to gray.
There's a stillness in the air
that allows me to see more clearly
the things setting there.
There's but the moment I am in
that allows the whole of me to begin
10:04 am February 26, 2020
I morn not for the dead but for the
living-who cling to the memories of
the dead, as a child clings to life,
and all in it for guidance.
The dead need not your tears for
their time in this life has been spent.
Love does not end at the graves where
loved ones lay; Love remains behind to
bring comfort to those who forget, the
soul rests not in the grave.
From dust, to dust, all who enter in,
must go.
It's never easy letting go of a loved
one-to late ,many think of the things
they'd change, if only they had the chance
Little do they realize, God's will will be
done, after our life on earth begins, and
when our life on earth comes to its end.
Remember, when tears threaten to tear the
heart out of you, that this world is a
testing field the living journey through.
10:25 am February 26, 2020
The rain drops hitting the roof above my head
muffle the thoughts in my head- and, at least for now,
call my attention back to reality.
If only, the rain could wash away the lingering
memories, that come out of hiding, every
now and then, and leave the most negative of them
washed clean.
Thank you, Lord, for the rain, and the time to gaze
out my window-while your love washes over me.
I have a need, to breath in the peace of you
for, you are the very air I breathe.
3:34 pm February 25, 2020
Some people thrive on fake and phoniness
while others struggle to understand what
is real and what is not.
Life is more than the world I and you
live in ;its more than a desire to obtain
things that create the look of having
more than an equal share of all that this
world has to offer.
Life does not always appear fair, between the
haves and the have nots ... the ones who have
silver and gold and the ones who process hearts
of gold.
Far richer is he who suffers in the flesh in
God's name than is he who never sheds a tear...
Let not the appearance of any deceive you, even
the flesh of ones flesh, was born to test ones help the spirit grow.
12:05 pm February 25, 2020
Lord, it's not easy, starting over
When everything seems distorted
and nothing is as it once appeared
to be.
I know that nothing that has happened
or will happen to me, is without purpose
Guide me Lord to do your will...I accept
the price for believing in you...whatever
it be.
Watch over your faithful followers
answer each prayer according to God's will.
For, many have yet to be tested, and know
not, what waits to devour their faith and
draw the life's blood from their heart.
5:39 am February 25, 2020
I kept my word, and silent lay
in the grave, the whole of the
Tho it pains my heart to give
up what once was dearest to my
heart...I no longer feel the
need to pretend to be who I am
I no longer live my life for
the innocent who now must live
their own life, and follow the
paths of parenthood for themselves.
So much, I could say, that is
better left unsaid.
Live for the living
Let the dead bury the dead.
I would not change one bitter
word said in anger; or erase one
line of hate sent my way..
For, I no longer can feel the pain.
Life makes no promise the sun
will always shine in a day;
that every word spoken will be kind;
That the ending of life will be better
than the beginning of ones life.
You are each grown now-smile.....
You make the choices......You pay
the prices.
Love never turns to hate-love linger
waiting to be recognized.
Tho it may never be in this lifetime.
3:37 pm February 23, 2020
Pain that stems from a broken heart
is hard enough to bear-without
the hate, created by the pain, one
inflicts on one's self...
12:21 am February 21, 2020
Me on my 71st Birthday. With Billy (my son), and three of my daughters: Renee, Sharea, and my youngest daughter Katie. I'm holding my Grandson Mason Storm (Billy's son who underwent open heart surgery on Jan 21, 2020) God is good all the time.
It's a new day
the birds are singing,
happily, loud enough
for me to hear.
Yesterday, in the past
lay, with the darkness
of its time...
The things
that once broke my heart
are left behind.
Lord, You have always held
my hand; You have never let
me fall below who I am.
Thank you Lord for staying near
enough to my heart, that all
I have to do is turn to you,
in faithful prayer, to always see
you standing there to help me
through the things that's hard for
my heart to bear.
9:07 am February 20, 2020
As I journey on in life
let me not with sadness in my
heart look back on yesterday's
tear; for what is passed has
no substance in my today, but
what I give to it.
Life has many faces, many dreams
many failures, but life does not
end with these things.
Lord, let me see beneath the
shadow of bigger and
better things.
9:16 am February 20, 2020
Camo Wings
Your life you lived
to the fullest
doing the things
you loved to do...
It was hard on your
children, when
your life in this world
was through.
You and I grew a part
tied together by the
children we both claim, in
our lives and in our hearts.
How could they possibly
understand, the pak we
made so long ago...
to stay together out of love
for each of them, and be their
for them- to watch them grow.
You and I knew, when the last
child left home, it was my time
to go.
I kept my promise, that's all
they need to know: we were both
there to watch them grow.
On Valentine's Day, God called
you away
Your children's tears could not
keep you here, Because
it was your time and you could
not stay.
Heaven needed another angel, and
God knew only the best would do
That's why He ordered a pair of
camo colored angel wings- designed
just for you.
11:35 am February 17, 2020
Each day is a blessing
Tho some may think
it a curse-
Never taking the time
to consider-
Things, as bad as they
maybe, could be a lot
Loved ones die every day
If you have been spared
the pain and loss
of having a loved one
Taken away...
Be thankful, but remember
At any moment-any day, in the
twinkling of an eye, any
of your loved ones
could be taken away.
Cling not so tightly
to a loved one
That you curse God
for calling in His loan.
Remember, we enter this
world alone, and leave
it the same way, when
it comes our time to be
called home..
11:28 am February 16, 2020
When things in life become a burden,
Turn to God and breathe peace in.
Not all who do you harm mean to,
Like you, they too are on a journey
in this world, we are all just passing
While people part at the crossing
of the roads...what love was shared
there lingers, long after people fade
from our life.
Bitterness has but one excuse for
being; often times love's sting leaves
a heart wanting more of the sweet.
There are those in life drawn through
life, their whole life through, who pay
a price for the happiness of others.
Who faithfully accept, that true happiness
waits in the past of all things.
I'm thankful, for the life I have lived
for each moment, I grasp, with each breath
I breathe in.
Thank you God for the tears that was used
to mold me into who I am this day.
12:11 pm February 15, 2020
The roads in life are many
The stops in life may be many
or few...
We travel the roads unaware
of the things we may
be called on to endure and do
It's not always clear where a
road ends-where we stop
could very well be,a delay,
where another road begins.
Often times one travels
blindly the paths in life,
and stumbles passed the places
where unconditional love waits.
Be careful, when traveling
Life's roads- Every step
one takes in life, lightens or
adds weigh to the burdens one
already bears.
If by chance you stumble over
another's heart, linger not
For hearts that break when
paths cross will mend...but
hearts that cling together
Out of duty, suffer long.
And are left empty
when the last road ends.
7:31pm February 14, 2020
I wonder, many times, why
my destiny pulls me away
from the worldly, to inner
places my heart once lived
Places that no longer exist,
yet, once did.
Lord, give me insight into
what was that I might brave
what is to be.
Keep your hands above those
who carry my heart with them
and guard their souls, as they
wade through life's seas.
The world has chained many to
the worldly, where my heart
no longer lives.
Today, is all there is Lord,
one breath the whole of me.
Let me not waste another moment's
thought on what was or what
will be..
Let me face head on, my destiny.
If I weaken on my journey
give me the strength I need
For, none but you know me
from the depth of my heart
None but you, understand the
things hidden from the worldly
None but you can calm the
raging sea-and fill my world
with peace and fill my every
Thank you for always being
there for me.
The world has blocked the
ears of many, from the songs
of life that many sing.
But the faithful hear, and
understand, there is but one
god over everything.
Be quiet, O soul of mine, let
each put voice to his own song
for each have a song to sing.
12:22 pm February 12, 2020
A rooster crows
An airplane in
the open sky.
The roar of the
plane fades away
Replaced by
a gentle breeze.
Lord, this day
I owe to you
For none but you
can create such
a soothing peace.
When you seek answers
Turn inward...
Ones faith does not
come from the worldly
Neither does the answers
to life's woes one seeks.
Ask God for guidance
concerning things
that trouble your heart
and mind...
seek knowledge and
In your troubling times.
In times that tempt your
soul to stray-let your faith
show you the way, in your
time of need, put your faith
in God, and let love lead.
The faithful are flicker of light
burning brightly from the same
Flame of life.
12:21 pm February 11, 2020
Another can hear a story told
and not comprehend the amount
of heartache and tears that
went into its writing.
Be not so quick to judge another
for life has many pages yet to turn
and more chapters to be written.
I choose not to be a part of those
things I know wait to break my heart.
I don't need more in this life
than I need...sunshine, birds singing,
flowers and, now that I am older, the
sweetest memories.
Only when one reaches the winter time
of their life, will they understand, why
life, like the year, has its seasons.
As much as I am hated, and misunderstood,
by some I poured my life and heart into,
I would not dare change anything, that
brought me to this day...and chance being
someone I am not...for others' sake.
Life is short enough. don't waste it
thinking about things in the past you
would change ,if you had it to live
over again.
Love can stand alone-and it often does.
2:14 pm February 11, 2020
The warmth of the sun beams coming through the glass
engulfs the tiny what's inside
struggles to make itself known in its new world.
The trials and tribulations of life can wait
innocence prevails this day.
8:23 am February 9, 2020
Unseen presence
the feel of
something strong
enough to move
my heart,
surrounds me.
A baby sleeps
a few feet away
People passing
the glass windows
voices soothing
the woes of small
What unseen presence
brings you here today?
Hoover not so closely
to the places where
innocence lay... take
mercy on the babies
whose lives you
touch this today.
1:37 pm February 8, 2020
Each day we enter into
is the testing field
for our faith.
Hold to your faith
with your heart and soul.
The hardest tests are the
ones that test our faith
and our love for our god.
12:28 pm February 8, 2020
My heart is so happy
as I put my thoughts
to words...
Gentle the wind that
touches my world
with endless love and
wondrous peace.
Answered prayers
touching my heart
like a gentle breeze
Reminding me that
God is a god of love
and endless mercy
for all who believe.
Thank you, God, for
answered prayers and
the sense of peace
I feel in the passing
of the gentle breeze.
10:43 am February 6, 2020
One day at a time, knowing not
what the day holds for me
I carry my shield of Faith
unafraid of what I know not,
and cannot see.
For, God knows my heart
and my every need
When I am lost in life, God
sends His angels to find,
and guide me.
when I feel I can't take another
step God lifts my spirit up
and strengthens me.
When hard times break my heart
God gives me the understanding
my heart needs to mend.
When I cry, feel deserted, and
all alone...I know down deep
inside, that my tears will dry
if I lift my Shield of Faith high
and journey on.
9:23 pm February 5, 2020
I was born, to live and die
like all born are born to do.
I was raised to believe good
out weighs the bad, regardless
of what one goes through.
With loving hands to guide me
in my growing years, it still
took a lot of falling down,
heartache and tears, to teach
me "to myself I must be true."
There will always be memories
of tear filled years...but
there will always be memories
without tears, too.
11:26 pm February 4, 2020
Precious Child
I have loved you
longer than you
have lived in this
Before your first breath
Before your first tear
Before you became a part of
the worldly -you were
a part of me.
I have loved you, holding
you in my arms...just as I
loved you when you woke
and slept beneath my heart.
Now, that we have grown apart
I want you to know, sometimes
in life distance and time
Teaches us that just as we
entered this world alone
and we will leave this world alone,
there will come times in our
life , that we will travel
through life alone.
Remember, precious child, I loved
you before you were born- when
together- we lived as one.
- Jan Tetstone
9:33pm February 3, 2020
It is the beginning of a new day
as cold as it is, under the light
from Heaven, it's filled with
peace, and much hope, for the
warmth the day will send my way.
9:26am February 2, 2020
Yesterday, a piece of my heart
flew away, void of its rightful
place, my heart smiled at
the thought of what awaits at
the end of my heart's journey.
You can use my love to hurt me,
just as, no doubt, my love has
hurt you, else you would not
hate me so.
God, take my hand this day
Put understanding in my heart
for the road I journey down
is filled with unknown dark.
From my yesterday's
I enter my tomorrow
after passing through
the day.
Guide me ,Lord, the
rest of the way.
9:39am February 2, 2020
I alone control my destiny
be not quick to judge me...
My tears have bear witness
to my trials and tribulations
No less human than you
am I...
I have gained from life
and given back to heaven
my share of loved ones
and friends...
I have nurtured the future
and left yesterdays behind
I live one day at a time
Giving thanks for all
things....I love and
call 'mine."
11:52 pm February 1, 2020
With the years comes
of the things that
once seemed strange...
How could family desert
one of its own?
How is it excusable
for turning one out
into a world-and putting
them at the mercy
of a world gone a stray?
Today, I understand...
When life calls one
it is not always a journey
down the same path we
travel on...for, none travel
the same roads back home.
Love doesn't die it just moves on
Leaving memories of times
gone....for the lone find comfort,
in what once was, regardless
of what awaits tomorrow...
If love were so easily
destroyed, at the parting of
the roads ...where would love
go but back into one's heart
to nurture their memory?
10:01 pm February 1, 2020
A cow moo not far from my window
A bird tweets as if the song has
been forgotten.
A tweet here a tweet there but no
happy tune can I hear....
It must be the gloom of the day
A rooster crows
A car passes on the old dirt road.
3:01 pm January 31, 2020
There is no worse feeling
than blaming ones self
for the short comings and
failures of another.
That's where my mind is today
Lord, I have tried to mend
the un-mend able,,,,
I choose this day to journey on
and leave the un-mend able pieces
where they lay.
Give to me Lord the strength
to endure what has been broken
To take up my cross and move
forward beyond what was to where
you, Lord, would have me be.
2:12 pm January 31, 2020
I need not fear what my god
lays before me...for each step
brings me closer to my destiny.
3:15 pm January 31, 2020
Today, I thought
about family...
I thought about
and realized
strangers met in
passing are
potential friends
Family members
who grow apart
potential enemies.
After pondering
these thoughts
with a sad heart
I accepted that
my place in
other peoples'
that never was
never would be
if in exchange
I , again, must
become a stranger
to me.
8:42 pm January 30, 2020
My Thoughts Today
I am me
I am not you
I have walked
fires that you
may never walk
Oh, little child
where have you gone
you are no longer
your purity has gone
replaced by a shadow;
you wander through
life bitter, for you
cannot replace what
once was so full of
innocence... with the
nothingness, meaningless
emotions you keep trying
to hide, from the
eyes that can see.
9:57 am
Lord, let me not be fooled
by the cunningness that resides
None know what is hidden
in the brightness of day
waiting its time.
Judge me according to what
your heart tells you.
I choose to live alone
to be closer to my god.
Hate cannot hide from the
eyes of the hated.
Love cannot be killed
but love can be pushed away.
12:30 pm January 30, 2020
-Jan Tetstone
Lord, I know I've strayed
from the path you laid for me
time and time again.....
And after I've cried over the
mistakes I made
You have given me chances
time and time again.
I have learned much
while in your care....
it's so much harder to find
inner peace
without you being there.
7:40 pm January 15, 2020
Freedom Wasn't Free
The United States of America
What does that mean to you
Is it a capitalist country?
or a place where the dreams
of a poor man can come true.
The Revolutionary War
What was it fought for
For freedom of religion, or
so the haves could have more?
What does the Declaration of
Independence say, do you even
know, the mindset of America's
Forefathers who lived so long
Do you know, or even care, about
the price of freedom that the
first true Americans had to pay
for the liberty you enjoy today?
The Revolutionary war was fought
for freedom of people who
had created their own country,
free from the interference
of Kings and Queens...
The Declaration of Independence
Out ranks the US Constitution
because it recognizes all peoples
inalienable right to religious freedom,
life and liberty.
The Declaration of Independence
Did not conceive, in the blood,
sweat and tears of freedom loving
Americans, a country devoted to
the idea that Americans have a
duty to be "world policemen"
The First American cut free from
the bonds of living under the reign
of Kings and Queens.
I am proud to be an American
raised on what it means to live
on the soil, that so many Americans
died to keep free. -Jan Tetstone
12:34 pm January 3, 2020
In the quiet buds blossom
unhindered by sounds of life.
Blooming to share the beauty
untouched by worldly strife.
Quiet bears witness to unseen
beauty, that only the inner eyes
can see....
The beauty created by a loving
God that gives birth, in the
quiet, to one's inner peace.
-Jan Tetstone
1:19pm November 25, 2019
Never Alone
Loneliness is a sad place to be
I've been there a time or two;
Drowning in self-pity, forgetting
that Jesus has never left me
alone, to carry my burdens.
He's always been there for me.
It's easy to find short comings
in one's self- when loneliness
allows self pity to fill one's
mind with self doubt...
We are all on a journey, ups and
downs, is what life is all about.
There is no promise of tomorrow
or that one's day will be free of
When lonely times come around and
tears fill your eyes, remember the
love it took for Jesus to bear the
cross alone.
And the loneliness He endured to
ensure the faithful a safe journey
home. -Jan Tetstone
12:32pm November 10, 2019
For God
We end up where life takes us
regardless of where we were
when our life begin.
It's not the beginning that
counts in our life.
It's where we, as individuals,
stand at the end.
From humble beginnings
man has stumbled throughout
life, holding to his faith,
during happy times, and times
of heartache and strife.
But it is in our lowest times,
our greatest times of need
that God's angels come to
visit and remind us, that
the world is far from perfect
and our life is where it's
suppose to be.
If I am good enough for God
with Jesus by my side
I will journey through life
striving, not to please others,
but to please my god who has
long watched over me.
-Jan Tetstone
9:15am November 10, 2019
Like You Once Watched Over Me
I fly above the stars at night
intertwine with daylight's light
to brighten up your memories of me
when the world dims your faith,
draws tears from your eyes, and turns
your day into night.
I set next to you when you are missing
me, to touch your memory.
When you lay down at night, you don't
see me, but I'm laying next to you.
With out stretched wings, I cover you
with my love, as you kneel to
You don't hear me .but I ask my Heavenly
Father to dry your tears, give peace
to you, and to give you the faith and
courage to make it through another day.
May a smile always be found on your face
when you think of me....Think not that
I am gone....I am now an angel you cannot
see-watching over you like you once watched
over me. - Jan Tetstone
2:28pm Oct 23, 2019
Heart Felt Message The people of the world are no longer willing to sacrifice that the rich can get richer, while the rest get poorer; While the elite have the best of everything, and many of the poorest have nothing but streets and wire cages to call 'home.' |
Angels Watch
Have you not the eyes to see
the black threads of light
lurking behind every silver thread
of sunshine?!
Have you not the ears to hear
the waves of tears drawing near?
The angels watch and the angels hear,
What will be, drawing near.
Have you not the heart to stand in
the waters, to fight and bend, with
the winds of spare but one
kind thought for the stranger whose
heart has been broken...?
The angels stand in the trenches of
man's blood, sweat, and tears; unmoved
by the waters or the give
hope to those whose hearts have been
broken. -Jan Tetstone
5:42pm September 25, 2019
In the silence, I set, with quietness surrounding me.
With nothing but my thoughts to keep me company
In a world so quickly fading into a memory,
Clinging not to the worldly, I wait, faithfully, for
A tomorrow that may never be. -Jan Tetstone
1:02am September 22, 2019
Someone has to think about the future of today's children.
Who will it be? Who, besides the solder, will defend the
right of all to live and die free?
Are not innocent children worth the blood, sweat and tears
it takes to water the liberty tree?
Have we learned nothing from history!
As for me, like those who guarded liberty for me,
I am willing to sacrifice all, to insure future generations
inherit the torch of liberty -that all past, freedom loving,people
passed down to me. -Jan Tetstone
3:58am September 19, 2019
Thoughts of Mine
Keep faith in the day
turn not away from
the Light that draws
you on......
Believe with all your heart
in faith's power to heal
the outer you, and its power
to keep safe the spirit that
dwells inside of you.
God gives the faithful the
power to heal according to
ones faith.
3:22pm September 12, 2019
The test of ones faith
is an inner one.
Think not that man is god.
Science is the devil's tool...
Used to turn the most
brilliant mind
into the mind of a fool.
3:10pm September 12, 2019
Lord, The darkness that once slept with the stars
has betrayed the day. Light grows dim beneath an
empty sun, as the blueness of the sky fades to an
unnatural gray; Mortal eyes cannot see the invisible
armies of demons sent from hell to kill the soul.
11:27pm Sept 11, 2019
There is nothing more one can do
after all one can do is done.
Once a thing is done
it's always done, regards,
of the number of changes made.
Getting older gives one more time
to ponder life with heart and mind.
O how nice it would have been,
to know what I know now, way back then.
Believe with your heart- your beliefs.
5:56pm September 10, 2019
The fool is he who hides behind
flickering sparks of ignorance
-to feed lies to unsuspecting minds.
-Jan Tetstone
3:10pm,september 9, 2019
There Are
No one knows the hour
or the time that life and death
shall meet and loved ones
shall weep.
Worry not about the things
to come that you may never
Waste not a moment
worrying about unchangeable
Live in the moment
love in the here and now
there is no promise of life
after a breath is taken...
Life is much to dear and
the length of one's life is unknown
There is a time for every thing
under the sun....
Things that will and won't
get done...
There are reasons why
some give up, and cry over things
come and gone...
While others wipe away their tears,
lift higher their shields of faith
and journey on.
Faith comes from believing
in something greater than
we are. -Jan Tetstone
11:27 pm September 8, 2019
Ride the Winds
Every day is the beginning of old things anew
Wake, O soul , let me not walk blindly
in the day I'm traveling through.
Lift my spirit above the turmoil created by
doubt and uncertainty....
Show me the things I should do- that my
outer eyes may not see.
Fill my heart with love enough to ride the winds
of time and give me the courage to stand firmly
against life's rising tides.
-Jan Tetstone
3:16pm August 31, 2019
From a Trail of Tears
From a Trail of Tears
and so much more,
Love created a melting
pot of hope and peace.
Mended hearts, renewed
faith, the past lays
sleeping in yesterdays.
Hope for tomorrow was
paid for by a Trail of
Tears and so much more.
Hate and war cannot de-
stroy, the melting pot
created by love.
When are we going to learn,
the beast has always been
here, manipulating people, and
using hate and fear.
Wake up, open your heart,
along with your eyes
Stop blaming children for Crimes
against humanity and dignity,
Stop blaming children for the sins
of adult men and women
strive for a world where love, hope,
and peace lead...and the hearts of
men (as in humanity) opens to all,
regardless of color and creed.
Stop blaming children's crimes
against another's dignity,
on illiteracy...
Stop telling children
'all the world is underhanded'
then proclaim yourself a seeker
of peace.
Give children reason to believe in
better tomorrows.
Teach them that it's because of the
Trail of Tears and so much more
That Americans of the melting pot
have learned to respect each other's
right to life and liberty.
Teach children, by example, that love
has been, and always will be, the key
to peace. -Jan Tetstone
5:11pm August 20, 2019
I am French, Cherokee, and Irish. Contrapasso |
When night falls
day follows.
Forget not
day begins
with a single
heart beat.
Sky watches
Faith is its
own eyes.
Love remembered
is better than
never having
love to lose.
Reasons exist
for a reason
Reasons are
nothing more
than excuses
one makes
to lessen blame
for made mistakes.
Life has secrets
better untold.
Love is a part
of man's whole.
Love that is blind
is love that kills
ones soul.
Love, never expecting
love in return, has
rewards of its own.
August 15, 2019 12:21pm
When your world feels
Like its turned upside down,
Raise high your shield of faith
Put your faith in high gear
and turn things around.
4:01pm July 25, 2019
A place in which my life and my god
can exist as one, away from the negative
into which each were born to hunger for
the kind of peace, that feeds the soul
and strengthens the weak.
A place called "home" that's filled with
love, and covered with a blanket of faith,
that gives comfort to those who sleep and
wake cuddled to their inner faith.
3:47pm July 25, 2019
Love is shown every time
someone does something
for another with the best
of intentions...out of the
goodness of their heart.
Don't judge someone you
have no way of knowing...
we all have our trials,
and burdens to bear.
God is my strength
when I am weak...
My pillow of hope
when the worldly
makes me doubt the
sun will shine again.
The love in my heart
when I need a reminder
that love has the power
to change
The heart of humanity.
1:16am July 25, 2019
Thoughts to Think On
In the end there will be nothing hidden...
the liar shall be overcome by the lies
told....and each man's life but a thread
to his soul.
The teachings of deceit shall shine under
truth's light...and the deceitful shall
learn, the price for filling the world and
the souls of the innocent, with the darkness
of the night. -Jan Tetstone
2:13pm July 1, 2019
Sentimentalist Writers
Critics [and some writers] throw the word
'sentimentalist' around like it's the
absolute devil...
Writings by Sentimentalist writers have
even been called 'terrorist activity'
Like the thought of feeling emotions is a sin,
Like it's wrong to write anything that might
cause people to feel, or start feeling something
I'm a heartwriter and writing from the
heart, is what I do.
It doesn't take asking a critic, for me
to know the events in my life, that tears,
love and faith, helped me through.
Without emotion-with ,only, reason to go
by.. written words would be cold...
Sentimentalist writers write with heart
and soul.
When written words move another in such away
as to: bring tears to their eyes; put a
smile on the face of one who hasn't smiled
in years...or cause one to be reminded of
their own humanness ...I fail to see where logic
and reasoning fit in to the telling part of
writing poetry or prose.
If one writes without emotion, how does it benefit
the reader...The disconnect of heart and emotion
from writing leaves the reader clueless, and lacking
in understanding, as to what the writer wrote about.
While not true of all writers-the majority of human
beings are Sentimentalists at heart.
7:49pm June17, 2019
Another Chance
I know not what this day
will bring
but it holds those closest
to my heart
and another chance
to be and dream.
-Jan Tetstone
Thoughts to Ponder
Look for the things in the day that
will touch your heart and give you
reasons to hope and dream-
put negative away.
As different as we may appear to be
we are threads, woven together,
hearts, minds, and souls
intertwined by life-
into the whole of humanity.
-Jan Tetstone
10:11am June 3, 2019
Moments Already Spent
Don't let yesterday's tears
rob you of happiness....
The past is gone, regardless
of how is was spent.
For every thing there is a time,
a season and a reason.
There is a time for love to grow
and a time for love to let go.
Live life moment by moment
One breath at a time is all we get.
Waste not a moment worrying
about moments already spent.
-Jan Tetstone
11:02pm May 5, 2019
Our Baby's Time
The sun was shining brightly
Flowers of every color blooming
Red birds and blue birds, together,
joyfully, singing... and two small
children laughing and playing...
"What's wrong Mama?" a little blonde
headed boy asked his mother, who was setting
in between him and his smaller sister, on the
back porch, with the ground under their feet.
The mother's arms drew both closer to her,
all the while ,she was asking God to help her
find the word to say.
"Sonya's gone...God took her to Heaven.
He takes babies from other families every day."
"Why did it have to be our baby," the little boy
wanted to know; tears streaming down his face...
"It was our baby's time." the mother said, praying
God would not let tears show on her face-and give
her breaking heart away.
Then an unmovable cloud fell over every thing...
Lost the peace and beauty of the day,
beneath tears that could not be wiped away.
-Jan Tetstone
4:07pm April 29, 2019
Happy 48th Birthday Sonya.....
Love you always, forever and a day. Mama
Others, Before Us
Others, before us, walked through life
Not knowing what lay ahead...
Many were homeless, beneath the sky,
a pile of leaves for a bed.
Many were not rich in worldly things...
But by the labor of their hands, and
the sweat of their brow, their families
were clothed and fed.
Many were lowly born, with, only, their
love for God and family, to keep them going.
Many a faithful soul, before us, endured,
in Jesus' name, that their offspring who
followed in their foot prints, might find
some amount of comfort
In the legacies they left behind.
-Jan Tetstone
10:12pm April 21, 2019
The Old Man The old man, his body weak and deformed, from a long and hard life, set on the river bank. |
The Little Girl Dressed in Black A little girl, dressed up in black, from head to toe, watched quietly the scene before her unfold. 'Where is my daddy? Why isn't he here with me? He never lets me go places... Unless he's with me....' The little girl's mother, who was setting next to her, took the little girl by the hand. 'My daddy's gone!' the, teary- ey ed, little girl asked, staring up into her mother's face. 'But I miss my daddy being by my side...' Another tear fell from her mother's sad eyes.
Fantasy and Make Believe
I needed to see the world beyond me
how others live, believe, and, through
their eyes, see.
I wanted to know why some feed the
world, with pen, fantasy and make believe.
The power of words to create worlds is
nothing ancient times foolish
men would come together, pens in hand,
talk for awhile, and pen words, like
those today do.
What is the purpose, of twisting reality?
After reading the words, penned by
mischievous hands, I begin to understand.
When ones world is incomplete, void of
human compassion- filled with emptiness,
creating a make believe world can give
one reason to live a loveless life, or
fill an empty world with imaginary bliss.
O foolish man, reality is for living, and
nighttime sleep for dreaming...
Fantasy and make believe for those who have
forgotten how to live.
-Jan Tetstone
11:41am April 1, 2019
Linger not in yesterdays...
Let not what is no more
steal your happiness away.
Waste not one moment
waiting for the past to
return what was lost to you...
For nothing in this world
stays the same...
Life is a journey
Life's roads change.
-Jan Tetstone
12:27am March 23, 2019
Seasons of Life
Life is a strange thing
Where flowers and weeds
grow together in Spring.
Where Summer and Fall
reap the joy and the woes
that living brings...
Where Winter appears
and the years turn into
precious memories, or
sad memories encaged
in frozen tears.
-Jan Tetstone
Life Is
Life is a never ending journey
filled with mountains to climb
or fall off of.....
Oceans to swim or drown in...
Flowers to pick or watch die
on their stem...
Hearts to break or hearts to
help mend...
Life is a never ending journey
of happiness or sorrow
filled with memories of yesterday
that gives one reason to give up
or hope for a better tomorrow.
-Jan Tetstone
Never allow worldly things to guide your actions
before taking the matter to heart. -Jan Tetstone
Flowers of Knowledge
Wake from your sleep O flowers of knowledge planted so long ago
Let the sweetness of your words flow. Hidden too long the wind of
understanding that rides the water but never touches it. Blow wind
sweep away the ignorance that traps love inside hearts. Rise up water
for the flowers awaits to clinch your thirst. Terry no longer apart
for your winds must be set free too cleanse souls. For, too long hearts
have mourned your passing and cried out for a sip of your water.
Wake from your sleep O flowers of knowledge planted so long ago.
Let the sweetness of your words flow, a reminder of the unseeable traps
laid to trap innocent souls.
-Jan Tetstone
10:55am March 10, 2019
Thoughts of Mine
Writers who create fantasy worlds , written on paper or air
to deceive humanity; to strip, even one, of their true
Identity- with the betrayal of words- shall find in the
end- truth's reality.
On the journey through life, minds weaken, over time, to
greed and lust, forgotten the superior mind of innocence;
left behind all sense of time, to live in a fantasy world
that was created, not by flesh and the labor of any part
of humanity- but by the darkness, encaged by flesh; a
tormented mind.
Innocence was born from words spoken before this world was
formed - any who find delight, striping away the purity,
first born by words-to be passed from man to man- shall
find in God's time- that hell waits not to burn the flesh
it waits, its time, to swallow up earths evil-tormented minds
Those who knew not that by their own betrayal of words, they
create for themselves, a living hell for all eternity.
Words have the power to create but words also hold the power
to destroy
-Jan Tetstone
11:27am March 7, 2019
The Curtain
The difference between living in an
imaginary world and the real world:
0ne exists only in the imagination
and the only factual events are those
one often seeks to hide in their own reality.
When in reality, in the real world,
there is no escape from the real that
one faces daily.
The mind: the curtain between sanity and
-Jan Tetstone
9:25am February 24, 2019
Until you've had freedom taken away
Until you've watched a new life ,struggling to live, die in your hands
Until you've walked in my shoes
Leaned over a casket to kiss your child good bye
learned the hard way that gays are evil, deranged
excuses for human beings-who sexually assault babies
Don't talk to me about the gay life style being normal
Don't tell me about a woman's right to choose
-Jan Tetstone
9:57am February 16, 2019
The quickest way to lose a friend is to under estimate
their ability [insight] to see beyond themselves.
We learn lasting lessons - when we are
a part of the lesson. -Jan Tetstone
Thoughts About Love
Where there's love in the heart
There's love in the home.
Love has the power to change
ones mind and/or heart.
Never underestimate the heart
whether it belongs to you or
someone else.
Love can conquer he fear of
loving, after a heart has been
A moment with love can change
ones destiny.
Love doesn't need permission
to be.
Love is the key to living a full
Hate can only destroy a loving
heart if one lets it.
Once touched by love, one never
- Jan Tetstone
11:38am February 14, 2019
Inescapable Heartbreak
Lord, don't let me waver
in my faith...
When times are dark
and my heart wants to
break, raise my spirit
above the doubt in the
Faith is the cure for
all things that bring
hurt and pain.
Let me not doubt your
power...Let not my
faith in my time of need
Heal the sick
comfort the broken hearted
Guide the lost out of the
Strengthen faith that
the faithful might endue
inescapable heartbreak.
-Jan Tetstone
9:23pm February 8, 2019
Heart Scammers
When wickedness gets its arms
Around an innocent heart
Wickedness releases not its hold
Until its drained the heart it stole.
"My love, I love you so...
Here's my money and my gold.
My heart is yours always.
I cannot live without hearing your voice
I long so to feel your touch on my skin.
To feel loved, needed, and like a woman
The wicked thrive on the money, partying
Day and night, on the stolen gold.
"I love you my dear...can you help me out
I need money- will you send some cash to me?
I can get things in my life back to normal,
You see, if you help me, I will
Come to you and never let you go."
Time passes, bank account and heart get drained
No more calls, and...O the tears that fall
For something gone that never was.
Surely, Hell shall engulf the heart scammers
Who for riches and gold
Spin webs of lies and deceit
-To break the hearts of unsuspecting souls.
-Jan Tetstone
7:03pm February 7, 2019
Life's Lessons
Learning one new thing
Everyday- increases
ones knowledge, in so many
What one learns from living
life, may some day, keep
him from making the same
When one learns about life
from experience, the
lessons last longer and
makes one stronger, than
learning about life, from
the experiences of others.
Learn from life-for experience
builds character and makes
us who we are today.
Survive the bad times-
Clinging to your faith.
-Jan Tetstone
11:59am January 29, 2019
Some things one remembers
Breaks their heart in two
Other things one remembers
Gives one the strength to
journey on, tears, like a
Sparkling stream, loosening
Memories, that one sparkle
At a time...comforts the heart
And eases the mind.
If not for memories kept
Of the times we laughed; of times
We wept...
There would be nothing but the
Moment we are live
Over and over again.
Worst of all - love would be lost
Too the darkness.
One remembers things for a reason
To relive the things that broke
Their heart; or to remember the love
That put their heart back together
When it fell apart.
-Jan Tetstone
7:11 pm January 26, 2019
The Positive Side of You
Don't let other peoples'
negative side
.......get you down
Use your positive side
too turn things around.
There are those who thrive
on feeling superior to others
Those who would destroy
another's dreams, to make
their own dream come true.
When there are decisions
to be made- that only you
can make... think logically,
and strive to make your
dream come true..... reach
down deep and tap into
the positive side inside of you.
-Jan Tetstone
11:00 am January 25, 2019
God First
Tho my heart was broken
I thought beyond repair
In my heart I always knew
That God was always there.
That the shivers of pain
cutting into my heart
Angels would repair...
with love and tender care.
That as long as my faith
is stronger than heartache
and strive.....I may stumble
and fall but I won't stay down
as long as I put God first
in my life.
-Jan Tetstone
1:33pm January 18, 2019
Quite Time
The quite time awakens
thoughts long thought
forgotten. . .
Awaking memories buried
beneath layers of yesterdays,
pealing away moments of
laughter and tears...revealing
the joys and woes that being
alive brings into ones life.
O quite time, pour out
the memories of yesteryears
created by day to day living
Least I forget mistakes made
and am tempted to make the same
mistakes again.
Sleep not O memory! Awaken!
Mingle with the quite time
Renew with memories of old
thoughts to strengthen my heart
mind, and soul.
-Jan Tetstone
2:31pm January 5, 2019
Reflection in Reverse
To the evil that dewells
in the hearts and minds
of all who lay claim to
knowledge, ignorantly...
who think they are wiser
than all others:
You are but a speck of
nothingness, because of
your hateful ways.
A seed spit from the mouth
of lies and deceit.
A reflection in reverse
of what you perceive life
to be....
Beware! For angels hands
are tied, but soon....
The creator of night and day
and all things under the sun,
shall pour out the tears of
the innocent over evil's
head and set the angels free.
Wise is he who judges not, and
tramples not on the footprints
made for others to walk in.
Choose not to stone an innocent
soul with unkind words....
least you trip and stumble over
your own words.
-Jan Tetstone
1:40pm December 29, 2018
Happy New Year
on: December 30, 2018, 10:30:57 PM
Seas of Life
The seas of life are many
and few...
Only one sea must one
swim through.
Ones sea another can't
swim without them...
For, each life is a sea
with it's own storms
and waters to thread.
Going up and going down
each moment filled with
old waters mixed in
with the new.
Swim your sea, face each
storm faithfully....
For, in the heart that
knows love rests the key
to calm life's raging seas.
- Jan Tetstone
3:48pm December 28, 2018
Loveless Soul
Let not your enemy fool you
with his cunning ways, his
forked tongue, and the warmth
of his hand.
For your enemy is set on your
destruction ...
and must find the flesh weak,
before He can destroy your soul.
Love is something that evil
cannot conquer or control....
If your enemy offers you his hand,
take it, compassionately, knowing
the fate that awaits a loveless
-Jan Tetstone
1:23 pm December 27, 2018
Thoughts on Life
Look Beyond yesterdays
that put a damper on your dreams
Even bad days are a thread
sewing together the whole of a life's
Learn from mistakes that life
has no set rules for how one
goes about reaching their dream.
Building up and tearing down
some do well, while others seek
only to build the best the first time
Strive not to tear down other
peoples' dreams while trying
to reach your own.
-Jan Tetstone
11:09am December 20, 2018
The worst enemy one can have
is one who hates them enough
to pretend to be their friend,
in order to destroy one,
otherwise, they could not
manipulate or control . jt
Seasons of Life
Life is a strange thing
Where flowers and weeds
grow together in Spring.
Where Summer and Fall reap
the joy and the woes
that living brings...
Where Winter appears
and the years turn into
precious memories or
sad memories encaged in
frozen tears.
-Jan Tetstone
9:43am December 18, 2018
Drops of Rain
We are all only drops of rain
in the ocean of life.
Together we make up the
waters of humanity.
One rain drop has the power
to move the waters.
The rain drops that fall by the
sea shore, and are carried off
by in coming waves, pollute
the waters one grain of sand
at a time.
Every rain drop that falls
has the potential to be
struck by the sun and for
a moment...
the reflection of a sunbeam.
-Jan Tetstone
12:07pm December 16, 2018
Darkness Shines
For worldly goods do many strive
and die trying to obtain...
Blindly walking the path of destruction
More! More! More!
Swallowed up by greed as the hunger
for riches and fame, laughs and
shuts hell's door.
To have more than another is not
The greedy man/woman wants what
little another has, to fill their own treasure
Woe be to him or her who dares to thread
on life's poor waters.
For where greed abides the darkness shines
in ones soul brighter than the light.
-Jan Tetstone
11:59am December 14, 2018
Fly Free
I am alone walker traveling through
this life, capturing with my heart's eye
the things the worldly eye cannot see.
I bend for none but my god who lives
in and through me.
I am alone walker I seek not to draw near
to any...yet, occasionally, my heart will
betray me.
Life is to be cherished like life's creator.
Life does not hold one back who yearns, and
strives everyday, to journey through life
a spirit wanting nothing more than
to fly free.
-Jan Tetstone
4:59 pm December 13, 2018
Youth is a physical thing
Fading away with time.
None can know the beauty
Another stores inside.
Age causes the flesh to
Fade a little everyday......
But the beauty in ones
Heart and soul- time cannot
steal away.
-Jan Tetstone
8:00pm December 11, 2018
Where worry and love live together
there you will find grief.
Peace and love... jt
Peace makers are those who recognizes their own weaknesses
while considering the weaknesses they perceive to be in others.
Honesty that hurts is honesty that teaches.
-Jan Tetstone
12:49pm December 3, 2018
There are days that bring nothing
but worry and woe...
Days a dark sky robs the day of
its beautiful glow.
Days that life is filled and over
flowing with matters of heart and mind
that another cannot know.
These are the days one needs to walk
closer to their faith-whatever it be.
Seeking knowledge, wisdom and understanding
while praying, " my God, my God, I am lost in a world
that don't know me...
cover me with your love, and please, fill my world
with peace."
-Jan Tetstone
9:25 am December 2, 2018
Every life is special, and plays
a role in God's great plan.
Friend, Stranger, or foe, judge not
For only God knows their purpose
and their heart.
'Angels walk among men' has been
said time and time again.
Who among us has entertained angels
unaware... ? who among us has judged
angels as mortal men....?
It's better not to judge than it is to judge
The love in one's heart shows in how they
choose to treat others.
The memories one carries in their heart
is poetry waiting for voice.
None but you control your choices.
-Jan Tetstone
10:25 a.m. May 2, 2018
Dreams Come True
Let not life pass you by
because you dared to dream
but to reach that dream
- you didn't try.
It matters not what others do
Stand upright, head held high,
aim for your star and believe
with all your heart- your
dream will come true.
-Jan Tetstone
5:56pm November 29, 2018
Perfection is for
in an imperfect world
trying to create
what does not exist.
Lost in ideas
wondering through
their heads...
that'll rest with them
in their graves
after they are dead.
caught up in
thoughts of how
happy all would be
in a perfect world
created by
their dreams.
in an imperfect world
Bearer of perfect dreams
- inside imperfect men.
-Jan Tetstone
11:19 am November 17, 2018
Author Unknown
I have a gift
my god
gave to me
To write
the unwritten
to unsing the song
to rewrite what
has not been.
I don't write
to impress
the eyes that read
with a closed heart
closed mind.
I write for the
broken hearted
who in a fake
filled world
is lost in the
dreams created
by others.
Some of the
best writers
are those who
touched lives
and hearts
and moved on...
Marked by a greedy
writer's hand
"author unknown."
-Jan Tetstone
4:17am November 15, 2018
Some things are ageless
don't tarnish, don't rust
Tho flesh ages with time
and turns back into dust.
Thoughts that find voice
on the pages of time...
Hearts that find love and
leave love behind...
And the spirit inside one
untouched by time.
-Jan Tetstone
12:10pm November 8, 2018
No one can stop you from reaching your dream
Just like no other can live in your reality.
It takes all kinds to make the world go round
Some wreak havoc and sow unrest - others sow
seeds of love and reap peace and happiness.
- Jan Tetstone
1:34 AM October 31, 2018
I was born to spread
my wings and fly
to taste life's honey
to feel life's sting
to feel the pain from
broken wings.
I was born to feel the
Hear songs I'd never sing.
Still I cling to my dreams.
-Jan Tetstone
12:58pm October 29, 2018
I am awakened to another day
to ponder yesterdays turned
to memories in my mind.
To think on what I've left behind
To bring alive, the things I can
only live in, and touch with an
aging mind.
Like a waterless lake or stream
that the warmth of the years have
touched and drained.
I exist in time a reflection of
my hopes and dreams, chained to
yesterday's memories, as I continue
to swim life's invisible streams.
-Jan Tetstone
8:33am October 25, 2018
Faith and Determination
The cold of the new day mingles with the warmth
of me,as I wonder outside with my mind's eye,
in search of inner peace.. .
The inner eyes rest upon reality that's sometimes
the outer eyes refuses to see.
Hopes and dreams alone are only the beginning of
what could be. . .
Faith and determination are needed to make a dream
A reality.
-Jan Tetstone
8:37 am October 21, 2018
Never doubt your ability
to climb the highest mountain
and swim in the strongest sea
when your heart is breaking
and your mind is filled with
thoughts of negativity.
Set your course in life...
be the best that you can be.
Never doubt your ability
to reach your dream.
-Jan Tetstone
10:18 pm October 19, 2018
Selfish Love
If every one in the world
valued their own life, and
happiness, above the life
and happiness of others,
Love would die ...
Love would not exist ...
Love would not be ...
For what is love, if not
two hearts willing to satisfice
all, one for the other?
A selfish love is one sided love
while one love thrives
the other love dies.
-Jan Tetstone
10:46 am October 11, 2018
Star Fairy Meets Carter Crow By Jan Tetstone One day, while Star fairy was flying through the enchanted forest, very fast, she glanced down at the blue water below her, just as she was raising her head, she found herself looking straight into the face of a wide-eyed black bird. The fairy and bird collided and both fell into the water. SPLASH ... SPLASH Star fairy's head popped up out of the water. Her fairy wings had saved her. "Why didn't you look where you were going," the black bird screamed at the fairy angrily. "Why weren't you looking where you were going," Star fairy replied back. "What do you mean," the crow asked. "Well...If you had been watching where you were going, you would have seen me long before we collided, and we neither one would have ended up in the water," Star replied, looking the crow dead in the eyes. Knowing the fairy was right the crow started laughing.......and he laughed....and laughed... Star managing to lift herself from the water, looked over at the crow that too was, now, flying just above the water. The crow stopped laughing, "My name is Carter Crow." "My name is Star fairy. ...What's so funny about the two of us colliding, and falling in the water, asked the fairy, wondering if the crow's head had hit the water so hard that it knocked the sense out of him. "Apparently, we were both looking down at the water, wishing we had time for a swim, at the same time, Carter Crow answered, starting to laugh again. This time, instead of wondering why the crow was laughing, Star fairy started laughing right along with her new found friend. Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for when flying over water. 6:56pm October 9, 2018 |
I often wonder about life
and the hold it has on me
The air I breathe,
The things around me
The things I see and cannot
When I open my eyes from sleep
I see a little more of me
unfolding in the Mirror
called " Destiny."
-Jan Tetstone
10:10am October 8, 2018
I Am and I Am Not
I am the child of long ago
traveling down a lonely road
wearing the scars of the years
on my heart.
I am the one the years molded.
I am and I am not.
I am the young one of long ago
Journeying through a land
that has burned my very soul.
I am and I am not.
I am the shadow of what was
reflecting off of an old heart.
I am and I am not.
I am a stranger to all who know me.
I am a thread of breath
chained to destiny.
I am and I am not without soul and
without heart.
-Jan Tetstone
10:04pm October 7, 2018
Stranger's Song
I set here thinking
of this morning
that started out with
so many tears
and so much gloom.
Why was my heart so sad
why did the tears fall
from my eyes
Did I know someone
I hardly knew
was about to die.
This world is crumbing
right before my eyes,
But few can see the
unseen tears of the
stranger in passing...
or hear the stranger
in passing sing.
Rest in peace dear soul
you have lived a life
of grief- now, you've
found eternal peace.
-Jan Tetstone
12:56pm October 7, 2018
The Purple Fairies Once upon a time, in a deep dark forest, in a teeny tiny house, lived a little fairy. Her name was Star. She was a magical fairy. One day, Star was cutting the purple and yellow wildflowers that grew near her house when a strange looking purple butterfly landed on top of the bouquet of colorful flowers, she had in her hand. "What happened to your wing," the fairy asked, gently touching the butterfly on top of its tiny head. "I'll take care of you. You can just rest on top of the flowers for a while." To Star fairy's surprise the butterfly, winking his tiny eye, and giving her a smile, replied, "Thank you, kind fairy." Being a magical fairy, Star could have used her magic to heal the purple butterfly and sent him on his way, but, she decided to take care of him without using her magic. Suddenly, it started raining, the colorful flowers surrounding her begin to multiply, and the beautiful purple butterfly disappeared, right before her eyes. Making her way back to her tiny house, head hanging low, feeling sad that she again was all alone; she raised her head to see purple fairies, all holding a bouquet of purple and yellow wildflowers, waiting for her to return home. Star fairy couldn't believe her eyes. On top of every bouquet of flowers set a beautiful purple butterfly. "How can this be," Star asked the fairies, joyfully. An older purple fairy stepped out from among the other fairies. "Every purple fairy must undergo the test of worthiness before joining the purple fairies. Today, when you decided not to use magic to heal the butterfly, you proved to be worthy of the magic powers in your procession. Welcome to the family." From that day on, Star fairy was never alone again, unless she chose to be. She had all the purple fairies to keep her company. Moral of the story: Good things come to those who make the right choices. 5:40pm October 7, 2018 |
The Things Resting in the Heart
When the words don't come easy
and your feelings yearn to be
set free.
Do not release ,out into the
world, the things that rest in
your heart.
There is a time for everything
under the sun..... just as there's
a time to be heard......there is
a time for words.
Listen to the sounds found in the
silence .... do not betray
the thoughts locked away....
just to have something to say.
-Jan Tetstone
5:20 pm October 3, 2018
A Little Girl's Dream
Why do I write poetry?
As a child, my voice
was not complete
getting words out
was hard for me.
But being a child
my imperfection
I did not see...
Though the laughter
I received, every time
I tried to convey
my thoughts to others
wasn't funny to me.
I pretended, in my
childish mind, they
were hearing my voice
I was a little girl
who ran, played, and
saw my world as the
perfect place for me
to be and create my
My stuttering voice
was a part of who I
was as a child.
Until, I realized,
no one else's voice
made other's laugh
like mine.
I was a little girl,
but I knew, if I tried
hard enough my words
would find away to be
As a little girl, Words
without voice Filled me,
until I asked God for help
and he gave me a voice
that others no longer
found funny.
Poetry gives my words wings
and fulfill a little girl's
-Jan Tetstone
6:06 am October 2, 2018
Picture taken in the 1950s. My sister has her foot on me. jt
Not Buried in the Grave
Tears for Mama . . .
Tears for Daddy, too.
Life has changed a lot
Since I lost both of you.
Now, that I'm a mama
I understand so much more
What a mama and daddy
go through.
Because now that I'm a mama
I'm going through the worry
and the woe of loving and
raising my children,
and having to let them go.
I didn't know as a child growing
up in your care, that being
a mama or daddy could be so
hard a thing to do, until I lost
the two of you. . . You both
were always there, when I needed
Now, that I'm a mama, and my
children, like yours, grew up and away.
Now, that I'm alone-I understand,
the satisfies mamas and daddys make
everyday -even after their children are grown
and move away.
I am a mama blessed and I owe it to the
both of you-who never stopped loving me,
no matter what I put you through.
Your love for me is not buried in the grave
Your love for me touches, and warms
my life every day.
-Jan Tetstone
4:54pm September 30, 2018
Never give up on
your dream
Reach for that star
your heart desires
Believe in better
Endure the heartache
and the sorrow
that life sends your way
Endure life at it's worst
and at its best ...
Learn from mistakes
and eat from life
what life puts on your plate.
Endure the things
that weigh you down...
that rest heavy on your
heart and mind....
Live in the day and
love always the one who
returns your love in kind.
None are perfect-all are
destined to live but one
Worry not of what is to be
until it reaches reality.
-Jan Tetstone
7:08pm September 29, 2018
Chosen Memories
A memory can be the kind that brings
A smile to the face or a tear to the eye. . .
Makes one laugh or makes one cry.
Memories are made and stored on ones
heart, and in ones mind, for remembering
the most important things, in life's winter
Memories are touches from yesterdays come
and gone, that live inside one when life finds
them all alone.
Memories of what was, and is no more,
Memories of how life use to be
when one was young, and life was sweet.
Memories that have the power to comfort or
re-break a heart that makes one realize as their
life draws to a close ....
That the only memories keeping them company
Are the memories that they chose.
-Jan Tetstone
10:30am September 26, 2018
Yours To Lose
Love doesn't always
bring happiness to
the heart welcoming
love in.
Some times the one
the heart loves
cannot love, because
of where the heart has
already been.
Love doesn't always
stay the same, heartfelt
hurt can cause a love
to change.
Love makes no promise,
that the one you love will
stay with you, your
whole life through.
Love sometimes gets
washed away by to many
tears; and too many empty
nights, that turned into
to many bitter filled years.
Love doesn't break hearts.
Life changes people . . .
Love is the same today
and always.
The love that leaves is
the love that never was
meant to stay.
One cannot rightfully
blame love for breaking
their heart....
Because two people in love
somehow grew apart.
Be thankful that the one
you gave your heart to was
yours to lose.
So many crave for just
a taste of love; and yearn to
hear the words 'I love you'
From the lips of the one they
gave their love to.
-Jan Tetstone
3:49pm September 24, 2018
Be Happy
If your day started
out all wrong
and you're feeling blue
How your day ends
will be up to you.
You can accept defeat
and settle for less
or you can keep on striving
and giving life your best.
A life that's worth having
is the life that makes
you happy.
You can accept where you are
and call it your destiny
or determine yourself
this is not how my life is
gonna be.
-Jan Tetstone
12:26pm Sept 23, 2018
By Heartsong
Shield of Faith
Faith is positive
no doubt
no second thoughts
No worry about what
might be.
Faith is believing
in the power of God
sight unseen.
Faith is hearing Jesus
softly knock on your life's
door and welcoming Him in
when you hear Him call.
Faith is the shield
that protects the faithful
night and day
And lifts them up when
they stumble and fall.
Faith is watching your
world crumble and fall,
knowing God is with you
through it all.
-Jan Tetstone
9:15pm September 23, 2018
By Heartsong
Broken Circle
I remember yesterdays
filled with children's laughter,
tears, and their hearts breaking.
The laughter they shared
the tears they shared
and the loss they shared.
I remember how happy and
complete life was, before the
family circle was broken one day
and a special angel was taken
from my mother's bouquet.
I remember how strong children
can be for each other, when their
hearts are breaking right along with
their mother's.
If your family circle has yet to
be broken, thank God, today. . .
Because, Someone's child is carried
away by an angel sent from heaven,
every moment of every day.
-Jan Tetstone
Written in memory of a child
11:11pm September 10, 2018
What does being an American
mean me ?
It means I'm a defender of
That with liberty comes duty. . .
What does ' Defender of Liberty'
Well, you see, God gives everyone
Natural rights to be born and
live free.
The Declaration of Independence
was signed and the American Revolution
was fought by the first Americans
all in the name of Liberty.
Freedom is a God given right but many
men would stripe freedom from you
and me.
The United States Constitution spells
out what government can and cannot do
'WE The PEOPLE' are Americans devoted
to guarding and keeping safe, our natural
God given right to live and die free.
Patriotic Americans are called, 'Defenders
of Liberty.'
Some wear uniforms, some do not
but all love God and Liberty with all their
American heart.
-Jan Tetstone
4:26pm September 7, 2018
A Special Part of Everything
For those who think
'I'm a no body'
You may not have got
the best of starts
You may feel useless and
un-needed at times
You may be lonely today
but you were born with
an innocent heart
When life sent you on
your way.
Life was not meant to be
easy . . .
Life is meant to be lived
day by day.
For every hard time you
endure and survive . . .
A footprint is embedded
on your heart. . .
A testimony of your life.
You say 'I'm a no body'
out of hurt and pain
Look around you, and you
will find contradictions from
Nature's god that you are
a special part of every thing.
-Jan Tetstone
11:54 am September 3, 2018
Journey On
God, as I journey on in life
give me insight into the
things that get in my way...
Let me not stray far from
the path you lay.
Let not the strife I face
destroy my faith.
The paths that I have travelled
have left me tired and weary
and at times the memory of
the paths I have walked find me
in my sleep.
Yesterdays taught me never to
take people or things for granted,
not to worry about getting more
from life but to be thankful for
what little I had, and never to lay
down my shield of faith if I wanted
to walk safely in a day.
From living through heartache ,sorrow
and more than a few mistakes
I know if you had not put your
loving arms around me and given
me the strength, the path that I
travel today, would be a lonely one
without you God and my faith.
- Jan Tetstone
8:45 p.m. June 6, 2018
Healing Angels of Prayer
Let none want for food when
their soul is hungry feed them
with manner from heaven. fill
their plate of life with love
everyday- that through your
good works the lost will once
more ,overcome the darkness, and
find their way.
Let none want for water when
their soul is thirsty.
Fill their cup of life to the
brim that when Jesus knocks
on their hearts door, they will
joyfully let him in.
Healing Angels of Prayer, raise
up your shields of faith , as you
bow your heads to pray, and work
miracles in the lives of all who
need an answered prayer today.
-Jan Tetstone
8:49 a.m. May 30, 2018
Today, there was a darkness
closing in on me.....
I felt the dark hands tugging
and tearing at my heart
as my love ,locked
inside, struggled to be set free.
-Jan Tetstone
2:43 pm Feb 8, 2017
Let not your grief
distort today's reality
nor destroy the good that
awaits thee.
For, where the heart morns
And tears fall in the day
loneliness waits
to steal ones happiness away.
-Jan Tetstone
7:20 pm Feb 9, 2017
A friend will remember days
and times that others forget
Moment in time together spent.
8:06 pm Feb 9, 2017
Love's Way
A heart that seeks out another's heart
wants nothing more than to be loved
in return.
Oh heart be still........Let love have its way
Turn not from the one who loves you
beyond measure.
Embrace love for loves' sake.
-Jan Tetstone
9:12 pm Feb 9, 2017
No words come to mind
when uncertainty is at play.
Words are extensions of
emotions and feelings.....
Without words there would
be no way of releasing
thoughts built up over time,
that seek voice to free
a troubled mind.
When in the darkness
peace eludes you
and words fail to form
that others can hear
hold tightly to your
Shield of faith
Believe with all your heart
that God will make a way.
11:37 pm Feb 10, 2017
Words are like rain drops
falling from the sky
Twenty two years ago
you took on an angel's glow
and left the worldly behind.
Back to your beginning
where beauty and peace
are the only things
that an angel's eyes can find.
Twenty two years ago
you went home.
A journey you had to make alone.
Rest in peace my beautiful angel
next to your baby brother...
who too left this world much to soon
to live in eternity....
I love you both...
You both live in my heart
and in my memory--
8:15pm May 9, 2015
Happy Mother's Day
Mother, you carried me
beneath your heart
Until I was strong enough
to live apart.....
You carried me in your arms
my heart against your heart
until I could walk alone........
Then you took my hand
and walked with me
through my growing up years
On my wedding day
You let me go, to walk or
fall on my own.....
But I knew in my heart
you loved me with the same
heart that once sing me to sleep
with its beat.....
I knew, without a doubt, if it was
possible-You would always be
there for me.
Little did I know the power of
a mother's love.....
Until you moved to heaven above
and touched my life
with an angel's love.
I thank God everyday for giving me
a mother like you.....
For even though you live in eternity,
I know, I will always have memories of a loving
Angel Mother to help me through.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama....
I love you.
6:08pm May 9, 2015
The evil that looms above
the innocent
devouring the purity
shall find in the darkness
of his wickedness
the sword of justice
as from his blackened heart
upon the alter of righteousness
for his crime against innocence
fire from his filthy soul
upon the alter bleeds.
For the innocent shall be healed
and those who robbed them
shall taste the sword that bears
witness to their guilt.
For those blindly used to satisfy
your lust, a chain shall bind
you to the eternal flame.....
No more will the tears of the innocent
In your own evil you shall be consumed.
Think not that justice shall be swift
For, not until your ashes are blown by
the wind into every nation on earth
and the thought of you has turned to dust
Shall your debt to the innocent be paid.
4:17pm May 9, 2015
Three Generations
In my arms I hold innocence
Tomorrows hopes and dreams
Of bigger and better things.
I am Winter....
He is the Flower of Spring .jt
As forever draws near to my soul
Wearily, I struggle, to stay on the
path that lay before me......
Let me not cling to the worldly
as into the light unseen hands
carry me.....
Let me not seek that which
belongs to another......Let me give,
for as long as I have something to give.
And when all is emptied out ,let me not
selfishly want more, than what was my
Let me walk upright, in all of my ways
and not forget to give thanks at
the end of my days.
1:53am April 28, 2015
Poetry is but a heart put into words
that flow from places deep within. jt
1:25 am April 28, 2015
Silent, voiceless,
rest the words
Chained inside of me
Next to my heart beat.
Oh, why cannot I unlock
those words of love, to
share with those in need?
Where lay the key?
It rest not inside of me
but far beyond my reach.
1:35 am April 21, 2015
The morning has caught me
pondering the whys of things
Hopefully the answers
the day will bring....
How tired I am this moment
Sleep is what I need......
I wish for nothing but
Sweet inner peace......
2:29am April 19, 2015
Lord, give me the strength
to always stand for what
I think is right.... and
Let me not fear death, more
than I love truth. jt
What the rich man sees
he can buy according
to his greed....
What the poor man sees
he buys according
to his need.
And in the end the rich
and poor both lay down
to sleep..
10:22pm April 16, 2015
Let the wind blow
and the waters flow
for no man can control
my destiny.... No man
can reach for my dreams
but me.
If I fail along the way
to walk through the doors
that have been opened for me
it will be because its not
things of the worldly I seek.
10:07 pm April 16, 2015
This day was filled with
loved ones near and far
and thoughts of thankfulness.
How blessed my life has
been this day---
Not with riches and gold
but with love, and a sense
of the peace deep down
inside my soul.
9:52pm April 16, 2015
Each of us carry a burden
and a blessing all of our life........
Sometimes the burden gets so heavy
the blessing feels like its dying inside.
This life is not our permanent home
One day all that the eyes see will be gone.
Everyday I awake I know I still
have a burden to carry and I must journey on.
None can travel the road I walk - each must
travel through this life seeking his own way
until he reaches the end of this life's day.
Never think to live so fast as to forget
nothing in this world was made to last.
9:35pm April 16, 2015
I would like to think
where there is a beating heart
there is a caring soul
tho I have learnt from living,
many years- that this is not
always so.
5:40pm April 9, 2015
You sent the flowers to cover the weeds
The night to cover the light
and in the midst you placed a shadow of what
is to be.
As your light withdrew back into itself; into
the greater good, it released upon the world
havoc and grief.
5:13 pm April 9, 2015
Love is a wise man's
And a good man's
blessing. jt
Sometimes one does not realize
ones need to release the feelings
bottled up inside...
Until after the tears have fallen
and the eyes have dried.
7:50pm March 31, 2015
.There are tears falling
from my eyes
That my heart cannot deny.
Tears that fall before
a inside
my spirit weeps.
7:44pm March 31, 2015
As I look outside
through the windowpane
To the wildflowers
that Spring brings....
I can't help but wonder
how the flowers survive
the weeds.
7:39pm March 31, 2015
Today, my children
are pieces of my heart
that fit perfectly together,
to form the sweets memories
of the many years we shared
together ......children,
and mother.....
Bearable, my empty nest
because I have always known
as much love and care
as i have put into raising them
they were never really mine
they each are a blessing
sent to me on loan
destined to receive
blessings of their own.
2:53pm March 26, 2015
Today, the sun is hide behind
a tainted sky....
as angels search the darkness
for lost souls....
Why are so many blinded
by man-made lights?
Do not they know it's
an illusion, that they are
standing in the night?
2:29pm March 26, 2015
My life is more
than the eye can see
My life is what exist
beneath and beyond
the vessel I call "me".
2:18pm March 26, 2015
It's dark and in the darkness
I set pondering the moment
and how precious a moment
of time is.
In the moment I am. jt
I have lived my life with heart.
Love is my heart's creed....
I live and love
because love was given to me
in my time of need.....
When a man is blind to love
Life and heart, empty be.
Judge not one by words alone
without considering his deeds.
10:54pm March 23, 2015
When night time falls for the last time
and the last thought gives way to life's
When the end becomes the beginning
and all that was is no more...
When eyes that slumber see
what is not to be.....
When void be tomorrow's dream,
Where lay your heart, among life's dying
10:34pm March 23, 2015
The sky above my head
that man shall cause
his own demise. jt
Today, I felt God's hands
at work in the world; I saw
The clear skies reclaim
what the hands of man
had made ugly and vile.
I witnessed the heart beat
of mankind beating
to the step of its better self,
in each glimmering ray of sun,
that erased, from heaven,
what the hands of man
had done.
Man can not become
more than what he was
born to be......Man cannot
change what God has done
or what lay in wait
If man cannot live in peace
on earth -he is not worthy
of the peace that lay
beyond his reach.
7:17pm March 16, 2015
Sometimes, when
I take the time
to look beyond the
things over head
and the things beneath
my feet
to the things that
only my heart can reach
I find in the darkest of places
faithful souls, who seek
nothing more than to awaken, and
fall asleep, under a blanket of peace.
And in those moments
when I dare to look beyond
the me-I doubt not, that
God hears innocence's plea.
In the hands of all, duty rests,
Will you heed the cries for peace
Will you turn a deaf ear,
Which will it be?
6:46pm March 16, 2015
I wonder, how many lives
would be changed, in a day,
if all knew life would end
How many would plea the fifth
to be spared foreseeable
How many would claim
someone else is to blame
They didn't know, if they had
their life would surely have changed?
How many would beg to be poor
give all their treasures away
just to own a pair of angel wings?
11:07pm March 9, 2015
Today, I endured
That I might sleep
and awaken to peace
worry free.
Yet, I know, that sleep
while it gives one rest
can not give one
inner peace.
11:26 pm March 5, 2015
There is no glory
in sacrificing
innocence in honor's
No greater sin than
denying the hungry food
when one's table is full.
Little knowledge, have
the wisest,
without understanding.
Not always are the eyes
to be trusted to reveal
the truth of a matter.
Never rush tomorrow
before the day is done.
A heart close to nature
is closest to nature's god.
A Wise man sees the world
through his understanding
of worldly things.
A wiser man views things
from the depths of his heart.
11:11pm February 28, 2015
The world is suffering so
The sky once so blue
suffers from mortal abuse.
The grass covered ground
is dying beneath my feet..
The air I breathe is thick
with grief.
Lord, I know your will
will always be done
and there is a time for
everything under the sun.
I know these things to be true
Because this life would be
unbearable-if not for you.
Thank you, for taking my hand
so long ago and never
letting it go.
11:51am February 23, 2015
It's hard to find words
of comfort for another
when the waters rise
so high....
Lord, let me not get lost
among the thorns of
another's pain.
If I drift beyond your sight
help me in life's darkness
to find my way in life's night.
A million times I have turned
to you for strength
Many times I have asked you
to show me the way you would
have me go.
With each passing day I learn
something new about my self.
In the flesh I am weak
but in my heart I know
I can always count on you.
Thank you for loving me
when I feel so alone....
Thank you for loving me
until my tears are dried
and my fears are gone...
Thank you for the light
that shines in the darkness
of my night.
12:17am February 22, 2015
God is truly an awesome god .
Into tomorrow
Into today
an angel waits
As I wade through
this day.....
of trials toward
my fate.
I seek not what
my hand cannot touch
or my eyes cannot
rest upon......
I am but a traveler
in a world not my own
With faith, in the hard
times- I am made strong.
What tomorrow will bring
I must wait on...and not
rush what is to be.....
For only God knows all things
and what all tomorrows
will bring.
Lord, teach me daily lessons of love
as you fill my heart with assurance
that wrapped inside each dark cloud's
silver lining-I will find a feather
to add to my set of angel wings.
Thank you God for this day
in which I strive to find my way
Thank you for keeping your hand on me
For, in your care, I know I'm safe.
Written for Bella on my 66th Birthday
February 20, 2015
It's easy to find the bad
When one is not looking for good
Deeds done when anger leads
Is not the quickest way to peace.
A heart filled with Love is to be
desired above all worldly things.
Waste not your life hating your
enemy.....for the heart of neither
shall escape the eyes of God.
Life is the ultimate test of a man's
None shall be judged for another's sin.
Love those who would cause you pain,
with a sincere heart-for by doing so
two souls might be saved.
Love today that you might awaken
to love tomorrow....
From love peace finds entrance
From hate only grows sorrow.
12:20am February 16, 2015
In the silence of the night
I feel the hands of God
at work in all things,
Ones faith need not feel
God's touch, to know
His presences.
When I fall God's love
gives me the strength to stand.
Love has a courage of its own.
11:30pm February 15, 2015
Lord, I need you to guide me
down the path you would
have me go......
If I fall into the waters, please
keep me afloat.
My eyes have seen places
where danger lay in wait
give me the wisdom
to know which path to take.
My heart has felt the knife
of human compassion
and restraint's hand...
Anger has moved my lips, please
help me too understand.
My life is but a flicker of light
blowing in the wind, please
give me the knowledge
I will need to have in my heart and
hold in the palm of my hand.
Guide me, where you would have me go
Take me to the places
you would have me stand.
1:38am February 10, 2015 Picture taken 12:15pm 2-10-15
Wake from your sleep
and see what darkness
has done....
While you slept the liar
of all liars created clouds
to hide the sun...
And in the darkness prepared
for you a pit of snakes
to fall into.
Let not his cunning ways
His dress of silver and gold
and promises of riches
rob you of your soul.
When in the morn you wake
thread the waters of the day
prepared, always, to face
the enemy of your soul
the keeper of the snakes.
Trust your heart
to guide you in all things
wherever you go...
For love is a blind man's
strength, and the liar's woe.
1:07 am February 3,2015
Lord, thank you, for the lessons
living has taught me.
Thank you, for keeping me afloat
in life's raging sea.
Thank you, for showing me
that no matter how bad life gets
That faith is not enough
unless in one's heart
he truly believes.
11:37pm January 31, 2015
When I look beyond my world
I see a world I once knew
at the point of destroying
all that it once had me believe.
I see a world, millions of worlds
lost on life's wavy sea.
And I stand in awe at the sight
of so many caught up in living
life in another's dream.
11:27pm January 31, 2015
I have looked back in time
and pondered what once was.
I have thought about life
and what it truly means
to be alive.
One's life is more than the
eye can see.
One life holds the essence
of all things.
Where man is born new hope
Judge not another according
to what he has or what he
has not.
For who among you will
taste the wine
or hear the fine maiden sing
who among you will recognize
the rich from the poor
when your worldly eyes
can no longer see
The shine of the things
that used to be?
Who among you
in death, will remember
the price of worldly things?
11:08pm January 31, 2015
Lord, the years have brought me
to this day........
Was the promise you made to a child
that I shall give voice too.
Let me never lose the feeling of
knowing that something greater
rests beyond the darkness.
Let my inner eyes not close
to that warm glow that touched
my soul so long ago.
Guide me this day to the end
of what was to be, when
my life was new, and innocence
rested inside of me.
Let those who seek truth
rest their inner eyes on the things
that the outer eyes can not see.
Let those with heart listen with
their inner ears, to what the heart
knows to be.
1:39 pm January 28, 2015
Do not let the eyes be deceived
into seeing what is not there.
Do not let the ears believe
only what it wants to hear.
Many a good soul has been blinded
by an invisible foe.
Listen not with ear alone
to the happenings in a day.....
For, such will guide the most innocent,
from his raising, to stray......
Look beneath what the eyes can see
for beneath the surface rest
the heart of the dead,
and the living.
1:23pm January 28, 2015
The wicked, long ago, devised
a plan to control the fate of man.
In the beginning, when all things
were new, some thought to rule
with mighty hand.
But, to have another take by force
was not to be.
For many a wise man gathered to
face the foe and save humanity.
Then a few evil men gathered in
darkness's back room
and another plan was conceived
to rule mankind's' destiny.
Never again to use force
but to rule by greed.
For, what man will let his family
go hungry-when offered a piece
of bread, on which all can feed?
1:03pm January 28, 2015
Intertwined the silver threads
of today's living and yesterday's dead.
In and out the glimmering strands
lust and greed go hand in hand.
Seek shelter from the morning dew
close not your weary eyes least
the spider finds you sleeping
and makes a meal of you.
12:47pm January 28, 2015
A drop of rain will not satisfy
a rich man's thirst
and the rain cloud, that sent down
the drop of rain ,he will curse.
For, thirst blinds where greed
thrives.....and those made blind
would rather curse the cloud
that sent down the drop of rain
than give thanks, for their
share of life and the smallest things.
They know not, that the first drop
of rain, that fell to earth, rests
at the bottom of the greatest sea
and that a drop of rain is but a sign
of the greater things to be.
Keep faith, yea thirsty soul.
10:13am January 24, 2015
Honor....Where is the honor
in demeaning the less fortunate?
Have you no shame? Do you not
see what has been created for
future generations to reap?
Once, those who held tomorrows'
reigns walked proudly on the
ground of their ancestors; and found
strength to conquer their inner demons
of lust and greed, in the blood
that run through their veins.
Oh, how blind has the years made
those that came forth to walk this earth
from the seed of great men who now lay
sleeping in their graves.
Do you not hear the pleas of those
God has placed in your charge?
Gold and silver belongs to the earth
it is the value a man places on them
that decreases or increases their worth.
Belittle not
those who live by the sweat of their brow.
For when the end of time comes
it will be they who offer their hand
in friendship-and share the fruits
of their labor with those who have never
had to earn a living
by the sweat of their own brow.
There is no honor in kicking a person
when they are down, or in feeling
superior to one's equal.
Honor is earned one day at a time
It cannot be brought with silver and gold
Honor must be nurtured inside one's soul
Honor must earn its place among men.
Follow not a greedy heart
In all things look for the good in others
The truth of a matter rests not in tales told
but in deeds done.
5:53pm January 11,2015
Let the wind carry my song
deep within its shadow
for those in darkness to hear.
Let the waters carry my song
to its shores.....and wash clean
the sands of time
that the blind might see and weep
and find peace from troubling
Let the heart of mankind
once more hear the song of peace
when darkness falls, and the earth
trembles beneath the weight of
those who walk with no feet.
Let every heart pour love out
for those who first built
the greater things with heart-
who now sleep.
12:37am January 5, 2015
Without remembrance
all the good that once was
can no more be......
For it was in yesteryears
dreams first took flight.
It was in what was that
what is came to be.
2:59am January 5, 2015
I set pondering life
and what my purpose be......
I have lived long enough
to know I am my own destiny.
Tho my path lay before me
and an uncharted sea
I must choose wisely
the waters I thread
and the path on which
I place my feet.
2:13am January 5, 2015
Yesterday, a year came
to its end
and a new year begin.
Let me journey onward
with time, until
like yesteryears
my life comes to its end.
Let my life serve meaning
my hands serve righteousness
and my heart serve to bring
others back into the fold
of human compassion....
then when darkness falls
I can rest in peace.
11:33pm January 1, 2015
Silent lay the year gone by
nothing but memories remain
not a sound but a whisper
of yesteryears dreams
can this heart of mine claim.
11:20pm January 1, 2015
Everything in life has a special role
to play in prophecy.......
None can control what will be.
Many think to possess a world one only
needs silver, gold, hold in their hands
the power to control the waters and wind
and the means to buy up a world.
How blind is such a man, who sees not
the trap he is setting for his own soul?
The wind and waters know but one
master.......God is always in control.
12:18 pm December 18, 2014
I , like all who have been born,
am born to live and die.
Be my years many or be my years
few, let me put love into every thing
I do.
Let me not succumb to the pain
inflicted on me and my heart
by loved ones and foe.............
Let me walk the paths of honesty
and respect, and use what life
has taught me to sow seeds of love
and understanding
wherever I go.
11:29 am December 18, 2014
What is being alone
when angels sup
with thee?
All who thrive
on the worldly
are bound by the worldly,
and cannot see that they
are never alone in the
spirit that is no part
of the worldly.
11:08 am December 17, 2014
Lord, You brought me to this day
I have no doubt you will carry me
the rest of the way........
My life has long evolved around you
When the worldly sought to keep us apart
you sent your angels to set my spirit free
and through life's burning sands
your angels protected me.
In your time Lord, are all things to be.
Not enough can I sang your praises
For the many times in life
my captured soul was set free.
11:00 am December 17, 2014
As the sun blankets everything
as far as my eyes can see
I set beneath its covers
Giving thanks for the smallest
of things.
The trees that tower above me
that gives me relief from summertime
heat and protects me from
wintertime's breeze.
The dead grass that in the summertime
is so green and in the wintertime
lay a brown carpet beneath my feet.
The beauty of the butterflies and birds
that in the summertime kept me company
and in the wintertime remain as
sweet memories.
As I set beneath the suns blanket of warmth
and give thanks for the things that were
and the things that are........somewhere
in between the past and the present
my heart has found wintertime's peace.
10:38 am December 17, 2014
The moments spent with loved ones,
family and friends, are moments
captured by the heart and mind,
that years ahead one will relive,
time and time again.
Take not those precious moments
with loved ones for granted......
Never miss a chance
To say "I love you"
To tell those closest to your heart
just how special you think they are...
To be close to those you love
and share your feelings from your heart
that you will have no regrets, if suddenly
you have to part.
3:12 pm December 12, 2014
As I walk the roads of life
and cross life's streams
I will doubt not the power
of the god,
who works miracles
through me,
The giver of life and
all good things......
Faith in one's god is
the key.
Tho many strive and few
suffer not from want,
Life swallows up
those without heart.
8:42 am December 12, 2014
Life, I have thread your waters
and bathed my soul in your light;
I have ate from your tree of knowledge
and been captured in your whirlpool
of loneliness and bliss;
I have drown in your waters time
and again...picked flowers from
your garden and watched your
strong winds pluck them from my
The waters of your valley are many
and few; your mountain I climb daily
to reach safely the one who
waits there for me.
Let not your waters overtake my
soul until I reach my destiny.
7:43 am December 12, 2014
Little by little
through out the years
I learnt the importance of me.
I realized ,after life took
everything far from me......
That I had lived my life
with little regard for the real me.
That the me that is, was, and
will always be.
Not perfect but worthy
to live life for me.
6:24 pm December 1, 2014
I'm thankful for this day
and all things in it.
I'm thankful for life's fullness
and how much my life is blessed.
I don't have lots of money
Some say I live in a shack
I don't have fancy clothes
but I have the clothes on my back;
I don't eat out but rarely.....
But , none of these things bother me.
Because I have a lot of heart
and manna from heaven to eat.
6:03 pm December 1, 2014
I looked out my window a hundred times today
and took note, that some of the things here yesterday
are nowhere to be found in my day.
The clouds have replaced the sunshine
drops of rain have replaced the butterflies.
Silence has replaced the sound of laughter,
overcome by the rain.....
O, How my eyes yearn for the sight of butterflies
and my heart ,over come with the peace, longs
to hear the laughter of children, playing in
the rain, once again.
4:37pm September 28, 2014
Time has a way of reminding me
That time's not on my side..
That life is much to short
we are all born to die.
My yesterdays stand off
in the distance......
My tomorrows come much
too fast.
Nether last forever...
As soon as my daily walk ends
My day becomes the past.
4:17pm September 28, 2014
When I look into the shine in your eyes
I see winter time, and a longing for Spring.
Upon the face of one so young, I see
Written in the shine , longing.
Rest, now, sweet angel , while your
loved ones weep.
10:39pm September 26, 2014
As I strive to understand
why my life is like it is today.
Lord, give me understanding
take the darkness away.
Give me insight into where
evil lays this today.
Then, give me the strength
to take up my shield of faith
until the darkness fades away.
11:35am September 16, 2014
No one gets through
this world untested.
Dry away the tears
that stain your day.
Lean on the promises
of God-
Jesus is the light and
the way.
1:31am Sept 16, 2014
Never think your life
is not important
or that your dreams
will not come true.
Your life is special
there can never be
another one like you.
Believe in yourself,
and your ability
to make your dreams
come true.
1:09am Sept 16, 2014
Yesterday is behind me
all I am is in this moment
I see hope in the morn
Through the darkness that
surrounds me.
May the night bring sweet dreams
and the day be filled with peace.
12:44am Sept. 16, 2014
I have lived long enough
to see clearer
the value of those things
I once took for granted....
The touch of mama's hands
as she prepared me for the day....
The feel of daddy's hands
as he pointed out the value
of always standing firmly behind
what I believe.
My child's first cry
that I will never hear again.
Love's first song
my heart will never sing again.
The beauty in just feeling life
when all things are organized
and flowers, birds, and butterflies
are all the eyes could see.
The times when God, family,
and friends...all shared in creating
A special sense
of being loved- away from unrest-
closer to peace.
1:35pm Sept 12, 2014
Setting here....
looking out my window
to where yellow butterflies play,
I know in my heart nothing matters
beyond this moment in my day...
All that once was, is no more.
With yesterday all things were
changed, into the moment that gives
reality, to the moment I am in.
11:12am Sept. 12, 2014
There has been a stillness
in my world
nothing got in -nothing got out
My heart was silent
as my mind pondered each day
helpless to reach outside
from the realm of my being
to where shattered hearts lay
sleeping, and mankind screams out
in torment and pain.
Then God brought me to this day
and released my heart to speak
of bigger and better things.
10:54am Sept 12, 2014
Jesus Is My Shepherd
Jesus is my Shepherd I shall not want
Together we travel the roads that I walk.....
He prepareth my heart and nurtures my soul
then leaves the choices to me....
He gives me inner strength when I am weak.....
Down every road I take Jesus is in the lead.
Jesus gives me inner eyes to see the flowers
growing among the weeds...
Jesus gives me the courage to stand against the
mightiest wind-in my times of uncertainty.
Yea tho I walk down roads of trial and heartache;
and my day be a burden to me.....
I will walk upright on the darkest day..... Because
Jesus is sharing life's burdens with me.
10:36am Sept. 3, 2014
Can you hear their silent screams
muffled by the blood in their veins?
Can you feel their tears fall upon
the ground you stand on?
Can you see beyond their graves
their dreams of a better day
that was never meant to be?
My heart has heard their muffled screams
My heart has felt their tears roll onto
the ground....
My heart has gazed upon their graves from afar.
My unseen tears have fallen on the ground
where they lay.
My heart has touched their shattered dreams
in the emptiness they left behind.
Lord, how long must the innocent suffer
for the sins of others?
How much blood and tears must
mingle together, before the
price for peace is paid?
Lord, Give rest to the weary...
mend the hearts that grieve....
and, release love out into the world
that those filled with hate might
come to know peace.
8:16pm August 31, 2014
Silver clouds above my head
Many colored butterflies
dancing gracefully in a gentle
Not moved by anything
but the wind beneath their
outstretched wings.
5:17pm August 31, 2014
Let us not forget
the power of love
in the face of intolerance.
Let us say no to hate....
Let us respect the right of all
to worship according to his own conscious
Let us not forget all that we do this day
to make the world a better place
all the knots of friendship tied-
will determine the fate
of those not born yet.
4:40am August 30, 2014
Jesus' Sail of Love
Under Jesus sail of love
I carry my Shield of Faith
Through the passages of life
My heart satisfied.
As I discover my weaknesses
And contemplate my strength
Laughter fills my soul, when I think
Jesus is strong when I am weak.
Jesus love is unconditional . . .
His forgiveness, like a gentle wind
Blowing through my heart and soul,
Time and time again.
I know, absolutely, without a doubt
As I journey toward the reunion
up -above..
That Jesus has His hands on me
And he Shields me with his love.
-Jan Tetstone
By Heartsong
Never Alone
Sometimes, when I am down
and feeling so alone....
I cry a tear or two to release
my self pity- and I think of all
the lonely times, come and gone,
and how ,after drying my last tear
God never fails to remind me
That His son ,Jesus, is always there
for me-and I am never completely
alone ..... unless, I choose to be.
11:49am August 4, 2014
Lord, Take my hand this day
lead me where you would have
me go.
None but you will I follow
None but you do I trust completely
to lead my soul to safety. jt
Words of love mean nothing
to the heartless......who claim
no beginning ,no end
just an existence, destined to
become non-existent.
How sad it must me to believe
in nothing but one's self ....
never to find the kind of peace
that brings joy to the soul.
How sad in deed it must be
never to be completely whole.
9:39 am August 2, 2014
Counting down the days
before, again, I must be
stronger than I am.
What will tomorrow bring?
I do not know......
I only care about this day
and what it brings
my way.
For, none can change
a tomorrow from where
they stand today.
9:28am August 2, 2014
Today, I hear the birds singing
as they fly from tree to tree
Reminding me that still
there is beauty to be found
growing among the weeds.
9:21am August 2, 2014
God gives us choice
to choose the direction
our life will go in . . .
God gives us innocence
of mind and heart
to prepare us for a world
of sin.
God gives us love, hope
and promise of a better day.
God gives us life, heart, and
Freewill. . .
Then lets us choose the way.
10:23am July 25, 2014
No one's life is perfect
tho it might appear to be.
Everyone has times when
peace reigns, and times
when tears fall. jt
Awaken, with hope, in the day
take up your Shield of Faith,
and ask God to lead the way.
For, nothing is impossible,
From the smallest, to the biggest
when one asks God for a miracle,
Then with his hearts ~truly believes.
8:52am July 25, 2014
I was lost in a world
that did not know me
A wandering soul, lost in
the dark.....
Searching the world for
answers to things of the
heart....seeking love
where love was not,
When God's mighty hand
reached down for me and
pulled me from life's
dreary dark.
8:30am July 25, 2014
God, the day has just begun
What was now lay behind....
What will be lay before me
In the dawn of day I find
the warmth of your love
the presents of your angels
Waiting to help me through
troubled times.
Again I raise my Shield of Faith
and turn my life over to you.
You are my morning sunshine
Thank you for the day and night
Thank you, for all the times
I strayed, and you brought me
back into the Light.
8:03am July 25, 2014
You were always there for me
Anytime night or day.
When God's angel came for you
He took some of my sunshine away.
No one could ever fill your shoes,
erase your memory
. . .or take your place.
I lost a special brother here on earth
When the angel took you away.
No one could ever fill the void
your leaving left behind . . .
When God was giving out brothers-
I am so thankful . . . that He made you
July 15, 2014
Wrote in Memory of my brother Jimmy. RIP
If one does not know why his heart gets broken
and why he is exiled from another's heart,
how can one fill the void, and find understanding
as to why their heart was broken-and how it is
that love can shine so brightly only to leave
one standing in the dark
holding in his hands pieces of his own
breaking heart?
11:29am July 14, 2014
When ego gets the upper hand
a lot of tears will water the soul
of love. jt
The day is done . . .
The night that waited
for the morning sun
as I lay beneath the stars
gave way to tomorrow
only to awaken to the tears
in my day...
So . . . bitter to the taste.
11:03am July 14, 2014
If a heart must be broken
let it be the one
that beats inside of you.
If you take that step
into tomorrow
and leave shattered hearts
In your own heart no peace
you will ever find.
If you must move on
with your life ,don't do it
to hurt the ones you
leave behind.
If a heart must be broken
let it be the one
that beats inside of you.
when your heart is breaking
that after all is said and done
tomorrow will come..
Yesterday's broken hearts will
mend . . .
And love will warm your heart
1:51am July 11, 2014
Up until I got disconnected
from the world outside
I was falling into a dark hole
and in danger of weakening
my spirit . . . and destroying
my soul.
I am so thankful today
that God took the darkness
away, and showed me where
the weakest part of me lay.
Because I can only see through
my eyes, and my heart's eye
I see things in different ways
I see the outer- what the flesh
wants me to see .....
And the inner that only my heart
can see.
Shut off from the worldly
I took back control of my heart
and my destiny....
and found peace once more
in my life-and the heart
inside of me.
9:05am July 9, 2014
Today, as I set here
thinking of yesterdays
gone bye . . .
So many things awaken
my spirit
to just how blessed
my life has been.
I can complain and carry on
All I want too . . .
But the truth is
I have been blessed my
whole life through.
8:41am July 9, 2014
I do not fear being loved
I do not fear giving love
I ,only, fear being unworthy
of the love that's given to me.
8:55am July 8, 2014
If one could read my mind and know
the memories that linger there
Their tears would mingle with mine,
And neither, peace would find.
If one could feel the beating of my heart
from the inside, and know the love spent
and taste the love locked-up inside,
They would understand why my life is so full
and empty at the same time.
If one could know all of my worry and woe,
Heartache and sorrow-hidden behind the smile,
and carry my Shield of Faith for a while, they
would find, that no matter the joy and sorrow
Jesus will be there in my yesterday, today
and tomorrow.
We each have our good times and troubling
times ~ Times the rain falls, and times when
the sun don't shine.
The roads in life are many...Not all will one
travel down.
Choose wisely your path-Your destiny....
For none can read my mind ,feel my heart from
the inside, or make my journey through life -
but me.
8:48am July 8, 2014
My heart is beating out its pain
I find I am being tested once again.
It saddens my heart to see the roses
dying ...
The grass over-taking every beautiful
thing . . .
Yesterdays' beauty slowly dying away.
Silence without peace . . .
The turmoil growing inside of me . . .
The darkness coming through on a
bright sunny day . . .
And, finding myself alone with
my Shied of Faith in hand,
Asking God, once more, to help me
8:24 am July 8, 2014
There was a sudden mist of insight
as I set here...a cloud of darkness
lingered in the mist, long enough
to move my spirit to attention.
Looking through the mist, I saw
eyes piecing back into my eyes
and what I saw hidden there
was pictures of what is to come,
the nakedness of wailing
and total despair....
grief and suffering everywhere.
I saw in the mist warning signs
of what rests ahead for all
10:35am July 6, 2014
The sun is shining through the morning clouds
and my heart is rested from last nights sleep.
With faith I enter this day tearless and unafraid.
9:07am July 6, 2014
I've stumbled through life
fell, got up, and fell again
trying to move ahead
and leave behind where I'd
I've made mistakes that
I couldn't undo....I've walked
through hell on earth a time
or two.
I've misplaced my identity, and
pretended all was right in the day
when in my heart I wanted to run
I've learned that everything in life,
like the rain and the sun that shines,
has its own appointed time.
That it's my faith that gives me the
courage and strength to survive the
winds of life's spring and wintertime.
12:35am July 6, 2014
Tonight, my soul is so weary
and my heart so filled
with tears.
But, still, love finds room
inside my heart.
Still, God's goodness
touches my world
to remind me that beneath
my shield of faith waits
my inner peace.
11:09pm July 5, 2014
God lift me above
my self created pain
Help me understand
the dark times
I'm living in.
Help me to be
the better part of me
and when I am blinded
by human weakness
and self pity, please,
Don't give up on me.
10:59pm July 5, 2014
If tomorrow finds me gone
and there be a void filling
life's gap where I lived long.
Waste not a tear over my grave
when alive none came to comfort me
and wipe my tears away.
Empty not your pain out over my
grave-let me rest in peace.
Waste not a tear on my memory
For a memory is an empty thing
and cannot comfort the stilled
heart that lays broken in the grave.
10:37pm July 5, 2014
Everyday, I awake and find
another bridge to cross
another mountain to climb.
Another bridge to burn
another path to find.
Another heartache to remind me
of yesterdays pain
Another memory of what was
and a thought of what might have been.
10:21pm July 5, 2014
One can not be more than they
were meant to be....
Own more than they were meant
to process.
Know more than what life
has taught them through living.
Love more than the heart can give.
One can not find peace in life
until he has found peace within.
8:00pm July 1, 2014
You can judge me, even curse me
and it just does not matter anymore.
I use to think I deserved the pain
that you inflicted on my heart......
That the tears you caused me to cry
were nothing more than a payback- for
all the mistakes I have made in my life.
But by the grace of God, I no longer
feel that way....
You used everything I hold dear to bend
and mold me into what you wanted me to be
but the truth is, I finally realize
what has always been right in front
of my eyes:
Every time you broke my heart
you broke your own in two
Every time you caused me to cry
Tears filled your own eyes.
Every time you turned your anger on me
and tried to mold me into someone
I could not be- you robbed yourself of the
better part of you.
Every time you thought you hated me
You knew in your own heart
That my love would always be with you.
7:08pm July 1, 2014
Seek not to burden another
with your worry and your woe
God see all things and your
needs he already knows.
Hang tightly to your shield of faith
let none take your faith away...
For, always does the liar hate the truth
and always does evil work its wickedness
from behind a shield of deceit.
Keep high your shield of faith
never weaken in love, never try
to live in tomorrow
before you defeat the demons in the day.
4:36pm June 30, 2014
When the day is darker
than the night to your soul
Reach down deep inside
your heart and seek God's
guidance in the dark.
4:27pm June 30, 2014
Today, yesterday's sun still shines,
tomorrows encounters still wait,
and memories are waiting to be
made. jt
I do not know what tomorrow will bring
or what night time dreams I will dream.
I do not know where this life will take me.
I do not know the heart of another
or what things brought them to this day.
I only know what yesterdays brought
my way...
I only know my night time dreams
and the things that brought me
to this day.
I only know the heart in me
that has both loved and grieved.
7:40pm June 22, 2014
Today the sun caught me
thinking on yesterdays.....
and the first sunbeams
reflected off my tears.
I was thinking of times gone by
when all that mattered to me
was my family ties.
When my dreams were not for me
but the small child whose head
rested against my knee.
When I built my world a round family
and unknowingly was losing my own
and of all the times, I changed me
hoping to fit in to the world
I had created for them.
The Lord has shown me the errors
of my ways, much to late
to change the way things were
way back then.
8:38am June 22, 2014
Because man is not perfect
neither is his ways...
Strive not to be perfect but
to be true to yourself.
None can make you
smaller than you want to be.
7:22am June 19, 2014
My eyes have awaken to a new day
in which yesterday's sun still shines
tomorrows encounters still wait, and
memories are waiting to be made.
7:18am June 19, 2014
The enemy of the soul
rests not in the outer world
it rest within the man.
Life divides only what is not
suppose to be together.
The lips speaks many languages
the heart only one.
7:09am June 19, 2014
Broken Hearts
I have looked into the hearts of many
and saw pieces of yesterdays.
Engraved on each piece
the word love.
And the sight saddened my heart.
There was no love beating in harmony
Just pieces of broken heart.
One cannot be tortured so, from within,
and easily open his heart again.
Such a heart can only bitter be
to have loved so many
cried so many tears, only
to awaken one day to find
itself empty.
Had I the power, broken hearts
I would would be
whole, and every broken heart
would be filled with love,
and the desire to love again.
12:09am June 19, 2014
Old age,
is an issue
of time.
The old heart ,
like the young heart,
Is moved by love ...
by dreams.....
by life......
by destiny....
by the desire
to be.
To harness youth
and rob the world
of the wisdom
that comes with
is not times' place.
Enjoy the beauty of youth
for to quickly
the years pass away.
9:54am June 16, 2014
Tho I be judged a hundred times over
by those in the world I'm living in,
I will not turn my heart against any.
Tho distance divides my heart from yours
and a blanket of darkness lay over your
heart... my love rest next to yours,
in the dark.
7:25am June 16, 2014
Again, my heart is made heavy
by things beyond my control
and, again, I set here thinking
its not worth my tears.
Too many tears I have cried
Too many times I have believed
that I am not worthy...
Too many times I have trusted
and opened my heart only to find
tears in place of happiness.
Lord, every time I reach out
my heart gets broken...
I need a place in this world
where my heart can mend.
Put your arms around me
and heal my heart again.
9:01am June 10, 2014
What is in ones heart is not always
reflected in ones daily life.
Worry not that the day is darkened
by the past....
Give thanks for the way things were
and the way things are today.
Tomorrow depends on the direction
our life takes us in this day.
7:06am June 10, 2014
I did not know the loneliness that
you were going through
in this world you left behind.
I was to busy with a life of my own,
and I never took the time.
If only I had taken the time
to visit you and hold your hand
when you needed someone around
and no one could be found.
If only I had known the heartache that
was inflicted on your heart
every time life took you and your children
farther and farther apart.
But there was no way I could have known
until I reached the place in my own life
where I had to live in this world alone
after one by one my children left my side
to face life on their own.
7:19am June 8, 2014
When the heart's in morning
Life itself sheds a tear. jt
Oh, child of my womb
my heart bleeds ....
For what used to be
when your life was innocent
and you walked through the
flowers with me.
If setting among the flowers
I taught you only one thing
let it be, that in life one
can always find flowers
growing among the weeds.
9:19am June 7, 2014
Yesterday, I was tested
to see what I would do
when doors were opened
and shut, and I could not
go through.
Often we build relationships
on memories and not
on reality.
Once bridges are burned
there is no going back
to the good times and the
way things used to be....
Tho love remain forefront
in ones heart
there are no bridges
that will ever again
allow some hearts to
meet half way in between
what was, what is, and
what might have been.
Tho love remains locked
forever inside my heart.
and your place in my life
has moved to a lower plane
The memory of better times
inside my heart will
forever remain.
9:00am June 7, 2014
Cling not to tightly
to what does not
belong to you.
All things fade away
at the grave.
Nothing will one
take with them on
judgment day.
Into the world
we are born
to taste the rain
and feel the sun.
To live, then die
once the race
is run.
11:08pm June 6, 2014
One travels many roads in ones lifetime..
Taking memories with them and leaving
memories behind. jt
I am not a pretender
I live in the real world
where people fall out
of love with those
they never fell in love with.
Where people pretend
to have more than others
when they have far less.
My world has no blinders
around close out
I live in the real world
somewhere between real
and make believe.
I am not a pretender
I live in the real world
where hearts get broken
more often than they get mended.
Where people that should be loved
are pushed aside, and forgotten.
Where growing old is welcomed
and considered far easier to do
than struggling in life to get through.
Where giving up ,for many,
is easier than keeping faith
that God will make a way.
I live in the real world
the one that can tear your heart
out with the promise of love
and never shed a tear.
My world has no blinders
around close out
In my world, heartache
through prayer
gives way for peace.
10:42pm June 6, 2014
I wish I could cry, and then find that
it was not worth my tears;
Oh heart, let not the worldly
use your love; love with understanding
that broken hearts touched by your love
might heal.
Love with a heart that has been broken
and mended ....
that others might learn to love again.
10:18pm June 6, 2014
Not always does one show
the world the better self. jt
For days my spirit wandered
to places beyond the sea
where sights beyond the eyes seeing
were in the spirit revealed to me.
Hatred filled the hearts of many
whose souls cried out in mortal pain
as war was waged against my soul
and arrows, at my heart were aimed.
The hearts of men burning and
blackened by loves eternal flame
wanting my heart, to quench their
thirst ...knew not .....
that my spirit drew its power from
the love rooted deep inside my heart.
My spirit, morning the sights that it
had seen, reached out and gave
those thirsty souls my heart's key.
Not to unlock the love in my heart
but to release the love in their own.
11:06pm June 3, 2014
Tonight I set here alone,
giving thanks for the day
that just past and the day
that has just begin.
And in the stillness of the night
I open my heart wide and asked
Jesus, my friend, if he would come in.
For, long ago, when life broke my heart,
and the world offered me no comfort
my tear fell like rain, until
I met Jesus , and in the midst of my
suffering and pain.....
forever my life was changed.
2:23am June 3, 2013
It is never easy, explaining
ones feeling to another
When it is something
they do not want to hear. jt
God's time has no beginning
God's time has no end
From the moment we are born
Our time on earth begins.
God's time is like no other
Time is God's alone
Time, like life, is only ours
for a short time, on loan.
1:45am June3, 2014
My Grandma
Her hair was like threads of silver
Her eyes blue like the blue in a sunny sky.
Her clothes were plain and simple
protected by the apron that she wore
Her life was not an easy one
her loses were many after she was born
Her love was the silent kind
she never told you she loved you
but somehow you always knew.
My grandma was a special lady
Her death, sad in deed
For many times throughout
her lifetime she went out of her way
to help someone in need.
Her faith she wove into her daily life
for the world to see.
My grandma loved and suffered long
to earn her angel wings.....
My grandma was a special lady
Her memory gives me strength
and inspires me to take
faithful steps in life
and to be all that I can be.
11:35am May 31, 2014
In the days that lay ahead
rests my destiny
Let me walk bravely
to meet it. jt
In The Blink of An Eye
No one knows what moment
their life on earth will end
when God's angel will be sent
to take them home again.
No one knows what moment
all dear to their heart
will morn
when death pulls them apart.
No one knows what hour
On their journey home
they will blink an eye to find
they have reached their heavenly
8:45am May 29, 2014
Four years today my 21 year old grandson
opened his eyes to find he was home.
Rest in Peace
Michael Ray Tetstone
Today, I begin a new journey
through moments of time
Lord, give me the patience not to hurry
and show me where to draw the line
When thoughts of worldly things
toy with my mind.
8:00am May 29, 2014
If my tears touch your eyes
Let also my love touch your
For love has the power to
change the direction of
heartache's wind.....and give
one reason to hope again.
4:33am May 23, 2014
So tired and weary I journey on
not knowing what lay before me.
So tired and weary I let my heart
A restless spirit in search of heavenly
4:17am May 23, 2014
In the moment, all things rest. jt
There are those who take and take
never giving anything in return
Seeking riches and immortality
And there are those who give and give
seeking nothing in return who
are happy just to be.
Life, itself, is a double edged sword
that cuts both ways at the same time.
Life is a negative and a positive
Life is everything and nothing.
Life is in me and beyond me.
3:54am May 23, 2014
When a loved one dies
Heaven's gates open wide
to let another angel inside.
When a loved one dies
One who walked among men,
to fly with the angels,
has been chosen.
When a loved one dies
One who lived on earth
moves to Heaven
to live for all eternity.
When a loved one dies
One who carries burdens, and
worries about tomorrow,
lays his burdens down
along with all sorrow.
When a loved one dies
during his rebirth -we cry
and endue heartfelt pain
but a faithful heart knows that
earth's loss is heaven's gain.
5:56pm May 21, 2014
The years fly by so quickly.
One day, life is like a twinkling
star shining brightly
waiting to be lived.
Then, suddenly, life becomes
a falling star growing dim
as its sparkle nears its end.
Take life not for granted.
The glitter of the day dims
with the night.....
But the spirit, in the end,
raises up from the darkness
to mingle with life's eternal light.
12:47am May 19, 2014
First Cousins
Dear First Cousin:
When we were young
We laughed, played, and run
happily down dirt roads, and
among the pecan trees, having
lots of fun.
During our growing years
we shared laughter and tears.
We were bonded together by
blood and by love-
From the time we were born
We were destined for life
to pull us apart, and carry our
childhood memories engraved
in a special place inside our
I am thankful for the happy times
we shared...
Thankful to be apart of a family
that cares.
I may not always be there in person
to help you out- but I always hold
you up in my prayers, when I'm
not there.
May God watch over you, dear cousin,
lighten the burdens you carry.... and
in your time of need, May God touch
your heart with understanding and fill
your life with peace.
11:03am May 17, 2014
I face each day, knowing
I am never completely alone...
That no matter what the day sends
my way, I will get through it
because my god ,through my faith,
gives me strength beyond my own.
Let my heart sing praises for all things
my flesh and spirit endure....let my lips
never cease giving thanks to the
creator of all things.
I am weak but the love of God
abides with me......and nothing
more do I need.
3:47pm May 15, 2014
Alone I set pondering
the things life sent
my way today....Wondering,
how many take the time
to see beyond the bad things
to places where good things lay.
Why worry about what is over
and done- choices after
they are made- a race
that's already been run?
Learn from things past
things that will brighten your
tomorrow......lessons that
will ease mental, and
heart felt pains.....and help you
rise above your sorrow.
3:32pm May,15, 2014
The day brought the sunshine,
the rain and.....
Children sleeping peacefully
soon to awaken again. jt
When words do not
fall easily
and thoughts are not so
clearly formed-
it is time for silence
to capture the moments. jt
As I think on the day
I cannot see beyond the
There is a warmth that fills
my spirit and gives me
I am blessed to awaken
to such a day:
Another chance to be
and do...
Filled with Unsung songs
waiting to be sung...
And, another race in life
waiting to be run.
7:10am May 8, 2014
The stillness of the morning
brings the sound of songbirds
singing. jt
The sun light is resting
in the shadow of the maple tree
atop the uncut grass.
It is a beautiful beginning
of a day once filled with so
many tears.
The birds are singing
as silent you lay sleeping
Stilled by death ...
your spirit set free
far-but never far
from me.
7:18am May 6, 2014
Born: April 29, 1971 - Died: May 6, 1993
Sonya Marie
I carried you beneath my heart
until the day you were born
I watched you grow up to be
a strong but gentle soul..... content
and happy just to be.
I carried you beneath my heart
and blanketed you with my love
to shield you from life's cold.....
I watched over you your whole
life through...near or far
my love and prayers were
with you.
I watched with a broken heart
the day you drifted off to your
eternal home, to claim your
angel wings.... leaving me
with one less flower, in my
mother's bouquet.
Once you slept beneath my
heart .......
Now, your memory lives
inside my heart.... so sweet.
And your angel wings cover
me with love, comfort and peace.
I love you my angel daughter.
11:09pm May 5, 2014
I feel the chill in the morning wind;
the warmth of the morning sun
the clouds are holding at bay.
I see beauty in the smallest thing,
I smell the newness that the
morning brings.
As I enter in to another beautiful
day, I thank God for all things the
day contains...
And for always reminding me
at the beginning of each day
that his love is my life's shelter
when the clouds bring the rain.
8:52am May 5, 2014
The world is ever turning
away from the face of God,
as was foretold long ago.
O my god, and my creator
have mercy on my soul. jt
When I am alone
I am closer to my god. jt
Let not your enemy fool you
with his cunning ways,
his forked tongue,
or the warmth of
his hand.
For your enemy is set on your
destruction and must find
the flesh weak, before He can
destroy ones soul.
Love is something that evil
cannot conquer....
If your enemy offers you
his hand, take it, with compassion
knowing what fate awaits
a loveless soul.
10:51am May 4, 2014
The Word is written not on paper
but in the hearts of men. jt
Don't look for life
to return you back
to a yesterday
to find the heart
you left behind...
For, nothing gone
stays the same
with the
passing of time.
10:34am May 4, 2014
The wildflowers cover the
ground that I walk on...
Now, that Winter has
come and gone.
None but God could
create such a carpet of
beauty for my bare feet
to travel on.
10:27am May 4, 2014
One who's greed
causes him to steal
from a friend
is still a thief. jt
The universe is a mystery
Tho the stars and sun
shine for all to see
none can touch the
their beauty or smell
the fragrance
from their flames.
10:18am May 4, 2014
As time passes
quickly, away
so does ones life. jt
Watch for none shall
know the hour or the
time when the waters
shall flood their house
and carry away all
For the waters shall
rise up and cover
every land..... leaving
nothing in its path
Prepare now for
that time.
The waters wait
in the desert
knowing the time is
Fear not, O faithful one
Let none move you
from the path created
for your safe journey home.
For the spirit inside of you
is not of the worldly and
what is not of the world
the waters cannot touch.
9:34pm May 2, 2014
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
is my closest and dearest friend
I have never been in want;
Jesus walks with me day and night
when things go wrong
he sets them right
Yea tho I walk amidst life's troubled
waters and life's raging sea
I will fear no evil; because
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
has His hands on me.
7:00am May 1, 2014
Hate hurts no one but
the one who hates.
Only by a physical act
can the hated be hurt. jt
As a piece of my past is being
moved beyond my seeing---
for other eyes to fall on....
I wonder, how many ever give
thought, to the place they once
called "home".
10:30am April 30, 2014
Child of My Womb
I ask God to watch over you
because we are so far a part.
That your scars might be healed,
I ask God to touch your heart.
I ask God to give you
understanding and to take away
your pain, so my love, once more,
you could feel.
I ask God to send an angel
to walk with you hand in hand;
to catch you if you fall, and
to help you stand again.
I ask God to give you insight
into my heart-as this world
you journey through, that you
might come to know how much
love I carry inside my heart
just for you.
8:50pm April 29, 2014
I was tested today to turn from the path
I walk.....
To accept defeat without striking one blow
against the enemy.
My spirit was in torment, over worldly
and spiritual things.....
I wanted to run away, to a safe place, void of
tears and heartache..
A part of me weakened for a little while-then
my spirit ,through the faith in me, rose up
like a lion.
I may lose battles that lay ahead-but, this day,
I shall face the enemy of my soul, and pierce
him with the sword of Truth...
And in the shadow of my Shield of Faith
the enemy of my soul, in defeat, shall lay.
6:20pm April 29, 2014
Today, is my angel's
It is hard to describe
the emptiness and the fullness
flowing through my heart
at the same time.
Fullness because I know
for having her I was blessed-
Emptiness because the flesh
misses the nearness of the angel
that once shared its flesh.
Sadness because she is gone
from here----
Happiness because I know
just having her in my life
I have been blessed.
Happy Birthday, child of my
Your beautiful memory
fills your place in my life.
6:00pm April 29, 2014
God, with today you remind me
to cherish loved ones near and far
to love them regardless of the place
I hold in their heart.
7:47am April 29, 2014
I woke to the day
Thankful to be...
Thinking of those
good souls
who loved
and nurtured the
me in me.
9:00am April 28, 2014
Why is it, when people
need each other the most
they build fences to high
for any to cross?
Oh, the misery that one
could be spared, if only,
the fences were not there.
One cannot build a fence
so high, as to keep their
broken heart outside.
One can deny love but
their heart cannot.
12:31pm April 27, 2014
No one gets through this world,
unaffected, by the lives of those
they meet in passing.
We learn from life and living
to value, or not, the love
inside another's heart.
12:16 pm April 27, 2014
Another's words are meaningless
to one with a closed mind. jt
Today, as I look back on yesterday
Let me not, look only for the good
things that yesterday contains...
Least, I be caught off guard
when I find- the rain mingling
in with the sunshine.
8:03am April 27, 2014
This day may not bring
anything but sadness and
My heart may take
a few arrows today
I really can't say
I really don't know.
I only know this day
is covered with clouds,
and holds lessons on
holding on to things, and
then having to let them go.
8:24am April 26, 2014
One who has Jesus
never stands alone.
Jesus is there, when
all others are gone. jt
Lord, I know that
everything that happens
has a time to be.....
But sometimes its hard
accepting the change,
without inner peace.
Guide me in this day
as I seek to prepare
for a tomorrow that
may never be.
Strengthen my mind
Increase the love in my heart
And Lessen today's worry
that I might grow in
wisdom and understanding
in my time of need.
Forgive me for my weakness,
If I stumble in my faith.
Thank you for everything
and thank you for this day.
8:13am April 25, 2013
I am not my own
I am a wondering soul
seeking the path
that will
take me home. jt
The good in the world shall take revenge
for those who screamed for justice
and were struck down by the hands
of injustice.
Nothing goes un-noticed by God's
watchful servants ,who mingle
among the living.
Cry not for justice o evil ones
for the measure of the mercy
shall be exact, according to
your own acts of mercy.
Let none think himself
to be wiser than his creator.
10:19am April 24, 2014
My religion does no demand
that I deprive another of the
freedom to believe according
to his own conscious.
3:02am April 24,2014
One who judges another blindly
can not see friendship's
opportunity. jt
Today, a child spoke
with wisdom, far above
his years..
And my heart listened
as he spoke.
"We think friendship
is forever;
that one does not,
with the passing years
leave friendships behind,
Until, the paths of old friends
cross, again.
Then we find two strangers
where once stood two
Pondering the wisdom
my heart had taken in....
I took the words to mean that
the passing of time can dull
ones memory of the best
of things.
While, one may keep the memory
of a dear friend close to their
Others with the passing of time
may not.
"We think friendship
is forever;
that one does not,
with the passing years
leave friendships behind,
Until, the paths of old friends
cross, again.
Then we find two strangers
where once stood two
12:58pm April 22, 2014
One truth can be twisted
into many lies.
When one seeks to dishonor another
without just cause
one brings dishonor to himself.
One must not turn a deaf ear
to the wind.
We never lose what we love....
It's just placed beyond
the here and now.
2:07am April 22, 2014
Today is the day that love rose
from the grave........
and went out into the world
when the stone was rolled away.
2:48pm April 20, 2014
I feel the beauty in the world
with my soul
I see the beauty in the world
With my heart.
2:45pm April 20, 2014
I am blessed
just to be. lt
The heart that feels
the world's heartbeat
can see into
the world's soul. jt
If you want someone
to overlook something
Put it where they'll
stumble over it. jy
11:07 April 20, 2014
Evil uses self pity
as a tool against
a man's spirit.
For, the flesh is weak
and is the gateway
to a man's soul.
2:54pm April 19, 2014
The one who seeks to hide the truth
is the liar. jt
There has always been
tears pouring out into
the world.
And there will always be
tears for the worldly
to taste jt
Lord, for many years
You have guided me.
Sometimes, to places
I didn't want to be...
Other times to places
I didn't want to leave.
Now, I set, with no
place to go but to
I take it to mean, you
are leaving the rest
of my journey
up to me.
Guide me Lord
to choose wisely
the place where
You would have
me be.
For I need
to find the place
that gives one
a sense of inner
1:50pm April 19, 2014
I have given some thought
to why I share my most
inner thoughts with others
In a time when one who
thinks they are bringing
people together....
By their
worldly inter-fearing
Are helping people grow
farther and farther apart.
I think maybe it's because
I realize, that not all
who are in positions
to do good in the world
Can see the evil at work
in their lives, and the lives
of those they seek to provide
Nature has its own way
of balancing out the
scales of life.
I am not in this world
to throw stones
at those who care about
But sometimes good hearts
are misguided in their
And create opportunity
for the servants of evil.
Not always will the
messenger bring truth to
your door...
Seek to be wiser than
the one wearing
the mask of deception.
Look into the eyes
of any man, to find out
whether or not
he brings to your door
honesty and a caring heart.
7:25pm April 18, 2014
Setting here
looking out
the glass
that separates
the inside from
the out...
I wonder at
the stillness
filled only by
the sounds of
distant thunder
and the nearness
of the birds'
their songs.
4:59pm April 18, 2014
This world is dying
faster, than man can
It's dying from
Starving to death
from spiritual
need. jt
My walk with Jesus
Begin many years ago
beneath the waters
of a man made pond...
Many would say
it's "impossible"
for such a walk
to have taken place.
I did not see the face
of the presences walking
next to me-
But, I know it's possible
for the spirit
to walk on land or
under the sea.
5:05 pm April 17, 2014
The spirits of a hundred angels
came to comfort and strengthen
my spirit today.......
They moved and sing God praise
encouraging my heart not to sway
from the path that I follow
that Jesus lay.
The angels reminded me
with rejoicing and praise
that life here on earth
is only temporary....
a better place awaits
the faithful in the end.
The spirits of a hundred angels
surrounded me with their love
and promised that if I stay
the coarse-
we will all be together again.
The voices of a hundred angels
filled my day with love and
touched my heart to share their
message with those they left behind,
when they crossed over to the other
The spirits of a hundred angels
came to comfort and strengthen
my spirit today.......
Moving and singing praises
encouraging my spirit not to sway
from the path, that I follow,
that Jesus lay.
1:26 pm April 17, 2014
NOTE: I was inspired to write this
while watching a home video that is very old.
The picture of "Gramma" is untouched-
The first thing I noticed was the cross-
that wasn't in the picture
when I took it at about 2:00pm today. jt
Throw your stones
and I will stand
beat me down
and my spirit
will raise me
For you see,
I have no need
of anything....
Because my Lord
and Savior
Jesus Christ
is walking next to me.
8:55am April 17, 2014
I waken to the day rested
with a refreshed spirit...
Lord, use me in this day
to your glory.
Walk with me to the gates
of righteousness
There set my spirit free
to guide me in this day.
Walk with me to the
free flowing water
and there cleanse
my soul.
8:47am April 17, 2014
It's time to rest my weary
soul and let tomorrow wait
on me, to awaken from
my sleep. jt
In this world we are judged
but we are also the judges. jt
Take the time today
to look into the face
of a child ......
Cherish the moment...
Take notes, of the beautiful
Then, engrave inside
the deepest part of your heart
an image of that innocent face
that holds so much beauty
and so much grace.
Never miss a chance to engrave
on your heart an image that you
would want to carry with you
to your grave.
God gives, but God, also,
takes away.
1:37pm April 16, 2014
An angel has a hold
on my heart
and a forever place
in my memory.
I cannot see my angel's face
but, I know....
When the angel is close
enough for my heart to
feel- the warmth from her
angel glow.
12:59 pm April 16, 2014
Lord, wipe the tear
from my eye....
lift the burden
that I
carry inside.
Help me Lord
to stand
against the
strong winds
headed my way.
Give me the strength
to finish what,
so long ago, begin.
I know not what
I will face in my
Whatever it be
I ask you Lord
to keep your hands
on me.
12:32am April 16, 2014
I may stumble
through life
fall every now
and then
but with the help
of my Lord and Savior
I will walk upright
12:08 am April 16, 2014
Be thankful, for this day that
God has made for you.
Today is a step closer
to eternity.
May you be blessed
And in your day find peace.
11:25am April 15, 2014
This world takes mercy
on none.
In the end we all leave
the flesh, to journey on
in the spirit. jt
Everyone has a page
in the Book of Life
but none ,alone,
can fill the pages for all
the names it contains.
One ,only, has the power
to preserve, or to burn, his
own page, in the Book of Life.
Don't live your life for others
Live your life in such a way
as will, make you worthy
on Judgment Day.
11:07am April 15, 2014
The world is in turmoil
because the spirit
and the flesh
are at war.
A war the flesh
cannot win
because its a war
that's fought from within.
10:53am April 15, 2014
Yesterday, I was overcome
by the human part of me
and suffer in spirit, for it, today.
That's the price to be paid. jt
When hurtful words,
in anger, are spoken....
Many times, its the heart
of someone dear that
gets broken.
Yesterdays words
can't be unspoken.
I can only regret
saying them, and try
to mend the hearts
that were broken.
Lord, help me not
to use another word
to break another's
I have many things
weighing heavy on my
mind....but that's no
reason to be unkind
to those who have long
filled my world
with love and sunshine.
10:39am April 15, 2014
Messenger From The Sky
Faith is not a sometime
One who talks the talk
must be willing to
walk the walk of trial
and tribulation, with a
willing spirit ,and an
open heart. jt
I know that God is watching
over my life....and tho
I don't understand why
some things happened to me
I know what ever reason
for the tears, the heartache,
the lonely times, I am stronger
in my faith....
I don't understand why, or how,
loving someone can some times
seem to be in vain...... Love is not
a some time thing.
You either love someone or
you do not ....
You cannot love someone one day
and tomorrow take that love away.
There are many degrees of love
but, love in any degree, will love
always be.
10:41pm April 12, 2014
Be watchful....
Seek understanding
and God will give you
eyes to see evil in the day.
Be faithful for one wiser
is in charge of all good and
bad things.
Don't fall victim to your
own rage.
God creates innocence
in the new born babe.
Wise is he who loves
his god more than his own life.
Dreams of power
create the realties of war.
9:24pm April 12, 2013
When one is young
one dreams of many things
but not of growing old.
When one is not young
but is not old
One dreams less about
tomorrows and finding
life's pot of gold.
When one is old
One lives more in the
Spirit-closer to ones soul.
8:41pm April 12, 2014
Dry your tears
let not the world
throw darkness
in your way
with its lying tongues
for words fall
like honey from
the liar lips.
Guard well your soul
test another's words
with your heart...
Dry your tears
and from your faith
stray not.
The liar hates the truth
that lives inside of you.
The liar hates a caring
12:35 am April 12, 2014
If I lose everything worldly
my faith will carry me through
each day.....
For what good are treasures
of silver and gold
that one can't take with them
when they go.......
What good are mansion, fast cars,
and fancy clothes compared to the value
of a man's soul?
12:20am April 12, 2014
The heart that loves
is made stronger
by its caring.
So much love
many hunger for love.
Its as natural for a child
to love as it is for a child
to breathe.....
Nurture the love born
into innocence
and love will never
flee from the heart.
Love heals unseen wounds.
Even the poorest man
has love to give.
11:53am April 7, 2013
One can always find
someone else to blame
for their life's pain...
failures and misfortunes.
In all my years of living
I have learnt first hand,
Life's choices cause the
pain life dishes out...
Failure comes when one
is not prepared for the task,
and being lucky or not
determine ones misfortunes
in life ......
Others are not me
With life comes responsibility.
11:15am April, 2014
There are feelings
of fullness and emptiness
in my life today,
The fullness comes from yesterdays
when life was full of laughter and
The emptiness comes from
a mother's loss
when a child leaves home
for the last time.
10:34am April 7, 2014
Time leaves
its foot prints
on ones heart
and on ones face.
With time
all worldly things
change and return
to the nothingness
it once was.
Time has no power
over spiritual things.
The time we share
with one we love
sometimes is not
long enough.
Time stands still
for none
Not the old...
Not the young.
1:28am April 6, 2014
One day at a time I enter into
Yesterday I have already
lived through. jt
Yesterday's tears have been
dried by the night.
My cries hushed by the reality
that we all are living on borrowed
time and what will be will be.
1:13am April 5, 2014
Love carried you
My child rests inside this casket.....
She had just turned twenty-two
For over twenty years these pictures
were put away- I thought I'd share them
with you for her forty-third birthday.
She was a gentle soul who never allowed
the world to lessen the love she had for her
family......friends, and people she hardly
Many hearts were breaking, and many
tears were cried.......gazing at the casket
with the angel sleeping inside.
How did I survive the heartache of losing
a child? I didn't ...My heart aches every time
I think of the baby who grew into
a caring soul-and how much she loved
life, and how quickly her life came to an
When she was born- people pointed
at us being wheeled into the hospital,
and called her a miracle...... because
God delivered her straight into my arms..
I was the first touch she felt when she
was born.
My lips were the first and the last to kiss
her beautiful angel face.
God, was with me the day she was born
God was with me the day she went away
God, gives me the strength to endure
my heartache, day by day.
9:15pm April 4, 2014
Thank you Lord for this day
and everything in it;
Guide me to do your will, amen....
Make me stronger than I am. jt
Lord, often, I have asked you
To make me stronger than I am.
To make me strong enough to stand
Against the evil and deceit that eats
away at the heart and leads a spirit
to defeat..
Lord, often, I have asked you
To show me the way that
You would have me go. . .
To straighten a crooked mile,
fill a hole in life's bumpy road,
and help me carry a heavy load.
Lord, Thank You, for the angels
you send to me in my time of need.
Many times, Your angel has carried
me when I have fallen, and helped me
to stand, and understand ~ that it is the
spirit in me that makes me stronger
than I am.
11:07am April 2, 2014
It's hard to write my feelings
this night.....
For there is enough sadness
and sorrow, without
my own.
We each process
the power of being that makes
each of us special.
When we reach out to comfort
another, in his time of need,
good things follow the kind deed.
One moment at a time the night
unfolds on tomorrow.......
2:47am April 2, 2014
Tears will one day
wash the world clean.
Tears cannot form in the
eyes of a heartless man...
Only a caring soul measures
wicked deeds with his tears.
Angels are closest to the broken
Sometimes tears are needed
to clear the way for better things.
May your tears give way
to a brighter day,
and understanding grow
in the trail of tears-we are all,
at times, called to wade.
10:05am March 31, 2014
There is a storm brewing
that shall touch the world
and open man's eyes
to where the enemy of his
soul lie....
And the waters shall come
together with the rain...
Oh, man, prepare for the storm
in the day- Seek shelter
beneath the pulpit of truth,
clinging tightly to the blade of
For, from the blade of forgiveness
is drawn the power of love.
11:19am March 30, 2014
Many times, as a child
I sing "rain rain go away
come back on another day."
Many times, as a child
I played, in drops of liquid sunshine.
The rain came during the night
leaving a muddy trail behind;
and I awoke to a cloudy day
wishing for the sun to shine.
10:21am March 29,2014
I often feel the moment's
heart beat. jt
When tomorrow comes
and finds me not
but fragments of a loving
and in the place that
I once filled, there
is an emptiness, and I
am nothing more than
a passing memory
to but one-let the memory
of me fill the emptiness
with peace.
4:02pm March 28,2014
Be careful that little hearts
do not get broken or injured
by your hand.
A child does not understand
that their heart can be broken
by love's own hand.
Be careful not inflict pain
on an innocent heart
that loves you so......
A child is to young to know
that one who truly loves them
can be the one who give their
heart a tearful blow.
7:14pm March 26, 2014
The morning finds me
thinking of you
with a heavy heart
The ones that drink
my life's blood
and are wrapped in
my blanket of love--
And I wonder why after
resting beneath my heart
and sleeping, and awakening,
to my heart beat
you stray far from me.
I cannot, and would not
change who I am
for your love
I will never
cease loving you
you were born a part of me
destined to your own
life's calling.
When you awaken
to each new day
draw close to your heart
those you love, and be thankful
for the time you share;
for with the passing of the years
you will lose so many things.
7:55am March 24, 2014
Beware of believing
everything you hear.
Keep an open heart
to those you do not
We all feel the warmth
of the same sun, and share
the nighttime moon
and stars; we all strive
to find our place in the
We all live ,love and die.
And we all have
at sometime in our life
drink from life's cup
of heartache and strife.
9:09am March 23, 2014
Everyday, I try to do what
has to be done in the day
Accepting that yesterday
rests in the past where it
belongs......and tomorrow
has no place in my today or my life.
Tomorrows are things to hope on
for when today ,like yesterday,
is gone.
8:43am March 23, 2014
Life is not a simple thing
Living life is like walking
in a maze-
never sure which way to
8:32am March 23, 2014
The time to forget something
is when remembering it hurts. jt
Every time one loses the ability to care
the world loses a piece of its heart. jt
I find as the years
come and go
that no one
gets through life
untouched by
That some just
hide their past
better than others.
and live in a
world of make believe.
Failures and misfortunes
are part of life's reality.
The biggest misfortune
is when...
one let's life's misfortunes
over power their will to
try again.
7:34am March 21, 2014
Life begins with a heartbeat
and a tear...... jt
Today, I felt evil's
detectable heartbeat
beating against the peace.
And was reminded
of how weak and defeated
in life I would be,
without my shield of faith
to protect me.
God, strengthen the spirit
inside of me , stand next to me
and guide me down the road
of peace.
If I fail lift me up
above my failure.
If I weaken
renew the spirit in me.
6:00pm March 20,2014
Many times, I've thought of you
And asked God to comfort
your heart...
and help you through.
Life has a strange way of pulling
the closest hearts a part,
a little every day.
And, sometimes, unintentionally ,
we push those we love away.
1:19am March 20, 2014
Never rush tomorrow
it gets here fast enough.
Life flows always forward
What lay in yesterday
belongs to yesterday.
Experience has a voice
of its own.
Love is never wasted.
Given love is never
thrown away.
Accepting what is
doesn't mean things
can't be changed.
The measure of a man
depends on the man.
10:59am March 17, 2014
I wish, I could reach out,
take you by the hand
and lead you around
life's troubled ground.
But. Life is a one way
journey that the living
must make....
Each to his on life
Each to their own mistakes.
The secret of life is not to carry
another's burdens
but to help lighten their load.
One cannot truly learn
from another pain, until one
has tasted their tears.
2:23pm March 16, 2014
It's easy, to give up
when things go wrong.
Oftentimes, it's easier
to be weak than it is
to be strong.
Things in life worth loving
are worth fighting for.
Defeat is impossible
when faith leads in battle..
Sometimes caring means
letting go.
2:09pm March 16, 2014
The day is at hand, Lord.
Walk each step with me
Help me to walk upright
and give me the words
that I will need.
9:17 am March 13, 2014
The sun is out, and shinning
brightly, as I ponder the
time drawing near
When, again, I will ask my god
to make me stronger than I am.
10:26am March 12, 2014
The day is a test of a man's faith.
The moment a test of a man's will. jt
Today is filled with hopes and dreams
For a better tomorrow
mixed in with yesterdays sorrow.
Lord, help me sort through the
things that bring my spirit unrest...
Help me not to forget, I am never
alone in sorrow;
that one cannot grow in understanding
when sheltered from life's storms; that
one cannot prepare for life's wars
until one has learned to fight life's battles..
Be strong, for each day is a battle field
and each tomorrow a war
waiting to be fought.
12:54pm March 9, 2014
As surely as I breathe
God's angels watch over me.
If I feel alone it's the
weakness in me---
If tears fall it's the
weakness in me---
If I lose my way in life It's the
weakness in me ---
It is these weaknesses in me
that testify to my worldly
state of being.
Thank God that my spirit is whole
and even in my weakest times
is strong enough to carry me.
12:13pm March 8, 2014
Lord, this is your day I awaken too
As I strive to service you
Guide me through...
Give me inner eyes to recognize
truth from lies.
Give me strength to overcome
my weaknesses....
Give me patient to move slowly through
the day-too cherish the moments, one
by one, before they fade away.
Lord, give me understanding, and fill
my heart with love as I walk through
this day.
10:39am March 8, 2014
Truth is what all
good men search for.
Truth cannot be otherwise
else it be a lie. jt
A Sinner Forgiven
I once believed, with all my heart
that God would never allow
harm to affect my life; that
as long as I was trying my best
that God's angels would protect me.
Then, one day, that belief shattered
into a million pieces of my heart.
All that I held dear, the values
I had long carried inside got
all mixed up-and I had only
myself to blame.
After that, nothing was the same.
I became my own jury, and judge
and sentenced myself for my sin.
It took a lot of heartache, and
losing, to help me understand
that God didn't let me down
I let myself down.
Not one time did I ever call
out for help was I denied.
I am a sinner, Saved only
by the grace of God.
10:04am March 7, 2014
With each passing day
I find the need to reach out
beyond where I set
to lighten another's burden
and to remind humanity
not to blindly
follow the ways of the world.
We, separately, and jointly,
are nothing more than the
offspring of what once was.
9:15 am March 7, 2014
Long ago, my destiny
took form ,as a babe
wrapped inside my mother's
I know not what lay
before me
the future is not mine to
I only know of yesterday
what life had in store for me.
I know not what tomorrow
will bring, what things life
will ask of me....
I can only pray whatever it be,
that Jesus ,my Lord and Savior
will be walking next to me.
10:28pm March 6, 2014
Truth has a way of finding
its way out from under
the lies, it sometimes gets
buried under.
Truth is often overlooked
by those not looking for
the truth.
Truth can be twisted but
truth can never be turned into
something truth is not.
A good raising is
a poor man's treasure.
A liar defeats himself.
Truth can be hidden for
only a short time
before its light
......on the liar shines.
6:20pm March 6, 2014
"I love you" are words all seek to hear
but often time, to these words,
turn a deaf ear......
Loving someone does not mean
one loses ones ability to love others.
Love is known by the way
love makes one feel.
Love is an endless stream of caring.
Never think to forget loves touch ...
In a moment, love can change
ones lifetime. without them even
knowing it...
Once touched by love,
one's heart never forgets.
12:33pm March 6, 2014
The tears left behind, in ones life time,
have long been dried.
But, the stains from those tears, intertwine
with heart and mind, leave one wanting
for the things that might have been.
Yesterday is gone never to be lived again.
Given time the broken heart will mend
and, the troubled mind shall find peace
from within.
May love, peace, hope, and understanding,
fill your day.
May the troubling times, that lay heavy
on your heart and mind, quickly fade away.
And, may love always fill your heart and
find a place in your day.
12:02pm March 5, 2014
The road to peace
is overshadowed
by war and greed.
Still, it is a road
worthy of the
seekers of peace,
Still, it is a road
that's end has, yet,
to be reached.
10:13am March 4, 2014
In this moment
the sun still hides from the day
the day still lay before me
and what will be will be.
Let me wait patiently
as the moments flee
Let me do in each moment
things, from my heart,
that will touch this day with peace.
Let me remember, like yesterday
today will fade away into
a memory.
9:25am March 4, 2014
Happy Birthday, To My Daughter
Forty-one years ago, today
You passed through my womb
into my arms, and found,
waiting, your place
in my life and in my heart.
Happy Birthday, Sharea
I love you.
8:22pm March 2, 2014
Never worry about
someone giving you love
then taking that love away
Love, real love, lasts longer
than a moment or a day.
Love does not come in parts
and pieces....... or different
shades of gray.
Love is a lasting thing
that all the time in the world
cannot erase.
8:05pm March 2, 2014
One wears many faces
in ones lifetime.
But as many faces
as one wears
ones heart never changes. jt
There are times I have
a tugging at my heart,
a longing to hold
the children that entered
this life through my womb
and tell each of them,
in turn, how complete
each of them have
made this life
for me.
But, as life would have it be,
they have all grown up
and rightfully so,
must learn for themselves
that as mush as one loves
a child- there will come a time
to let that child go.
I cannot hold my
children next to my heart
When I remember
their growing years,
and miss them so.
So... I have placed each of them
in God's loving hands, where
my mother placed me so long ago.
5:17am March 2, 2014
Love doesn't need a reason
to be.....Love just is. jt
Today, my mind is full
and overflowing
with memories of times
gone by.
Times when peace
was always where I was,
at the time.
Times when tears found
their way into my eyes,
and hurt clouded my mind.
How does one forget the
times in ones lifetime
that changed everything
that was?
4:32pm February 23, 2014
If time were mine to seal
I'd steal back
a little more time with you.
During that stolen time
I would hold you close
to my heart, until again
time robbed me of you, the
angel, I once called mine.
I'd steal back every moment,
not one of our moments together
would I leave behind.
I would tell you, how proud
I am to be your mama, and how
sorry I am that I didn't make
more time for me and you.
We would set, me holding you
next to my heart....
until time came, again,
For us to part.
The hardest thing I ever had to do
in my life time, was to let go of you.
But. Time is not mine to steal
You are where all angels go
when it comes their time to leave.
You are an angel, in heaven.....
You earned your wings.......
May you always rest in peace.
No, I can't steal back time.. But..
I can be thankful, for the time
that was yours and mine.
2:10pm February 23, 2014
I wish, sometimes, that
I could pretend that
life is perfect. But. It's not.
Life is not a state of mind
or a simple state of heart.
Life is a state of being.
By our actions and deeds
we are known- not by
our feelings, or the amount
of love in our heart.
So, cruel perfection alone
would be---so many things
the needing eye would
never see.....
One will not find, perfection
in an imperfect world.
What will be will be...
10:45am February 23, 2014
If I fail to give thanks
for the good and the bad things,
what lessons has living
taught me?
If not for the worry and the woe
Life's upside and life's downside
The darkness that often hides
life's glow
There are so many things
one would never know.
10:26am February 23, 2014
Each day is a new beginning
Put on your shield of faith
and step into it unafraid. jt
Thank you, Lord, for each life I carried inside.
It hurt when you called two of my children home.
It took me a long time to cope with my loss......
A part of me left this world, the day my babies died.
There were tears.. a lot of tears--- while adjusting
to the empty places in my life; And the void
their leaving left behind.
I know as much as I will always love them
not a one of them was ever really mine.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
It is never easy letting go of those who carry
a part of your heart with them.
Tho the time we spent together belongs
to yesterday---
The precious memories our lives made together
will never dull, and can never be taken away.
7:51pm February 22, 2014
When words don't
come easy
its better to be silent
then unthinkingly
use the wrong words.
A few words from the heart
is better than many words
said, just to have
something to say.
7:19pm February 22, 2014
I have tasted life's bitter side
that broke my heart many times.
I have reached out in total despair
and cried over things I could not
undo, that I wish I had not done.
I know lonely times
When I felt so alone that I wanted
to die.
I have tasted heartache and sorrow
wish I could change yesterday
into tomorrow.
My life has been filled with the good
and the bad......
That test my very soul.
I thank God every day for every tear
and every bump in life's road.
For it was during the trying times
the love of God worked through
others to lift the burdens- that I learned
the importance of the moment.
It is not what was, that determines what
will be....It is what is.
A single tear has much to teach......
To survive life one must learn
to savor the bitter with the sweet.
7:26am February 22, 2014
The night has faded with the dawn
Day has come - night is gone.
May this day bring you happiness
and peace
May love shelter you from life's storm.
May the sun dry your tears
And God keep you safe
from heartache , worry
and fear.
The night has faded with the dawn
Day has come - night is gone.
7:03am February 22, 2014
Give me not what I seek
Give me what I need.
In my time of need
give me only enough
to meet my need...
For anything else
would be wasted
on me.
When there are so many
with so many needs.
God, you see into
my heart and soul
when my spirit is hungry
you feed me.
6:35am February 22, 2014
All that I am
or hope to be
is wrapped up in me.
If my life comes to an end
and I have not
reached my dream
I will still carry
my dreams
inside of me.
Dreams worth having
are dreams worth
holding on too.
If I have nothing else
in this life
to help me through
I have my dreams
to hang on too.
6:18am February 22, 2014
Tomorrows' hope lives
inside of all who live today. jt
If my life has taught me anything
Let it be, that
There is a purpose, for every tear
For every good and unkind deed
For every heart that breaks
For those who give and those
Who take.
For leaving behind yesterday
and carrying inside (today)
the memories that were made.
10:04pm February 17, 2014
I was raised a poor child
Lacking is worldly things
But my cup of life was far
From being empty.
As a child I learned to
Value the little things
That surrounded me.
The sky above my head
the ground beneath my feet;
A family, a home, lots of love
the things that mattered the
most to me.
9:48pm February 17, 2014
I asked my god to walk with me
to give me strength in the day.
My god 's goodness reached down
and touched me, and
took my weaknesses away.
I asked my god to empower me
with knowledge enough
to help me understand
why some turn and walk away
when they know, in their heart,
help is just a prayer away.
My god brought to my remembrance
how easy it is for one to stray.
I asked my god what can I do
to bring lost sheep into the light
My god lit up the world around me
and breathed love into my night
and said "Its up to each,
to know wrong from right."
11:45pm February 13, 2013
Let your heart lead and good things
will follow. jt
Only, a foolish man would
value his life above all others.
Two things the rich man and the
poor man have in common
Both are born to live and die.
So much wasted
in the name of "self."
Lord, help me not be selfish
when things don't go my way
let me not forget to be thankful
for the things I have to be thankful
for each day.
9:20pm February 12, 2014
Greed is a never ending
desire to own everything.
A greedy man is never
satisfied with anything in part.
Having too much ,too a greedy man
is like having not enough.
Give a man who is satisfied
with his life a dollar
and he will see himself a dollar
Give a greedy man a dollar and
he'll ask for more.
8:58pm February 12, 2014
We live in a world
where the best of souls
can be led astray.
And, where one thought
to be the worst of man
can be moved by
love's caring hand.
One's ability to care
must be guarded
Else, one day
one stops caring....
and the world reaps
another lost soul.
8:41pm February 12, 2014
When tomorrow comes
Let me enter into the day
unafraid, holding faithfully
to the belief . . .
that right makes might.
Lord, give me the strength
to endure another day
Give me voice
that all who hear take
to heart my words,
and ponder the meaning
of my presence.
Your will be done
in all things....You are
my Savior and my King.
7:57pm February 12, 2014
The road that lay ahead
is shortened by the road
that lay behind. jt
Thank you, Lord,
for giving me
the gift of insight
that allows me
to see beneath what
the eyes can see.
Many times your gift
has helped me find peace
and understanding
in my time of need.
Thank you Lord, for
the moment that is
Thank you, for the love
Your gift has given to me.
1:35pm February 11, 2014
I do not ask for much, from
the world that despises me,
and darkens the light of my
My spirit is not weakened
in the company of the
world and all its greed.
I live each day, thankful,
that God provides for me
in my time of need.
Judge me not, until
our spirits meet.......For,
one cannot rightfully
judge, what ones eyes
cannot see.
12:28pm February 11, 2014
If the day brings tears and sorrow
and your heart is breaking in two...
My heart goes out to you.
None are spared the trying times
and all must taste life's pain...
Heaven deserves only the best
From those who claim to believe
Who are called upon to accept
their heartache as heaven's test...
Be brave, O faithful one, as you
endure life's pain.
For, from your tears of sorrow
All you think is lost, awaits you
In a better tomorrow.
12:pm February 11, 2014
Lord, help me this day
to see behind the darkness
I I strive to follow
the long and narrow line
that in front of me lay.
Open my eyes to the things
you would have me see;
Give my mind and heart
insight to pick the flowers
from the weeds.
Let me walk through the darkness
untouched by evil things
as I strive to find peace
among the turmoil that
awaits me.
11:27am February 11, 2014
Everyday is a test of how
much knowledge has been
acquired in ones lifetime,
and how much wiser a man is
because of that knowledge.
The richest man can buy things
a poor man can only process
in his dreams.
The poorest man's riches
are wrapped up
in heart felt things.
1:18pm February 10, 2014
Bad will always raise up
to cause one tears.
Just as evil will always
build illusions of hate and
for the willing eye to see.
Look not for the worldly
to teach heavenly things.
Trust the heart not to lie.
2:55am February 9, 2014
Now, I lay me down to sleep
in the comforting arms of love
and peace.....
My shield of faith, that strengthens
me, propped against an angel's wing.
The troubles of the day left behind,
for yesterdays to keep.
2:40am February 9, 2014
With our words we paint
the truest picture of our inner self. jt
When in the day darkness falls
overshadowing your hopes and
dreams ,and your cup of life is
not so sweet......
Remember, faith in a god
one cannot see is the key
to everything.
Even in the darkness,
the love of God can find you.
9:23am February 5, 2014
Somewhere, there will always be
a broken heart for love to heal;
A dream waiting to come true, and
a desire to understand life.
Somewhere, love waits.
9:06am February 5, 2014
After the Rain
The feel of last nights rain
is still in the air I breathe...
As I set on my wooden seat.
What does it mean?
This feeling washing over me?
The traces of rain linger.
Where is the rainbow's
promising kiss
In the dampness of the
morning's mist?
8:56am February 5, 2014
Greed blinds a hungry soul.
Stand firm, always, in thy faith.
Let the heart lead the way. jt
Soon, the day will come
that tries my spirit
and tests my faith.
Lord, let me stand firm
on that day.
I sought the reason why
I wandered alone
in a world that
can never be my home...
soon the reason and I
Shall come face to face
and you shall stand next to me
on that day.
Until that time, prepare my heart
and mind, for the things that
you would have me say.
And let me not lose sight
of the most important things
in this life.
11:21am February 4, 2014
Don't let the world get the best of you
Let the love in your heart stay strong
And every chance you get
pass some of your love on.......
For, what a cold world this would be
if not for the warmth of the love
that passes from heart to heart....
Love is the key to happiness
and peace....
My love I give to thee.
2:05AM February 4, 2014
In the silence of time
truth overtakes the night,
and the Light shines.
Let those who doubt
turn inward for the secrets
bound up by time.
For, in the shadow of ones spirit
truth waits and destruction bids
the liar "Come," and [truth]
swallows whole-what once was.
February 3, 2014 6:03pm
Picture taken October 28, 2013
When you think you have gone
as far as you can go
and your face and body
are showing life's toll....
When your skin has lost its
youthful glow.........
When your knees get to hurting
and you start walking real slow..
When the years turn your dark
curls gray
And the lines on your face
increase in number each day.....
Try to remember you are not
growing old alone
That at every stage of our life,
there is a set toll; a price all
must pay
if our soul is to get safely
back home, one day.
Thank you God for every thing
that moves me closer to you....
I have faith I can endure
anything, as long as I have your
angels walking next to me-to
make sure I make it through
on my way back to you.
3:34pm October 28, 2013
My son's birthday is today
It's been thirty-five years
since I chose man over God
and made that mistake.
What a lesson it has been
I lowered my shield of faith
committing my son's fate
to the hands of men.
Only, by the grace of God,
My son is here today.
It breaks my heart ,still,
to know how much he's
suffered, because of my
Don't lower your shield of faith
if you ask God for a miracle
If your heart is heavy burdened
and a loved one's fate
depends on you......
Before you make a fatal mistake.
Ask yourself
"What would Jesus do?"
12:08pm October 28, 2013
Picture taken October 27,2013 ,about 3:15pm
I looked out my window
up into the sky
and many bridges to Heaven
suddenly caught my eye.
Never before had I seen
such a beautiful sight
an endless trail of steps, going upward
the color of the purest white .
4:09pm October 27, 2013
God, guide me to the place
You would have me be.....
Give me insight to see the
dangers that lay before me.
Give me the strength and
the courage-to face and
defeat the enemy.
Make me wiser than my foe
Wherever you want me to be
Let love lead me, and let
your angels not desert me,
In my time of need.
6:21pm October 20, 2013
Sometimes, I just want to run away,
Find an Island of my own
and live out the rest of my days
Watching the sun rise and set
Where sea and sky meet.
I can think of nothing more peaceful
To the ears than the sound of the sea's
heartbeat, while walking in the warm sand
with my bare feet.
Oh, just to find that kind of peace
That comes when one's spirit is free
to wander without worry.
Sometimes, I just want to run away
To a place I have never been,
leaving everyone to live their own lives,
And begin my life again.
But...The here and now is my reality
And in my heart I know, and accept, that
What will be , will be.
5:43pm October 20, 2013
Long have the innocent suffered
at the hands of greedy men
Families made homeless; spirits
bent but never broken. jt
The attack on my world has begin
but little do the attackers know
that truth is waiting at my door
to give there lies a deadly blow.
That their wounds shall be filled
with shame and their own houses
shall fall down around them.
8:41pm October 19, 2013
Lord, I stumbled today
And you caught me again
before I lost my sense of
right and wrong, you touched me
to remember the things
I fought to forget
for so long....
Here I set in a drunken state
no arms to draw me near
no one to hold me
and tell me things will
be alright. Alone, am I
To face the demons I create
if only in my mind.
4:48pm October 19, 2013
Two Americas
I once started writing a story called
"Two Americas".....
It was about a nation divided
much like during the Civil War
The country was split half in two
But only one's flag was Red, White
and Blue.
It was a story that never got finished
Its pages were tucked away.... with the
thought of writing an ending to the story
one day.
That was back in 1992......... The
beginning of two countries with only
one's flag of Red, White, and Blue.....
After writing the beginning of "Two Americas"
And now watching as the events
I told of ,in my story, today, unfold.........
There is no doubt that We, the American people,
are in a battle to save our country
from the things that would destroy our soul.
8:57pm October 15, 2013
When I worry about the little
things going wrong in my life....
I remind myself that there are
others going through bigger
and worse things in their lives. jt
Keep Faith
Faith has no room for the negative.
What one professes to believe in
is the sum of the man.
God does nothing in part.....
Everything that touches a man's life
must also touch his heart.
Faith has the power to overcome
the negative that life puts into the day.
Love has the power to create a bond
between a miracle and ones faith.
For a miracle to materialize
Put the negative away , and truly
believe that God has the power
to perform the miracle-you are about
to receive.
Keep faith... Dry your tears..
for your prayers, through your faith,
like the sound of your beating heart,
has reached God's ears.
6:52pm October 15, 2013
Twenty -six years ago, today
Angels came for my mama
and took her away.
I know she is at peace now
but I still miss her everyday.
If you have a mama whose
smile graces your day
don't miss a chance to tell her
you love her before she goes away.
One can't imagine the heartache
that a mama's dying leaves behind
until the angels come and take her
in the twinkling of an eye, and all
that is left of mama is a memory,
as they wipe their tears away.
I still love and miss my mama
More than words can ever say.
I love you Mama and miss you
more with each passing day.
8;12am October 14, 2013
Lord, this day has found me
wanting in many areas of my life
I need to count my blessing
and stop feeling sorry for me...
I have so much to be thankful for.
I need to stop and remind myself,
that what one sows 0ne will reap.
And, no doubt, I need to give
more thanks to you, than I do,
for always stepping in
to offer a hand, when I needed help
to get me through. Thank You,....
4:35pm October 12, 2013
The saddest thing
my heart has ever known
is being denied by those
who never took the time
to know me... by any name
but mama.. jt
There is a thunder
off in the distance
I can hear-as another
storm in my life
draws near...
God, take my life in your arms
and spare me from another
of life's storms.
For you, and only you
can know what I go through.
No one sees the tears I cry
but you.
God, prepare me for the
pending storm----for I grow
weak from time to time-
and need to feel the safety of
your arms.
I am tired of hiding
from life's rains
and weary from enduring
life's pains.
God, can you please
take the reigns?
3:18pm October 12, 2013
Once there lived
a little girl.....who lived
in a make believe world.
Try as she may-Try as she
might-nothing in her life
seemed to turn out right.
One day the little girl
grew up, and could no longer
pretend it was a perfect
world she was living in...
All of her hopes -All of her dreams
were washed away by reality
as she realized ; tho she
had tried-and loved completely
not all things in life are meant to be.
2:53 pm October 12, 2013
May your life be filled
with love and happiness
May all your tomorrows
be void of sorrows.
May the years bring joy
to your life....
may God keep his
hands on you
through all of your strife.
May all of your tomorrows
from this day forward
be filled with the
togetherness you feel
this day ....and may
the love that is in your hearts
never fade away.
2:41pm October 12, 2013
Worry not! For the wings
of the angel, that was sent
to watch over you.......
cannot be penetrated by
anything but love..... jt
Which is stronger
love or faith?
Every day, that I awake
I ask God to guide me
through my life's maze.
For, many times I was
lost ,with only my tears
to keep me company
Until the Light of Love
appeared in the maze
dried my tears, and
from the darkness,
of my life's maze
I was saved.
9:30am October 10, 2013
Our day is not over
until death delivers
eternity to our door.
and our spirit is set free
among the stars
to soar.
9:20am October 10, 2013
There are those who create
beauty for eyes to see
and those who create illusions
of things they want one to believe.
We walk through a world
filled with truths mixed in with
Beware, of the evil that sometimes
appears as a sheep.
9:05am October 10, 2013
Life is a many changing thing
Those who seek a place
in the worldly follow blindly
worldly dreams.
Life only offers a way
we choose the direction
we walk in.....
Life, sweet life, you are
shared by many-
Still, at times you feel
so empty.
What is life, you say?
Life lay beneath the flesh
Life emerges as the outer
fades away.
Live life with heart
as the Light emerges
from the dark.
8:38am October 10, 2013
When one places earthy family
above God...he will weep
much sorrow.
For God, knows the heart of all
and if that heart be true....
The dead cannot rise up
and your memory of the dead
will die with you.
God gives but God takes back too
those we selfishly cling too.
I live my life one day at a time
Through losing those I love-
I have learned, as much as I love,
nothing is mine.
7:18am October 9, 2013
Not always will you find your
journey, through life, an
easy one...
Sometimes your heart will sing
other times your heart will morn.
Sometimes the path will be easy
other times the path will be
a hard one.......
Do in the day what your
heart would have you do......
Walk always the paths that
God places in front of you.
6:59am October 9, 2013
The sky is a little cloudy
The air is a little cold
as another day of my life
slowly unfolds.
Caught in the middle
of yesterdays gone
and tomorrows
that may never come,
I wonder at the things
that have brought me
to this day......
6:18am October 9, 2013
Tears can not bring back the dead
but love can not die.....and for
as long as love lives, I will carry
your memory inside. jt
When one can no long feel
for those whose lives
have been shattered by
injustice..... When one can
no longer shed a tear
for anyone but a chosen few,
lost is his humanity.....
When one stops caring
What is left to live for?
Without the ability to care
mankind would soon disappear
into the nothingness of the
black hole created by the
heartlessness that eats away at
the soul of mankind-
One heart at a time.
11:17pm Oct 5, 2013.
Mama Is Here
Thinking about the mama killed
in Washington D.C., my heart
Grasps her fear...
"Don't cry baby, everything
is okay, mama is here ."
I can feel the hand of the evil
reaching out for her, as men,
sworn to protect the innocent,
with guns in hand, draw near.
"It's ok baby. It's ok, mama
is here."
And my heart feels her pain, and
her fear.
My heart is heavy laden, as her death
draws near, and she whispers,
just loud enough for her baby to hear,
wiping away her tears:
"Don't cry baby....Mama loves you.
Mama is here."
Written in Memory of Miriam Carey. [R.I.P]
10:00am October 5, 2013
And when the time is near
certain things must come
to pass before eternity
Worry not; for angels shall
line the heavens and watch
over every good soul.
4:01pm October 4, 2013
When anger sets at the helm
unrest can be found
stirring the waters. jt
Egos At Play
My dad is bigger than your dad...
My mom is prettier than you mom..
My car is shinier than your car....
On and on-- goes ego's star.
Today, egos, in the world of politics,
are at play.
Like children bickering over who's
ball is the biggest---- childlessness
rules the day..
Oh, how needed is one with courage
enough to step in between
and, remind these adult-children----
That all the picking, and name calling
in the world won't change a thing.
The USA is in a mess today, and getting
worse day by day- as the President ,and Congress
of the greatest country on earth, let's ego dictate
what is and what is not the American way.
Lord, the USA and its people, those who
have long relied on you to put truth and right
back into play- truly, are in need of
your wisdom and guidance for all those
who let ego and bitterness rule in the day.
3:17pm October 4, 2013
May my loved ones rest in peace
and their angels continue on
to walk with me. jt
There may not be a place for me
to enter into another tomorrow...
Today I could come face to face
with my destiny.....
And what would matter yesterday's
Live in the day...Be thankful
For the moment.
There is no guarantee that
any of us will awake to another
12:44pm September 29, 2013
Long ago, God touched my life
Knowing in the flesh I was weak
God touched my soul and gave
me inner strength.
While, it would be nice to be
loved just for being me - I accept
the place in this life that God
created just for me to be.
12:31pm September 29, 2013
It's ok that you have shut me out of your life
I wish you peace in your time of strife.
It's ok that you feel I don't matter anymore,
I wish for only good things to enter at your door.
It's ok that you deny me before your chosen
friends and family.....
I wish for you and your house the Light of God
to always shine brightly.
It's ok for you to judge me, if it brings you peace.
12:10pm September 29, 2013
The Lessons Learned
Let not what is over and done
keep you from doing in the day
the things that you need to do
that will bring peace and happiness
to you.
Let not what can never be again
shadow the moment you live in
or haunt your dreams.
Life is unfolding, as it was meant too.
The way you choose to live life
is up to you...
You can let yesterdays eat your
spirit alive.....
Or you can lift up your shield of faith
and walk safely through life.
None but you have control of the choices
you make.....
We all are born to make mistakes.
It is the lessons that we learn
when we fall down and get up again
that controls our fate.
10:43am September 28, 2013
I awoke to a gentle falling rain
knocking on my roof.
A comforting rain, without thunder
or lightening strikes....So gentle,
the rain, that the leaves on the trees
sway with delight, as my eyes beheld
the splendor of earth's nature
and heaven's rain.......following the
9:16am September 28, 2013
A Letter to God
God, the sun is shinning today
and, tho the clouds in my heart
are filled with tears ,I want to thank you
for never deserting me through the years.
It hasn't been easy living under the shadow
of my past; there were times, I felt
I deserved all the bad things I
was going through....
And, tho my heart was breaking, I would
pretend not to feel the pain .
It didn't matter that people shut me out;
I figured, I deserved the loneliness, and the
tears I cried when no one was there.
Many times, I wanted someone to share my
burdens with me....many times that wasn't to be.
You God were the only one who saw my need
and at the lowest points in my lifetime
You sent your only begotten son to comfort me.
God, I never asked you why my life was like it was-
both full and empty at the same time...
Or why my cup of life was filled with the bitter
and the sweet.
I never questioned your right to steer my life's
As a child, I grew to love you with all my
heart ..... and never doubted your love for me.
I want you to know, I'm not sorry I gave my heart
to you...
and, I know, no matter what lay ahead, I won't be
going through it alone;
I'll have your son Jesus to lean on and help me
Thank you God- for loving me and being there for me
Throughout my lifetime in my time of need.
10:40am September 27, 2013
Guardian Angels
When we are born
an angel is sent below
to cover our life with
angel wings and watch
over us as we grow.
We can't see our angel
following us around
during the day, or guarding
us while we sleep at night
wherever we lay.
We just have a knowing that
our angel is there protecting
us from bad things-
covering us with her angel
11:11pm September 26, 2013
Alone, I walked with Jesus
In the waters of my death
Not missing what I left behind
Longing for what lay ahead.
10:43pm September 26, 2013
The First Warning
The world is on a collision course
with its destiny........And the evil
tremble at the things they cannot
Wake, thy sleeping spirits, take up
your Shields of Faith.....For the day
draws near when choices must
be made.
And the few shall condemn the many
to times foretold long ago,
of the struggle between evil and good
to own the heart beat of every wondering
Cut off the voice of reason will be
as mankind struggles to hold back
the winds of destiny.
Oh, how blindly, the sheep to slaughter
follow after the worldly.
Left unguarded, their very soul
that cries out in its time of need-
as on the alter of eternity
it burns and bleeds.
Heed the cries ,oh, faithful ones
for their cries are the first warning
to take cover from this world
final storm.
5:49pm September 26, 2013
Note: I write what comes from within me,
for those with inner eyes to read and
Yesterday's life- pains can only hurt you today
if you let them.
This is a new day to be thankful for all things.
To open your heart and let Jesus take the helm.
Nothing is impossible for those who truly
believe in Him. jt
My home is where my god
would have me be
Regardless of what I want,
My god gives me what I need. jt
Note: From time to time I will make
a plaque from one of my thoughts.
Lord, I hear the cries of hate
mixed with despair......
And my eyes release a
stream of tears-for the pain
another must bear.
For the lost shall cry out
and curse their life giver
and the raft of God shall
strike their heart dead.
For, love don't live there
3:55pm September 24, 2013
Today I awoke to a gentle rain
washing the dust from everything.
The air that I breathe has been
washed clean, by God's gentle
And, through the clouds ,I see, the
Light from heaven, smiling down on
9:24AM September 24, 2013
What would you have me do, Lord?
My life belongs to you....
Open the doors here on earth
that you would have me walk
What would you have me do ,Lord,
What would you have me do?
8:49am September 24, 2013
Open Your Heart
So many times I have fallen
to depths of hell here on earth
that many have been spared.
I have walked through hell holding
my shield of faith, and always,
Jesus was there.
My journey through life has not
always been an easy one...
Much of my suffering and pain
I brought on myself.... because
I was lost in spirit, and my heart
was torn.
My spirit was beaten down, many times.
But never did Jesus give up on me
not even when I gave up on myself.
Never! No! Never!
Never did I awaken in a day and not find
the arms of forgiveness reaching out to me.
If you, too, are walking through hell
here on earth- you are not walking alone.
Jesus is walking next to you and
is always ready to take your hand
put out life's burning flames, and walk
through this world with you.
But.... You see, before Jesus can help you
you must open your heart and let him
12:36pm September 23, 2013
An Uncross- Able Bridge
Long, I sought the path
that would take me to heaven's gate
where loved one wait, and
found the path hidden deep inside
of me........
Trust your heart to lead the way
to where loved ones wait to welcome
you in .
For, the world is but an empty place
we wonder through seeking what is
not in it.
The answers to all things rests inside
of you....
Always, to God and your faith be true.
The time shall come when the Gates of
Heaven shall open wide-----
The heart is the key to getting inside.
The heartless may rule in this world
but at Heaven's Gate-entrance-
shall be denied.
Wasted is a day without the kind of love
that builds an uncross- able bridge
to heaven above that, can only be crossed
by love.
9:24am September 23, 2013
Where Faith Lives
Faith is the key to all things
Where faith lives, God reigns.
Where God reigns - possible
are all things.
I live by faith, everyday..
When I rise up in the morn, my
faith is reborn.
When I lay down at night, with
my faith sharing my bed with me.
I sleep, peacefully.
Keep faith-and God will make
a way for you in the day.....
God has the power to bring us
to our knees or raise us up to
bigger and better things.
Faith is the key to all things
Where faith lives, God reigns.
Where God reigns - possible
are all things.
1:40pm September 22, 2013
The world can take it all from me
leave me nothing but my tears
and I will still stand proudly
Holding my shield of faith
for all, the rich and the poor, to see.
For many great things have come
to those who lost everything....
but their faith.
10:41am September22, 2013
The day has brought me
happy tears....
Tears that fall when
you find an old letter
that you tucked away
that says
"Mommy, I love you. You mean
the world to me."
My god always gives me
what I need-----at the time
I need it.
Thank you God for the little things
that means so much
to my heart.
10:22am September 22, 2013
None will walk through this life
untouched by its tears.
The most innocent will cry
at the happiest of times
while standing strong against
life's winds.
Be they tears of happiness or
Tears of sorrow,
the tears will fall from
every eye, until the last
9:09am September 22, 2013
Today the sun shine down on me
and I realized
I had strayed from the path that
I had been called to walk....
Instead of sharing my thoughts
I am guilty of pushing
my own beliefs.
Silent now my heart must be...
for I am unworthy of the gift
my god has given me.... jt
2:38pm September 21, 2013
The Birth of Unconditional Love
My Mama was there for me
at a time none other could be
When inside her womb she
carried me....
Her heart beat singing me to sleep
as I lay safe against her heart
She nurtured me with her life's blood,
and blanked me with her love.
When the time came for us to part......
into her waiting arms, her pain and
tears washed me out from beneath her
I love you Mama, with all my heart...
Thank you, for loving me unconditionally.
9:30am September 21, 2013
Thank you, Jesus
Jesus, I come to you today in prayer
to thank you for always being there
when my heart was breaking and none
other seemed to care.
Thank you, for the times that you
hurried to my side, and saved me
from myself....when I hurt so bad
I wanted to die.
Thank you for the many cups of
understanding you poured for me
in my time of need.
Thank you, for being there for me
to lean on when I was to weak
to make it on my own.
Thank you, for the many blessing
you continue to send my way....
And, Thank you, Jesus, for watching
over my loved ones every day.
You, my Lord and Savior, make life
bearable- when in this world's
darkness I sometimes lose my way.
9:50am September 20, 2013
We Are ~ Who We Are
We are who we are
No one can change
That fact.
You may not like:
Who I am
How I dress...
How I speak ...
How I think ...
Things I do ...
But, my life does
Not evolve around you.
I dress for me ...
I speak for me ...
I think for me ...
I do for me ...
We are ~ who we are.
No one can change
That fact.
Pretending to be
Who you are not
Will, eventually,
Kill your spirit
And break your
12:02pm September 19, 2013
If you are not fighting the devil every day
you must be doing something wrong.....
For, you see, the devil only attacks
good people, while leaving the sinner alone. jt
The saddest thing about life
is living it without all the
people you love being a part
of it.
Many choose to leave our side
As life would have it be.
Others choose to stay by our
side, and ,given a choice, would
never leave.
Some, not by choice, leave our
side to live imbedded in our
heart- as a cherished memory.
The dead leave all choices
behind....Things in
this life are left for the
living to decide.
1:56pm September 18, 2013
There is no one perfect
in this world.
No one who hasn't said
an unkind word in anger
or looked for the worst
in a stranger.
No one who hasn't told
a lie or caused another
to cry.
No one who hasn't turned
to their god, for help
and promised to sin no
There is no one perfect
Except he who knocks on
the heart's door.
No one perfect lives in
this world anymore.
Perfection hung on the
cross at Calvary....
When Jesus Christ died
for me, and all who
11:12pm September 17, 2013
By The Road Side
A bit of my heart rests
by the roadside....where
you took your first step
on the staircase, that took
you to Heaven 's Gate.
I want you to know, my
angel daughter, having you
as my child, for a little while,
was a blessing, I shall always
be thankful for.
When you took your first step
up the staircase, I could picture
the smile on my mother's face...
As you entered heaven's gate..
Oh, how happy, the angels
must have been ,at the site
of you, walking up heaven's
staircase-with that beautiful
smile on your face.
If you look out heaven's window
and see me crying down here
below-from time to time ....
It's tears of happiness- remembering
the time, on earth-When I called
an angel mine...
8:33pm September 16, 2013
There is a storm standing off
in the distance,
Held back only by the loving
arms of Jesus, that threatens
to pour its thunder and raging
waters over my very heart beat.
Lord, thank you, for living and
dying on the cross for me....
Thank you for the love and the
many times you sheltered me from
life's storms....
And thank you, Lord, for the peace
and comfort, I -always- find inside
your loving arms.
If the storm seeks to destroy my soul,
I will not fear.
I will put my faith in thee,
Who has the power to save my soul and
wipe away all my tears.
3:13pm September 16, 2013
Life is not always as prefect as I
would like life to be...
And, sometimes, life's imperfections
take a toll on the heart inside of me.
These are the times that test my soul,
and if my faith in my god
is true.
These are the times that I kneel
in prayer-in spirit, and ask my friend Jesus
to hold me up-until I make it through.
The world is not perfect, nor can it be-
as long as imperfection lives
inside of me.
Seek and yea shall find in your time
of outer need that, through Jesus Christ,
One can find inner peace.
1:14pm September 15, 2013
Age is as much a matter of heart ,
as it is a matter of time. jt
Would you still love God today-if
he decided to take your child away?
My life does not evolve around family
and/or friends.
God is number one in my life.
God's son ,Jesus, is my dearest friend...
God gives and God takes away
someone's much loved child every day.
Make peace with yourself and God-and
all else will fall into place.
11:55am September 14, 2013
Worry not about what others
think of you....
Just live the best you can
Try not to bend to the whims
of others~ but, never refuse
to give another a helping
This world is full of lost
souls, who stand at the crossing
of the roads......
Worry not about the direction
they will take or the choices in
life that they will make.
Hold high your shield of faith
and choose, wisely, the road that
you will take.
2:45pm September 13, 2013
Every day is a test of ones faith
Sometimes a day brings, with it,
lots of pain and heartache; and
when the day is done, things we
often wish we could fall asleep
and forget.....
Sometimes a day brings , with it,
peace and happiness; and
when the day comes to its end,
we lay our head on our pillow,
give thanks, and wish we could
live the day again.
Sometimes a day seems to drag by
Other days, days just seem to fly by.
This day is all we've got, and it
holds no promise of a tomorrow...
Hold tightly to your faith, and
live each day with heart.
2:54am September 13, 2013
The night is still, and the silence
is filled with my thoughts.....
Thoughts about life, and how
fast life flies by......
Thoughts about love and how love
affects my life....
Thoughts about death, and those who
have taken the journey home;
and how their lives affected my life,
and how their leaving still affects
my life.
In the silence, alone with my thoughts,
many things come to mind that moves
my eyes to tears, and my heart to
remember both
~the full and empty years.
2:26am September 13, 2013
We enter the world, alone.
We leave the world, alone. jt
May yesterday's tears wash away
all of your sorrows, in all of your
May yesterday's heartaches mend
safely in the arms of love today.
May your cup of happiness be always
filled with peace and love
And, may you find a peaceful sleep,
waiting for you, wherever your head
lay ~ at the end of your day.
12:07 pm September 10, 2013
Walk through life
one day at a time
wasting not the
For, the day holds
your hopes and
but in the moment
in your hands
rests your
7:46am September 10, 2013
God, it seems, here lately,
I'm been asking you ,quit a lot,
if you would help me make it
through something that was
burdening my heart....
I know my heart would have
broken in two, if it had not
been for you...
And your never-ending love,
giving me the strength
and the courage, to rise
above my heartache, and do
the things I needed to do.
Thank you, God, I want you
to know, my life is made so much
brighter, because in each day,
I know, I can find you.
6:23pm September 9, 2013
The roads of life are unpredictable
Sometimes they take us down a
road we don't want to go..........
Sometimes, the road takes us to
places where demons take a toll;
and angels walk with us to save
our soul.
The roads of life for some are few
For others the roads are many.
Whichever road life takes you down
be prepared to stumble and fall
for on life's roads, good and bad
experiences--- happens to us all.
12:33am September 8, 2013
The maple tree stands gracefully
as a gentle breeze, playfully,
moves in and out
threading itself, invisibly
into the branches of its green leaves.
10:12am September 8, 2013
I looked outside today
and saw the weeds
smothering out the
The vine that for so long
gave me privacy
from the outside world
laying, rail and all,
on the ground......
Birds and butterflies
happily Playing
all around.....
Found hope in the day
among the weeds and the
wood's decay.....
Sought my god's ear
and gave thanks for the
things in my day.
10:50am September 7, 2013
I may not know where I will be
tomorrow but I know where
I stand this day. jt
As I set here thinking about
those who were for so long
apart of my life; but who are
now gone.....
I pray, they overcome the past
and are thankful for the things
in their day.
That they give thought to life,
considering all things, with
their hearts.
I will always love each of you.
No matter where your lives
take you.....
remember that, living in this life
you need more than friends and
family- to get you to heaven's gate,
where your loved ones wait.
My god comes second to none
in this life time.
I would sacrifice all for Him
who gives me the strength to endue
this life, when my heart pours out
its tears.
I wish each of you love, understanding
and happiness....
For, you see, even in the worst of times,
I know, without a doubt, my life is blessed.
8:26pm September 6, 2013
A mother doesn't stop being
the mother because her children
grows up.
For every things she does
the same rule applies...
"I'm the mama that's why."
7:52pm September 6, 2013
When your mind is troubled
your heart is heavy
and it's hard to hold back
the tears...
Do what you can, with
what you have, then, let
things be.
For, the smallest trouble
can get mighty heavy
when worry is allow
to run free.
9:39pm September 5, 2013
Today, my soul was tested
and my god, reached out
to me-in my thoughts, and
memory and filled my every
For, through my tears
I sought understanding
with all my heart;
Through my pain I sought
comfort and reassurance
that things would be alright
And felt love and comfort,
once more, filling my world
to its brim.
I am weak, in this world
standing alone.....
My god is my strength, and
my courage, when I can't
make it on my own.
8:46pm September 5, 2013
May my sorrow bring you joy
and my memory flee far from
your door..... For, when you
are old, it is sweet memories
that you shall turn to for
comfort.... or bitter memories
you shall seek to forget, that
shall torment your soul.
If my tears be your cup of joy
and my pain the manner you seek
Come Sup at my table-and let
your appetite be satisfied.
For, only then can you know
that my tears are not for me;
they are shed -for those who
betray a mother's heart.
8:13 pm September 5, 2013
Lord, I know your power
you have been with me
my whole life through...
I ask you Lord to reach
out your hand to those
who have turned their
backs on you.....
Touch the hearts of
the broken hearted.....
The way you once
touched mine .......
My Lord and my Dearest Friend,
Give them understanding
and the strength
to raise their shield of
faith again
10:58pm September 4, 2013
I cannot change my past
or would I if I could.
I followed my heart
in all things-and it brought
me to this day.
10:32pm September 4, 2013
Every thing has its place in life
Its time-its purpose for touching
our life.....
A tear falling from the eye, a star
falls from the sky, are as natural
as rain falling from heaven
and love pouring our from ones heart.
10:19pm September 4, 2013
I used to cry about a lot of things
Still do cry, about some things....
The things I stopped crying over
are the things in my life, I cannot
The things I do cry over
are the things that deserve my tears.
9:58pm September 4, 2013
Today, the sun touched my world
with its warmth......and peace
replaced the threatening storm.
9:50pm September 4, 2013
Those who survive the tides of life
~will swim in peaceful seas. jt
Release the tears and let them flow
into the river of faith and hope.- jt
I was lost and losing control
tho, none knew, but me.....
I was in a spiritual war
to save my soul..........
And those things that meant
the world to me.....
It was hard just getting by.
Only I could see the evil
in my life ... seeking to
destroy me.
That had so many times made
me cry.
Time and time again, my faith
was tested.....and bits and piece
of my world slipped away......
never to return - or - be replaced.
4:02pm September 1, 2013
Beneath my bosom, I carried you next to my heart
We shared all that I am-before you were born.
How can it be, now, that you have forgotten my
heart beating next to yours?
3:43pm September 1, 2013
The eyes that sleep
see not, that
they are dead. jt
Like sheep to slaughter
men follow..... jt
Today, I found unrest in my spirit
that I did not understand.
My heart was heavy burdened
and worry lay ten-fold on my mind.
Then, I was reminded, by a memory,
of the importance of taking one
day at a time.
Each day is a beginning and
an end ,in itself.
Nurture the best things in a day
and tomorrow shall feed on your faith.
3:15pm September 1, 2013
We Won't Forget 911
Let every American give thought to America's
First look at blood, smoke, and tears mingling
together on It's streets . . .and the feeling
of horror, which changed into a picture
of strength.
In accordance with the promise made by
the first Americans, to always stand ready
to defend our homeland, to fight, and to die,
if need be, to keep America free.
Let us as Americans, with American hearted blood
running through our veins; give rise to the American
As, together, we proclaim, to the rest of the
world, and to the families that have wept
since ....
"We Won't Forget!"
12:04 September 1, 2013
Name one thought
that has never been thought.
One word that has never
been spoken......
One heart that's never been
Name one time there wasn't
poor living among the wealthy...
Or, bad traits abiding with the good
in one.......
Name one who entered this world
without being born......
We entered this world through
a woman's womb and were given
free will----
From the moment our flesh was born
It was destined to decay and fade away,
or, to be returned-sometimes, much to soon,
to where the journey of life begin.
Name one who has never wept over the
grave of a loved one.....
Life's journey takes one from beginning
to end, back to where life begin.
4:51pm August 31, 2013
I shall weather life's storms
whatever they may be.....
and give thanks always
for whatever portion of life,
my god sends to me.
4:20pm August 31, 2013
Looking out my window
at the weeds over taking
Everything....I see flowers
in full bloom....and,
off in a distance,
a storm brewing.
4:08pm August 31, 2013
When your heart is breaking
and you think nothing
will ever bring joy to your
heart again; When you think
you've come to your end.....
Remember back to the time
arms , waiting to hold you,
were easy to find.
When you think pretending not to
feel will take away your pain....
Remember back, to when
it was easier just to be who
you were...... because, in
your heart you knew you
were loved.
Don't let life break and mold you
into who you are not....
Remember back, to when your
life was filled with meaning
and with so much heart.
Don't let life destroy the best
part of you.....
Cling, tightly, to the memories
of those good days, when life
was easier to get through....
Remember back, to when
loving self and others was
a natural part of you.
1:19am August 29, 2013
Never take life for granted
When you wakeup in
the morning
take time to ,just look around.
and count your blessings.
If, you have someone who's there
for you-when your heart needs
a taste of love.... That's one...
But, 0nly, if that love is true.
If, you can find a reason to smile
at the beginning of a day
That's a blessing.............
That's number two.
And, if you awaken to the day
and find your faith, in your god,
is getting stronger -and there is
nothing you need in the day
This is the blessing where all
other blessings lay.
4:52am August 27, 20